The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The nails in the coffin are being set in place for the prosecution. Di Maio had the hammer.

I notice several people here are sure the prosecution will lose because, obviously, there was no crime in self-defense. I agree.

But I'm old enough to have come home from work early to WATCH the verdict in the O.J. trial, and I'm going to tell you, it is possible you could be in for some open-mouth astonished disappointment, while blacks all around the country laugh and high-five each other.

That's what happened with the O.J. trial. He did it, everyone knew he did it, but since he was black, that simply didn't matter.

Could easily happen again, maybe simply to stop riots. So be prepared not to be too shocked if this doesn't come out the way you expect.
You can be smart, pleasant, have some common sense and still be a terrible communicator that comes across as a huge bore. You should know that, Lia.
I'm beginning to think certain liberals just hate George Zimmerman, and won't stop trying to convict him no matter what the evidence says.

I used to wonder why this was so split down party lines. If GZ is hispanic and not white then why does the left assume he's guilty without a trial?

I have realized that it's only somewhat about race, it's mostly about guns. They cannot stand the thought that a gun was used in self-defense and if GZ were to be convicted then they could use this case against the 2nd Amendment, or at least Concealed Carry and Stand Your Ground.

Typically, liberals don't care about right or wrong, they only care about winning.
The nails in the coffin are being set in place for the prosecution. Di Maio had the hammer.

I notice several people here are sure the prosecution will lose because, obviously, there was no crime in self-defense. I agree.

But I'm old enough to have come home from work early to WATCH the verdict in the O.J. trial, and I'm going to tell you, it is possible you could be in for some open-mouth astonished disappointment, while blacks all around the country laugh and high-five each other.

That's what happened with the O.J. trial. He did it, everyone knew he did it, but since he was black, that simply didn't matter.

Could easily happen again, maybe simply to stop riots. So be prepared not to be too shocked if this doesn't come out the way you expect.

OJ was acquitted despite obvious guilt. Notice how he was black. So what you are suggesting is that an all white, all woman panel is going to send a "white hispanic" man the man to jail for life for defending himself? Oh ye of little faith.
The nails in the coffin are being set in place for the prosecution. Di Maio had the hammer.

I notice several people here are sure the prosecution will lose because, obviously, there was no crime in self-defense. I agree.

But I'm old enough to have come home from work early to WATCH the verdict in the O.J. trial, and I'm going to tell you, it is possible you could be in for some open-mouth astonished disappointment, while blacks all around the country laugh and high-five each other.

That's what happened with the O.J. trial. He did it, everyone knew he did it, but since he was black, that simply didn't matter.

Could easily happen again, maybe simply to stop riots. So be prepared not to be too shocked if this doesn't come out the way you expect.

Unfortunately you are correct. The OJ case and the Casey Anthony Case prove that juries cannot be trusted to consider facts.
The nails in the coffin are being set in place for the prosecution. Di Maio had the hammer.

I notice several people here are sure the prosecution will lose because, obviously, there was no crime in self-defense. I agree.

But I'm old enough to have come home from work early to WATCH the verdict in the O.J. trial, and I'm going to tell you, it is possible you could be in for some open-mouth astonished disappointment, while blacks all around the country laugh and high-five each other.

That's what happened with the O.J. trial. He did it, everyone knew he did it, but since he was black, that simply didn't matter.

Could easily happen again, maybe simply to stop riots. So be prepared not to be too shocked if this doesn't come out the way you expect.

OJ was acquitted despite obvious guilt. Notice how he was black. So what you are suggesting is that an all white, all woman panel is going to send a "white hispanic" man the man to jail for life for defending himself? Oh ye of little faith.

Well, that's a good point. Maybe you will be right. The O.J. jury was almost entirely black, of course. They didn't care that he did it; they just cared that he was black and they could get him off.
The nails in the coffin are being set in place for the prosecution. Di Maio had the hammer.

I notice several people here are sure the prosecution will lose because, obviously, there was no crime in self-defense. I agree.

But I'm old enough to have come home from work early to WATCH the verdict in the O.J. trial, and I'm going to tell you, it is possible you could be in for some open-mouth astonished disappointment, while blacks all around the country laugh and high-five each other.

That's what happened with the O.J. trial. He did it, everyone knew he did it, but since he was black, that simply didn't matter.

Could easily happen again, maybe simply to stop riots. So be prepared not to be too shocked if this doesn't come out the way you expect.

OJ was acquitted despite obvious guilt. Notice how he was black. So what you are suggesting is that an all white, all woman panel is going to send a "white hispanic" man the man to jail for life for defending himself? Oh ye of little faith.

I admit to having little faith in juries.
I notice several people here are sure the prosecution will lose because, obviously, there was no crime in self-defense. I agree.

But I'm old enough to have come home from work early to WATCH the verdict in the O.J. trial, and I'm going to tell you, it is possible you could be in for some open-mouth astonished disappointment, while blacks all around the country laugh and high-five each other.

That's what happened with the O.J. trial. He did it, everyone knew he did it, but since he was black, that simply didn't matter.

Could easily happen again, maybe simply to stop riots. So be prepared not to be too shocked if this doesn't come out the way you expect.

OJ was acquitted despite obvious guilt. Notice how he was black. So what you are suggesting is that an all white, all woman panel is going to send a "white hispanic" man the man to jail for life for defending himself? Oh ye of little faith.

I admit to having little faith in juries.

Could the jury convict? Sure. Do I believe if they do that the conviction is overturned on appeal? Absolutely.
I'm beginning to think certain liberals just hate George Zimmerman, and won't stop trying to convict him no matter what the evidence says.

I used to wonder why this was so split down party lines. If GZ is hispanic and not white then why does the left assume he's guilty without a trial?

I have realized that it's only somewhat about race, it's mostly about guns. They cannot stand the thought that a gun was used in self-defense and if GZ were to be convicted then they could use this case against the 2nd Amendment, or at least Concealed Carry and Stand Your Ground.

Typically, liberals don't care about right or wrong, they only care about winning.

Because.... the left is stupid.

They are followers of Pop Culture. They get their marching orders from the LSM.

They watch TV, read the papers and think that they know better than anybody else.

Which, to be bluntly fair about it -- They do know better than libtards. But so does a Rhesus Monkey.

But the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM pretends to like them.

We don't. Conservatives will tell them, "The reason you're broke is because you're too lazy to work. The reason you're stupid is because you're too lazy to learn."

People don't behave poorly because they're poor. They're poor because they behave poorly.

And libtards don't like hearing that. They would rather be told that it's not their fault. It's always somebody else's. Always. (ever notice that? Just like a rotten kid)

So they go where there's a sympathetic voice. Like momma bouncing them on her knee and telling them that they're really not stupid, they're just misunderstood.

They refuse to listen to the mean ol' Conservatives telling them to get a job, stop getting high every day at noon and try to get a WORTHWHILE Education instead of the humanities, liberal arts or a totally worthless Ed degree.

I got a news flash for you libtards -- You're not misunderstood, you really are stupid.

And the only people that don't know it are you.
OJ was acquitted despite obvious guilt. Notice how he was black. So what you are suggesting is that an all white, all woman panel is going to send a "white hispanic" man the man to jail for life for defending himself? Oh ye of little faith.

I admit to having little faith in juries.

Could the jury convict? Sure. Do I believe if they do that the conviction is overturned on appeal? Absolutely.

I don't.

I don't think it gets overturned on appeal. No way.

Appeals on evidence don't work, the lower Court must make a mistake for the higher Court to overturn.

Either way, the left is in a no-win situation.

Z gets convicted and they like the racist pigs they are. He gets acquitted and they look like they forced trumped-up charges to be brought and any riots afterwards will be SERIOUSLY frowned on by the American People.

They done painted themselves into a corner. They can't win no matter which way they go
The nails in the coffin are being set in place for the prosecution. Di Maio had the hammer.

I notice several people here are sure the prosecution will lose because, obviously, there was no crime in self-defense. I agree.

But I'm old enough to have come home from work early to WATCH the verdict in the O.J. trial, and I'm going to tell you, it is possible you could be in for some open-mouth astonished disappointment, while blacks all around the country laugh and high-five each other.

That's what happened with the O.J. trial. He did it, everyone knew he did it, but since he was black, that simply didn't matter.

Could easily happen again, maybe simply to stop riots. So be prepared not to be too shocked if this doesn't come out the way you expect.

Unfortunately you are correct. The OJ case and the Casey Anthony Case prove that juries cannot be trusted to consider facts.

Unfortunately yes, but consider the Casey Anthony case, the evidence presented by the prosecution did not convince the jury of Anthony's guilt. A jury will not convict someone based off of poorly presented evidence. As well as with the Casey Anthony, the jury in the OJ case stated in post trial interviews that the prosecution failed to prove their case. Robert Shapiro also accused Johnny Cochran in his book "Search for Justice" of bringing race into the trial. I see a real pattern here, Zimmerman will be acquitted because it is clear the prosecution had no case, and whatever case they had they failed to prove. I can't possibly believe they will convict him.
These photos actually show a lot more injuries than could be made out in the other photos the "prosecution" released. Wow. Can we put the prosecution on the stand and ask them why they tried to railroad this case in the media with photos that made it look like GZ had no real injuries?
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Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.
I admit to having little faith in juries.

Could the jury convict? Sure. Do I believe if they do that the conviction is overturned on appeal? Absolutely.

I don't.

I don't think it gets overturned on appeal. No way.

Appeals on evidence don't work, the lower Court must make a mistake for the higher Court to overturn.

Either way, the left is in a no-win situation.

Z gets convicted and they like the racist pigs they are. He gets acquitted and they look like they forced trumped-up charges to be brought and any riots afterwards will be SERIOUSLY frowned on by the American People.

They done painted themselves into a corner. They can't win no matter which way they go

I see multiple reversible errors by the judge and the prosecution in this case. I think they are grounds for reversal upon appeal. I could see an acquittal on appeal regarding the judgment of acquittal request that should have been given, and the manner in which the judge considered it. Put that with refusal for the state to cooperate with discovery. Both of these are reversible decisions based on Florida case law. Take into account that every judge ruling that the defense has appealed to the higher court in this case has been overturned. Plus every appeal that a defense has made based on this judge's decision has been granted.
These photos actually show a lot more injuries than could be made out in the other photos the "prosecution" released. Wow. Can we put the prosecution on the stand and ask them why they tried to railroad this case in the media with photos that made it look like GZ had no real injuries?


Okay! You go cowboy!

Sure we can. Bernster, Bernster, the defense calls the Bernster.
These photos actually show a lot more injuries than could be made out in the other photos the "prosecution" released. Wow. Can we put the prosecution on the stand and ask them why they tried to railroad this case in the media with photos that made it look like GZ had no real injuries?


Okay! You go cowboy!

Sure we can. Bernster, Bernster, the defense calls the Bernster.

OK, fine. you don't like the chipmunk with the corn. Maybe you'll use this instead of saying "WUT".

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