The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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That's incorrect... Self-defense is an affirmative defense. Provided that the State can prove that GZ shot TM (a fact that I don't think is in question), the burden of proof is indeed on the accused to prove it was an act of self-defense.

True that following someone isn't a crime, neither is carrying a gun... But the two are axiomatic of someone who was looking for a confrontation. This is why I believe it will be so difficult for the defendant to sell self-defense to a jury.

Remember, it is not carrying a gun, disobeying police orders, nor following an individual that he's charged with, so it's probably not useful to point out that those acts are not illegal.

It's clear you picked up a big word 'affirmative defense' and still don't know what the hell you are talking about. This is a criminal trial. In a criminal trial the burden of proof is on the state, and the standard of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt.

Reasonable doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In an affirmative defense, the defendant affirms that the condition is occurring or has occurred but offers a defense that bars, or prevents, the plaintiff's claim. An affirmative defense is known, alternatively, as a justification, or an excuse, defense.[2] Consequently, affirmative defenses limit or excuse a defendant's criminal culpability or civil liability.[citation needed]

A clear illustration of an affirmative defense is self defense.[3] In its simplest form, a criminal defendant may be exonerated if he can demonstrate that he had an honest and reasonable belief that another's use of force was unlawful and that the defendant's conduct was necessary to protect himself.[4]

Well I do concur that one of us doesn't know what they're talking about... Enlighten me as to who the "he" is referred to in the bolded portion above?

You rightfully assume that a gun was can also rightfully assume that the broken nose and cuts/gashes to the back of the head were also done by the perp before the gun fired. According to the statement above his head injuries are all he needs...burden now goes to the prosecution to prove that he didnt act in self defense as a result of those proven head injuries before the gun was fired...good luck.
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WW - what do you believe GZ's motivation was to call the police, say the right buzzwords, and summon police if he didn't believe TM was suspicious? Why would he do that? Cry wolf? That wouldn't serve him well in the future. Not understanding what you think GZ was trying to do. Are you saying he was out prowling around looking for black youths to shoot? What?

I believe he found him suspicious, but that doesn't mean he was actually suspicious. Meaning he thought he was up to no good and thus contacted the police figuring they would find something on him. But as we now know he had nothing on him. Meaning just because someone believes something to be true doesn't make it so.

Hi Tink! I agree TM was doing nothing wrong. Seems to me he was headed slowly home, talking on the phone to a female and eating Skittles. But I do think GZ was being watchful, didn't recognize him, thought he might have been part of the local "Goons" hoodie-wearing gang (referenced in Chris Serino's FBI interview/report), and alerted police because there had been burglaries in the neighborhood. GZ was wrong in his assumptions but I think he was well-meaning and that his intent was to be protective of himself and his neighbors and the property.
Just because someone defends themselves well enough to avoid being injured...doesn't mean they weren't defending themselves.

In fact, that is my goal in NOT get hurt.

George Zimmerman Head Injury | Zimmerman Injuries | Photos | Mediaite


Thanks for the link...the ABC report was excellent. You can tell that they were going through great lengths to show they had vetted the photo of the cuts....I think they were kind of mocking NBC, because NBC not only didnt vet, but they actually edited audio to deceive their viewers. The only pictures they showed were from a distance at the station after Z had been cleaned up a little by paramedics.

nbc has a habit of doing that

these "journalists" lied straight faced that the armed protester was white

[ame=]MSNBC: Gun-Toting Protesters are 'White' Racists... Black Guy with AR-15 Edited to Conceal his Race. - YouTube[/ame]

same guy from cnn

Video: People bringing assault rifles to Obama rallies now « Hot Air
What made Zimmerman follow martin? A couple of weeks before Trayvon, Zimmerman was driving down his street and as he was passing a neighbors house (that he knew well) he saw a young black male smoking a cigarette on this neighbors porch and the owner wasn't home. I don't know about any of you, but if someone is just lighting up on my porch when I'm not home, I would appreciate a call.

Source of this story?

I've been following the case for a hear and hadn't heard that story. I do remember reading about a break-in a few months before in the development where a couple of young youths (i.d. as black) had broken into a house and they got away - but were arrested a few days later.

A couple of weeks later, Z is driving down the street again and passes the same neighbors house and this time Trayvon was just standing in the middle of the same neighbors lawn. Now it was approaching dark and the neighbor is an elderly white male with no kids living at home. This is why Z became suspicious initially...add to it that it was raining and when everyone else is in the house out of the rain, this young teen is just standing in the middle of someone's lawn that Zimmerman knew.

Add to that the several recent robberies of young black teens in the precise area and it was cause for suspicion. if I'm not home and someone is just standing in the middle of my front lawn, i would be suspicious also, as would most would want to know why this person is standing in the middle of my lawn or in the other case, burning one on my porch with no one home.

Just to take the other side of the discussion for questioning purposes...

I'm a member of the neighborhood watch for my community and have served on the HOA board. I see a youth in the neighborhood that I don't recognize, I also know which buttons to push to elicit a police response.

1. If I call the police and say there is an unknown individual walking down the street minding his own business...


2. If I call the police and say there is an unknown person acting suspicious, acting weird, maybe on drugs, and checking out the houses...​

Which do you think will more likely produce a timely response from the police?

If you look at an overhead shot of the neighborhood the 7-11 are to the west of the northern edge of the development with the north entry near the center of the norther east/west portion. News reports have shown that the house in front of which Zimmerman first observed Martin is a known cut-through used by youths not wanting to walk toward the center for the development and then having to walk back to retrace the distance.

Was he really doing something suspicious? Or was Zimmerman just using the right buzzwords in his call?


Of course...I should have mentioned the source. Vinnie Politan interviewed the neighbor and the neighbor described exactly what Z saw...they actually did a demonstration on the front lawn. Zimmerman notified the neighbor on the first occasion and the neighbor was grateful...the neighbor did not know the young teen smoking on his porch when he wasnt home and the neighbor has no children that the teen could possibly be waiting on. This teen was out of place and because Z knew the neighbor and is very active in the neighborhood spotted it right off and notified him.

I will find the link and post it...I just saw the interview last night.

My apologies....I have looked and I cant find the link....however, it was on HLN After Dark on June 11 2013. I think it may be an excerpt of an interview Politan will be showing in the future on either After Dark or on In Session.

I asked the same question last night to the forum...what made Z so suspicious of just a teen walking through the neighborhood? I went digging and later that night I saw this interview and then it made sense.
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[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION]...thanks for the videos...I remember seeing that. MSNBC has no credibility left. Not to get too politcal, but their absolute refusal to cover the Benghazi story in any form at all during the election was the last straw for me on that channel...I dont watch them anymore.

With regard to the juror questioning, thanks for that also...I havnt been able to watch the juror selections....yeah, that juror was caught red they are looking up facebook accounts? LMAO...thats awesome. Busted!!
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Look, let's keep it real. GZ had no business even being in this position. I think it'll all come down to whether or not the jury will punish him for creating the environment that allowed this tragedy to occur in the first place. Basically, I think THAT is what is on trial here.
Look, let's keep it real. GZ had no business even being in this position. I think it'll all come down to whether or not the jury will punish him for creating the environment that allowed this tragedy to occur in the first place. Basically, I think THAT is what is on trial here.

Fair point, king. You are it turns out, GZs suspicions were wrong. Trayvon went to the store, bought some skittles, was talking to his gf on the phone and then walking in pretty much a direct route to his dads fiances house.

I think the temporary stop that Trayvon had standing in the middle of GZs neighbors house was the cause for the initial suspicion. But again, as it turns out, Trayvon was not scoping out a house to rob or vandalize...GZs suspicion was wrong.

That said, he is a neighborhood watch captain and his suspicions wont always be correct. Trayvon could have simply asked why he was being followed and went about his day. He didnt do that. GZ wasnt breaking any laws either and did not deserve to be punched in the face it turns out Trayvons suspicions were wrong also.
This is a good question...fact is I would be pissed if one of my relatives was killed by a gun in a fist fight. But in Florida, GZ was within his rights to use deadly force if he felt his life was in danger or that serious injury would occur. That is the law in Florida. Slamming someones head into concrete could definitely cause serious injury.

Nevertheless it should be heard by a jury, the details should come out. Someone died... the case should be examined extensively. Because someone died, he should have been arrested immediately, IMO also...plead your bail and wait for trial.

It did not cause serious injury in this case.

Slamming a head into concrete CAN cause serious injury and that is all that is needed...sorry I dont make the laws.

I dont like it....but in Florida, he was within his rights...floridians should be very careful...the law is somewhat vague. With that in mind, one would be smarter to just go home instead of swinging for the head.

This law will eventually be tested in court. What were they drinking/thinking when they made this law?
Look, let's keep it real. GZ had no business even being in this position. I think it'll all come down to whether or not the jury will punish him for creating the environment that allowed this tragedy to occur in the first place. Basically, I think THAT is what is on trial here.

Fair point, king. You are it turns out, GZs suspicions were wrong. Trayvon went to the store, bought some skittles, was talking to his gf on the phone and then walking in pretty much a direct route to his dads fiances house.

I think the temporary stop that Trayvon had standing in the middle of GZs neighbors house was the cause for the initial suspicion. But again, as it turns out, Trayvon was not scoping out a house to rob or vandalize...GZs suspicion was wrong.

That said, he is a neighborhood watch captain and his suspicions wont always be correct. Trayvon could have simply asked why he was being followed and went about his day. He didnt do that. GZ wasnt breaking any laws either and did not deserve to be punched in the face it turns out Trayvons suspicions were wrong also.

we do not know if zimmermans suspicions was wrong or right
It did not cause serious injury in this case.

Slamming a head into concrete CAN cause serious injury and that is all that is needed...sorry I dont make the laws.

I dont like it....but in Florida, he was within his rights...floridians should be very careful...the law is somewhat vague. With that in mind, one would be smarter to just go home instead of swinging for the head.

This law will eventually be tested in court. What were they drinking/thinking when they made this law?

self defense is tested in court all the time
Look, let's keep it real. GZ had no business even being in this position. I think it'll all come down to whether or not the jury will punish him for creating the environment that allowed this tragedy to occur in the first place. Basically, I think THAT is what is on trial here.

Fair point, king. You are it turns out, GZs suspicions were wrong. Trayvon went to the store, bought some skittles, was talking to his gf on the phone and then walking in pretty much a direct route to his dads fiances house.

I think the temporary stop that Trayvon had standing in the middle of GZs neighbors house was the cause for the initial suspicion. But again, as it turns out, Trayvon was not scoping out a house to rob or vandalize...GZs suspicion was wrong.

That said, he is a neighborhood watch captain and his suspicions wont always be correct. Trayvon could have simply asked why he was being followed and went about his day. He didnt do that. GZ wasnt breaking any laws either and did not deserve to be punched in the face it turns out Trayvons suspicions were wrong also.

we do not know if zimmermans suspicions was wrong or right

Lol...true, but Zimmerman didnt recognize the fellow and didnt know that his fathers fiance was the house Trayvon was enroute to...he thought he was an outsider looking for trouble in a strange complex, so he was wrong about that because he learned it afterwards.

However, in a sense, he was right also, because it turns out Trayvon punches and bashes heads of neighborhood watch people. He was a person who punched first and asked questions later....and of course the boasting of drugs, guns and fighting came out afterwards.

So Trayvon was trouble, but he was also enroute to a townhouse of someone he knew and that was expecting him.
Fair point, king. You are it turns out, GZs suspicions were wrong. Trayvon went to the store, bought some skittles, was talking to his gf on the phone and then walking in pretty much a direct route to his dads fiances house.

I think the temporary stop that Trayvon had standing in the middle of GZs neighbors house was the cause for the initial suspicion. But again, as it turns out, Trayvon was not scoping out a house to rob or vandalize...GZs suspicion was wrong.

That said, he is a neighborhood watch captain and his suspicions wont always be correct. Trayvon could have simply asked why he was being followed and went about his day. He didnt do that. GZ wasnt breaking any laws either and did not deserve to be punched in the face it turns out Trayvons suspicions were wrong also.

we do not know if zimmermans suspicions was wrong or right

Lol...true, but Zimmerman didnt recognize the fellow and didnt know that his fathers fiance was the house Trayvon was enroute to...he thought he was an outsider looking for trouble in a strange complex, so he was wrong about that because he learned it afterwards.

However, in a sense, he was right also, because it turns out Trayvon punches and bashes heads of neighborhood watch people. He was a person who punched first and asked questions later....and of course the boasting of drugs, guns and fighting came out afterwards.

So Trayvon was trouble, but he was also enroute to a townhouse of someone he knew and that was expecting him.

you do not have to know that person or their history to have suspicions when one sees certain behaviors

out here we do not have a formal neighborhood watch but we watch out for each other

and if there is some unknown person hanging around it gets checked out

Something curious to me is when Zimmerman is describing to police the initial face to face confrontation with Trayvon. He tells the police that when Trayvon asked him "Do you got a problem?" that his first instinct was to reach for his phone, but watch how he shows the police he was reaching for his appears to me that he although he tells the cop he is going for his phone, that his hand is being cupped as if he was actually going for his gun....then GZ says that he forgot what pocket his phone was in.

Whats curious to me is that while GZ is chasing someone who appears to be suspicious and then is suddenly approached by that person is it possible that he panicked and reached for the gun or appeared to reach for a gun and then Trayvon charged him? Because that kind of changes a few things. GZ tells the cop that he was punched just after he was reaching for his "phone".

Just trying to see all sides to this...if trayvon doubles back on someone he knows is following him and then asks the follower if theres is a problem and then the follower immediately reaches for his pocket or holster, then maybe trayvon rushed him because he didnt know what GZ was grabbing for.

See the link about the 1:16 mark he begins to describe the point I am referring to.

Also, testa, Santa Fe, animallover and tink....would be interested in your take also on this. Is Mr Z telling the cops that he was reaching for his phone when he was actually reaching for his gun?

To me this a big obstacle that GZ will have to overcome and a good prosecutor is going to really question him on "how did Trayvon know what you were reaching for"? And "why are you reaching for a phone when the police are on their way"...if you are being approached by a suspicious person and you are fearful enough to reach for a phone is it possible that you were reaching for your gun out of fear?

Something just doesnt sit right with me with this explanation...its like he is telling the cop he is reaching for his phone because he knows he cant say he was reaching for a gun that early in the conflict because self defense is not going to would be trayvon acting in self defense if he was reaching for a gun. As it turns out GZs holster was exactly where he says he was reaching for his phone.

[ame=]George Zimmerman's Police Interview after Trayvon Martin Shooting - YouTube[/ame]
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Look, let's keep it real. GZ had no business even being in this position. I think it'll all come down to whether or not the jury will punish him for creating the environment that allowed this tragedy to occur in the first place. Basically, I think THAT is what is on trial here.

Fair point, king. You are it turns out, GZs suspicions were wrong. Trayvon went to the store, bought some skittles, was talking to his gf on the phone and then walking in pretty much a direct route to his dads fiances house.

I think the temporary stop that Trayvon had standing in the middle of GZs neighbors house was the cause for the initial suspicion. But again, as it turns out, Trayvon was not scoping out a house to rob or vandalize...GZs suspicion was wrong.

That said, he is a neighborhood watch captain and his suspicions wont always be correct. Trayvon could have simply asked why he was being followed and went about his day. He didnt do that. GZ wasnt breaking any laws either and did not deserve to be punched in the face it turns out Trayvons suspicions were wrong also.

we do not know if zimmermans suspicions was wrong or right

We won't know because he was followed for walking along eating skittles, drinking tea and that was deemed "suspicious." Now he's dead. Would this person be alive if it was a white woman, 40 years old, wearing a dress and eating those same skittles and tea?
I saw the video up until the point you mentioned. I see it as inconclusive as to him cuffing his hand as if he was going for a gun. But why would TM punch him? And where was GZ holding his gun during this exchange?
Fair point, king. You are it turns out, GZs suspicions were wrong. Trayvon went to the store, bought some skittles, was talking to his gf on the phone and then walking in pretty much a direct route to his dads fiances house.

I think the temporary stop that Trayvon had standing in the middle of GZs neighbors house was the cause for the initial suspicion. But again, as it turns out, Trayvon was not scoping out a house to rob or vandalize...GZs suspicion was wrong.

That said, he is a neighborhood watch captain and his suspicions wont always be correct. Trayvon could have simply asked why he was being followed and went about his day. He didnt do that. GZ wasnt breaking any laws either and did not deserve to be punched in the face it turns out Trayvons suspicions were wrong also.

we do not know if zimmermans suspicions was wrong or right

We won't know because he was followed for walking along eating skittles, drinking tea and that was deemed "suspicious." Now he's dead. Would this person be alive if it was a white woman, 40 years old, wearing a dress and eating those same skittles and tea?

So you're really going to claim that GZ wouldn't have defended himself against a woman who assaulted him ?

Something curious to me is when Zimmerman is describing to police the initial face to face confrontation with Trayvon. He tells the police that when Trayvon asked him "Do you got a problem?" that his first instinct was to reach for his phone, but watch how he shows the police he was reaching for his appears to me that he although he tells the cop he is going for his phone, that his hand is being cupped as if he was actually going for his gun....then GZ says that he forgot what pocket his phone was in.

Whats curious to me is that while GZ is chasing someone who appears to be suspicious and then is suddenly approached by that person is it possible that he panicked and reached for the gun or appeared to reach for a gun and then Trayvon charged him? Because that kind of changes a few things. GZ tells the cop that he was punched just after he was reaching for his "phone".

Just trying to see all sides to this...if trayvon doubles back on someone he knows is following him and then asks the follower if theres is a problem and then the follower immediately reaches for his pocket or holster, then maybe trayvon rushed him because he didnt know what GZ was grabbing for.

See the link about the 1:16 mark he begins to describe the point I am referring to.

Also, testa, Santa Fe, animallover and tink....would be interested in your take also on this. Is Mr Z telling the cops that he was reaching for his phone when he was actually reaching for his gun?

George Zimmerman's Police Interview after Trayvon Martin Shooting - YouTube

thanks for the link

i checked it a couple of times

it does look like he could be going for the gun

but it also looks like he could be reaching for a phone

do notice that is hand travels to his pocket

not his hip

however i will look at it a couple of more times

after work
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