The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Besides we have to hear about all of these cuts, wounds, etc. that Treyvon got by supposedly hitting Zimmerman 50 times. :cuckoo:
Anderson Cooper show on CNN last night every one of the legal experts including two African Americans concluded that the DNA evidence was a wash and to date there is no evidence whatsoever to support a murder charge in this case and it appears there will be none offered by the prosecution.

The big media question should be to the African American community by media should be: "Why is this a game to you of supporters and non supporters. Why do you folks pick sides from the sidelines?"

This also happened in the OJ case. OJ was black and the victim white so all blacks must "SUPPORT" OJ.
The case went to trial because of PC pressure. Up until PC pressure was brought to bear, Zimmerman wasn't even arrested.

One of the prosecution witnesses that hurt their case so much was the investigator who was forced to resign due to PC pressure.

I wouldn't call it PC. The police chief was fired because he mishandled the case. You just don't allow someone who minutes ago murdered a minor. Who does that?

LOL, the police chief RESIGNED because of the circus your team brought to town.

When Chief Bill Lee FIRST OFFERED HIS RESIGNATION the Milton City Commission refused to accept it. A majority of the commission felt that Lee was treated unfairly.

You are one stupid broad. You believe everything someone else tells you instead of finding the facts yourself.
Hey a-hole, the town of Sanford FL is notorious for it's racist history. Have you factored that in?

Zimmerman first told the 911 guy that he would meet the police at the mailboxes then changed his mind and said have them call me and I will tell them where I am.

To me, that says he intended to follow Treyvon. He took two flashlights and a loaded gun.

He stalked him alright.

He is not charged with stalking.
Stalking is a crime in Florida.
Try again, something, ANYTHING that is credible and relevant to this trial.
I do give you credit for coming back but please bring something to the table.

Coming back from what? I've always been here.
Good one! :clap2:

Martin was not trespassing on private property as he was an invitee by his father.
Zimmerman never stalked Martin.

The testimony was that he "cut through" the gated community to get to his father's girlfriend's home. The entire gated community is private property, therefore TM was trespassing.

His father was not the owner of the home in question, which apparently was adjacent to the community, not a member. Even if the home was a member of the community TM's father was not a homeowner, therefore had no right to invite anyone.

Oh good grief.. :lol:
These RW Zimmerman supporting bastards are conducting flips and somersaults to defy reality.
I like Sallow. But the good ship "Common Sense" sailed without him.

Dumbass point in a truly stupid thread.

I laughed till my sides hurt.

Not really.

"Common Sense" tells me that a person does not have the right to shoot another person, especially if that person is unarmed and isn't breaking the law.

So when the shooter is the only one around to tell the story, one has to be very careful to make sure that story checks out.

And given the circumstances? It better be a good story.

This just wasn't.

You DO have the right to shoot another person when that other person is beating you and pounding your head into the pavement if, under those circumstances, you reasonably feel that your life is in peril or your are facing the risk of serious physical injury because of the beat down.

It doesn't matter if the other guy is armed or not. Oh, and that kind of a beat down IS breaking the law.

Quite often, the one who resorts to self defense IS the only surviving witness.
"Patient was stirr arive, in pain, and in suffeling."

So that's how his arms ended up underneath him after George got off his back.
Just negged by ernie with another curse filled I guess he has trouble moving it comes. I will defend myself on this board...enjoy. He initiated it...didnt say a word to him. Stay tuned.

Curse filled rant? You whiny little bitch! You ain't seen nothing, then you lack the intellectual capacity to really piss me off.

PM a couple other assholes and ask them if this is one of my even mediocre rants, OK.

Fuck off you arrogant bitch!

yeah, youre showing youre a real tuff character. It cooled off and your back to stir it up again...must have touched a nerve.

You? :cuckoo: You're incapable of pissing me off. One has to stand for something. You're not a challenge.

Side note: I notice you're afraid of apostrophes just like Xxxxxxxxxxxx.
She should also be asked about her sister who lived in her home where TM was staying.

Is that the one that was in illegal drugs?

2 convictions cant remember the first. The second was possession 25 pounds or over.

Zakiya Laurent (Richardson) was staying at the same house as Trayvon. She was caught with 700-lbs of weed. Zakiya's Seminole County, Florida mugshot & criminal record. Zakiya Richardson is Brandy Green's drug dealing sister who lived with with her. Trayvon was staying at Brandy Green's house when he was shot. Brandy Green is Trayvon's fathers girlfriend. Trayvon was suspended from school at the time for fighting & possession of Marijuana. Trayvon went to the 7-11 to get a lighter that was found on his body. Marijuana was found in his blood during the autopsy.

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Again you show your low intelligence.
"reaching for your cell phone" is not the same as "fumbling in his pockets" Where was the phone? Shirt pocket? Jacket pocket? Back pocket. The gun was inside the waist band. People generally dont keep guns in their shirt pocket.
The fact that you cannot distinguish these things marks you as having low intelligence.

I told you... go catch up and then come back and talk to the adults. Shirt pocket? Back Pocket? What the hell are your talking about?

Heres a the video. And not just one...theres at least 3 different ones. Not that you will watch them objectively from the other sides have shown you are uncapable of will watch it with a bias to the extreme and then make excuses...consider yourself predictable.

No surprise you dont understand a simple post. It's part of that low intelligence thing you've got going.
I am sure you can post a link proving what you're saying.

They have been posted...Im not going to make it easy for a mean, rude, bitter and insulting poster. You get no favors...go find it yourself.
Would it be self defense if there was a bully who bullied a kid, tormented, day in and day out and finally the kid gave him a kicking he deserved and the bully shot him right between the eyes. Self defense. Right?

What does that scenario have to do with the facts in this case?
Anyone can make up any scenario in an attempt to match it to what they want to see happen.
What you stated above is not what happened in this case. They DID NOT KNOW EACH OTHER AND HAD NEVER MET.
And if Zimmerman bullied Martin and never touched him then Martin HAS NO RIGHT TO PUT HIS HANDS ON HIM.
And if he does then under Florida law Zimmerman is justified legally to shoot him.
Right, that is self defense.
Your example is 100% hypothetical nothing close to the reality of what happened in this case.

You DO NOT have the right to shoot someone who hit you.

That's is some made up BS from the recesses of your brains.

Respectfully Marc, you do have that right and your refusal to learn that is the law is another example of your stubborn inability to educate yourself as to Florida law.
Same here in Georgia.
Someone attacks you with their fists you have every right UNDER THE LAW to shoot them in self defense.
That is what THE JUDGE will charge the jury in jury charges before deliberations.
Again, respectfully, if you do not know that then you are serious denial.
That was pretty shocking to learn that TM was shot in the lower lobe of one lung. Not the heart. Not a quick death. Bled to death, lung filling with blood, suffering... sad
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