The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I have been physically assaulted. I was working alone when a transient, a guy plenty big enough to take me out with a single blow, came in demanding money. When I told him I didn't have any he became angry and irate. He locked the door and had me cornered and was so threatening I honestly thought I was a goner. I had no weapon of any kind at my disposal. I honestly cannot remember every detail--trauma of that kind does that to you--but somehow I did manage to convince him I would need to get to the (nonexistent) safe in the next room, he stepped back just enough to let me get past him and out another door and ran to the Methodist church next door. The transient was rifling through my desk--he somehow missed my purse that was under it--when he was interrupted by my boss returning and he fled.

If I had had a gun that day however, and had seen no way to escape, would I have shot? I almost certainly would have. Would my intent be to kill the guy? I don't think so. It would have been to stop him from whatever violence he intended to do. And he hadn't even touched me yet. In the situation almost everybody now believes George Zimmerman was in, was he justified in shooting? I would have. Was his intent to kill or stop the assault? I would guess the latter. But none of us know for sure do we?

Here in KY, we have special relationships with out guns. We are taught from an early age in that type situation never to pick up a gun unless we plan to kill the person. I had a break in at my house in TN, and once before I moved away, I answered the door with my gun in my hand hidden behind the door. There is no doubt in my mind I would have used it. Otherwise, I would not have even picked it up.

Bottom line, you don't know what they have and when they see your gun, they could pull one and get you first.

My mother was/is of the 'no guns in this house' school.

So, while I agree that those who are properly trained and have the temperament to be judicious and/or responsible in using them can/should, I don't have the experience and knowledge myself.
I have observed fights among/between middle school students. Things get intense--that much I know. Plenty of profanity--this was considered unexceptional.

Whatever was said by either party--that doesn't carry much weight with me.

The use of the dummy to illustrate for either side was confusing to me.

Hopefully the jurors can sort this out.

O'Mara reiterated in his press conference--'Self defense is self defense.'

I taught some pretty incorrigible kids and would hate to learn that any of them had been killed. There wasn't much that anyone seemed to be able to say or do for some. They really hated me or so they said. So tired of all the hating---but that is just me and some insight into why this case is of interest to me. fwiw.

Thank you for sharing. :D
1. It isn't illegal to come up to someone to ask a question
2. It is assault to attack someone(trayvon )
3. It is within Zimmermans rights to defend his self when trayvon is screaming I am going to kill you mother fucker.

How much more clear does it need to be?

I would love to see what you would think and do if a "Trayvon Martin type" was following your ass around in a truck when you were just walking down the street and minding your business. I would like to see what you would do if he got out of his truck to look for you. See if zimmerman was a Black guy and Martin was a white kid with the same "facts" that are in this case, I can guarantee your ass would be going to the race forum and crying about "the Blacks" and how he killed an innocent white kid who was scared because "the evil Black" was following him when he simply was on his way home with skittles and a drink in his hand.

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:

I would love it if a liberal actually stopped by this thread and actually considered the facts. The fact that all you can do is spew rhetoric instead of substance is quite telling. You cannot see past your own bias to make a clear determination. All you know is that Zimmerman is a bad man and he must be punished! Actually, it doesn't freaking matter what race one or the other was, attacking or assaulting someone is wrong. Taking life is justifiable (such as with Zimmerman's case) as long as there is a reason for it. But in every other case, killing is wrong. Someone could be all the colors of the rainbow and still kill someone, but since you see things through your tinted eyes, you only see one color not all of them.

Now, it would help if you did a lot of growing up, and a lot less trolling about things that exceed your comprehension.

You're always going to have the paid RACIAL pimps from the left who post and promote division and hatred on all forums. They are a well oiled machine, the left.. See it for what it is and continue to fight back ;-)
I don't understand "Marxism" and why anyone would want to become a part of it. We'd be better off peacefully debating on ways to better our own nation.

We should debate our inner-city violence
we should debate our failing schools
we should debate our energy problems

We're becoming a nation that can't talk to each other...A nation of extremes. Why does the left not believe self defense should be used? That seems to be a rather extreme position that favors the attackers right to attack and kill you.

The left won't even admit minorities are responsible for doing anything wrong.
I don't understand "Marxism" and why anyone would want to become a part of it. We'd be better off peacefully debating on ways to better our own nation.

We should debate our inner-city violence
we should debate our failing schools
we should debate our energy problems

We're becoming a nation that can't talk to each other...A nation of extremes. Why does the left not believe self defense should be used? That seems to be a rather extreme position that favors the attackers right to attack and kill you.

Lets just put it this way, people would much rather stay in their corner and not change the status quo. A good example is this trial. Regardless of facts, testimony, or otherwise, people will believe what they want to believe. There is no use in appealing to a closed mind, Matthew.
I would love to see what you would think and do if a "Trayvon Martin type" was following your ass around in a truck when you were just walking down the street and minding your business. I would like to see what you would do if he got out of his truck to look for you. See if zimmerman was a Black guy and Martin was a white kid with the same "facts" that are in this case, I can guarantee your ass would be going to the race forum and crying about "the Blacks" and how he killed an innocent white kid who was scared because "the evil Black" was following him when he simply was on his way home with skittles and a drink in his hand.

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:

I would love it if a liberal actually stopped by this thread and actually considered the facts. The fact that all you can do is spew rhetoric instead of substance is quite telling. You cannot see past your own bias to make a clear determination. All you know is that Zimmerman is a bad man and he must be punished! Actually, it doesn't freaking matter what race one or the other was, attacking or assaulting someone is wrong. Taking life is justifiable (such as with Zimmerman's case) as long as there is a reason for it. But in every other case, killing is wrong. Someone could be all the colors of the rainbow and still kill someone, but since you see things through your tinted eyes, you only see one color not all of them.

Now, it would help if you did a lot of growing up, and a lot less trolling about things that exceed your comprehension.

You're always going to have the paid RACIAL pimps from the left who post and promote division and hatred on all forums. They are a well oiled machine, the left.. See it for what it is and continue to fight back ;-)

Fighting back is good to a point. You can hit a drunk man as hard as you want, but he will still remain drunk. Reasoning with the unreasonable is like trying to make a river flow uphill. It's wasted effort.
I will concede that Zimmerman could have gotten rid of li'l Trayvon without firing a shot. All he had to do was offer him a job.
So the prosecution is still trying to come across as believable?

Why are they wasting all this money? There are hungry kids in Fla.

And don't even get me started on that freak judge
Don't assume that I'm on anyone's side here...I'm not hoping for a conviction, nor an acquittal.
GZ might have been assaulted, I don't know.
But, the fact remains, it happened because GZ was suspicious of TM.

He wouldn't have been there otherwise.

To the bolded...why?

To the underlined, Zimmerman lived there, so why shouldn't he have 'been there'?

If you truly believe that GZ just happened to be in that place at that time because he wanted to go for a walk to stretch his legs then I can't help you.

You didn't answer my question, you deflected, which in a round about way does answer my question.
Here in KY, we have special relationships with out guns. We are taught from an early age in that type situation never to pick up a gun unless we plan to kill the person. I had a break in at my house in TN, and once before I moved away, I answered the door with my gun in my hand hidden behind the door. There is no doubt in my mind I would have used it. Otherwise, I would not have even picked it up.

Bottom line, you don't know what they have and when they see your gun, they could pull one and get you first.

My mother was/is of the 'no guns in this house' school.

So, while I agree that those who are properly trained and have the temperament to be judicious and/or responsible in using them can/should, I don't have the experience and knowledge myself.
I have observed fights among/between middle school students. Things get intense--that much I know. Plenty of profanity--this was considered unexceptional.

Whatever was said by either party--that doesn't carry much weight with me.

The use of the dummy to illustrate for either side was confusing to me.

Hopefully the jurors can sort this out.

O'Mara reiterated in his press conference--'Self defense is self defense.'

I taught some pretty incorrigible kids and would hate to learn that any of them had been killed. There wasn't much that anyone seemed to be able to say or do for some. They really hated me or so they said. So tired of all the hating---but that is just me and some insight into why this case is of interest to me. fwiw.

Thank you for sharing. :D

It really brings back some memories that I prefer to forget.

I was afraid many times. That does something to a person or it affected me.

Don't go looking for trouble about the only advice I could offer to either party.
I would love it if a liberal actually stopped by this thread and actually considered the facts. The fact that all you can do is spew rhetoric instead of substance is quite telling. You cannot see past your own bias to make a clear determination. All you know is that Zimmerman is a bad man and he must be punished! Actually, it doesn't freaking matter what race one or the other was, attacking or assaulting someone is wrong. Taking life is justifiable (such as with Zimmerman's case) as long as there is a reason for it. But in every other case, killing is wrong. Someone could be all the colors of the rainbow and still kill someone, but since you see things through your tinted eyes, you only see one color not all of them.

Now, it would help if you did a lot of growing up, and a lot less trolling about things that exceed your comprehension.

You're always going to have the paid RACIAL pimps from the left who post and promote division and hatred on all forums. They are a well oiled machine, the left.. See it for what it is and continue to fight back ;-)

Fighting back is good to a point. You can hit a drunk man as hard as you want, but he will still remain drunk. Reasoning with the unreasonable is like trying to make a river flow uphill. It's wasted effort.

I agree.. I'm listening to Mark Levin tonight.. he's fed up too and his program is all about restoring liberty through the law- I'm with him..I'll never surrender my country to these Marxists, no matter how frustrating it is. Like he said, things can change-- such as the make up of the SCOTUS. We all have to get off of our dead asses and mobilize.. if we have to drive people to the polls ourselves..
Or ask him where he can go to buy the good stuff.

M's dad's girlfriend (whose house M was headed to) has a sister who deals it. She has been in trouble for that. M didn't have to look or go too far for it (just to the house he was headed to).

Forgot to add - that sister lives in that house as well.
You're always going to have the paid RACIAL pimps from the left who post and promote division and hatred on all forums. They are a well oiled machine, the left.. See it for what it is and continue to fight back ;-)

Fighting back is good to a point. You can hit a drunk man as hard as you want, but he will still remain drunk. Reasoning with the unreasonable is like trying to make a river flow uphill. It's wasted effort.

I agree.. I'm listening to Mark Levin tonight.. he's fed up too and his program is all about restoring liberty through the law- I'm with him..I'll never surrender my country to these Marxists, no matter how frustrating it is. Like he said, things can change-- such as the make up of the SCOTUS. We all have to get off of our dead asses and mobilize.. if we have to drive people to the polls ourselves..

Door to door is not a bad idea... just don't hold 'em hostage or anything. :D
Or ask him where he can go to buy the good stuff.

M's dad's girlfriend (whose house M was headed to) has a sister who deals it. She has been in trouble for that. M didn't have to look or go too far for it (just to the house he was headed to).

Forgot to add - that sister lives in that house as well.

See... GZ could have made a drug bust. What are the odds TM walked around the car to the door window to see if GZ rolled it down to make a buy.
Fighting back is good to a point. You can hit a drunk man as hard as you want, but he will still remain drunk. Reasoning with the unreasonable is like trying to make a river flow uphill. It's wasted effort.

I agree.. I'm listening to Mark Levin tonight.. he's fed up too and his program is all about restoring liberty through the law- I'm with him..I'll never surrender my country to these Marxists, no matter how frustrating it is. Like he said, things can change-- such as the make up of the SCOTUS. We all have to get off of our dead asses and mobilize.. if we have to drive people to the polls ourselves..

Door to door is not a bad idea... just don't hold 'em hostage or anything. :D

LOL Neva.. I'm a petite girl.. I couldn't hold anyone hostage, not even my doggie! ;-) But I can get out , along with friends in my age group and make certain our generation knows the truth. All of us should be doing this on every level possible.
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