The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I see I've entered a "spin zone". Facepalm

Go to page 4 of this thread, scroll down until you see a post by [MENTION=27321]WorldWatcher[/MENTION] and click on the link he posted. Read what it says.

FYI - Posters can have 5, 10, 20, 30, or 40 posts per page selected in the USER CP. Better to give a post number or right click it (upper right of a post) copy the link and then paste it in your post.

Well hello forum and good morning, sunshine!!

You guys/gals and in betweens are rockin the thread today...I actually have to catch up...I have a song Ill play and then I'll tell you how you should feel about it coming up... :)

Can't wait!! We hang around every day for you to show up and tell us how to feel.

Go to The Jukebox and play some songs and pick up some reps, you've gotten better, but it's still kind of embarrassing. I'm all repped up with my over 100, I can stop with reps now, goal met. I started on about page 494 of The Jukebox and then had some fun with [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] a while later.

Who the hell is Ropey?:eusa_eh:
Would any of you be arguing GZ's point of view if TM was one of your unarmed teenage relatives?

I doubt it seriously.

So what REALLY then are we debating here?


This is a good question...fact is I would be pissed if one of my relatives was killed by a gun in a fist fight. But in Florida, GZ was within his rights to use deadly force if he felt his life was in danger or that serious injury would occur. That is the law in Florida. Slamming someones head into concrete could definitely cause serious injury.

Nevertheless it should be heard by a jury, the details should come out. Someone died... the case should be examined extensively. Because someone died, he should have been arrested immediately, IMO also...plead your bail and wait for trial.
(Let's last comment made sink in. Contemplates, and ponders the sentiments said.)

Do the parentheses mean you passed the thinking off to your sec?

Tell her to take up the trial posting/ thinking fulltime and have her change out the avatar while she's at it. ;-)
Would any of you be arguing GZ's point of view if TM was one of your unarmed teenage relatives?

I doubt it seriously.

So what REALLY then are we debating here?


This is a good question...fact is I would be pissed if one of my relatives was killed by a gun in a fist fight. But in Florida, GZ was within his rights to use deadly force if he felt his life was in danger or that serious injury would occur. That is the law in Florida. Slamming someones head into concrete could definitely cause serious injury.

Nevertheless it should be heard by a jury, the details should come out. Someone died... the case should be examined extensively. Because someone died, he should have been arrested immediately, IMO also...plead your bail and wait for trial.

It did not cause serious injury in this case.
Can't wait!! We hang around every day for you to show up and tell us how to feel.

Go to The Jukebox and play some songs and pick up some reps, you've gotten better, but it's still kind of embarrassing. I'm all repped up with my over 100, I can stop with reps now, goal met. I started on about page 494 of The Jukebox and then had some fun with [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] a while later.

Who the hell is Ropey?:eusa_eh:

IDK. Someone I met in the Jukebox, I didnt save him to auto check like you.
Would any of you be arguing GZ's point of view if TM was one of your unarmed teenage relatives?

I doubt it seriously.

So what REALLY then are we debating here?


This is a good question...fact is I would be pissed if one of my relatives was killed by a gun in a fist fight. But in Florida, GZ was within his rights to use deadly force if he felt his life was in danger or that serious injury would occur. That is the law in Florida. Slamming someones head into concrete could definitely cause serious injury.

Nevertheless it should be heard by a jury, the details should come out. Someone died... the case should be examined extensively. Because someone died, he should have been arrested immediately, IMO also...plead your bail and wait for trial.

Check MI law. They opted out of Stand Your Ground hearing.... SD may be similar up there.
Would any of you be arguing GZ's point of view if TM was one of your unarmed teenage relatives?

I doubt it seriously.

So what REALLY then are we debating here?


This is a good question...fact is I would be pissed if one of my relatives was killed by a gun in a fist fight. But in Florida, GZ was within his rights to use deadly force if he felt his life was in danger or that serious injury would occur. That is the law in Florida. Slamming someones head into concrete could definitely cause serious injury.

Nevertheless it should be heard by a jury, the details should come out. Someone died... the case should be examined extensively. Because someone died, he should have been arrested immediately, IMO also...plead your bail and wait for trial.

It did not cause serious injury in this case.

Slamming a head into concrete CAN cause serious injury and that is all that is needed...sorry I dont make the laws.

I dont like it....but in Florida, he was within his rights...floridians should be very careful...the law is somewhat vague. With that in mind, one would be smarter to just go home instead of swinging for the head.
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Questions I hope the trial will answer...

What made Zimmerman follow Martin? What did Martin do that was suspicious? Does Martin make a habit of following all persons who are alone and walking in the area?

I understand there is a list of calls Zimmerman made to the police on "suspicious persons" before. What will that list show in terms of sex, age, race or places where the "Suspicious persons" were walking and the time of day or night the call was made. Will it show a pattern that might be important to the case?
Maybe I'm wrong but I think you may have got this one backwards....just wondering.
[MENTION=27360]Jackson[/MENTION] "Did Martin make a habit of following persons who are alone and walking in the area?"
Questions I hope the trial will answer...

What made Zimmerman follow Martin? What did Martin do that was suspicious? Does Martin make a habit of following all persons who are alone and walking in the area?

I understand there is a list of calls Zimmerman made to the police on "suspicious persons" before. What will that list show in terms of sex, age, race or places where the "Suspicious persons" were walking and the time of day or night the call was made. Will it show a pattern that might be important to the case?

Adorable pic, Jackson. Good questions...I had the same. Here is what i found out:

What made Zimmerman follow martin? A couple of weeks before Trayvon, Zimmerman was driving down his street and as he was passing a neighbors house (that he knew well) he saw a young black male smoking a cigarette on this neighbors porch and the owner wasn't home. I don't know about any of you, but if someone is just lighting up on my porch when I'm not home, I would appreciate a call.

A couple of weeks later, Z is driving down the street again and passes the same neighbors house and this time Trayvon was just standing in the middle of the same neighbors lawn. Now it was approaching dark and the neighbor is an elderly white male with no kids living at home. This is why Z became suspicious initially...add to it that it was raining and when everyone else is in the house out of the rain, this young teen is just standing in the middle of someone's lawn that Zimmerman knew.

Add to that the several recent robberies of young black teens in the precise area and it was cause for suspicion. if I'm not home and someone is just standing in the middle of my front lawn, i would be suspicious also, as would most would want to know why this person is standing in the middle of my lawn or in the other case, burning one on my porch with no one home.
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Questions I hope the trial will answer...

What made Zimmerman follow Martin? What did Martin do that was suspicious? Does Martin make a habit of following all persons who are alone and walking in the area?

I understand there is a list of calls Zimmerman made to the police on "suspicious persons" before. What will that list show in terms of sex, age, race or places where the "Suspicious persons" were walking and the time of day or night the call was made. Will it show a pattern that might be important to the case?

Adorable pic, Jackson. Good questions...I had the same. Here is what i found out:

What made Zimmerman follow martin? A couple of weeks before Trayvon, Zimmerman was driving down his street as he was passing a neighbors house that he knew he saw a young black male smoking a cigarette on this neighbors porch and the owner wasnt home. I dont know about any of you, but if someone is just lighting up on my porch when Im not home, I would appreciate a call.

A couple of weeks later, Z is driving down the street again and passes the same neighbors house and this time Trayvon was just standing in the middle of the same neighbors lawn. Now it was approaching dark and the neighbor is an elderly white male with no kids living at home. This is why Z became suspicious initially...add to it that it was raining and when everyone else is in the house out of the rain, this young teen is just standing in the middle of someones lawn that Zimmerman knew. Add to that the several recent robberies of young black teens in the precise area and it was cause for suspicion. if Im not home and someone is just standing in the middle of my front lawn, i would be suspicious also, as would most would want to know why this person is standing in the middle of my lawn or in the other case, burning one on my porch with no one home.

interesting info
What made Zimmerman follow martin? A couple of weeks before Trayvon, Zimmerman was driving down his street and as he was passing a neighbors house (that he knew well) he saw a young black male smoking a cigarette on this neighbors porch and the owner wasn't home. I don't know about any of you, but if someone is just lighting up on my porch when I'm not home, I would appreciate a call.

Source of this story?

I've been following the case for a year and hadn't heard that story. I do remember reading about a break-in a few months before in the development where a couple of young youths (i.d. as black) had broken into a house and they got away - but were arrested a few days later.

A couple of weeks later, Z is driving down the street again and passes the same neighbors house and this time Trayvon was just standing in the middle of the same neighbors lawn. Now it was approaching dark and the neighbor is an elderly white male with no kids living at home. This is why Z became suspicious initially...add to it that it was raining and when everyone else is in the house out of the rain, this young teen is just standing in the middle of someone's lawn that Zimmerman knew.

Add to that the several recent robberies of young black teens in the precise area and it was cause for suspicion. if I'm not home and someone is just standing in the middle of my front lawn, i would be suspicious also, as would most would want to know why this person is standing in the middle of my lawn or in the other case, burning one on my porch with no one home.

Just to take the other side of the discussion for questioning purposes...

I'm a member of the neighborhood watch for my community and have served on the HOA board. I see a youth in the neighborhood that I don't recognize, I also know which buttons to push to elicit a police response.

1. If I call the police and say there is an unknown individual walking down the street minding his own business...


2. If I call the police and say there is an unknown person acting suspicious, acting weird, maybe on drugs, and checking out the houses...​

Which do you think will more likely produce a timely response from the police?

If you look at an overhead shot of the neighborhood the 7-11 are to the west of the northern edge of the development with the north entry near the center of the norther east/west portion. News reports have shown that the house in front of which Zimmerman first observed Martin is a known cut-through used by youths not wanting to walk toward the center for the development and then having to walk back to retrace the distance.

Was he really doing something suspicious? Or was Zimmerman just using the right buzzwords in his call?

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WW - what do you believe GZ's motivation was to call the police, say the right buzzwords, and summon police if he didn't believe TM was suspicious? Why would he do that? Cry wolf? That wouldn't serve him well in the future. Not understanding what you think GZ was trying to do. Are you saying he was out prowling around looking for black youths to shoot? What?
site gives good daily reporting on the jury selection

There were some shocking revelations about a couple of today’s prospective jurors. One was juror J39, who simply disbelieved in the legal possibility of killing in lawful self defense, saying that “murder’s murder, no matter what. Even if it’s self-defense. Self-defense doesn’t make it right to kill somebody.” He was promptly dismissed by the Court after the State’s questioning, without any need for the defense to question him.

Far more disturbing, however, was prospective juror E7. Although he claimed, when questioned by the State, that he had arrived at “no conclusion” in this case, after extensive questioning by the defense, this happened:

» Zimmerman Prosp. Juror E7: ?no conclusions,? but posted on pro-Trayvon, anti-Zimmerman site containing threat against Zimmerman - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
I'm saying Z did not have defensive wounds worthy of killing somebody.

Just because someone defends themselves well enough to avoid being injured...doesn't mean they weren't defending themselves.

In fact, that is my goal in NOT get hurt.

George Zimmerman Head Injury | Zimmerman Injuries | Photos | Mediaite


Thanks for the link...the ABC report was excellent. You can tell that they were going through great lengths to show they had vetted the photo of the cuts....I think they were kind of mocking NBC, because NBC not only didnt vet, but they actually edited audio to deceive their viewers. The only pictures they showed were from a distance at the station after Z had been cleaned up a little by paramedics.
WW - what do you believe GZ's motivation was to call the police, say the right buzzwords, and summon police if he didn't believe TM was suspicious? Why would he do that? Cry wolf? That wouldn't serve him well in the future. Not understanding what you think GZ was trying to do. Are you saying he was out prowling around looking for black youths to shoot? What?

I believe he found him suspicious, but that doesn't mean he was actually suspicious. Meaning he thought he was up to no good and thus contacted the police figuring they would find something on him. But as we now know he had nothing on him. Meaning just because someone believes something to be true doesn't make it so.
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