The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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After 25 years of working in psychiatry and seeing more than anyone's share of PPP (Piss Poor Parenting) I never was on that team. Adolescents need their parents more than any other age. But that seems to be the age that a lot of parents crap out on them. I just got so tired of hearing the old refrain 'it's not fair that so and so (the non custodial parent) can have a life and I can't.' WTF? They weren't complaining when the child was conceived! Now, they need the parents, it's 'I want a life for myself!'

I've also seen a lot of really good and successful people overcome that type of thing in their lives. They didn't go out and become street thugs then chuck it back on their deprived childhoods. Those people are my heroes. But a lot of people DO become street thugs. And when they do the people they victimize who are tying to make something of their lives have the right and the duty to protect themselves from them.

Good point. I agree, ticks me off when parents abandon their kids for convenience.
Just negged by ernie with another curse filled I guess he has trouble moving it comes. I will defend myself on this board...enjoy. He initiated it...didnt say a word to him. Stay tuned.

Curse filled rant? You whiny little bitch! You ain't seen nothing, then you lack the intellectual capacity to really piss me off.

PM a couple other assholes and ask them if this is one of my even mediocre rants, OK.

Fuck off you arrogant bitch!

yeah, youre showing youre a real tuff character. It cooled off and your back to stir it up again...must have touched a nerve.
They dont have balls. They knuckled under to the race pimps. I dont doubt the prosecutors are sitting in their offices and thinking "our careers are screwed."

They must have balls, even bringing the man up on fake charges. I mean really, who does that? Who has the balls to perpetrate a lie like they have done?

They do it all the time. Look at Mike Nifong. At least he went to jail over it. Saying they have balls implies they have a conscience they are fighting against. They dont. They are answerable to political superiors and public opinion and follow them. If they can enhance their careers in doing so that's also good. The basic justice of it has no bearing.

You are correct that they did succumb to pressure. But the fact they keep going and going and going, even despite the evidence mounting against them...
They must have balls, even bringing the man up on fake charges. I mean really, who does that? Who has the balls to perpetrate a lie like they have done?

They do it all the time. Look at Mike Nifong. At least he went to jail over it. Saying they have balls implies they have a conscience they are fighting against. They dont. They are answerable to political superiors and public opinion and follow them. If they can enhance their careers in doing so that's also good. The basic justice of it has no bearing.

You are correct that they did succumb to pressure. But the fact they keep going and going and going, even despite the evidence mounting against them...

Once they're committed, they're committed to it. If they pulled back and said "the evidence doesnt support our case" you'd have Al Fucking Sharpton and his inner city Negroes rioting and threatening to kill them.
Just learned of this kangaroo court "trial"...

From the facts of the "trial":
TM = Travon Martin
GZ = George Zimmerman

TM - Trespassed on private property
GZ - Noticed trespasser, called police

TM - Trespasser, ran upon being noticed
GZ - Attempts to follow the trespasser

TM - Exits trespassed community
GZ - Awaits police

TM - Returns to trespassing, escalates to assault
GZ - Assaulted

TM - Continues assault upon GZ
GZ - Fires weapon in self defense

The first crime committed was TM trespassing
The next crime committed was assault, by TM
Justice to these crimes was a 9mm, delivered by GZ

The "crime" the pinko faggots are whining about...
They hate "stand your ground"
They hate "private property"
Most importantly, the pinko faggots hate "self defense"

They want you completely subservient, even to the point of death.

Just think the mischief the moneylenders are pulling while we are distracted by this obvious fraud of a "trial".
You've just learned about this and those are the "facts" you've gathered just far? They're all WRONG! Where are you getting your information from? You know what...never mind, I think I have an idea where.

Martin was not trespassing on private property as he was an invitee by his father.
Zimmerman never stalked Martin.

apparently he was on someones private property when zimmerman seen him
No he wasn't. This has never been said, alleged nor asserted by anyone in the media nor in the court.

Where did you get that information from? Post links.
Are you minimizing the fact that Zimmerman acted in self defense?





Would it be self defense if there was a bully who bullied a kid, tormented, day in and day out and finally the kid gave him a kicking he deserved and the bully shot him right between the eyes. Self defense. Right?

What does that scenario have to do with the facts in this case?
Anyone can make up any scenario in an attempt to match it to what they want to see happen.
What you stated above is not what happened in this case. They DID NOT KNOW EACH OTHER AND HAD NEVER MET.
And if Zimmerman bullied Martin and never touched him then Martin HAS NO RIGHT TO PUT HIS HANDS ON HIM.
And if he does then under Florida law Zimmerman is justified legally to shoot him.
Right, that is self defense.
Your example is 100% hypothetical nothing close to the reality of what happened in this case.

You DO NOT have the right to shoot someone who hit you.

That's is some made up BS from the recesses of your brains.
It strikes me odd that the witness was unsure that the scream was Trayvon's voice at the Mayors office, but then testifies here in court that IT WAS his voice on the tape.


Witness has been excused. Sabrina Fulton has been recalled to the stand.

The more time that passes, the more convinced they become. Especially when the stakes are so high. It wasn't my son, becomes it could have been my son. That becomes, now that I think of it it sure might have been my son. That becomes, now that I think about it, it was my son. That becomes, it was my son I'm sure of it.
have you forgotten Zimmerman's bond was revoked, for lying to the court ?
The killer, George Zimmerman, has been proven to be a pathological liar time and time again. He's lied so many times about the so many things it's hard to keep them all straight.

Yet the Zimmerman supporters are taking his word as gospel truth.


I do not support George Zimmerman other than his right to a fair trial, the presumption of his innocence under the law and the implementation and following of the law requiring the prosecution to prove every element of their case.
You do not support any of that. You are the one that supports the conviction of George Zimmerman because YOU believe he is guilty of something.
You could care less if he gets a fair trial jury, you never presumed himinnocent which is what the law requires and you do not give any credibility to live witnesses that testify to facts of what THEY SAW in the case because they do not go along with any of your preconceived biases and prejudices against Zimmerman influenced by the 6th grade of photo, the doctored 911 call and the fraudulent claims that you believed that told you Zimmerman was instructed to stand down by police.
YOU took the media word as gospel and have picked sides.
I go SOLEY by the evidence at trial.
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