The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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To the bolded...why?

To the underlined, Zimmerman lived there, so why shouldn't he have 'been there'?

If you truly believe that GZ just happened to be in that place at that time because he wanted to go for a walk to stretch his legs then I can't help you.

You didn't answer my question, you deflected, which in a round about way does answer my question.

I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.
I asked a question earlier about the news conference "MOM" had today and I thought he said that there would be no rebuttal witnesses. Did I hear that right or was he saying the defense wasn't going to call any?
If you truly believe that GZ just happened to be in that place at that time because he wanted to go for a walk to stretch his legs then I can't help you.

You didn't answer my question, you deflected, which in a round about way does answer my question.

I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.
I asked a question earlier about the news conference "MOM" had today and I thought he said that there would be no rebuttal witnesses. Did I hear that right or was he saying the defense wasn't going to call any?

possibly an ATF agent they were trying to get a hold of but it's iffy.
Don't assume that I'm on anyone's side here...I'm not hoping for a conviction, nor an acquittal.
GZ might have been assaulted, I don't know.
But, the fact remains, it happened because GZ was suspicious of TM.
He wouldn't have been there otherwise.

Zimmerman referred to Trayvon as the suspect in written statements many times. Seems like a wannabe cop to me..

That should be a criminal offense huh ?

It shows his attitude, his mindset. Which is a huge deal here. He thought he was killing a bad guy, not an ordinary teenager. He made a statement that he wished there could have been another way and he "didn't have to kill" Trayvon. What bull shit. He's convinced himself and apparently a lot of others who are wannabe murderers of black kids that there was no other way to deal with this situation than kill an ordinary kid who went to the store for candy and a drink. His mindset, his attitude toward Trayvon, his belief that Trayvon was a bad guy, a "suspect" goes to how he handled the situation and felt justified in following and eventually killing an unarmed, innocent citizen who was just minding his own business and had every right to be where he was doing what he was doing. Next time one of you Zimmerman supporters are out for a walk in the evening, just remember, you are nothing more than target practice for some spaz gun toting wanna be cop on anti-depressants.
On an unrelated note, he's still too much of a pussy to acknowledge he was full of shit when he claimed that Zimmerman said blacks always get away.
That's what was aired on a tape. That you don't want to admit it is because most racist claim denial when confronted.

Bald faced lie :lol:

No such thing aired on any tape dipshit. :thup:

the state has used as of today three different claims

first was he was racist that didnt make it into court

then 2 zimmerman was the aggressor with zimmerman atop of martin

then as of 3 today they have conceded that martin is atop of zimmerman

but was trying to get away

the change up alone is reasonable doubt
Zimmerman referred to Trayvon as the suspect in written statements many times. Seems like a wannabe cop to me..

That should be a criminal offense huh ?

It shows his attitude, his mindset. Which is a huge deal here. He thought he was killing a bad guy, not an ordinary teenager. He made a statement that he wished there could have been another way and he "didn't have to kill" Trayvon. What bull shit. He's convinced himself and apparently a lot of others who are wannabe murderers of black kids that there was no other way to deal with this situation than kill an ordinary kid who went to the store for candy and a drink. His mindset, his attitude toward Trayvon, his belief that Trayvon was a bad guy, a "suspect" goes to how he handled the situation and felt justified in following and eventually killing an unarmed, innocent citizen who was just minding his own business and had every right to be where he was doing what he was doing. Next time one of you Zimmerman supporters are out for a walk in the evening, just remember, you are nothing more than target practice for some spaz gun toting wanna be cop on anti-depressants.

Don't worry--I don't try to beat people up. I know full well they might have a gun.
I asked a question earlier about the news conference "MOM" had today and I thought he said that there would be no rebuttal witnesses. Did I hear that right or was he saying the defense wasn't going to call any?

possibly an ATF agent they were trying to get a hold of but it's iffy.

If the prosecution calls a rebuttal witness and asks him/her questions, does the defense get to ask questions of the rebuttal witness as well?

I know this is a stupid question, I just know nothing about how this stuff works
You didn't answer my question, you deflected, which in a round about way does answer my question.

I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

You realize, of course, it was not Trayvon looking for a fight; it was Zimmerman looking for a fight. Trayvon was minding his own business. He had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. It was Zimmerman who was totally in the wrong, whose behavior was totally out of line and who created the entire situation that ended Trayvon's life. Stop blaming the victim.
You didn't answer my question, you deflected, which in a round about way does answer my question.

I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

Too bad the gun toting Zimmerman never learned that.
I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

Too bad the gun toting Zimmerman never learned that.

gun toting LOL. He damn near got killed by his own gun if Trayvon would beat him too it.
I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

You realize, of course, it was not Trayvon looking for a fight; it was Zimmerman looking for a fight. Trayvon was minding his own business. He had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. It was Zimmerman who was totally in the wrong, whose behavior was totally out of line and who created the entire situation that ended Trayvon's life. Stop blaming the victim.

no--George was looking for thieves. He called the cops. I would do the same thing in a heartbeat and have on occasion.
one of your worst fails ever.

I'm always accused of failing by the right wing until I'm proven to be right by facts and events. They always insist they are right and their policies are right, but they can't point to a single success during the last 30 years. Unless a terrible recession, a ruined economy, trillions in debt, invading the wrong country and letting the mastermind of 9/11 go scott free are how they count their "successes". Then, of course, they have been a great success.
1. It isn't illegal to come up to someone to ask a question
2. It is assault to attack someone(trayvon )
3. It is within Zimmermans rights to defend his self when trayvon is screaming I am going to kill you mother fucker.

How much more clear does it need to be?

I would love to see what you would think and do if a "Trayvon Martin type" was following your ass around in a truck when you were just walking down the street and minding your business. I would like to see what you would do if he got out of his truck to look for you. See if zimmerman was a Black guy and Martin was a white kid with the same "facts" that are in this case, I can guarantee your ass would be going to the race forum and crying about "the Blacks" and how he killed an innocent white kid who was scared because "the evil Black" was following him when he simply was on his way home with skittles and a drink in his hand.

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:

I would love it if a liberal actually stopped by this thread and actually considered the facts. The fact that all you can do is spew rhetoric instead of substance is quite telling. You cannot see past your own bias to make a clear determination. All you know is that Zimmerman is a bad man and he must be punished! Actually, it doesn't freaking matter what race one or the other was, attacking or assaulting someone is wrong. Taking life is justifiable (such as with Zimmerman's case) as long as there is a reason for it. But in every other case, killing is wrong. Someone could be all the colors of the rainbow and still kill someone, but since you see things through your tinted eyes, you only see one color not all of them.

Now, it would help if you did a lot of growing up, and a lot less trolling about things that exceed your comprehension.

I would love to see jerk offs like you stop putting words into people's mouth's and incorrectly claim (aka LIE) about people with whom you have a disagreement. I have no "bias" (certainly not to the level that you and your cohorts have) and I have made a clear determination; if zimmerman would not have gotten out of his truck to continue chasing and harassing Martin (by following him for no reason), we most likely would not be discussing this case.
I have already stated that I don't care if zimmerman was black and Martin was white, that I would have the same sentiments. I guarantee that you and your cohorts WOULD DEFINITELY be singing another tune if the racial roles were reversed. Once again you are wrong about "tinted eyes".
Talk about "growing up" and "trolling"; take your own advice ASSHOLE! Oh and take your little bitch "negs" and shove it where the "sun don't shine" jerk off. :lol:
It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

Too bad the gun toting Zimmerman never learned that.

gun toting LOL. He damn near got killed by his own gun if Trayvon would beat him too it.

Travon never saw it coming. You're just making up your own scenarios now. Neither here nor there tho, the jury's getting the case and hopefully they're going to do the right thing.

Saying a little prayer that we don't have another OJ and Casey Anthony walking around free.
I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

You realize, of course, it was not Trayvon looking for a fight; it was Zimmerman looking for a fight. Trayvon was minding his own business. He had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. It was Zimmerman who was totally in the wrong, whose behavior was totally out of line and who created the entire situation that ended Trayvon's life. Stop blaming the victim.

You do know that Martin came looking for Zimmerman to confront him right? How do I know this? Martins friend said in sworn testimony that Martin told her he was behind the house he was staying. So, Martin went back to confront Zimmerman and was shot and killed 100 yards from where he was staying. Jeantel also said that she heard Martin say, "Why you following me for?" then she heard Zimmerman say, "What you doing around here?" then she heard a scuffle(my words) or "Grass Sounds"(Her words). That tells me and everyone else with any common sense that Martin Sucker Punched Zimmerman.
I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

You realize, of course, it was not Trayvon looking for a fight; it was Zimmerman looking for a fight. Trayvon was minding his own business. He had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. It was Zimmerman who was totally in the wrong, whose behavior was totally out of line and who created the entire situation that ended Trayvon's life. Stop blaming the victim.

Hey! Aren't you the "you're a fucking asshole you have your own thread so what the fuck are you doing out of your place" girl?

Just checking.
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If you truly believe that GZ just happened to be in that place at that time because he wanted to go for a walk to stretch his legs then I can't help you.

You didn't answer my question, you deflected, which in a round about way does answer my question.

I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

Yes, it is a damn shame that a kid is dead.

No, you didn't answer my question and your insistence that you did rings false.

I was asking why YOU thought the way you did.
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