The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So you claim GZ as a liberal to put TemplarKormac in his place, but then state that a liberal is not on trial. Nothing like having your cake and eating it too.

Mert is going to have to do a lot more than play the race card to put me in my place. Liberals are the ones putting an innocent man on trial. Convicted him as a racist wannabe cop murderer vigilante. (did I get it all?) Even before he was tried, liberals were convinced he would be put in jail. Now it appears that he will be acquitted. So now, they are about to shift gears, into possible OWS style riot mode.

I would think conservatives would be more likely than anyone to want GZ convicted because he has made it HARDER for someone to use a gun in self-defense.

Liberals put GZ on trial? Where did you get that idea?

Are you serious? That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. What would it benefit conservatives for him to be convicted? His exoneration would make it easier under the law to use a gun in self defense. Mostly because those that do in the future will have the proper legal backing to do so.

Liberals tried and convicted the man in their minds before he was ever put on trial. They had already convinced themselves that he was a racist, he profiled an innocent black kid, killed him out of malice, and was a cop wannabe. ALL of that was debunked in the past 9 days.
I can't figure out who I dislike the most. A$$'s snide sarcastic car salesman thing or the shister Bernster.

They give lawyers a bad name.
Does the fact he contradicted two other witnesses not mean much? He implied that those two cops lied. You don't do that when the prosecution has you on cross.

That's not the point, and I believe it's the most important point in the trial. The father knows like everyone that Trayvon was screaming bloody murder, and it only stops with the gunshot. The bullet stopped the screaming. It's the only logical explanation. Why would GZ be screaming while he fired a shot he knew would at least incapacitate Martin?

Also, the last scream a second before the shot can clearly be heard as "Nooooooo." That's exactly what many people would scream when someone has a gun trained on them by a person who obviously wants to kill someone.

Dr. Di Maio made it clear today that the shot came from the front, which positioned Martin on top of Zimmerman. Ms. Dilligard also testified that she heard Zimmerman screaming as well on the tape, because he had a "light male voice." As we all know from Martin's cell phone video, he has a deeper baritone voice, Quick.

If Trayvon's on top, how does that change the danger and deadly intent of a gun pointed at him?

I listened to the screaming on the tape yesterday, and I myself got the distinct impression that it was a teenager or young man yelling (for his life).
Somewhat off topic.

But I just saw this "report" which is getting linked from Drudge:

On Monday, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office released a video calling on the public not to riot in the wake of the George Zimmerman verdict, expected this week or next in Florida. The Sheriff’s Office released a statement explaining that it was “working closely with the Sanford Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies” to coordinate “a response plan in anticipation of the verdict.”

The video, titled “Raise Your Voice, Not Your Hands,” focuses on attempting to channel reaction into non-violent response. It depicts two youngsters, one black teenage boy, one Hispanic teenage girl. “Raise your voice!” says the girl. “And not your hands!” says the boy. “We need to stand together as one, no cuffs, no guns,” says the girl. “Let’s give violence a rest, because we can easily end up arrested,” says the boy. “I know your patience will be tested,” says the girl, and then both conclude, “but law enforcement has your back!”

“Let’s back up and choose not to act up, and deputies are with us, so no need to act up,” says the boy. “Let it roll off your shoulders,” says the girl, “it’s water off your back, don’t lack composure, because in one instant it could be over.” Both conclude: “So let’s make the choice to raise your voice and not your hands.” Sheriff Scott Israel says, “I’m Sheriff Scott Israel, and law enforcement does have your back.”

“Freedom of expression is a constitutional right,” the Sheriff’s Department states. “While raising your voice is encouraged, using your hands is not. BSO has created a public service announcement with the help of kids from the Jason Taylor Foundation, H.A.N.D.Y. (Helping Abused, Neglected, Disadvantaged Youth) and basketball star James Jones of the championship Miami Heat team urging young people not to let their emotions get the best of them.”

Sheriff Scott Israel said, “We don’t have information about a specific event that might take place at the conclusion of the trial, but we encourage everyone to keep any protests peaceful.”

The Department says that it is keeping its channels of communication open with “community leaders, civic activists, members of the clergy, as well as local, state and federal agencies.”

Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).
-- Broward County Sheriff's Office Prepares Zimmerman Verdict Riot Plan
My father brought home a Commodore PET from work:


It was the most amazing thing we'd ever seen.

Truly science fiction come to life.

How times change...

Isn't that the thing they use at the Burger King?

:lol: The register at BK is a genius compared to this.

But I could make this one count to infinity...

10 G=1
20 PRINT G;" "
30 G=G+1
40 GOTO 20


Amazing what is stored for permanent recall in Bio-storage...
Minor corrections.. yeah the for next loop isn't nec, in an infinite loop.
Last edited:
There is no need for this law at all.


The law should actually have protected GZ from prosecution, but because of the threats of race riots officials decided to ignore the law and allow GZ to be PERSECUTED in court.

I hope that after GZ walks the law is given the teeth that it should have, and that no more people are victimized by "professional victims" and their threats to create chaos or over zealous prosecutors trying to make a name for themselves.

TM was a thug, and he ended up where he was likely to end up at the hands of a fellow thug, if he didn't end up in prison first.

if the law was so wonderful then why did GZ not use it? He stated Or the lawyers did that they might use Stand your ground if they needed to. If it is so strong why not lead with it?

if you bothered following the case you would know it was a procedural issue about zimmerman having to take the stand
Jury has been excused for the evening.

All I ask is that the trial continue through this weekend and into Monday, at least, so I can get my family off that train in Baltimore and safely into the suburbs.

The train stops in Washington, Baltimore, then Philadelphia, NONE of which would be safe for the girls to be in the downtown train station area if there is real trouble. I'm kind of worried. I hope there aren't riots. I can remember the last times; it was pretty awful.

I can't speak to the the likeliness of riots happening as a result of Zimmerman's acquittal.
I can't figure out who I dislike the most. A$$'s snide sarcastic car salesman thing or the shister Bernster.

They give lawyers a bad name.

The answer is Mantei. Bernie may bumble around a little bit (okay, a lot). But Mantei demeans those who he feels are below him, and he does it purposefully. Those guys really suck to work around.
His nickname fits perfectly. He is ManAss.

Which of course is a throwback to the Assman from Seinfeld, if anyone remembers. :lmao:
I am presuming that the rash of breaks in's have been done by black kids or people as of late.

Then you have the fact his father is well a racist, and you have to at least consider that for a moment.

Does this make him guilty? NO, but it does paint a picture at least of Zimmerman. Racist does not equal guilt of murder though.

Like i said Context and i feel this opinion of mine is quite fair.

so your entire context is based on an assumption, not facts.

that is quite intelligent.

prove his father is a racist.

your opinion is not fair in the slightest. it is not based on any facts, rather, your biased ASSumptions

again i think Zimmerman is going to walk because the evidence does not show him to be out to murder Martin.

You need to separate the facts of the case from who zimmerman is. Its two different topics.

Is he a moron who followed a kid where having a gun maybe gave him more confidence? Maybe. Did this maybe lead to him getting in over his head? Maybe. Does it mean he set out to kill Martin? No.

you want me to separate facts? you don't even have any facts to separate. you still have not shown his father to be a racist...all you have is wild speculation.

at least you agree the evidence doesn't show he set out to murder martin. it is just bizarre how you think the evidence indicates his innocence, yet, your wild imagination makes him a bad person and you can't back any of it up with facts. you can't even explain the context of "punks" and how that makes zimmerman talking about black people.
Isn't that the thing they use at the Burger King?

:lol: The register at BK is a genius compared to this.

But I could make this one count to infinity...

10 G=1
20 PRINT G;" "
30 G=G+1
40 GOTO 20


Amazing what is stored for permanent recall in Bio-storage...
Minor corrections.. yeah the for next loop isn't nec, in an infinite loop.

Thanks...I was wondering if the for needed a next...

What were the "" for...I don't recall that at all.
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