The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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contact between muzzle and clothing but clothing AWAY from skin two to four inches, consistent with the stippling.

The good doctor just confirmed, forensically and fully and conclusively, that TM was on top at the moment the shot was fired.

So what? It doesn't prove diddly squat. Irrelevant.


It proves that they were physically very close to each other at the moment the shot was fired with TM on top. That is FAR more than 'not proving diddly squat.' It is powerful evidence.

It is HIGHLY relevant in corroborating GZ's account and disproving the State's "theory" of the case.
contact between muzzle and clothing but clothing AWAY from skin two to four inches, consistent with the stippling.

The good doctor just confirmed, forensically and fully and conclusively, that TM was on top at the moment the shot was fired.

Yes he did, but did he do it in a way understandable to a lay jury? We have one of our members here in the thread who almost certainly didn't understand that and who isn't interested in his testimony anyway. So I hope this doesn't go on a lot longer. I still remember the defense going on for days to teach the jury about DNA evidence, but only managed to get them to zone it out and not consider it at all. The defense needs to be careful at this point.

But Rattie is right. Zimmerman's doctor is much smarter than the prosecution's doctor. :)

Love it when you guys get so nasty, it means you're scared things may not be as clear as you think regarding the outcome.
contact between muzzle and clothing but clothing AWAY from skin two to four inches, consistent with the stippling.

The good doctor just confirmed, forensically and fully and conclusively, that TM was on top at the moment the shot was fired.

Yes he did, but did he do it in a way understandable to a lay jury? We have one of our members here in the thread who almost certainly didn't understand that and who isn't interested in his testimony anyway. So I hope this doesn't go on a lot longer. I still remember the defense going on for days to teach the jury about DNA evidence, but only managed to get them to zone it out and not consider it at all. The defense needs to be careful at this point.

But Rattie is right. Zimmerman's doctor is much smarter than the prosecution's doctor. :)

Love it when you guys get so nasty, it means you're scared things may not be as clear as you think regarding the outcome.

No honey. It means the idiotic things you say are laughable and we enjoy exposing your stupidity as a font of hilarity.

Are you SERIOUSLY so dense that you fail to grasp the import of TM being PROVED to be on top at the moment the shot was fired?
What is the point of black men walking the street when racist people can chase you and call self defense. How are you supposed to protect yourselves? People have been doing this for years. Really is there is no point of blacks walking to stores or other places because they will be bothered.

^^^^too stupid to merit response.
Hello All,

I've been following a while and decided to join in on the discussion.

At what point do you think GZ knew TM was a teen ?

What does it matter? He was 17: that is prime crime time. Black youths in their late teens commit huge numbers of murders and robberies. Who would you rather meet at night in an isolated shopping mall on the sidewalk, a 17-year-old black male with his pants hanging down showing his underwear like Trayvon wore his pants, or some 45-year-old black janitor?

I think pretty much everybody would prefer to walk by the 45-year-old; you are more likely to survive the encounter.

Trayvon was a teenager and he was dangerous and he jumped Zimmerman.

Why couldn't he have behaved like a 17-year-old should and been polite and said who he was when an adult asked and gone back to his father's house? Darn. We don't expect white kids to act like Trayvon did.
contact between muzzle and clothing but clothing AWAY from skin two to four inches, consistent with the stippling.

The good doctor just confirmed, forensically and fully and conclusively, that TM was on top at the moment the shot was fired.

Yes he did, but did he do it in a way understandable to a lay jury? We have one of our members here in the thread who almost certainly didn't understand that and who isn't interested in his testimony anyway. So I hope this doesn't go on a lot longer. I still remember the defense going on for days to teach the jury about DNA evidence, but only managed to get them to zone it out and not consider it at all. The defense needs to be careful at this point.

But Rattie is right. Zimmerman's doctor is much smarter than the prosecution's doctor. :)

Love it when you guys get so nasty, it means you're scared things may not be as clear as you think regarding the outcome.

To use your own words, I rarely confront you directly and did not name you in my post, so why don't you. . . . how did you put it? STFU? :) Your definition of 'nasty' is almost as interesting as your theories of Zimmerman's absolute guilt.
Hello All,

I've been following a while and decided to join in on the discussion.

At what point do you think GZ knew TM was a teen ?

if someone is beating the shit out of you why does it matter?

Good point.............

All those black teenagers shooting each other by the dozens in Chicago ----- is it okay because they aren't 18 yet? Or is it still okay until they are 21?

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