The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You're a fucking idiot Phonoixopp.

So it is against the law to walk up to someone to ask a question? People ask for directions from people all the time or a multitude of different things. This wasn't against the law...The case rest on 1. Who attacked who, 2. Did Zimmerman have a right to self defense?

There's little question that Trayvon was on top...

You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people...

Do understand this isn't away to draw businesses into that area. :(
A caller in Hannity's radio show said the Black Panther's are standing by and said if GZ is acquitted, they were going to take him out !!

I guess black's live by a different standard.
I would love to see what you would think and do if a "Trayvon Martin type" was following your ass around in a truck when you were just walking down the street and minding your business. I would like to see what you would do if he got out of his truck to look for you. See if zimmerman was a Black guy and Martin was a white kid with the same "facts" that are in this case, I can guarantee your ass would be going to the race forum and crying about "the Blacks" and how he killed an innocent white kid who was scared because "the evil Black" was following him when he simply was on his way home with skittles and a drink in his hand.

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:

I would love it if a liberal actually stopped by this thread and actually considered the facts. The fact that all you can do is spew rhetoric instead of substance is quite telling. You cannot see past your own bias to make a clear determination. All you know is that Zimmerman is a bad man and he must be punished! Actually, it doesn't freaking matter what race one or the other was, attacking or assaulting someone is wrong. Taking life is justifiable (such as with Zimmerman's case) as long as there is a reason for it. But in every other case, killing is wrong. Someone could be all the colors of the rainbow and still kill someone, but since you see things through your tinted eyes, you only see one color not all of them.

Now, it would help if you did a lot of growing up, and a lot less trolling about things that exceed your comprehension.

I would love to see jerk offs like you stop putting words into people's mouth's and incorrectly claim (aka LIE) about people with whom you have a disagreement. I have no "bias" (certainly not to the level that you and your cohorts have) and I have made a clear determination; if zimmerman would not have gotten out of his truck to continue chasing and harassing Martin (by following him for no reason), we most likely would not be discussing this case.
I have already stated that I don't care if zimmerman was black and Martin was white, that I would have the same sentiments. I guarantee that you and your cohorts WOULD DEFINITELY be singing another tune if the racial roles were reversed. Once again you are wrong about "tinted eyes".
Talk about "growing up" and "trolling"; take your own advice ASSHOLE! Oh and take your little bitch "negs" and shove it where the "sun don't shine" jerk off. :lol:

You know why this case is getting talked about ? Because Florida had settled the whole damn thing themselves and THEN THE FEDS caved to pressure from black sympathizers. It's the only reason charges were brought up. How are you gonna feel when some racial group doesn't like the way you were treated and tells the feds to intervene ? No worries. If they fuck with you like that I'll be right behind you.
I would love to see what you would think and do if a "Trayvon Martin type" was following your ass around in a truck when you were just walking down the street and minding your business. I would like to see what you would do if he got out of his truck to look for you. See if zimmerman was a Black guy and Martin was a white kid with the same "facts" that are in this case, I can guarantee your ass would be going to the race forum and crying about "the Blacks" and how he killed an innocent white kid who was scared because "the evil Black" was following him when he simply was on his way home with skittles and a drink in his hand.

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:

I would love it if a liberal actually stopped by this thread and actually considered the facts. The fact that all you can do is spew rhetoric instead of substance is quite telling. You cannot see past your own bias to make a clear determination. All you know is that Zimmerman is a bad man and he must be punished! Actually, it doesn't freaking matter what race one or the other was, attacking or assaulting someone is wrong. Taking life is justifiable (such as with Zimmerman's case) as long as there is a reason for it. But in every other case, killing is wrong. Someone could be all the colors of the rainbow and still kill someone, but since you see things through your tinted eyes, you only see one color not all of them.

Now, it would help if you did a lot of growing up, and a lot less trolling about things that exceed your comprehension.

I would love to see jerk offs like you stop putting words into people's mouth's and incorrectly claim (aka LIE) about people with whom you have a disagreement. I have no "bias" (certainly not to the level that you and your cohorts have) and I have made a clear determination; if zimmerman would not have gotten out of his truck to continue chasing and harassing Martin (by following him for no reason), we most likely would not be discussing this case.
I have already stated that I don't care if zimmerman was black and Martin was white, that I would have the same sentiments. I guarantee that you and your cohorts WOULD DEFINITELY be singing another tune if the racial roles were reversed. Once again you are wrong about "tinted eyes".
Talk about "growing up" and "trolling"; take your own advice ASSHOLE! Oh and take your little bitch "negs" and shove it where the "sun don't shine" jerk off. :lol:

Wahhhh, uhhh (sniff, cough), waahhhh!!!! Someone gave me a spanking and I can't take it! RRRRAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!

Oh grow up. I'm not lying about anything, I am diligently watching this trial as most observant people do. You have completely lost whats left of that mind of yours. Meanwhile you come on a thread lambasting me for not agreeing with you. I have you on ignore for a reason. Your temper tantrums are amusing to say the least.

"Asshole?" You just called me an "asshole?" Hah! Weren't you people just saying for the better part of three weeks that such terms were racist? Holy Moses! Aren't you quite the hypocrite? Enjoy the return neg, twerp. I hope you enjoyed getting slapped around, stop by again if you feel masochistic again.
I would love to see what you would think and do if a "Trayvon Martin type" was following your ass around in a truck when you were just walking down the street and minding your business. I would like to see what you would do if he got out of his truck to look for you. See if zimmerman was a Black guy and Martin was a white kid with the same "facts" that are in this case, I can guarantee your ass would be going to the race forum and crying about "the Blacks" and how he killed an innocent white kid who was scared because "the evil Black" was following him when he simply was on his way home with skittles and a drink in his hand.

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:
That's quite an imagnation you've got.
Unfortunately totally without foundation but thanks for playing.

It was a HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION, but I am willing to be that you knew that already, now didn't you? :)
But you posited a reaction by conservatives. A reaction that is without foundation, btw. Who gave Juan Williams a job after NPR canned him for non PC language? Who supported him morally?
I would love to see jerk offs like you stop putting words into people's mouth's and incorrectly claim (aka LIE) about people with whom you have a disagreement.
You mean like you just did when you claimed that conservatives would support the white man no matter what?
A caller in Hannity's radio show said the Black Panther's are standing by and said if GZ is acquitted, they were going to take him out !!

I guess black's live by a different standard.

They truly do... :( This is why they're disadvantaged as they accept violence instead of working things out @ logic.

From SBPDL, these feral black people don't have impulse control and lack of future time-orientation. They are lacking, either from birth or circumstance.
You didn't answer my question, you deflected, which in a round about way does answer my question.

I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

It's obviously really important to you that you get the last word in on this.
Stand your ground law at its best means that if you feel threatened you can be proactive in defusing the threat. I don't think anyone can make a case that Martin did not feel threatened. Therefore, IF he started the fight, he had every right to do it out of self-defense.

This is a likely reason Z did not use stand your ground to get his case dismissed because it would have begged the question, what about Martin's stand your ground rights?

That is just as silly as arguing that people who are being attacked have to run away instead of defending themselves.

wtf? That is why the law was written, so people being attacked aren't obligated to run away. Having an overweight fucker with a gun following you is a valid reason to be proactive.

Stand your ground means you are allowed to use deadly force without running away, it does not mean you can start a fight because you think the guy is mean. Feel free to prove me wrong by citing the exact portion of the Florida law that backs you up.
A caller in Hannity's radio show said the Black Panther's are standing by and said if GZ is acquitted, they were going to take him out !!

I guess black's live by a different standard.

They truly do... :( This is why they're disadvantaged as they accept violence instead of working things out @ logic.

From SBPDL, these feral black people don't have impulse control and lack of future time-orientation. They are lacking, either from birth or circumstance.

They better gain some fast, as 1. They don't have a right to attack someone else and 2. They need to think about their future if they hope to gain advantage within society. ;)
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I would love to see what you would think and do if a "Trayvon Martin type" was following your ass around in a truck when you were just walking down the street and minding your business. I would like to see what you would do if he got out of his truck to look for you. See if zimmerman was a Black guy and Martin was a white kid with the same "facts" that are in this case, I can guarantee your ass would be going to the race forum and crying about "the Blacks" and how he killed an innocent white kid who was scared because "the evil Black" was following him when he simply was on his way home with skittles and a drink in his hand.

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:

I would love it if a liberal actually stopped by this thread and actually considered the facts. The fact that all you can do is spew rhetoric instead of substance is quite telling. You cannot see past your own bias to make a clear determination. All you know is that Zimmerman is a bad man and he must be punished! Actually, it doesn't freaking matter what race one or the other was, attacking or assaulting someone is wrong. Taking life is justifiable (such as with Zimmerman's case) as long as there is a reason for it. But in every other case, killing is wrong. Someone could be all the colors of the rainbow and still kill someone, but since you see things through your tinted eyes, you only see one color not all of them.

Now, it would help if you did a lot of growing up, and a lot less trolling about things that exceed your comprehension.

I would love to see jerk offs like you stop putting words into people's mouth's and incorrectly claim (aka LIE) about people with whom you have a disagreement. I have no "bias" (certainly not to the level that you and your cohorts have) and I have made a clear determination; if zimmerman would not have gotten out of his truck to continue chasing and harassing Martin (by following him for no reason), we most likely would not be discussing this case.
I have already stated that I don't care if zimmerman was black and Martin was white, that I would have the same sentiments. I guarantee that you and your cohorts WOULD DEFINITELY be singing another tune if the racial roles were reversed. Once again you are wrong about "tinted eyes".
Talk about "growing up" and "trolling"; take your own advice ASSHOLE! Oh and take your little bitch "negs" and shove it where the "sun don't shine" jerk off. :lol:

Please refrain from using your fighting words. When you say asshole it appears that you have a depraved mind. HA
Read above, I did explain. Now you said Zimmerman didn't follow him. You explain why he was so far from his car.

First you didnt explain.
Second I never said Zimmerman didnt follow him at all. He did follow him, lost him, returned to his car but was intercepted by Martin before he could get there.
Last chance: how could Zimmerman, who was obese, run and catch up with Martin, who played football?

ok, you said "Zimmerman was not "following him around." That is a mischaracterization. " So yes you did say that.

As I stated. Martin may have just jogged around the corner out of sight and then started walking. We have all seen Zimmerman, he is not so obese he can't run a block. We're not talking about a 10 mile run here. Zimmerman could have run the block and caught up to him around the corner. You actually think it is more likely that Zimmerman sprinted away just to sprint back and attack Martin? Really? While I guess it is possible, why sprint away in the first place?

What is it about this case that it brings out the brain dead?

You said Zimmerman was following Martin around. That implies an extended period of pursuit. There was no such thing. Which is why I said you mischaracterized it.
Zimmerman followed Martin initially. Then Martin saw him and ran away.

According to your version Martin ran around the corner (of what??) and stopped. He was so..what?,,that he did not hear the obese Zimmerman puffing towards him. Zimmerman confronted him around the corner of whatever it was and then..what? Slammed his own head against the ground and then shot Martin?
Your version is bizarre and not based on anything except bias and misinformation.
But even if it were accurate, the only question is whether Zimmerman was legitimately in fear for his life when he shot. And the answer is still yes.
You're a fucking idiot Phonoixopp.

So it is against the law to walk up to someone to ask a question? People ask for directions from people all the time or a multitude of different things. This wasn't against the law...The case rest on 1. Who attacked who, 2. Did Zimmerman have a right to self defense?

There's little question that Trayvon was on top...

You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people...

Do understand this isn't away to draw businesses into that area. :(

Actually Matthew;you are a dishonest idiot with a racial chip on your shoulder against "the Blacks", anyone who is honest can see it by your posts and the threads that you start.

Do people purposely follow someone who is trying to avoid them and ask them for directions? If someone follows me and I try to avoid them and then they leave their vehicle in order to confront me, a rational person would see that there's a potential threat and either have a flight or fight response.

There are plenty of people who start fights (like zimmerman did) and get their asses kicked.

Once again this demonstrates the way that you , templar, and the rest of your bigoted cohorts, lie and try to make an incorrect pretext about what someone "thinks" or "feels". Show me a post where I stated this bunk that you posted: "You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people..." . Good luck in trying to find a post of mine back up another one of your lies, you fucking idiot matthew.

Thanks for the laugh............................asshole. :lol:
I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

It's obviously really important to you that you get the last word in on this.

only for the moment.
You didn't answer my question, you deflected, which in a round about way does answer my question.

I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

Yes, it is a damn shame that a kid is dead.

No, you didn't answer my question and your insistence that you did rings false.

I was asking why YOU thought the way you did.
Ya know, some days I just can't be bothered engaging in back and forth argument over an obvious but meaningless point that inevitably descends into grappling over minutiae and semantics and results in no-one changing their stance.
This will be just such an argument, and this is one of those days...sorry.
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