The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I answered it fully.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you the obvious inferences that can be drawn from what we do know happened that night...because they're obvious.

Once again, I don't have a position on his guilt or innocence.
My only point was that a kid is dead who shouldn't be and it's a damn shame.

Yes, it is a damn shame that a kid is dead.

No, you didn't answer my question and your insistence that you did rings false.

I was asking why YOU thought the way you did.
Ya know, some days I just can't be bothered engaging in back and forth argument over an obvious but meaningless point that inevitably descends into grappling over minutiae and semantics and results in no-one changing their stance.
This will be just such an argument, and this is one of those days...sorry.

Lot's of assumptions ^^ in your post.

I asked an honest question.

You could have answered with something like, "I think he is a guilty MoFo end of story".

I would have accepted your answer.

It's that simple.
Nobody can prove he was stalked. Nobody can prove if TM was suspicious or not. With all the evidence presented, and the multiple scenarios presented by the prosecution, there is reasonable doubt. Opinions about stalking, and who started the fight and wanna-be cops, don't prove anything.
Sorry for the call out up there. I'm not a cat fighter, I'm a wait for the rope. That was a personal attack wrong waiting to be righted. Patience.

This case is a TRAGEDY no doubt about it. The tragedy started in 2010 when his "family" and support system and stability went away during his most crucial years. My bro is 7 years and 363 days younger than I am. So he had to deal with crap and be left "alone" when the unit fell apart.

It is a tragedy on all sides.

1 man will never have a life again, one almost man is dead during due to a tragic incident.

That's it.

It happens a lot that's not in the media and never ever goes to POTUS, Fed level.

This is a sad event that gained national race and political notoriety because the Agendas made it the catalyst for their cause.

This is - as it boils down to it - a tragic incident.

Remove everything else - agenda, race, politics and just watch the evidence and what the jury saw as evidence.

This is a case of tragedy. But absolutely no reason someone should burn for it unless you're standing on an agenda.
Yes, it is a damn shame that a kid is dead.

No, you didn't answer my question and your insistence that you did rings false.

I was asking why YOU thought the way you did.
Ya know, some days I just can't be bothered engaging in back and forth argument over an obvious but meaningless point that inevitably descends into grappling over minutiae and semantics and results in no-one changing their stance.
This will be just such an argument, and this is one of those days...sorry.

And besides everyone has an opinion at this point in the case and we all know each other's. I don't need to hear it 25 times to understand it is how the other person feels about it.

Sarah-This is the first time I've seen idb post in this thread.
idb claims he doesn't have a position.
First you didnt explain.
Second I never said Zimmerman didnt follow him at all. He did follow him, lost him, returned to his car but was intercepted by Martin before he could get there.
Last chance: how could Zimmerman, who was obese, run and catch up with Martin, who played football?

ok, you said "Zimmerman was not "following him around." That is a mischaracterization. " So yes you did say that.

As I stated. Martin may have just jogged around the corner out of sight and then started walking. We have all seen Zimmerman, he is not so obese he can't run a block. We're not talking about a 10 mile run here. Zimmerman could have run the block and caught up to him around the corner. You actually think it is more likely that Zimmerman sprinted away just to sprint back and attack Martin? Really? While I guess it is possible, why sprint away in the first place?

What is it about this case that it brings out the brain dead?

You said Zimmerman was following Martin around. That implies an extended period of pursuit. There was no such thing. Which is why I said you mischaracterized it.
Zimmerman followed Martin initially. Then Martin saw him and ran away.

According to your version Martin ran around the corner (of what??) and stopped. He was so..what?,,that he did not hear the obese Zimmerman puffing towards him. Zimmerman confronted him around the corner of whatever it was and then..what? Slammed his own head against the ground and then shot Martin?
Your version is bizarre and not based on anything except bias and misinformation.
But even if it were accurate, the only question is whether Zimmerman was legitimately in fear for his life when he shot. And the answer is still yes.

So now you admit he followed him: "Zimmerman followed Martin initially." You said it. Now how do you know he ever stopped following him?

Have you looked at a map of the area? Your explanation makes no sense. From the map I have seen Zimmermans car was down a block and out of sight from where the shooting occurred. So clearly Zimmerman followed him from his car to where the shooting occurred. According to the Zimmerman 911 call it was raining out so yes it's quite possible the weather was loud and he didn't hear him.

I'm basing what I'm saying on the Zimmerman 911 call and where his car and the shooting was. How is the bias or misinformation?

So tell me something. Your out for a walk in your neighborhood and some guy harasses you. He ends up punching you and a fight starts. You start winning and the guy pulls a gun and shoots and kills you. Should he be charged with anything?
Yes, it is a damn shame that a kid is dead.

No, you didn't answer my question and your insistence that you did rings false.

I was asking why YOU thought the way you did.
Ya know, some days I just can't be bothered engaging in back and forth argument over an obvious but meaningless point that inevitably descends into grappling over minutiae and semantics and results in no-one changing their stance.
This will be just such an argument, and this is one of those days...sorry.

Lot's of assumptions ^^ in your post.

I asked an honest question.

You could have answered with something like, "I think he is a guilty MoFo end of story".

I would have accepted your answer.

It's that simple.

But I've already told you, I don't have an opinion because I don't know all the facts.
How can I be any plainer?
Obama and his tyrannical sidekick Holder, promoting racial tension and race wars using YOUR tax dollars:

Daily Caller: Holder Spent Tax-Payer $ Supporting Anti-Zimmerman Protests - Fox Nation

Why does the black community want more violence?:doubt:

The real question is what does racial divide do to an already polarized American electorate and why would a sitting US President and his Admin promote it?

MARXISM- chaos.. We just had this Administration ORDER government employees to turn on one another - just as we saw in Nazi Germany.. This Administration is purposely inciting hatred and division between Americans.. We already have LEFTISTS on this forum who are all too happy to betray and harm fellow Americans who don't tow the MARXIST line.. It's all a consolidated effort.

"Let the Lord of Chaos Rule"
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

Why on earth would any attorney expose their client to the stand when the Prosecution has already put his side of the story on the record?
You're a fucking idiot Phonoixopp.

So it is against the law to walk up to someone to ask a question? People ask for directions from people all the time or a multitude of different things. This wasn't against the law...The case rest on 1. Who attacked who, 2. Did Zimmerman have a right to self defense?

There's little question that Trayvon was on top...

You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people...

Do understand this isn't away to draw businesses into that area. :(

Actually Matthew;you are a dishonest idiot with a racial chip on your shoulder against "the Blacks", anyone who is honest can see it by your posts and the threads that you start.

Do people purposely follow someone who is trying to avoid them and ask them for directions? If someone follows me and I try to avoid them and then they leave their vehicle in order to confront me, a rational person would see that there's a potential threat and either have a flight or fight response.

There are plenty of people who start fights (like zimmerman did) and get their asses kicked.

Once again this demonstrates the way that you , templar, and the rest of your bigoted cohorts, lie and try to make an incorrect pretext about what someone "thinks" or "feels". Show me a post where I stated this bunk that you posted: "You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people..." . Good luck in trying to find a post of mine back up another one of your lies, you fucking idiot matthew.

Thanks for the laugh............................asshole. :lol:

Golly a badass?

Nah, I just call it the way I see it and I am quite often correct.
The left have created an entitled attitude amongst their base.. "You're entitled to beat up a white man if he pisses you off... you're entitled to mock a white man, harm him, debase him." So now we have thugs walking around thinking it's ok to physically attack people and then when they end up dead, the left cries FOUL.. It's the same old stank shit, different day. We're all suppose to just let the left do whatever the fuck it wants and shut our mouths. Too bad that will never happen.
No. No other words required. You ARE the idiot who imagines that this case has ANYthing to do with "stand your ground."

It does not.

But, let's give you a golden moment to show how brilliant you are.

Define (with reference to Florida statutes and case law) what "stand your ground" means.

Then, tell the class exactly HOW you imagine that the notion of "stand your ground" has ANY connection at all to a situation where a guy is pinned on the ground on his back, getting pummeled and manages to get to his gun before having his skull cracked open.
I asked YOU to answer a series of questions FIRST! Answer those before asking me ANYTHING! Don't try to trick me into doing your research FOR YOU! Asswipe, YOU are a joke! Come on, show us how dull you are!

You didn't ask me anything, stupid.

Now, then. I have asked you a simple set of questions.

For you to bloviate about the Stand Your Ground law, one would expect you to know at least SOMETHING about it.

You clearly do not. This is why you just totally and completely pussied out and ran away from answering.

Pretty much exactly what I expected from you, you worthless puss.

Here is the Permalink that shows I DID ask you a question that you were too YELLOW to answer. Yep, looking at your avatar you really are YELLOW. No wonder you like ZImmerman so much. Cowards sure like to cover for each other.


I see that you are only using one lobe of your already challenged brain; You want to apply SYG to ZImmerman.. and NO ...he doesn't have a case. Martin DID have a case for SYG and he used the only weapon he had... his fists. From that perspective he was justified in doing whatever he did to GZ.
I doubt if you will "GET IT"since your biased defective mind is incapable of grasping anything more complex than A Faux News broadcast!@.

I'm done with you....I don't like foul mouth idiots have wasted too much of my time with your low classed yellow bellied banter!
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So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

The only thing that matters is DOES THE STATE HAVE A CASE THAT IS WITHOUT "QUESTION" against Zimmerman. So he will walk. Enjoy your riots and murders of innocent people sick bastard.

I think you're overconfident in the outcome. As anyone with experience can tell you, juries are unpredictable. And the simple fact is that Zimmerman was stalking Martin. That doesn't look too good to most people, ESPECIALLY women (all the jurers are women) who tend to have a lot more experience with stalkers than men do.

There is no evidence that zimmerman was stalking martin. If there was, he would have been charged with stalking. He wasn't. Stalking requires repeated behavior. Even if the prosecution proves that he followed Trayvon, it wouldnt fit the stalking law since he only followed him one time.

I wish you people would try to understand the facts and the law. We are such a freakin uneducated society who thinks they are.
So, Zimmerman doesn't take the stand in his own defense? I guess they figured that he would hurt his own cause. Frankly, I don't think that's a vote of confidence in his story or how he tells it in mock cross examinations.

Why on earth would any attorney expose their client to the stand when the Prosecution has already put his side of the story on the record?

Devastating common sense.
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