The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Dr. Di Maio made it clear today that the shot came from the front, which positioned Martin on top of Zimmerman. Ms. Dilligard also testified that she heard Zimmerman screaming as well on the tape, because he had a "light male voice." As we all know from Martin's cell phone video, he has a deeper baritone voice, Quick.

If Trayvon's on top, how does that change the danger and deadly intent of a gun pointed at him?

I listened to the screaming on the tape yesterday, and I myself got the distinct impression that it was a teenager or young man yelling (for his life).
Then either you did not listen to or do not believe the testimony of the former Army medic when he said that he has heard 250 pound men scream like a baby.

Ultimately, no one can identify the screams of who it was, and that isn't crucial to the trial.
Jury has been excused for the evening.

All I ask is that the trial continue through this weekend and into Monday, at least, so I can get my family off that train in Baltimore and safely into the suburbs.

The train stops in Washington, Baltimore, then Philadelphia, NONE of which would be safe for the girls to be in the downtown train station area if there is real trouble. I'm kind of worried. I hope there aren't riots. I can remember the last times; it was pretty awful.

Yeah, remember all the white people rioting after OJ was acquitted?

That was terrible

Strangely, no......................... [:)

I remember the black riots in cities all over the country in the late '60s and early '70s real, real well, though. My husband plans not to commute into the city if Baltimore goes up. Fortunately he has a lot of time off saved up.
If Trayvon's on top, how does that change the danger and deadly intent of a gun pointed at him?

I listened to the screaming on the tape yesterday, and I myself got the distinct impression that it was a teenager or young man yelling (for his life).
Then either you did not listen to or do not believe the testimony of the former Army medic when he said that he has heard 250 pound men scream like a baby.

Ultimately, no one can identify the screams of who it was, and that isn't crucial to the trial.

It is crucial. Or have you not been paying attention?
Mantei looks like he wants to talk to his girlfriend instead of being in court:

What was the purpose of that lady on the vid testifying? I have been watching the trial in bits and pieces between doing stuff around the house in preparation for the inlaws so I haven't figured out what she testified about.
These photos actually show a lot more injuries than could be made out in the other photos the "prosecution" released. Wow. Can we put the prosecution on the stand and ask them why they tried to railroad this case in the media with photos that made it look like GZ had no real injuries?

Zimmerman can file a Bar complaint on all of them.
What was the purpose of that lady on the vid testifying? I have been watching the trial in bits and pieces between doing stuff around the house in preparation for the inlaws so I haven't figured out what she testified about.

It was George yelling for help.
If Trayvon's on top, how does that change the danger and deadly intent of a gun pointed at him?

I listened to the screaming on the tape yesterday, and I myself got the distinct impression that it was a teenager or young man yelling (for his life).
Then either you did not listen to or do not believe the testimony of the former Army medic when he said that he has heard 250 pound men scream like a baby.

Ultimately, no one can identify the screams of who it was, and that isn't crucial to the trial.
It is crucial...and as the medic said, he was sometimes able to tell who was screaming for help before he got to them...just like the uncle said that he knew it was George even before he knew what was on the TV behind him.
What am I missing? Of course they can pin point when the shot happened
Are you serious? That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. What would it benefit conservatives for him to be convicted? His exoneration would make it easier under the law to use a gun in self defense. Mostly because those that do in the future will have the proper legal backing to do so.

No, because whether he's convicted or not, someone might worry about just getting charged for it. Killing in self-defense should be clear cut and GZ muddled it up badly.

Liberals tried and convicted the man in their minds before he was ever put on trial. They had already convinced themselves that he was a racist, he profiled an innocent black kid, killed him out of malice, and was a cop wannabe. ALL of that was debunked in the past 9 days.

Did you take a poll of them?

I watched the trial, Quick. I watched witness testimony.

And don't be a smart alec with me, I'll put you in red territory long before you can fashion up another post, are we clear? I don't like trolls, I don't like people who make unsubstantiated arguments, and I don't like smart alecs. So as a result, I actively neg rep these types of people.

Now if you can back up your argument, do so, but another response like "Did you take a poll of them?" and you'll see red bars next to your name, red bars are bad.


You are stereotyping a group of people and blame me when I try to gently open your eyes to that? :badgrin:
How come the defense witnesses and defense case all make sense in comparison to the debacle that was the prosecution?

Because the corroborating evidence presented actually matches the defense's theory of the case.

As to the prosecution: it's sometimes difficult to get a square peg into a round hole.

You mean the prosecution can't cut the corners off?

They can...but then you end up with the dog-and-pony show we've been subjected to these last few weeks.
This whole "hearing" is silly.

Of course the judge SHOULD let this in.

The question of the evidentiary value of the exhibit is really for the jury to decide.

If it is said to be inaccurate in any particulars, here and there, those are matters that go to the WEIGHT of the evidence, not whether it is admissible.

Why would the judge want to insert possible reversible error by denying its admission into evidence?
What was the purpose of that lady on the vid testifying? I have been watching the trial in bits and pieces between doing stuff around the house in preparation for the inlaws so I haven't figured out what she testified about.

Not sure. She's a black friend of George and Shelly's. She thinks it was George screaming for help but she never heard TM's voice and she's heard George's. But, no one else who identified GZ as the screamer had heard TM's voice either. Not much.

Oh. And something about where his truck was parked but it's significance got lost in the testimony, at least for me.

Hope that helps a little. :razz:
Which is what makes the legs this story has obtained all the more interesting. The mainstream media, most of which is tilted decidedly left, has been in Trayvon Martin's camp all along and have done their damndest to already convict Zimmerman. They lead every story with as many negative 'facts' as they can report about Zimmerman before getting into the extenuating facts deeper into the story--deep enough most people won't ever see them. It is the way dishonest journalism is done these days and is intended to influence and indoctrinate rather than report.

So why would so many of them jump on this Citizen Grand Jury bandwagon and why are none of them discrediting the citizen's grand jury? This is actually an interesting phenomenon I am watching.

Is it a diversion that the prosecution hopes they can manage to use to poison the well in this trial and get a mistrial because they can't believe they are winning the case? Or is it something real that is happening? Or nothing?

Just watchng and observing at this point. . . .

I think it bears watching. I my thread about the media I just made the point that the dishonesty of the mainstream media is what has pushed people into looking for alternative news sources. If the item is something the media doesn't like, it will never come to the light of day unless some alternative group gets the word out there.

What you described is lying by omission. And it is clear that the media has definitely done that in addition to altering recordings and photographs which is blatant overt lying. They have broadcast fair amounts of the trial. I'll give them that much. But there are a LOT of people who can't watch the trial due to having to work, etc. It is the reports about the trial which are 180 out from what actually aired on their very own networks.

Well if this story has legs, Corey may have a problem of lying by omission. But what I am describing with the media isn't exactly that. It is manipulating the information to play on the weaknesses of the general public that can be counted on to exhibit certain behavior along with their willingness to be manipulated. (To wit certain people in this thread who had their minds made up before the trial ever started.)

When they show a young, innocent looking Trayvon Martin over and over and over instead of the Trayvon Martin as he looked the night of the shooting, it plants a certain image in the minds of those who are willing to be manipulated and who are not inclined to look any further. When they show a clean cut, unmarred Zimmerman over and over and over instead of the one with the bleeding head and bloody nose, that also plants an image in the gullible.

And when they lead the story with all the negatives they can work into the story in the leading paragraphs, but include the extenuating information deep in the story, they count on the public to read the first few paragraphs only even as they self righteously proclaim that their story is fair and balanced. Most people with no vested interest in a story don't read beyond the headlines and the first two or three paragraphs, and those who intend to indoctrinate rather than inform objectively, know that.

In my opinion, any fair minded person knows nobody knows for sure what happened that fateful night other than Zimmerman and Martin. But any fair minded person cannot possibly conclude from this trial that Zimmerman is guilty of anything other than self defense. The prosecution has not made its case unless they have a hell of an unimpeachable closing argument and the defense totally screws theirs up.

Yes, I agree, that goes far beyond lying by omission.
Then either you did not listen to or do not believe the testimony of the former Army medic when he said that he has heard 250 pound men scream like a baby.

Ultimately, no one can identify the screams of who it was, and that isn't crucial to the trial.
It is crucial...and as the medic said, he was sometimes able to tell who was screaming for help before he got to them...just like the uncle said that he knew it was George even before he knew what was on the TV behind him.

Yea, but what good is it then when the opinions of who it was are so polarized?
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