The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Weakest post of the day is "TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him."

Then why did GZ get out?

Dispatch said "let us know if this guy does anything else" TM ran so GZ got out to see direction thinking danger was gone. GZ was doing as he was told & stopped when he was told. TM was setting up to ambush GZ. GZ only figured that out when he stopped & TM vanished. He was clearly afraid to reveal any personal ID info to dispatch at that point. Likely because he could hear that TM did not run away & could not see him as he looked down either sidewalk.

Yeah...dispatch said "just let me know if he does anything, ok" because GZ was describing Trayvon as coming towards his truck with something in his hands...GZ was describing this as a threat, so the dispatch was telling him to let him know if he acted on it....geez, people.

When he got out to follow almost right after that...he was told "we dont need you to do that".

Really tired of the GZ crew acting as if the dispatch was telling GZ to follow and gather info....quite the opposite. But that doesnt fit the narrative, right?
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Umm, when I grab something I do it with my palms toward the object I am grabbing, not my fingernails.

There's two parts to this.

First, the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head weren't significant. As in, if someone were physically slamming the head into the concrete multiple times, the expectation would be that the trauma would be moderate to severe. That's not the case.

Second, that sort of action requires a person to grab the head. Martin had no hair, so in order to get a firm grip to do something like that, you'd need to claw the head. Bear in mind, it was raining that night, making his head slippery.

Zimmerman was very clear about this. He said Martin "grabbed" his head, and slammed it into the concrete.

The evidence simply does not support that.

The evidence doesn't refute it either--back to square one.

Of course it refutes it.

The damage to Zimmerman's head doesn't support what he stated.

And neither does the forensics on Martin.
That's almost the shootin' match.

There's little evidence now that Martin "grabbed" Zimmerman head and slammed it into the concrete.

Hence the dispelling of one of the major Zimmerman's lies.


You mean besides this, right?


Both injuries are minor.
There's two parts to this.

First, the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head weren't significant. As in, if someone were physically slamming the head into the concrete multiple times, the expectation would be that the trauma would be moderate to severe. That's not the case.

Second, that sort of action requires a person to grab the head. Martin had no hair, so in order to get a firm grip to do something like that, you'd need to claw the head. Bear in mind, it was raining that night, making his head slippery.

Zimmerman was very clear about this. He said Martin "grabbed" his head, and slammed it into the concrete.

The evidence simply does not support that.

The evidence doesn't refute it either--back to square one.

Of course it refutes it.

The damage to Zimmerman's head doesn't support what he stated.

And neither does the forensics on Martin.

call the state's attorneys and have them run with it.
That's not what Zimmerman stated.

He said Martin grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground.

The evidence does not back that up.

Umm, when I grab something I do it with my palms toward the object I am grabbing, not my fingernails.

There's two parts to this.

First, the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head weren't significant. As in, if someone were physically slamming the head into the concrete multiple times, the expectation would be that the trauma would be moderate to severe. That's not the case.

Second, that sort of action requires a person to grab the head. Martin had no hair, so in order to get a firm grip to do something like that, you'd need to claw the head. Bear in mind, it was raining that night, making his head slippery.

Zimmerman was very clear about this. He said Martin "grabbed" his head, and slammed it into the concrete.

The evidence simply does not support that.

you dont have to "grab" a head to make it hit the ground..... and when you grab someone you do not always scratch them with our nails..

lol.. looks like the head moves to me

[ame=]Super Slow-motion Slap in the Face - OWNED! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Super Slow Motion Punch To The Face - YouTube[/ame]
This is a desperate grab at a floating straw.

Where are the witnesses to testify that Zimmerman banged his own head into the concrete?
DNA is circumstantial evidence.

I have no idea why the prosecution is following this line of questioning about the gun, how it works, how other guns work, DNA on the hoodie, DNA on the sport shirt, DNA on Zimmerman's jacket, DNA on the gun....

The ONLY thing in question should be the motives of Trayvon and George as related to the incident that we all know occurred....George and Trayvon had a fight...George shot Trayvon and Trayvon died.

What is the big deal with the DNA on anything at all? Is the prosecution just trying to confuse the jury? I am relatively sure that they are becoming impatient with these inconsequential questions.

The question I would be asking:

Trayvon was once within George's sight at a point near George's vehicle. Trayvon disappeared into the darkness. George took a walk that must have taken over a minute.

If Trayvon was worried about some creepy man following him, WHY DID HE RETURN TO A LOCATION NEAR ZIMMERMAN'S VEHICLE AGAIN?

because he wanted to thump that crazy ass cracker in the head. TM started the fight and came out on the short end of it-------end of story, end of trial. Now the black racists can begin to burn their neighborhoods in every major city in the country. That'll show whitey!:confused:
Umm, when I grab something I do it with my palms toward the object I am grabbing, not my fingernails.

There's two parts to this.

First, the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head weren't significant. As in, if someone were physically slamming the head into the concrete multiple times, the expectation would be that the trauma would be moderate to severe. That's not the case.

Second, that sort of action requires a person to grab the head. Martin had no hair, so in order to get a firm grip to do something like that, you'd need to claw the head. Bear in mind, it was raining that night, making his head slippery.

Zimmerman was very clear about this. He said Martin "grabbed" his head, and slammed it into the concrete.

The evidence simply does not support that.

you dont have to "grab" a head to make it hit the ground..... and when you grab someone you do not always scratch them with our nails..

lol.. looks like the head moves to me

[ame=]Super Slow-motion Slap in the Face - OWNED! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Super Slow Motion Punch To The Face - YouTube[/ame]

Zimmerman stated that Martin grabbed his head.

Was Zimmerman lying?

Yes or no?
if you are siting on top of someone and you punch them in the face.... their head will hit the ground. Same with a bitch slap.

so nothing would be under martins fingernails now would it? You get dna under the victims nails since it is a defensive move.

That's not what Zimmerman stated.

He said Martin grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground.

The evidence does not back that up.

nor does it refute.

I can snatch anyone up and not scratch them enough for dna.

damn dood, don't be so fucking dumb about this
There's two parts to this.

First, the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head weren't significant. As in, if someone were physically slamming the head into the concrete multiple times, the expectation would be that the trauma would be moderate to severe. That's not the case.

Second, that sort of action requires a person to grab the head. Martin had no hair, so in order to get a firm grip to do something like that, you'd need to claw the head. Bear in mind, it was raining that night, making his head slippery.

Zimmerman was very clear about this. He said Martin "grabbed" his head, and slammed it into the concrete.

The evidence simply does not support that.

you dont have to "grab" a head to make it hit the ground..... and when you grab someone you do not always scratch them with our nails..

lol.. looks like the head moves to me

[ame=]Super Slow-motion Slap in the Face - OWNED! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Super Slow Motion Punch To The Face - YouTube[/ame]

Zimmerman stated that Martin grabbed his head.

Was Zimmerman lying?

Yes or no?
again, when you grab someone you are not using your fingernails to do that.... you are using the palms of your hands. If there were scratches on gz, the i would expect dna under tm's fingernails. There are no scratches on gz, nor does gz say tm scratched him.

grabbing, punching, slapping..... if, as is witnessed tm sitting on top of gz.... all of those things will put gz's head in contact with the ground. Of which are consistent with gz's version of events.

so far the dna evidence is consistent with gz's version of events.
OK, I'll weigh in on the question of the moment.

What I think George did wrong that night was trying to help a neighborhood full of people that didn't give a damn. All the witnesses heard a fight, and someone screaming for help. Did anyone come to stop the fight? No. They all ran to their phones to beg the cops to come and save them.

George should have just driven away thinking "Fuck it, it's not my problem. I'll just go back and watch over my own house."

I would agree except that know how badly one's property values can plummet if their neighborhood goes to hell. I've seen that happen, thankfully not to me, but to friends. Anybody can search out records on crimes committed in their neighborhood or one they are thinking about moving into. If they find your neighborhood is crime ridden, no matter how good the curb appeal of your how is, you will either not sell it, or you will take a considerable loss on it. That's what HOAs are all about - maintaining property values.

He should have just sold, and left. Nobody was backing him up, why should he have single-handedly tried to save the whole neighborhood?

No argument there. I have a feeling the crime rate went up when li'l Trayvon moved in.
The things they both did wrong are in evidence. I really don't wish to list all of the evidence again. Please read the thread.

Like others you are merely regurgitating the contention as though that somehow constitutes support.

You are wrong.

I didn't ask anybody to share the entire record.

Just point to one thing OBJECTIVELY which Zimmerman did "wrong" that night and tell us HOW it was wrong?

(I am not talking bout the shooting itself, since it is a very open question whether that WAS "wrong" under the circumstances.)

One thing? How about three?

He profiled a kid doing nothing wrong.

He chased the kid.

He murdered the kid.

There is no evidence of "profiling."

He followed. That is not "chasing."

And the QUESTION is whether or not he "murdered" Trayvon. It is not something he necessarily "did" wrong. He shot Trayvon, causing Trayvon's death. That is not the definition of "murder."

0 for 3, Sallow. I am disappointed in the lack of thought you just displayed. Seriously. You have the ability to do much better.
Almost everything in the record is an example of GZ doing something wrong. If by wrong you mean illegal... that's another question isn't it?

Again, you regurgitate your mere conclusion (an opinion devoid of support) as though that somehow constitutes evidence of your assertion.

It doesn't.

There was nothing EITHER illegal or "wrong" in following Trayvon.

There is no EVIDENCE that the physical encounter was initiated by Zimmerman.

There is no EVIDENCE that Zimmerman so much as touched Trayvon.

So, point to something in the evidence concrete: what EXACTLY did Zimmerman do wrong? Legally or morally or whatever. I keep asking. Don't just say it. Support it and tell us in what way it was allegedly "wrong."

You don't do so because -- face facts -- you cannot do so.

Blah blah blah... IOW you did not want anyone to present you with the facts you wanted do dispel the facts. You were just trolling.

Wrong again. I want you to state FACTS. So far, you have not.

I know why. It's because you cannot do so.
you dont have to "grab" a head to make it hit the ground..... and when you grab someone you do not always scratch them with our nails..

lol.. looks like the head moves to me

Super Slow-motion Slap in the Face - OWNED! - YouTube

Super Slow Motion Punch To The Face - YouTube

Zimmerman stated that Martin grabbed his head.

Was Zimmerman lying?

Yes or no?
again, when you grab someone you are not using your fingernails to do that.... you are using the palms of your hands. If there were scratches on gz, the i would expect dna under tm's fingernails. There are no scratches on gz, nor does gz say tm scratched him.

grabbing, punching, slapping..... if, as is witnessed tm sitting on top of gz.... all of those things will put gz's head in contact with the ground. Of which are consistent with gz's version of events.

so far the dna evidence is consistent with gz's version of events.

First off, the injuries were very minor. They weren't at all life threatening.

Second off, Zimmerman STATED that Martin grabbed his head and slammed it multiple times on to the concrete.

I am going completely by the evidence..not conjecture.

Other than Zimmerman's statements, nothing supports that.

Not the severity of the injuries.

Not the DNA information gotten from Martin.

So unless you are going by a leap of faith, the statement by Zimmerman seems unlikely.
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