The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Again you show your low intelligence.
"reaching for your cell phone" is not the same as "fumbling in his pockets" Where was the phone? Shirt pocket? Jacket pocket? Back pocket. The gun was inside the waist band. People generally dont keep guns in their shirt pocket.
The fact that you cannot distinguish these things marks you as having low intelligence.

I told you... go catch up and then come back and talk to the adults. Shirt pocket? Back Pocket? What the hell are your talking about?

Heres a the video. And not just one...theres at least 3 different ones. Not that you will watch them objectively from the other sides have shown you are uncapable of will watch it with a bias to the extreme and then make excuses...consider yourself predictable.

No surprise you dont understand a simple post. It's part of that low intelligence thing you've got going.
I am sure you can post a link proving what you're saying.
Again you show your low intelligence.
"reaching for your cell phone" is not the same as "fumbling in his pockets" Where was the phone? Shirt pocket? Jacket pocket? Back pocket. The gun was inside the waist band. People generally dont keep guns in their shirt pocket.
The fact that you cannot distinguish these things marks you as having low intelligence.

Now you are moving goalposts.

There's no satisfying your request.

What goalpost am I moving?
It strikes me odd that the witness was unsure that the scream was Trayvon's voice at the Mayors office, but then testifies here in court that IT WAS his voice on the tape.


Witness has been excused. Sabrina Fulton has been recalled to the stand.

whats interesting about a lie?

Its interesting how the State could have the balls to try to convict a man on trumped up charges and conflicting witnesses.
They dont have balls. They knuckled under to the race pimps. I dont doubt the prosecutors are sitting in their offices and thinking "our careers are screwed."
She should also be asked about her sister who lived in her home where TM was staying.

Is that the one that was in illegal drugs?

2 convictions cant remember the first. The second was possession 25 pounds or over.

Check this out too:

Chad Green?s Dad Talks ? Then Chad and Brandy Green Talk ? AND U-Tube Scrubs video where Tracy Martin says the voice on the 911 call was not his son | The Last Refuge
whats interesting about a lie?

Its interesting how the State could have the balls to try to convict a man on trumped up charges and conflicting witnesses.
They dont have balls. They knuckled under to the race pimps. I dont doubt the prosecutors are sitting in their offices and thinking "our careers are screwed."

They must have balls, even bringing the man up on fake charges. I mean really, who does that? Who has the balls to perpetrate a lie like they have done?
whats interesting about a lie?

Its interesting how the State could have the balls to try to convict a man on trumped up charges and conflicting witnesses.
They dont have balls. They knuckled under to the race pimps. I dont doubt the prosecutors are sitting in their offices and thinking "our careers are screwed."

I dont think it was the race pimps.... i think it was the White house that pressured them... We will just never see proof cause we have a media we cant trust.
have you forgotten Zimmerman's bond was revoked, for lying to the court ?
The killer, George Zimmerman, has been proven to be a pathological liar time and time again. He's lied so many times about the so many things it's hard to keep them all straight.

Yet the Zimmerman supporters are taking his word as gospel truth.

Its interesting how the State could have the balls to try to convict a man on trumped up charges and conflicting witnesses.
They dont have balls. They knuckled under to the race pimps. I dont doubt the prosecutors are sitting in their offices and thinking "our careers are screwed."

They must have balls, even bringing the man up on fake charges. I mean really, who does that? Who has the balls to perpetrate a lie like they have done?

They do it all the time. Look at Mike Nifong. At least he went to jail over it. Saying they have balls implies they have a conscience they are fighting against. They dont. They are answerable to political superiors and public opinion and follow them. If they can enhance their careers in doing so that's also good. The basic justice of it has no bearing.
have you forgotten Zimmerman's bond was revoked, for lying to the court ?
The killer, George Zimmerman, has been proven to be a pathological liar time and time again. He's lied so many times about the so many things it's hard to keep them all straight.

Yet the Zimmerman supporters are taking his word as gospel truth.


He hasn't lied. And he hasn't lied nearly as often as the prosecutors in this case. Who lied under oath to obtain the indictment in the first place.

Or is this just another example of "black truth vs white truth"?
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