The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

Gee, I just had an epiphany too. Most Conservatives had already decided before the trial began that GZ was innocent. Why? First, because concealed carry folks are never ever wrong even when they stalk kids buying skittles. Second, because the dead kid is black, therefore a thug who had it coming.

They can't stand the thought that GZ might have overstepped his bounds and needlessly killed another person. If anybody had a right to stand his ground, it was TM to defend himself against a stalker. Too bad he didn't have a gun, but I doubt you will hear the NRA types saying "if only he had a gun, he could have protected himself".

Maybe the right doesn't care so much about right and wrong either. It's all about winning, no matter the cost.

Let the trial play out.

Again, bull shit. The majority of us were clearly stating that we needed to wait until the trial. None of us were there so we can't know what happened. Of course not all were saying that, just as not all lefties were saying the opposite. But your generalization is complete bull shit. The only people who weren't interested in facts and a trial were the lefties.

You clearly haven't read the other Zimmerman threads, to make a statement like that.
I could have, if i had no clue what a straw man is. But I do, so I didn't.

The trial is all about guns and whether we have a right to self defense.

There's the strawman. The trial is about does someone have the right to get out of his car, follow a teen, and kill him with impunity? It is also about the stand your ground law, which should have applied to Martin since he was the one being followed and reported on when he had done nothing wrong.

Amazing isn't it.

In Florida you can follow a kid in the dark, shoot him for no reason, tell the coppers you are part of the neighborhood watch and they let you go.

Great place.

We have laws like that in Texas too.

It's an effort to keep insipid parasites like you out.
Di Maio says that just because a witness didn't hear any banging or hitting doesn't mean Zimmerman's head wasn't hit against the concrete. THIS debunks another part of the state's case.
Gee, I just had an epiphany too. Most Conservatives had already decided before the trial began that GZ was innocent. Why? First, because concealed carry folks are never ever wrong even when they stalk kids buying skittles. Second, because the dead kid is black, therefore a thug who had it coming.

They can't stand the thought that GZ might have overstepped his bounds and needlessly killed another person. If anybody had a right to stand his ground, it was TM to defend himself against a stalker. Too bad he didn't have a gun, but I doubt you will hear the NRA types saying "if only he had a gun, he could have protected himself".

Maybe the right doesn't care so much about right and wrong either. It's all about winning, no matter the cost.

Let the trial play out.

Again, bull shit. The majority of us were clearly stating that we needed to wait until the trial. None of us were there so we can't know what happened. Of course not all were saying that, just as not all lefties were saying the opposite. But your generalization is complete bull shit. The only people who weren't interested in facts and a trial were the lefties.

You clearly haven't read the other Zimmerman threads, to make a statement like that.
Yeah, what ever happened to Gawdawg...did he slink away in shame?
As I said, you don't KNOW shit about guns. You have certainly seen a lot of guns used in movies but I doubt you could field strip a bolt action .22 which I learned to do when I was 7.

That was the gun I was introduced too. A bolt action .22 caliber rifle. Never took it apart. Just shot it.

Believe me I could tell. That's why I made the statement I did. Normally I like your posts but on this issue you are just flat wrong. Politics and race have nothing to do with this case (nor should they ever), flat out GZ is a dumb jackass.

We don't know what occurred that terrible night but we can look at the evidence and make a very well informed assumption...or series of assumptions if you will.

We KNOW that GZ followed TM and called 9/11.
We KNOW that 9/11 told him they didn't need him to follow TM.
We KNOW that eventually GZ broke off his tail and started to walk back to his truck.
We KNOW that TM then followed GZ back to GZ's truck and began to assault GZ.
We KNOW that GZ had water stains on his back and that TM had water stains on his knees.
We KNOW the GZ had a bashed in nose and lacerations on the back of his head.
We KNOW that TM had abrasions on his hand and a gunshot wound to his torso.

ALL the rest is BS that you, and a whole host of other pundits and ambulance chasers have spewed out in an attempt to influence the jury and the legal system. It began with that scumbag NBC PA who edited the 9/11 tape to make it seem as if GZ was a racist and it has continued on with scurrilous bastards like Spike Lee and others like him.

The facts are we KNOW that GZ is not racist. Period. Any claim that he is ignores every bit of evidence that he wasn't,and casts the utterer as a non-thinking propagandist.

W also know that a young man was tragically killed in the prime of his life. We also know that he was complicit in his death. He too could have simply walked away but he didn't. He CHOSE to pursue GZ back to GZ's truck. At that point,while GZ certainly instigated the encounter, TM (IMO) escalated that encounter to its tragic end.

We "don't" know many of the things you posted as we "do" know.

Hence the trial.

And I am not making up stuff here. Thus far..Zimmerman's story really doesn't check out.

The question is, do they believe Martin deserved to die because he was black? Because they certainly are convinced he deserved to die and they believed that waaaaaaaaay before the trial started.

How many times would you allow your head to be slammed into concrete before your feared for your life? Simple question, how about you answer it.
The evidence does not support his head being slammed into the concrete.
George's FATHER is the one who first identified George as "white Hispanic." It wasn't the media, it was his father. A half black man or woman in the USA is always identified by the media as black. Also by just about everyone in the country. If you are half black in America, you are identified as black.

George's FATHER is the one who first identified George as "white Hispanic."

Oh please do provide us with a link for that.

This is what I heard his father said:

His father called him a "Spanish speaking minority" with many black relatives and friends.

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman's Race Is A Complicated Matter
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