The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Zimmerman is hard right winger. Why did he run straight to fox news after the shooting, and his interview with Hannity was submitted in court the other day? :cuckoo:

George Zimmerman is a registered democrat.:cuckoo:
Why do you spew lies that are so easily debunked? It makes you look desperate. Or stupid.

Why did Zimmerman go right over to fox news, then did an interview with hannity?

That's like saying you are straight, then running over to the urinal next to Larry Craig.

Well when you consider the big three were hanging him out to dry,what choice did he have?
Do you even think before you type this crap?
During the OJ trial, there really was a feeling among black people, at least in Los Angeles that white people would riot and burn down black neighborhoods. My secretary at the time was black and it was a real fear for her and her whole family.

White people are not as invested in race as black people. An attack on a white person is not an attack on all white people the way it is among black people. There are no race based spokesmen and race hustlers like black people have in Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Zimmerman had already seen how liberal news sources had lied, had edited his statements, had edited the 911 call. He was left with literally no place to go but Fox news, the media machine was going full speed to make adjustments to portray him as guilty. Zimmerman is just another liberal himself that got bitch slapped by the very people he supported. That seems to be happening a lot lately.

Excellent post!
I bet O'Mara wishes he had that line of questioning back again. It's hard to show empathy and get the answer that you want at the same time. He usually does a wonderful job at it, but he handled Trayvon's brother too softly in this examination.
The prosecution sucks!

I doubt if he'll be found guilty.

We will let the judicial process continue, but the right wing machine has been treating Zimmerman like a god since day one.

If he was found guilty, it would be interesting to see if the ignorant right wingers would go on a violent rampage,...

geez... dumb-assed posts like this make me embarrassed to be a member of the human race...
What would happen if Zimmerman is found guilty? Will the right wingers go on a violent rampage? Start shooting up african-american neighborhoods? Will fox go ballistic crying conspiracy as usual? :eusa_think:

If the case don't fit, you must acquit

The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict, they don't even need to bother to present a defense
What would happen if Zimmerman is found guilty? Will the right wingers go on a violent rampage? Start shooting up african-american neighborhoods? Will fox go ballistic crying conspiracy as usual? :eusa_think:

Try to understand this.... Most people dont riot that is a progressive trait. If you want proof look at what happened after Rodney king or hell let go more recent to the occupy rapists you idolize.
zimmerman is a democrat obama fan

Zimmerman is hard right winger. Why did he run straight to fox news after the shooting, and his interview with Hannity was submitted in court the other day? :cuckoo:

George Zimmerman is a registered democrat.:cuckoo:
Why do you spew lies that are so easily debunked? It makes you look desperate. Or stupid.

Oh yes, I'm sure he is a gun toting, wannabe cop, Democrat. He may have been at one time but please try and sell this bullshit to someone on the Republican side. They are much more receptive to bullshit. :cuckoo:
The American Civil War is not going to be re-fought nor will the priciples promoted by the victors of this war be re-written because of the outcome of this trial.

This is NOT Black v Hispanic, or Black v White, or state v federal, etc

This is one jury trying to sort out the events of one night when there is very little that is known for certain. This is not a political trial - it is a very specific and very personal trial. Trying to color everything you see with your political paint brush is asinine.

Notice that hispanics don't have anything to say. They are not supporting Zimmerman because he' hispanic. However, if black people want to make this a black v. hispanic thing, there is going to be some explosive consequences because hispanics aren't going to sit around and wring hands saying "Why don't they understand us? Where did we go wrong?"
Since we're talking about doors...

Q: What has 2 legs and yells "ho de do, ho de do"?

A: DeeDee trying to catch an elevator.
We will let the judicial process continue, but the right wing machine has been treating Zimmerman like a god since day one.

If he was found guilty, it would be interesting to see if the ignorant right wingers would go on a violent rampage,...

No... the opposition is there against the machine that tried to present Martin as some small innocent child and Zimmerman as some great white hunter that stalked him down and shot him in 'cold blood'

You idiot racist piece of troll shit

What would you do DicksuckingDave if Zimmerman is found guilty?

wow... you really are a piece of work, BL...

did you get dropped on your head as a child...?
Again you show your low intelligence.
"reaching for your cell phone" is not the same as "fumbling in his pockets" Where was the phone? Shirt pocket? Jacket pocket? Back pocket. The gun was inside the waist band. People generally dont keep guns in their shirt pocket.
The fact that you cannot distinguish these things marks you as having low intelligence.
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I bet O'Mara wishes he had that line of questioning back again. It's hard to show empathy and get the answer that you want at the same time. He usually does a wonderful job at it, but he handled Trayvon's brother too softly in this examination.

Yeah, not easy for him...especially when bernie objects to your condolences to the mom. I wonder how the jury took that...wouldnt that make bernie look kind of slimey?
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