The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

It's obviously really important to you that you get the last word in on this.

I'm gonna guess you don't understand why people accuse you of deflecting.
You're a fucking idiot Phonoixopp.

So it is against the law to walk up to someone to ask a question? People ask for directions from people all the time or a multitude of different things. This wasn't against the law...The case rest on 1. Who attacked who, 2. Did Zimmerman have a right to self defense?

There's little question that Trayvon was on top...

You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people...

Do understand this isn't away to draw businesses into that area. :(

Actually Matthew;you are a dishonest idiot with a racial chip on your shoulder against "the Blacks", anyone who is honest can see it by your posts and the threads that you start.

Do people purposely follow someone who is trying to avoid them and ask them for directions? If someone follows me and I try to avoid them and then they leave their vehicle in order to confront me, a rational person would see that there's a potential threat and either have a flight or fight response.

There are plenty of people who start fights (like zimmerman did) and get their asses kicked.

Once again this demonstrates the way that you , templar, and the rest of your bigoted cohorts, lie and try to make an incorrect pretext about what someone "thinks" or "feels". Show me a post where I stated this bunk that you posted: "You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people..." . Good luck in trying to find a post of mine back up another one of your lies, you fucking idiot matthew.

Thanks for the laugh............................asshole. :lol:

Golly a badass?
I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

Yes, it is a damn shame that a kid is dead.

No, you didn't answer my question and your insistence that you did rings false.

I was asking why YOU thought the way you did.
Ya know, some days I just can't be bothered engaging in back and forth argument over an obvious but meaningless point that inevitably descends into grappling over minutiae and semantics and results in no-one changing their stance.
This will be just such an argument, and this is one of those days...sorry.

Ah, he's good at projection when he's not busy deflecting.
You're a fucking idiot Phonoixopp.

So it is against the law to walk up to someone to ask a question? People ask for directions from people all the time or a multitude of different things. This wasn't against the law...The case rest on 1. Who attacked who, 2. Did Zimmerman have a right to self defense?

There's little question that Trayvon was on top...

You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people...

Do understand this isn't away to draw businesses into that area. :(

Actually Matthew;you are a dishonest idiot with a racial chip on your shoulder against "the Blacks", anyone who is honest can see it by your posts and the threads that you start.

Do people purposely follow someone who is trying to avoid them and ask them for directions? If someone follows me and I try to avoid them and then they leave their vehicle in order to confront me, a rational person would see that there's a potential threat and either have a flight or fight response.

There are plenty of people who start fights (like zimmerman did) and get their asses kicked.

Once again this demonstrates the way that you , templar, and the rest of your bigoted cohorts, lie and try to make an incorrect pretext about what someone "thinks" or "feels". Show me a post where I stated this bunk that you posted: "You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people..." . Good luck in trying to find a post of mine back up another one of your lies, you fucking idiot matthew.

Thanks for the laugh............................asshole. :lol:

Nobody knows if TM was truly acting suspicious or not. Nobody knows if GZ started the fight. With these aspects agreed upon, you have evidence to look at. The evidence, testimony and physical evidence, supports GZ's account. The fact that the prosecution continues to give different scenarios about the incident promotes reasonable doubt.
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

The only thing that matters is DOES THE STATE HAVE A CASE THAT IS WITHOUT "QUESTION" against Zimmerman. So he will walk. Enjoy your riots and murders of innocent people sick bastard.
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

IN this country we're afforded the RIGHT to decide. Any seasoned attorney knows that if they don't have to put their client on the witness stand, ABSOLUTELY don't do it. You're just pissed that Zimmerman has been shown to be innocent and your leftist lynching party has been shown to be nothing more than RACE WHORES.
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

The only thing that matters is DOES THE STATE HAVE A CASE THAT IS WITHOUT "QUESTION" against Zimmerman. So he will walk. Enjoy your riots and murders of innocent people sick bastard.

I think you're overconfident in the outcome. As anyone with experience can tell you, juries are unpredictable. And the simple fact is that Zimmerman was stalking Martin. That doesn't look too good to most people, ESPECIALLY women (all the jurers are women) who tend to have a lot more experience with stalkers than men do.
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

Zimmerman is so confident that the States case hasn't been proven that he feels that there's no point to testifying.
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

IN this country we're afforded the RIGHT to decide. Any seasoned attorney knows that if they don't have to put their client on the witness stand, ABSOLUTELY don't do it. You're just pissed that Zimmerman has been shown to be innocent and your leftist lynching party has been shown to be nothing more than RACE WHORES.

I'm not pissed. And Zimmerman has been shown to be innocent, either. Maybe not guilty, but definitely not innocent.
So Zimmerman, who was obese, ran after Martin, who was a football player, caught up with him and shot him? Is that the line you want to take here?

Well Martin may have run till he was out of sight then walked. Zimmerman doesn't look so obese that he couldn't run. But I think what is important is that clearly Zimmerman followed Martin, hence why shooting took place away from car.

No, I want to hear your explanation for how Martin, the athlete, ran away and Zimmerman, who was obese according to medical reports at the time, caught up with him and shot him.

Someone with a beer belly could be considered "obese", I have seen plenty of overweight people run around and play sports (pick up basketball, softball, handball, tennis, boxing,etc.). What if Martin didn't run away and he was just walking away? He was still trying to avoid zimmerman.
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

The only thing that matters is DOES THE STATE HAVE A CASE THAT IS WITHOUT "QUESTION" against Zimmerman. So he will walk. Enjoy your riots and murders of innocent people sick bastard.

I think you're overconfident in the outcome. As anyone with experience can tell you, juries are unpredictable. And the simple fact is that Zimmerman was stalking Martin. That doesn't look too good to most people, ESPECIALLY women (all the jurers are women) who tend to have a lot more experience with stalkers than men do.

oh lord----there was no stalking. It didn't even come up at the trial.
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

IN this country we're afforded the RIGHT to decide. Any seasoned attorney knows that if they don't have to put their client on the witness stand, ABSOLUTELY don't do it. You're just pissed that Zimmerman has been shown to be innocent and your leftist lynching party has been shown to be nothing more than RACE WHORES.

I'm not pissed. And Zimmerman has been shown to be innocent, either. Maybe not guilty, but definitely not innocent.

We have the right to self defense in this country. If some punkazz biatch who looks for trouble comes and starts it, he just may end up dead. Guess what?! Leave people the fuck alone.. think you can simply hit and attack someone simply because you don't like them or you're pissed about something? WRONG ANSWER.
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

IN this country we're afforded the RIGHT to decide. Any seasoned attorney knows that if they don't have to put their client on the witness stand, ABSOLUTELY don't do it. You're just pissed that Zimmerman has been shown to be innocent and your leftist lynching party has been shown to be nothing more than RACE WHORES.

I'm not pissed. And Zimmerman has been shown to be innocent, either.

Has. Yes he has. Unfortunate typo for you.
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The only thing that matters is DOES THE STATE HAVE A CASE THAT IS WITHOUT "QUESTION" against Zimmerman. So he will walk. Enjoy your riots and murders of innocent people sick bastard.

I think you're overconfident in the outcome. As anyone with experience can tell you, juries are unpredictable. And the simple fact is that Zimmerman was stalking Martin. That doesn't look too good to most people, ESPECIALLY women (all the jurers are women) who tend to have a lot more experience with stalkers than men do.

oh lord----there was no stalking. It didn't even come up at the trial.

It was debunked actually.
It is--and there is a lesson to be learned here. Don't go around looking for a fight. I hope parents everywhere are teaching their kids this lesson.

It's obviously really important to you that you get the last word in on this.

I'm gonna guess you don't understand why people accuse you of deflecting.

My guess is it's because people are idiots looking for an argument where there is none.
My guess is it's because people take an entrenched position on limited evidence and then shout about it at everyone around them - not to try to convince others, nor to consider other arguments, but to be the loudest because as we all know, the loudest one wins the argument.
My guess is it's because people don't accept any grey - there're only black and white and any evidence that introduces any grey must be shouted down.

They are my guesses anyway.
I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

Yes, it is a damn shame that a kid is dead.

No, you didn't answer my question and your insistence that you did rings false.

I was asking why YOU thought the way you did.
Ya know, some days I just can't be bothered engaging in back and forth argument over an obvious but meaningless point that inevitably descends into grappling over minutiae and semantics and results in no-one changing their stance.
This will be just such an argument, and this is one of those days...sorry.

And besides everyone has an opinion at this point in the case and we all know each other's. I don't need to hear it 25 times to understand it is how the other person feels about it.
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Crazy Scot -

The lawyers have all gone to bed so I'll attempt a quick 'spanation of what I think happens next.

The State thinks it may want to call one rebuttal witness. It's an ATF agent who arrested GZ 8 years ago on assault charges. But the charges were reduced, GZ completed some anger management classes, and the charges were dropped. If they call him, then the defense can question him. They will probably not call him and will not present a rebuttal case. If no rebuttal by State, then no surrebuttal by defense. Done with testimony.

The lawyers are set to convene at 9AM tomorrow to discuss jury instructions. At 1PM the State will present their closing argument by Bernie. Friday morning the defense will present their closing by Mark O'Mara followed by a final rebuttal argument by John Guy for the State. Then the jury gets to deliberate.

Hope that helped answer your questions. Which, I'm sorry, I have now forgotten. Too long a day.......

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