The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He's an excellent witness, if only because of the crucial points he's making and the confidence he engenders with his knowledge and many years of experience...not so excellent in the entertainment category.

I agree with will the state cross him? And who? ManAss? Wouldn't that make for an amusing afternoon!
Oh look, commentary from our own nutbar reporting from the insane asylum.

Afternoon, Sunshine. Sleeping in today?
So the prosecution reluctantly made Zimmerman's case, and now the defense is decisively making Zimmerman's case?

Good for Zimmerman.

Hopefully when this trial is over, the people who forced the case into court will be made to explain why. If any evidence was suppressed to make this happen, hopefully the people who did that will be prevented from ever doing it again.
He's an excellent witness, if only because of the crucial points he's making and the confidence he engenders with his knowledge and many years of experience...not so excellent in the entertainment category.

I agree with will the state cross him? And who? ManAss? Wouldn't that make for an amusing afternoon!

Well going to get my hair done this afternoon so I will miss it. But, personally, I believe this guy is unflappable. He will be handling the prosecution and not the other way around.

It is a false headline.

No ACTUAL grand jury indicted Angela for anything.

The musings of that collection of dopes means nothing.

Angela may have done some things which were improper. I am no fan of Angela's. But she is not under indictment.

Not under indictment by any official legal body, but the story certainly has gained legs as I found it reported in at least two dozen media sources generally viewed as credible sources. . . . .

Here is the Citizens Grand Jury ruling:

And this is the Citizens Grand Jury website:
Citizens Grand Jury

The fact that the story has obtained such widespread legs in the last two or three days is something that could bear watching. . . .
The only reason we are having a nationally advertised trial today is because of the court of public opinion. Could the same court of public opinion pressure some examination of Angela Corey? Who knows. Maybe much ado about nothing. Maybe not. Almost certainly it won't make into the trial proceedings. . . .

Stated Klayman, "As set forth in the letter to Governor Scott, citizens' grand juries are recognized under U.S. law and it is the right of the people to gather together to mete out justice when politicized law enforcement authorities fail to act. In this instance, Corey obviously would not be indicted and tried by her own office; so the people of Florida had to act on their own initiative. In the course of the Zimmerman trial, it has become even more obvious that Corey perverted the rule of law to further her own reelection campaign by bowing to the will of black activists. She must be held accountable for her criminal acts to preserve the integrity of the Florida justice system and to send a message to other prosecutors not to put their own interests ahead of the people they are supposed to represent."
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No, but I dont think he was a lost cause that should be thrown out with the trash either. He was a troubled teen heading down the wrong path. His mother sent him to his fathers...she was concerned about him and his behavior. He was about to start his senior year. Im not making the case that Trayvon was an angel by no means. Just that he was an athlete and should he follow in his moms and brothers footsteps he may be looking at college in a year, perhaps with a scholarship somewhere....Division I, II, or III perhaps.

And yes, his friends were not called, because when you call them, it opens a whole can of worms for the defense. They can go after their record and move to impeach. One reason people dont like to testify. I would have wanted very few friends of mine on the witness stand defending me at They would probably be a bigger help to me not saying anything and out of the

I imagine that Trayvon was sent to Sanford to live with his dad to get him away from his friends in Miami. That right there tells you volumes about what was going in his life. He's suspended from school and his mom doesn't trust him hanging around the house while she's at work. But does his dad do any better job of keeping him out of trouble? Not that I can see. If it had been my ass that got suspended from school I can guarantee you that I wouldn't have been trotting over to 7/11 for Skittles and some Arizona tea. I would have been doing "hard time" at TV...and no friends visiting.

It is really hard for a single parent to run a really tight ship. I know, I was one. What you have to do is to make rules that are actually 'enforceable.' Mine had to be home at a certain time except if I had evening shift. Those nights they had to be home when I got home, car hood had to be cool, no smell of ANYTHING illegal for the underage OR adults. It's all in how you write the rules whether or not you can enforce them. Violations were not handled in a pleasant way. Result: No trouble in my house. Both honor students, band, academic team, etc. And those things meant something.
<you must spread some reputation around before giving to Sunshine again> *sigh*

Kudos, Sunshine. :)
Looks like Bernie's going to cross? He's taking all the notes and smirking insipidly. So disrespectful.

I'd like to punch him.
I don't need to get into a conversation with you, Sunshine. I just noticed you were awake and wanted to say hi.
It is a false headline.

No ACTUAL grand jury indicted Angela for anything.

The musings of that collection of dopes means nothing.

Angela may have done some things which were improper. I am no fan of Angela's. But she is not under indictment.

"Citizens Grand Jury" translates to bunch of kooks getting together.

It's all about getting the attention of the public.

She ran unopposed in the last election, she is not from the district the trial is being held in which may be by design. She may burn for Marrissa Alexander, flipping hundreds of juvie cases to adult court, the arrest warrant, sanctions on hiding the watermelon, dis dat and da udda ting. She's got a lib rep all over her about Alexander.

She doesn't have a very gleaming reputation at this point.

I wouldn't think it would help ol' Tray-von.

So he was high on marijuana as well as lurking around in the rain, huh?

If a Neighborhood Watch isn't suspicious of somebody like him, I don't know who they should be suspicious of. It IS "youths" like Trayvon who commit most of the crimes, after all! He could have accounted for what he was doing there in a respectful manner and then gone directly to his father's house. But no............he had to attack. He deserved all he got, IMO.

George Zimmerman charged, hearing expected Thursday -

According to an Orlando Sentinel story later confirmed by Sanford police, Zimmerman told authorities that after he briefly lost track of Martin, the teen approached him. After the two exchange words, Zimmerman said, he reached for his cell phone, and then Martin punched him in the nose. Zimmerman said Martin pinned him to the ground and began slamming his head into the sidewalk.

"But no............he had to attack. He deserved all he got, IMO".

The exchange between the two before the fight would be worth its weight in Gold - to bad Z could not have just struck him with his weapon than kill him - there would have been no headlines or story for him to have displayed restraint.

and 3. is of such a nature that the act itself indicates an indifference to human life.

there is no doubt Zimmerman has displayed an indifference to human life - he is no more justified in his actions than the person he killed.
Just to clarify..

There is no truth to the rumor that the animation includes a sequence wherein a large Acme anvil falls out of the sky and strikes Bernie de la Rionda on the head.

Best part of the Dr's testimony was where he explained the stunning effects of the skull impacts by saying (paraphrased) "If you've ever hit your head really hard, you know what that feels like".

Instead of trying to relate the injuries in words, he gave the jury a frame of reference, a first hand example.

I rang my own bell just a few weeks ago, and the experience lept to my mind as soon as the Doctor made the statement.

I raised up too quickly and hit my head on an I beam...thought I had cracked my skull open...hurt like a sombitch...I had to sit down.

Who hasn't done similar?

And the jury now has that first hand head injury experience in their mind...

Excellent testimony.
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I wouldn't think it would help ol' Tray-von.

So he was high on marijuana as well as lurking around in the rain, huh?

If a Neighborhood Watch isn't suspicious of somebody like him, I don't know who they should be suspicious of. It IS "youths" like Trayvon who commit most of the crimes, after all! He could have accounted for what he was doing there in a respectful manner and then gone directly to his father's house. But no............he had to attack. He deserved all he got, IMO.

George Zimmerman charged, hearing expected Thursday -

According to an Orlando Sentinel story later confirmed by Sanford police, Zimmerman told authorities that after he briefly lost track of Martin, the teen approached him. After the two exchange words, Zimmerman said, he reached for his cell phone, and then Martin punched him in the nose. Zimmerman said Martin pinned him to the ground and began slamming his head into the sidewalk.

"But no............he had to attack. He deserved all he got, IMO".

The exchange between the two before the fight would be worth its weight in Gold - to bad Z could not have just struck him with his weapon than kill him - there would have been no headlines or story for him to have displayed restraint.

and 3. is of such a nature that the act itself indicates an indifference to human life.

there is no doubt Zimmerman has displayed an indifference to human life - he is no more justified in his actions than the person he killed.

Okay. I've been as nice as I can be.

Shut the fuck up Breeze! You are spouting unsubstantiated nonsense all over this thread. You want so badly for Zimmerman to be guilty that you'll say just about anything. Not once have you backed up your contentions. Now if you please-- if you have nothing important or factual to say, remain silent.
"Citizens Grand Jury" translates to bunch of kooks getting together.

It's all about getting the attention of the public.

She ran unopposed in the last election, she is not from the district the trial is being held in which may be by design. She may burn for Marrissa Alexander, flipping hundreds of juvie cases to adult court, the arrest warrant, sanctions on hiding the watermelon, dis dat and da udda ting. She's got a lib rep all over her about Alexander.

She doesn't have a very gleaming reputation at this point.

My point is that if she buried exculpatory evidence that is grounds for a Bar complaint. There are many many ways that things come to the attention of the public as more and more people trust the mainstream media less and less.
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