The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You didn't kick sand in anything; we're just trying to help you improve your vocabulary. It is, actually, quite common to use the term antecedents for ancestors. I am surprised you hadn't heard it in that context. You know, when this kind of thing happens to me, I wryly respond: 'You learn something knew everyday.' And you do. There's nothing wrong with not knowing something; it is a problem when you feel that people are giving you a hard time when they are just telling you about something you didn't know. I didn't attack you for not knowing: I just provided the definitions for the word. Why get your knickers in a twist over a definition?

Does the backpedaling help get the sand out? :rofl:

Well, now you don't seem to know what backpedaling means. Where am I backpedaling? I gave you a definition. I didn't criticize you; I didn't give you a hard time. I didn't say anything then that I am not saying now. It is, indeed, a very common usage, to use the term antecedent for ancestor. So from what am I backpedaling?

You happen to be talking to someone that takes "AVI wagers" very seriously - I would consider the source and just blame it on nuttiness!
Tomorrow is high drama day. Must see tv.

How so? If the D doesn't get this animation in, don't they just rest?

What happened to Crump and DD? Wonder why D didn't think they needed that?

I think they'll call Crump at least before they rest. They just want to get this animation in first.

And it would be super cool if they save DeeDee for last. First to impeach Crump. Second for sheer laughs.
Yes, it's true. My first computer was a VIC-20. I still have it in a box in my storage room.

One of these days, yes, one of these days, it's going to be worth something. :rofl:

My father brought home a Commodore PET from work:


It was the most amazing thing we'd ever seen.

Truly science fiction come to life.

How times change...

Isn't that the thing they use at the Burger King?

:lol: The register at BK is a genius compared to this.

But I could make this one count to infinity...

10 For G=1
20 Print G
30 for H=G+1
40 for G=H
50 Goto 20
60 End

Amazing what is stored for permanent recall in Bio-storage...

EDIT- now I'm wondering if I remembered that right...seems that for when with next...
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How come the defense witnesses and defense case all make sense in comparison to the debacle that was the prosecution?

Because the corroborating evidence presented actually matches the defense's theory of the case.

As to the prosecution: it's sometimes difficult to get a square peg into a round hole.
Zimmerman is not a black man. He has zero identity in American culture as a black person. Being Hispanic does not mean he is not a racist. Everything he has said and done proves him to be a racist against blacks. Everything his father and brother have said in public and the media proves their whole family is racist. You choose not to see it that way; that's your problem. I have serious, serious doubts those photos are of his ancestors. I know it is obvious he has not lead the life of a black person in America and going by what he said about Trayvon and how he behaved during the whole incident, he is a racist. You can choose to disagree with me, but that is all you are doing: disagreeing. You opinion is only that: your opinion. It is not backed up and proven by facts, as you seem to think it is. If you think that, it's obvious you have know idea what a fact is.
Even when he's murdered, a lot of fathers would deny their son screamed "like a girl" just to avoid any possibility of embarrassment.

Does the fact he contradicted two other witnesses not mean much? He implied that those two cops lied. You don't do that when the prosecution has you on cross.

That's not the point, and I believe it's the most important point in the trial. The father knows like everyone that Trayvon was screaming bloody murder, and it only stops with the gunshot. The bullet stopped the screaming. It's the only logical explanation. Why would GZ be screaming while he fired a shot he knew would at least incapacitate Martin?

Also, the last scream a second before the shot can clearly be heard as "Nooooooo." That's exactly what many people would scream when someone has a gun trained on them by a person who obviously wants to kill someone.

Dr. Di Maio made it clear today that the shot came from the front, which positioned Martin on top of Zimmerman. Ms. Dilligard also testified that she heard Zimmerman screaming as well on the tape, because he had a "light male voice." As we all know from Martin's cell phone video, he has a deeper baritone voice, Quick.
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Also, is the D dropping the THC/tox report business?

I hope they do drop it.

It has potential to be viewed as a kind of cheap deflection effort and I don't believe it has much value to explain what happened or why.

The last thing the defense wants is to look like they are busy attacking the guy who died. It's not only unnecessary, but it could blow up in their faces.

Does the law say you can harass some kid into a fight, then shoot him when you start losing?

NO, but the evidence does not support that anything like that happened.

The law does say that when a thug is cracking your head on the concrete and trying to kill you that you can shoot him.

You lefties just cannot admit that TM was a trouble maker and a thug. He was probably going to end the same way in some gang bang shootout or drug deal gone sour.

Amusing how you can site judgement on martin but if someone judges Zimmerman you cry outrage and facts......LOL....

Partisans are useless.
and how exactly do you know that he did not say that? were you there? maybe you should volunteer as a witness since you KNOW what was said and who said it.

sigh....You are one of these people i see....Rational thought does not sit well with partisans.....Oh well.

UHHH,, OK, you are not being partisan when you KNOW that TM did not say that and that GZ made it up. Speaking of lack of rational thought, you are the poster child.

When it looks "bad" for them? GZ is a Democrat, i.e. a Liberal, so you are saying that it looks bad for him? Bwahahaha, that is too funny.

It's not Liberals that are on trial, FYI.

So you claim GZ as a liberal to put TemplarKormac in his place, but then state that a liberal is not on trial. Nothing like having your cake and eating it too.

Mert is going to have to do a lot more than play the race card to put me in my place. Liberals are the ones putting an innocent man on trial. Convicted him as a racist wannabe cop murderer vigilante. (did I get it all?) Even before he was tried, liberals were convinced he would be put in jail. Now it appears that he will be acquitted. So now, they are about to shift gears, into possible OWS style riot mode.

I would think conservatives would be more likely than anyone to want GZ convicted because he has made it HARDER for someone to use a gun in self-defense.

Liberals put GZ on trial? Where did you get that idea?
OK, let me get this straight. This A$$, who doesn't know how to obscure a Skype address, is arguing technology with an expert?? :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Tomorrow is high drama day. Must see tv.

How so? If the D doesn't get this animation in, don't they just rest?

What happened to Crump and DD? Wonder why D didn't think they needed that?

Sorry I was fascinatingly staring at the old computers and computer talk and spaced and listening to A$$ fumble around trying to figure out digital magic.

What Rat replied.


I don't think they'll call DD without Crump and depends on what they can get out of Crump.

They have to get this animation ruling out of the way. I don't think Crump relies on this.

Dunno on pot. Maybe someone up "yes he was on drugs" and down to verify the "looks like he's on drugs or something" statement.

Not sure how they're going to play this out.
well that certainly is an intelligent explanation


what context do you refer to and how does the context mean he was talking about black people.

I am presuming that the rash of breaks in's have been done by black kids or people as of late.

Then you have the fact his father is well a racist, and you have to at least consider that for a moment.

Does this make him guilty? NO, but it does paint a picture at least of Zimmerman. Racist does not equal guilt of murder though.

Like i said Context and i feel this opinion of mine is quite fair.

so your entire context is based on an assumption, not facts.

that is quite intelligent.

prove his father is a racist.

your opinion is not fair in the slightest. it is not based on any facts, rather, your biased ASSumptions

again i think Zimmerman is going to walk because the evidence does not show him to be out to murder Martin.

You need to separate the facts of the case from who zimmerman is. Its two different topics.

Is he a moron who followed a kid where having a gun maybe gave him more confidence? Maybe. Did this maybe lead to him getting in over his head? Maybe. Does it mean he set out to kill Martin? No.
Tomorrow is high drama day. Must see tv.

How so? If the D doesn't get this animation in, don't they just rest?

What happened to Crump and DD? Wonder why D didn't think they needed that?

Sorry I was fascinatingly staring at the old computers and computer talk and spaced and listening to A$$ fumble around trying to figure out digital magic.

What Rat replied.


I don't think they'll call DD without Crump and depends on what they can get out of Crump.

They have to get this animation ruling out of the way. I don't think Crump relies on this.

Dunno on pot. Maybe someone up "yes he was on drugs" and down to verify the "looks like he's on drugs or something" statement.

Not sure how they're going to play this out.

well that's plain unacceptable----we need to know these things.
Jury has been excused for the evening.

All I ask is that the trial continue through this weekend and into Monday, at least, so I can get my family off that train in Baltimore and safely into the suburbs.

The train stops in Washington, Baltimore, then Philadelphia, NONE of which would be safe for the girls to be in the downtown train station area if there is real trouble. I'm kind of worried. I hope there aren't riots. I can remember the last times; it was pretty awful.
there is nothing wrong with the law, the rest if true.

There is no need for this law at all.


The law should actually have protected GZ from prosecution, but because of the threats of race riots officials decided to ignore the law and allow GZ to be PERSECUTED in court.

I hope that after GZ walks the law is given the teeth that it should have, and that no more people are victimized by "professional victims" and their threats to create chaos or over zealous prosecutors trying to make a name for themselves.

TM was a thug, and he ended up where he was likely to end up at the hands of a fellow thug, if he didn't end up in prison first.

if the law was so wonderful then why did GZ not use it? He stated Or the lawyers did that they might use Stand your ground if they needed to. If it is so strong why not lead with it?
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