The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Weakest post of the day is "TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him."

Then why did GZ get out?

To show TM up? To chest thump and show the punk who's running the place?
Weakest post of the day is "TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him."

Then why did GZ get out?

Great point...whats funny is when asked by serino why he didnt identify himself as NH watch or talk to Trayvon in an effort to defuse the situation, he says that he did not want to "confront him"...

BUT he lists the hands in the waistband as a sign of intimidation or that he could have a weapon and out of the car he goes chasing him as Trayvon runs

Theres a lot to GZs story that doesnt make sense to suggests that he got a little bit of an adrenaline rush, got caught up in the moment and made some negligent choices in the process.
if you are siting on top of someone and you punch them in the face.... their head will hit the ground. Same with a bitch slap.

so nothing would be under martins fingernails now would it? You get dna under the victims nails since it is a defensive move.

That's not what Zimmerman stated.

He said Martin grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground.

The evidence does not back that up.
Both stains A and B are Zimmerman's. That would mean his injuries were actively bleeding when he stood up. Meaning he was injured, meaning he was beaten, meaning MARTIN instigated the altercation, and the MARTIN was on top of Zimmerman the entire time.

Not true. Stain A was Trevon's, stain B was a negative result for blood, stain C positive result for blood but he was unable to obtain dna results.

Swabbed for foreign to Treyvon for blood on cuffs, elbow to cuff, negative for right cuff.

That was Zimmerman's blood. Sorry. But at any rate, DNA is non determinate in the verdict. The jury is just about fed up with the exposition at this point.
Weakest post of the day is "TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him."

Then why did GZ get out?

Because after Zimmerman told the 911 Operator that Martin was running, the operator then asked, "Which way is he going?" Of course the operator had no clue Martin took off behind some buildings and Zimmerman assumed that the operator wanted to know where Martin was going.
I don't see how this is overcome.

The only contact that Martin had with Zimmerman was with his fists.

Or possibly bitch slapping him.

still desperate I see.

Well if you can come up with something..go for it.

How does Martin slam Zimmerman's head into the concrete without grabbing it?

Or for that matter, how does he hold his mouth and nose closed with his hands without the transference of skin, saliva or blood?
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You were influenced by someone. Admit it! You signed a petition or protested in some way before seeing the facts. You still can't see the forest for the trees. You are still a slave & will remain one until you can wake-up.

Now you are not sure if I was influenced by Sharpton....but you are certain that I did not come to my opinion on my own.....someone influenced me. Interesting.

In addition, you think I signed a petition or protested in some way. You have drawn this conclusion based on really solid evidence, I assume. You are not in any way jumping to a conclusion?

Based on this exchange, I am certain that you are a person of little intelligence. I also conclude that you are projecting your tendencies upon me. I believe that you are quite easily impressed by the opinion of television personalities and are essentially unable to reach a conclusion on your own.

My opinion of you is based on reading hundreds or your post on this board in various threads. It is a decent map of your state of mind but not solid enough to convict & jail someone like you would have. Left-wing talking points are gospel truth to you. Your views are not based on facts. There is far to much reasonable doubt to convict GZ. The law is set-up to let a few guilty go free to lower the chance of convicting innocent victims. You want GZ jailed even though reasonable doubt exist. You are projecting your judgment onto GZ believing he judged TM the same as you are GZ.

Will you support any of the claims you have just made? For example, can you support the claim that "left wing talking points are gospel truth to me"?

I submit that my comments on these boards are original to me and are not based on, copied from or otherwise influenced by any left wing talking points.

I concede that there are times when my opinion aligns with that of certain political figures, authors or otherwise well-known persons. To say otherwise would be ludicrous.

I will let you prove your assertions. Find one or more of my comments on the Zimmerman trial and then prove that I mindlessly got the comment from someone else and put it here.

You fucking imbecile.
So GZ chased a person of whom he was afraid?

He gets out of the car when dispatch advises not to, and then he gets out when dispatch wants info.

Hmmm . . . GZ wanted to get out of the car, regardless.
Weakest post of the day is "TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him."

Then why did GZ get out?

Great point...whats funny is when asked by serino why he didnt identify himself as NH watch or talk to Trayvon in an effort to defuse the situation, he says that he did not want to "confront him"...

BUT he lists the hands in the waistband as a sign of intimidation or that he could have a weapon and out of the car he goes chasing him as Trayvon runs

Theres a lot to GZs story that doesnt make sense to suggests that he got a little bit of an adrenaline rush, got caught up in the moment and made some negligent choices in the process.

:clap2: and said it without insulting anyone! :cool:
So GZ chased a person of whom he was afraid?

He gets out of the car when dispatch advises not to, and then he gets out when dispatch wants info.

Hmmm . . . GZ wanted to get out of the car, regardless.

When did the dispatcher tell Zimmerman not to get out of the car?
So GZ chased a person of whom he was afraid?

He gets out of the car when dispatch advises not to, and then he gets out when dispatch wants info.

Hmmm . . . GZ wanted to get out of the car, regardless.

When did the dispatcher tell Zimmerman not to get out of the car?

"He gets out of the car when dispatch advises not to"

Been documented many times dispatch advised GZ not to follow.
I was reading this mornings news and it said the judge is allowing z's school records and witnesses while in school. But thejudge will not be allowing martin's into evidence. So my question is...since the prosecution opened the door to school records, does this mean the judge now has to allow martins in as well?
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