The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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It is a false headline.

No ACTUAL grand jury indicted Angela for anything.

The musings of that collection of dopes means nothing.

Angela may have done some things which were improper. I am no fan of Angela's. But she is not under indictment.

"Citizens Grand Jury" translates to bunch of kooks getting together.
Di Maio corroborates claim by Zimmerman that he had his head slammed into the concrete. Di Maio described the lacerations on the back of Zimmerman's head as "markers of force" meaning that his head impacted a hard surface, causing what is described as a "stunning effect."
This doctor is an excellent witness.

Can't wait to see how he handles cross examination.

He's intelligent and has been at his chosen career for a long time but guaranteed, he is boring everyone to tears. West doesn't help things by over talking it.
Di Maio corroborates claim by Zimmerman that he had his head slammed into the concrete. Di Maio described the lacerations on the back of Zimmerman's head as "markers of force" meaning that his head impacted a hard surface, causing what is described as a "stunning effect."

Literally every part of the story that the GZ lynch mob has used has been disproven by one of the foremost forensic scientists in the country. Do you think they will accept it now, or will Marc say he is a dumb, racist white man?
She is going to rule later but I doubt they will be allowed to use this.

O'Mara was taking up a lot of time and you can just see how agtitated she gets with his nonsense. It's 10:30 and court starts at 9. I hope she doesn't allow it, we all know Zimmerman's stories about what happened.

And so, our own African American legal expert has opined. :eek:
Personally I don't care how old Trayvon Martin is. If he's on top of George and trying to crack his skull open, GZ has every right to shoot him off.

I'm normally very fair and balanced in politics, but it's really irksome to see some liberals upset that GZ didn't decide to suffer horrid brain damage before shooting... or just die.
Di Maio corroborates claim by Zimmerman that he had his head slammed into the concrete. Di Maio described the lacerations on the back of Zimmerman's head as "markers of force" meaning that his head impacted a hard surface, causing what is described as a "stunning effect."

Literally every part of the story that the GZ lynch mob has used has been disproven by one of the foremost forensic scientists in the country. Do you think they will accept it now, or will Marc say he is a dumb, racist white man?

Funny how things work when actual facts are involved, correct?
Hello All,

I've been following a while and decided to join in on the discussion.

At what point do you think GZ knew TM was a teen ?

if someone is beating the shit out of you why does it matter?

Good point.............

All those black teenagers shooting each other by the dozens in Chicago ----- is it okay because they aren't 18 yet? Or is it still okay until they are 21?


It's balck on black crime vs not black on black crime.
Di Maio corroborates claim by Zimmerman that he had his head slammed into the concrete. Di Maio described the lacerations on the back of Zimmerman's head as "markers of force" meaning that his head impacted a hard surface, causing what is described as a "stunning effect."

Literally every part of the story that the GZ lynch mob has used has been disproven by one of the foremost forensic scientists in the country. Do you think they will accept it now, or will Marc say he is a dumb, racist white man?

Funny how things work when actual facts are involved, correct?

It is hilarious to think that in Marc, Sarah G and others minds that this one man's testimony will not produce reasonable doubt.
contact between muzzle and clothing but clothing AWAY from skin two to four inches, consistent with the stippling.

The good doctor just confirmed, forensically and fully and conclusively, that TM was on top at the moment the shot was fired.

Yes he did, but did he do it in a way understandable to a lay jury? We have one of our members here in the thread who almost certainly didn't understand that and who isn't interested in his testimony anyway. So I hope this doesn't go on a lot longer. I still remember the defense going on for days to teach the jury about DNA evidence, but only managed to get them to zone it out and not consider it at all. The defense needs to be careful at this point.

But Rattie is right. Zimmerman's doctor is much smarter than the prosecution's doctor. :)

West is definitely doing a better job on direct than he did on cross. He should forever leave cross to O'Mara.

It is a false headline.

No ACTUAL grand jury indicted Angela for anything.

The musings of that collection of dopes means nothing.

Angela may have done some things which were improper. I am no fan of Angela's. But she is not under indictment.

"Citizens Grand Jury" translates to bunch of kooks getting together.

It's all about getting the attention of the public.
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