The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Which is even worse cause then he is saying he has lack of faith in fellow Americans and believes they will willfully convict a man out of fear or hate.

In this instance, yes, there's a possibility of that happening. A lot of people are gullible, thanatos, and they will believe anything they are told. Those kinds of people are dangerous. Pred is justified in thinking the way he does. I don't blame him.
He doesn't have clairvoyance.

clairvoyance [klɛəˈvɔɪəns]
1. (Psychology) the alleged power of perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses See also extrasensory perception
2. keen intuitive understanding

#1 doesn't exist...just claimed by scamsters
#2 understanding requires knowledge, not guesswork

The discovery that someone's early prediction of a happening or unknown condition simply means that the person guessed correctly, not that they really knew it would come about or was true from the beginning.
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It's not an assumption. Didn't Zimmerman call the police on Martin who was doing nothing wrong? And didn't he continue to follow him after he was told not to? This confrontation was his fault. Had he minded his own business this wouldn't have happened.

1) Calling the police doesn't create a confrontation.
2) Following someone doesn't create a confrontation. Especially after you stop following and are walking back to your car.
3) He was never told not to follow. He was told he didn't have to.
4) The only evidence we have is evidence supporting Trayvon jumping Zimmerman.

Now could Zimmerman have started the fight? It's possible. There is absolutely no evidence of that, but it's possible. But the Prosecution has the burden to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. The Prosecution was completely unable to prove that Zimmerman caused the confrontation.

That's the facts of the case. You're assuming Zimmerman started the confrontation. There is no evidence of that. Period.

If he hadn't been following Martin there would not have been a confrontation. What part of that do you not understand?

The part where he was following Martin by walking back to his car.
Someone's dating themselves!

Ok, full disclosure...I learned BASIC on a Radio Shack TRS-80. That's right, a trash80!

Yes, it's true. My first computer was a VIC-20. I still have it in a box in my storage room.

One of these days, yes, one of these days, it's going to be worth something. :rofl:

My father brought home a Commodore PET from work:


It was the most amazing thing we'd ever seen.

Truly science fiction come to life.

How times change...

Isn't that the thing they use at the Burger King?
what did he lie about? his story has been consistent from the beginning and the evidence supports his version of what happened.

I understand that you WANT him to be a liar, but there is no proof that he lied about anything.

Zimmerman saying that martin said " your going to die tonight" is fucking hack.

Seriously nobody says this unless you are in a die hard movie.....
Remove your partisanship for a second and at least admit that was fucking stupid.

and how exactly do you know that he did not say that? were you there? maybe you should volunteer as a witness since you KNOW what was said and who said it.

Bed wetters think they know everything.

The rest of us know they don't know anything.
For those with comprehension problems...

I never said the use of the word in that context was incorrect, just that I'd never heard it used in that context before. Prior to this thread, I'd only ever heard the word used in the grammatical context. When it comes to references to people, it's far more common to use the words parent, grandparents, great grandparents and/or ancestors.

Just an observation, mildly humorous to perhaps only me.

I didn't mean to kick sand in all your vaginas, that was just a bonus. :lol:

You didn't kick sand in anything; we're just trying to help you improve your vocabulary. It is, actually, quite common to use the term antecedents for ancestors. I am surprised you hadn't heard it in that context. You know, when this kind of thing happens to me, I wryly respond: 'You learn something knew everyday.' And you do. There's nothing wrong with not knowing something; it is a problem when you feel that people are giving you a hard time when they are just telling you about something you didn't know. I didn't attack you for not knowing: I just provided the definitions for the word. Why get your knickers in a twist over a definition?

Does the backpedaling help get the sand out? :rofl:

Well, now you don't seem to know what backpedaling means. Where am I backpedaling? I gave you a definition. I didn't criticize you; I didn't give you a hard time. I didn't say anything then that I am not saying now. It is, indeed, a very common usage, to use the term antecedent for ancestor. So from what am I backpedaling?
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I learned basic on a heath kit H8 in 1977-78. My 9th grade science teacher, Mr. Restal, let anyone that maintained a 100 grade in the class to spend all their time on the computer. He handed me a book to take home over the weekend on business basic. I was coding the next week. Never spent another hour at my regular desk. He didn't have a cooling system for it so we would spray freon on it. LOL

Well, as long as we're dating ourselves, when I was in high school we were learning FORTRAN and punching Hollerith cards.

My grandpa told me something about that.


HEY!!!!!!! Knock it off. I resemble that remark. :mad:
I could have, if i had no clue what a straw man is. But I do, so I didn't.

The trial is all about guns and whether we have a right to self defense.

There's the strawman. The trial is about does someone have the right to get out of his car, follow a teen, and kill him with impunity? It is also about the stand your ground law, which should have applied to Martin since he was the one being followed and reported on when he had done nothing wrong.

Amazing isn't it.

In Florida you can follow a kid in the dark, shoot him for no reason, tell the coppers you are part of the neighborhood watch and they let you go.

Great place.

What's truly amazing is you have to make up your own narrative of what happened when the facts don't support your viewpoint.

Shooting someone who is on top of you beating you is hardly "for no reason".
What's your stake in this trial?

I find blatant miscarriages of justice intellectually offensive.
Since you were not present when GZ killed TM, and do not know for a fact what exactly went down, your classifying it as a blatant miscarriage of justice just shows bias, either racist or otherwise.

Apart from that, I have no stake other than a couple of super important avi wagers riding on the outcome.
Geez, AVI wagers! That's super important, heh,heh!:cuckoo:

Care to make it three?
I'm not invested in this crime or in AVi wagers like you are. I want justice to be done. I think GZ was wrong, but if the jury finds that he was within his rights I'm not losing any sleep over it. I'm not related to either GZ or TM, and I'm not jumping to conclusions, either. But thanks for the offer!:lol:
No matter how much emotion Tracy showed, he flatly denied his son as the one screaming. Singleton just confirmed by saying "there was no doubt in my mind that Martin denied that was his son".

Even when he's murdered, a lot of fathers would deny their son screamed "like a girl" just to avoid any possibility of embarrassment.

Does the fact he contradicted two other witnesses not mean much? He implied that those two cops lied. You don't do that when the prosecution has you on cross.

That's not the point, and I believe it's the most important point in the trial. The father knows like everyone that Trayvon was screaming bloody murder, and it only stops with the gunshot. The bullet stopped the screaming. It's the only logical explanation. Why would GZ be screaming while he fired a shot he knew would at least incapacitate Martin?

Also, the last scream a second before the shot can clearly be heard as "Nooooooo." That's exactly what many people would scream when someone has a gun trained on them by a person who obviously wants to kill someone.
As for computers, I first started using them when they were still primarily bookkeeping machines. (There was no such thing as a home computer or any affordable computer except for government or very huge corporations when I was in highschool.) My first computer was one of the original Compaq Presario 486. When I got it, my son, who was sort of computer savvy--he knew Fortran :)--helped me set it up. He was so impressed with it, he and I just knew it was the only computer I would ever need in my lifetime. And now a terrabyte of hard drive space is pretty much the minimum standard. :)

Just back from my luncheon. Did I miss any riveting testimony?
1) Calling the police doesn't create a confrontation.
2) Following someone doesn't create a confrontation. Especially after you stop following and are walking back to your car.
3) He was never told not to follow. He was told he didn't have to.
4) The only evidence we have is evidence supporting Trayvon jumping Zimmerman.

Now could Zimmerman have started the fight? It's possible. There is absolutely no evidence of that, but it's possible. But the Prosecution has the burden to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. The Prosecution was completely unable to prove that Zimmerman caused the confrontation.

That's the facts of the case. You're assuming Zimmerman started the confrontation. There is no evidence of that. Period.

If he hadn't been following Martin there would not have been a confrontation. What part of that do you not understand?

The part where he was following Martin by walking back to his car.

We know he followed Martin, we don't know he walked back to his car.
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