The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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That was pretty shocking to learn that TM was shot in the lower lobe of one lung. Not the heart. Not a quick death. Bled to death, lung filling with blood, suffering... sad

Trayvon was 17 and was shot to death.

The whole case has always been sad and tragic. In it's best possible light, it has always been tragic.
Is that the one that was in illegal drugs?

2 convictions cant remember the first. The second was possession 25 pounds or over.

Zakiya Laurent (Richardson) was staying at the same house as Trayvon. She was caught with 700-lbs of weed. Zakiya's Seminole County, Florida mugshot & criminal record. Zakiya Richardson is Brandy Green's drug dealing sister who lived with with her. Trayvon was staying at Brandy Green's house when he was shot. Brandy Green is Trayvon's fathers girlfriend. Trayvon was suspended from school at the time for possession of Marijuana. Marijuana was found in his blood during the autopsy. Trayvon went to the 7-11 to get a lighter that was found on his body.


That was it. The first conviction was minor and I think maybe under the other last name she uses.
Is that the one that was in illegal drugs?

2 convictions cant remember the first. The second was possession 25 pounds or over.

Zakiya Laurent (Richardson) was staying at the same house as Trayvon. She was caught with 700-lbs of weed. Zakiya's Seminole County, Florida mugshot & criminal record. Zakiya Richardson is Brandy Green's drug dealing sister who lived with with her. Trayvon was staying at Brandy Green's house when he was shot. Brandy Green is Trayvon's fathers girlfriend. Trayvon was suspended from school at the time for fighting & possession of Marijuana. Trayvon went to the 7-11 to get a lighter that was found on his body. Marijuana was found in his blood during the autopsy.


Is that what Trayvon picked up off the ground at the 7-11 a lighter?
Martin was 5' 11" 158 lbs according to Bao

My research shows that Zimmerman was 5' 7" 185 lbs

Zimmerman had the weight advantage, Martin had the height advantage.

Does not matter. If the prosecution is going on "He is bigger than the other guy" theory how well do you think that works with direct eye witness testimony evidence that Martin was on top of Zimmerman?

The photos are what is always held out until the end of the prosecution's case for the shock value. I have no problem with that as that is standard procedure for a prosecution. This is probably the last witness for them.
But we already know Zimmerman killed Martin so what value is all of this anyway?
All of this is already known by the defense.
All of this is a wash also.
Curse filled rant? You whiny little bitch! You ain't seen nothing, then you lack the intellectual capacity to really piss me off.

PM a couple other assholes and ask them if this is one of my even mediocre rants, OK.

yeah, youre showing youre a real tuff character. It cooled off and your back to stir it up again...must have touched a nerve.

You? :cuckoo: You're incapable of pissing me off. One has to stand for something. You're not a challenge.

Side note: I notice you're afraid of apostrophes just like Xxxxxxxxxxxx.
:trolls: seem pretty pissed. Gather yourself, ernie. Its just a message board...if you cant hack it maybe you should find another place to entertain yourself.

Im just a newbie and have you totally flustered and i have a hunch it has more to do than with my omission of apostrophes. You are having a panic attack.

Try to play by the forum rules and stay on subject. Its not fair to the rest of the posters.:FIREdevil::blowup:
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Martin was 5' 11" 158 lbs according to Bao

My research shows that Zimmerman was 5' 7" 185 lbs

Zimmerman had the weight advantage, Martin had the height advantage.

Does not matter. If the prosecution is going on "He is bigger than the other guy" theory how well do you think that works with direct eye witness testimony evidence that Martin was on top of Zimmerman?

The photos are what is always held out until the end of the prosecution's case for the shock value. I have no problem with that as that is standard procedure for a prosecution. This is probably the last witness for them.
But we already know Zimmerman killed Martin so what value is all of this anyway?
All of this is already known by the defense.
All of this is a wash also.

I know. I'm just pointing out that such a position is flawed. I weigh 260 lbs, I have a step brother whom weighs 100 pounds less than I do and is taller than me, he can overpower me just as easily as Martin presumably did to Zimmerman. I probably am being over analytical, but it helps to debunk certain points made by other people on this thread.
Martin was 5' 11" 158 lbs according to Bao

My research shows that Zimmerman was 5' 7" 185 lbs

Zimmerman had the weight advantage, Martin had the height advantage.

Does not matter. If the prosecution is going on "He is bigger than the other guy" theory how well do you think that works with direct eye witness testimony evidence that Martin was on top of Zimmerman?

The photos are what is always held out until the end of the prosecution's case for the shock value. I have no problem with that as that is standard procedure for a prosecution. This is probably the last witness for them.
But we already know Zimmerman killed Martin so what value is all of this anyway?
All of this is already known by the defense.
All of this is a wash also.

I believe the Defense will try to call for dismissal and a directed verdict, I don't think the judge will grant it. Would you agree with this presumption?
yeah, youre showing youre a real tuff character. It cooled off and your back to stir it up again...must have touched a nerve.

You? :cuckoo: You're incapable of pissing me off. One has to stand for something. You're not a challenge.

Side note: I notice you're afraid of apostrophes just like Xxxxxxxxxxxx. seem pretty pissed. Gather yourself, ernie. Its just a message board...if you cant hack it maybe you should find another place to entertain yourself.

Im just a newbie and have you totally flustered and i have a hunch it has more to do than just my omission of apostrophes.
Well you got one thing right. :clap2:

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