The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I bet O'Mara wishes he had that line of questioning back again. It's hard to show empathy and get the answer that you want at the same time. He usually does a wonderful job at it, but he handled Trayvon's brother too softly in this examination.

Yeah, not easy for him...especially when bernie objects to your condolences to the mom. I wonder how the jury took that...wouldnt that make bernie look kind of slimey?

Well, didn't it to you? I think the jury could also.
I bet O'Mara wishes he had that line of questioning back again. It's hard to show empathy and get the answer that you want at the same time. He usually does a wonderful job at it, but he handled Trayvon's brother too softly in this examination.

Yeah, not easy for him...especially when bernie objects to your condolences to the mom. I wonder how the jury took that...wouldnt that make bernie look kind of slimey?

Well, didn't it to you? I think the jury could also.

It did to me. However, I understand why he did it. Im sure the last thing the mother wants to hear is M O'Ms condolences for the son lost to his client.
Again you show your low intelligence.
"reaching for your cell phone" is not the same as "fumbling in his pockets" Where was the phone? Shirt pocket? Jacket pocket? Back pocket. The gun was inside the waist band. People generally dont keep guns in their shirt pocket.
The fact that you cannot distinguish these things marks you as having low intelligence.

I told you... go catch up and then come back and talk to the adults. Shirt pocket? Back Pocket? What the hell are your talking about?

Heres a the video. And not just one...theres at least 3 different ones. Not that you will watch them objectively from the other sides have shown you are uncapable of will watch it with a bias to the extreme and then make excuses...consider yourself predictable.
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Again you show your low intelligence.
"reaching for your cell phone" is not the same as "fumbling in his pockets" Where was the phone? Shirt pocket? Jacket pocket? Back pocket. The gun was inside the waist band. People generally dont keep guns in their shirt pocket.
The fact that you cannot distinguish these things marks you as having low intelligence.

Now you are moving goalposts.

There's no satisfying your request.
Zimmerman is hard right winger. Why did he run straight to fox news after the shooting, and his interview with Hannity was submitted in court the other day? :cuckoo:

George Zimmerman is a registered democrat.:cuckoo:
Why do you spew lies that are so easily debunked? It makes you look desperate. Or stupid.

Oh yes, I'm sure he is a gun toting, wannabe cop, Democrat. He may have been at one time but please try and sell this bullshit to someone on the Republican side. They are much more receptive to bullshit. :cuckoo:

OK....Just remember he was a lib when he shot poor TM.
It sure is taking a long time to open that door.

Doesn't any cop in the building know how to use a slim jim? :dunno:

I have done work for the innocence project for almost 20 years.
Uh, hate to inform you of this but every one of those cases involves THE DEFENDANTS and not ONE of them involves the prosecution using DNA to help a defendant in a criminal case.

Respectfully, this case IS NOT a who done it and no one's identity is at issue in this case.
Everyone that you posted above, EVERY ONE involves freeing someone based ON A WRONG IDENTITY.
Hate to break it to you this late in the game but Zimmerman IS NOT DENYING he is the man that shot and killed Trayvon Martin.
So how does your post above with all those names on it have anything to do with it and have anything to do with the guilt of innocence in this case which involves NOT a who done it and an issue of identity but self defense?
I think the prosecution has brought in DNA testing in an attempt to prove certain things could not have happened as Zimmerman claims them to trying to prove that Trayvon never touched the gun.

On that issue, I think that the jury will remember that Zimmerman said he thought that Trayvon was reaching for the gun. He didn't say that he ever touched it.

The defense will also remind them that it was raining and any DNA would have been removed in the rain.

DNA is not as important in this case as it would be if the identify of the shooter was in doubt.
Just negged by ernie with another curse filled I guess he has trouble moving it comes. I will defend myself on this board...enjoy. He initiated it...didnt say a word to him. Stay tuned.
We will let the judicial process continue, but the right wing machine has been treating Zimmerman like a god since day one.

If he was found guilty, it would be interesting to see if the ignorant right wingers would go on a violent rampage,...

No... the opposition is there against the machine that tried to present Martin as some small innocent child and Zimmerman as some great white hunter that stalked him down and shot him in 'cold blood'

You idiot racist piece of troll shit

What would you do DicksuckingDave if Zimmerman is found guilty?

Continue to call out your racism and trollish behavior
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