The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I'm not pissed. And Zimmerman has been shown to be innocent, either. Maybe not guilty, but definitely not innocent.

We have the right to self defense in this country. If some punkazz biatch who looks for trouble comes and starts it, he just may end up dead. Guess what?! Leave people the fuck alone.. think you can simply hit and attack someone simply because you don't like them or you're pissed about something? WRONG ANSWER.
That's the advice your boy zimmemrn should have followed, instead he chose to follow and harass that kid. zimmerman was the adult with the firearm, he should have definitely kept his distance as Martin wasn't committing any crime.

How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.
Actually Matthew;you are a dishonest idiot with a racial chip on your shoulder against "the Blacks", anyone who is honest can see it by your posts and the threads that you start.

Do people purposely follow someone who is trying to avoid them and ask them for directions? If someone follows me and I try to avoid them and then they leave their vehicle in order to confront me, a rational person would see that there's a potential threat and either have a flight or fight response.

There are plenty of people who start fights (like zimmerman did) and get their asses kicked.

Once again this demonstrates the way that you , templar, and the rest of your bigoted cohorts, lie and try to make an incorrect pretext about what someone "thinks" or "feels". Show me a post where I stated this bunk that you posted: "You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people..." . Good luck in trying to find a post of mine back up another one of your lies, you fucking idiot matthew.

Thanks for the laugh............................asshole. :lol:

Nobody knows if TM was truly acting suspicious or not. Nobody knows if GZ started the fight. With these aspects agreed upon, you have evidence to look at. The evidence, testimony and physical evidence, supports GZ's account. The fact that the prosecution continues to give different scenarios about the incident promotes reasonable doubt.

What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?

The forensics testimony backs that GZ's story is plausible. The only eye witness stated he saw TM onto of GZ throwing punches and that GZ was yelling at help. The state has never once put a factual scenario of how else GZ's injuries could have occurred. There is no scenario that the state has provided that is any more reasonable than that. So even if they find one that a juror says could be exactly as likely as that account, the tie would go to reasonable doubt.
Actually Matthew;you are a dishonest idiot with a racial chip on your shoulder against "the Blacks", anyone who is honest can see it by your posts and the threads that you start.

Do people purposely follow someone who is trying to avoid them and ask them for directions? If someone follows me and I try to avoid them and then they leave their vehicle in order to confront me, a rational person would see that there's a potential threat and either have a flight or fight response.

There are plenty of people who start fights (like zimmerman did) and get their asses kicked.

Once again this demonstrates the way that you , templar, and the rest of your bigoted cohorts, lie and try to make an incorrect pretext about what someone "thinks" or "feels". Show me a post where I stated this bunk that you posted: "You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people..." . Good luck in trying to find a post of mine back up another one of your lies, you fucking idiot matthew.

Thanks for the laugh............................asshole. :lol:

Nobody knows if TM was truly acting suspicious or not. Nobody knows if GZ started the fight. With these aspects agreed upon, you have evidence to look at. The evidence, testimony and physical evidence, supports GZ's account. The fact that the prosecution continues to give different scenarios about the incident promotes reasonable doubt.

What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?

The prosecution on top of the dummy today supports his account that Martin was on top, same as the eye witness.
The forensic evidence offered by the defense's medical examiner.
Your team's medical examiner was a joke and if you do not know and admit that you are no so bright.
That confirmed all of what Zimmerman stated to police and all of that was gone over how many times in this trial?
32 or 33?
Nah, I just call it the way I see it and I am quite often correct.

That's debateable.

There's that old saying about broken clocks being right twice a day, in pheonix's case, there ain't no hands on the clock!

So says the resident:

amongst other things.
rdean just went off the deep end...
Where would we be today if....

Trevon just kept walking away...
Trevon called 911
Trevon did not confront someone who had a gun.
Trevon did not attack George Zimmerman...

Trevon "ran" away. Wasn't that good enough? We know he ran because Zimmerman said so in his "call".
Actually Matthew;you are a dishonest idiot with a racial chip on your shoulder against "the Blacks", anyone who is honest can see it by your posts and the threads that you start.

Do people purposely follow someone who is trying to avoid them and ask them for directions? If someone follows me and I try to avoid them and then they leave their vehicle in order to confront me, a rational person would see that there's a potential threat and either have a flight or fight response.

There are plenty of people who start fights (like zimmerman did) and get their asses kicked.

Once again this demonstrates the way that you , templar, and the rest of your bigoted cohorts, lie and try to make an incorrect pretext about what someone "thinks" or "feels". Show me a post where I stated this bunk that you posted: "You just don't like it that Zimmerman wanted to do something about the break ins around that area. Crime is ok with you as long as it is done by a certain group of people..." . Good luck in trying to find a post of mine back up another one of your lies, you fucking idiot matthew.

Thanks for the laugh............................asshole. :lol:

Nobody knows if TM was truly acting suspicious or not. Nobody knows if GZ started the fight. With these aspects agreed upon, you have evidence to look at. The evidence, testimony and physical evidence, supports GZ's account. The fact that the prosecution continues to give different scenarios about the incident promotes reasonable doubt.

What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?


Dumbest question of the month award goes to: Pheonixops! Congratulations!
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I remember when I played ball when the other guy was getting his ass worn out and was running out of gas. Many times it WAS ME that was getting my ass kicked by my opponent and I was running out of gas.
And when I was beaten fairly after the game I went and shook the hand of that man that wore my ass out.
And the times that the other guy lost the good sports, the men with character would come over and congratulate me.
But sometimes you would get a guy that got his ass wore out and he would be crying to the ref the whole game "they are cheating, he jumped offside, he is holding me."
And then after the game they would run like a 5 year old to the locker room.
Same as here. Many here are getting their asses kicked.
I know it because they are now calling us "racists, resident bigots" and worse.
So you 5 year old whiny bitches, go run off and cry to your mama.
No. I think you're a pathetic fucking loser, flinging crap comments that contradict each other with no foundation other than your "feelings."

Nobody's perfect, and people make mistakes. That shows I'm human unlike how you come off in your personal attack.

How does one mistake all of a sudden make my comments contradict? That doesn't even make sense.

No, your mistake was posting here at all.

Isn't QuickHit's defense the same that GZ is trying to use now? So, we should buy it for you, but for GZ we must agree that he is a loser sociopath??? This guy is hilarious!!!!
Here's the bitch of it. You have trouble making punks roaming the streets looking to rob and harm people..regardless of skin color, that's an absolute fact. If I'm walking down a street and you fuck with me, I'm going to warn you to move on and go away or I will be forced to defend myself. If you don't fucking listen and attack me, you're a dead azz... as simple as that. So suffice to say, do what most self respecting Americans do. Work hard, respect others.. then you won't find yourself in that predicament. It's rather fucking simple.
We have the right to self defense in this country. If some punkazz biatch who looks for trouble comes and starts it, he just may end up dead. Guess what?! Leave people the fuck alone.. think you can simply hit and attack someone simply because you don't like them or you're pissed about something? WRONG ANSWER.
That's the advice your boy zimmemrn should have followed, instead he chose to follow and harass that kid. zimmerman was the adult with the firearm, he should have definitely kept his distance as Martin wasn't committing any crime.

He's not my boy and he had every right to defend himself. Go try that shit again with someone.. You'll find the same results. Like I said , no one is going to roll over and let you fuckers simply beat them up.. Mind your own fucking biznez then you won't have to worry about being 6ft under.. otherwise roll the fucking dice and choose your victim carefully.

Who in the hell are you talking to? Try what "shit" again? Who are "you fuckers"? Is that "biznez" a typo or is it something else? Where do you people come up with that insane shit?
It's pretty comical though thanks for the laugh! "Ladygunslinger"............. :lol:
What the fuck does any of this have to do with Twinkies?

I just thought the Twinkies were funny.

Zimmerman will get off. He will be terribly harassed. No one wants a man who murders children living next door. Would you? Next time, it might not be a black kid.

No one wanted Dan White living by them. He was chased from community to community. The same will happen to Zimmerman. Dan White committed suicide. I suspect the same will happen to Zimmerman.
rdean just went off the deep end...
Where would we be today if....

Trevon just kept walking away...
Trevon called 911
Trevon did not confront someone who had a gun.
Trevon did not attack George Zimmerman...

Trevon "ran" away. Wasn't that good enough? We know he ran because Zimmerman said so in his "call".

He went and hid for a few minutes and returned to beat the shit out of George. Check out the evidence that even the prosecution agrees with.
That's the advice your boy zimmemrn should have followed, instead he chose to follow and harass that kid. zimmerman was the adult with the firearm, he should have definitely kept his distance as Martin wasn't committing any crime.

He's not my boy and he had every right to defend himself. Go try that shit again with someone.. You'll find the same results. Like I said , no one is going to roll over and let you fuckers simply beat them up.. Mind your own fucking biznez then you won't have to worry about being 6ft under.. otherwise roll the fucking dice and choose your victim carefully.

Who in the hell are you talking to? Try what "shit" again? Who are "you fuckers"? Is that "biznez" a typo or is it something else? Where do you people come up with that insane shit?
It's pretty comical though thanks for the laugh! "Ladygunslinger"............. :lol:

I didn't stutter nor did I mince my words..I was talking to you and anyone else who thinks you're entitled to beat people.. I don't give a damn if you're black, white, red, brown, yellow. It's all the same to me. Respect people, period or face the consequences.
We have the right to self defense in this country. If some punkazz biatch who looks for trouble comes and starts it, he just may end up dead. Guess what?! Leave people the fuck alone.. think you can simply hit and attack someone simply because you don't like them or you're pissed about something? WRONG ANSWER.
That's the advice your boy zimmemrn should have followed, instead he chose to follow and harass that kid. zimmerman was the adult with the firearm, he should have definitely kept his distance as Martin wasn't committing any crime.

How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.

So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?
What is it about this case that it brings out the brain dead?

You said Zimmerman was following Martin around. That implies an extended period of pursuit. There was no such thing. Which is why I said you mischaracterized it.
Zimmerman followed Martin initially. Then Martin saw him and ran away.

According to your version Martin ran around the corner (of what??) and stopped. He was so..what?,,that he did not hear the obese Zimmerman puffing towards him. Zimmerman confronted him around the corner of whatever it was and then..what? Slammed his own head against the ground and then shot Martin?
Your version is bizarre and not based on anything except bias and misinformation.
But even if it were accurate, the only question is whether Zimmerman was legitimately in fear for his life when he shot. And the answer is still yes.

So now you admit he followed him: "Zimmerman followed Martin initially." You said it. Now how do you know he ever stopped following him?

Have you looked at a map of the area? Your explanation makes no sense. From the map I have seen Zimmermans car was down a block and out of sight from where the shooting occurred. So clearly Zimmerman followed him from his car to where the shooting occurred. According to the Zimmerman 911 call it was raining out so yes it's quite possible the weather was loud and he didn't hear him.

I'm basing what I'm saying on the Zimmerman 911 call and where his car and the shooting was. How is the bias or misinformation?

So tell me something. Your out for a walk in your neighborhood and some guy harasses you. He ends up punching you and a fight starts. You start winning and the guy pulls a gun and shoots and kills you. Should he be charged with anything?

I never said he didnt follow him. I said your statement he "followed him around" mischaracterized what happened.
Which was:
Zimmerman said he was driving to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon Martin walking through the neighborhood. Zimmerman's father said that, while his son was not on duty that night as Neighborhood Watch captain, there had been many break-ins and he thought it suspicious that someone he didn't recognize was walking behind the town homes instead of on the street or the sidewalk. Zimmerman therefore called a non-emergency police line to report Martin's behavior and summon police.[188][189] During the call, Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was "coming to check me out."[100] A source to the Orlando Sentinel said in May that Zimmerman told investigators that at one point Martin circled his vehicle,[Note 7] and he rolled up his window to avoid a confrontation.[185][190]

After telling the police dispatcher that Martin "ran,"[191] Zimmerman left his vehicle to determine his location and ascertain in which direction Martin had fled.[185][192] The dispatcher asked if Zimmerman was following Martin, and Zimmerman replied "Yeah." Then the dispatcher said, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman replied with "OK" and stated that Martin got away.[191] After a discussion about where Zimmerman would meet police, the call ended, and Zimmerman told investigators he was returning to his vehicle when Martin approached him from his left rear and confronted him.[185][186] According to Zimmerman, Martin then punched him in the face, knocking him down, and began beating his head against the sidewalk.[185][186] Zimmerman said he called out for help while being beaten, and at one point Martin covered his mouth to muffle the screams.[185][186] According to Zimmerman's father, during the struggle while Martin was on top of Zimmerman, Martin saw the gun his son was carrying and said something to the effect of "You're gonna die now" or "You're gonna die tonight" and continued to beat Zimmerman.[184] Zimmerman and Martin struggled over the gun, and Zimmerman shot Martin once in the chest at close range, in self-defense.[185][186][187]

Martin ran away. Zimmerman got out of the car to see where he had gone. How far did he go from the car? I don't know. But then Martin, who had run away, suddenly re-appeared and confronted Zimmerman.
So saying Zimmerman "followed him around" is not accurate.

Do you think Zimmerman, much shorter than Martin and in worse shape, started punching Martin? If so for what reason?

Well look at a map of where the car was and where the shooting happened and you'll see he was quite far from his car. Your posting the Zimmerman side of the story like it is the truth. It may be, but you certainly cannot say it is for sure.

How do you know that Martin suddenly reappeared? We don't know that. It could be Zimmerman followed and caught up to him. Why would Martin run away just to come back? While possible, that doesn't make much sense.

Do you really think 17 year old Martin who was not doing anything wrong and had no history of violence attacked Zimmerman and was going to beat him to death on the street?

Based on what Zimmerman says on the call I think it's quite possible that he caught up to Martin and had a verbal confrontation. Maybe he called him a punk and a criminal and things escalated. Next there is a fight and Zimmerman starts losing and ends up shooting the minor Martin. I'm not a lawyer but to me I think you have to put the responsibility of such an incident on the adult.
Nobody knows if TM was truly acting suspicious or not. Nobody knows if GZ started the fight. With these aspects agreed upon, you have evidence to look at. The evidence, testimony and physical evidence, supports GZ's account. The fact that the prosecution continues to give different scenarios about the incident promotes reasonable doubt.

What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?

The forensics testimony backs that GZ's story is plausible. The only eye witness stated he saw TM onto of GZ throwing punches and that GZ was yelling at help. The state has never once put a factual scenario of how else GZ's injuries could have occurred. There is no scenario that the state has provided that is any more reasonable than that. So even if they find one that a juror says could be exactly as likely as that account, the tie would go to reasonable doubt.

What eye witness stated that it was zimmerman who yelling "help!"?
That's the advice your boy zimmemrn should have followed, instead he chose to follow and harass that kid. zimmerman was the adult with the firearm, he should have definitely kept his distance as Martin wasn't committing any crime.

How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.

So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

So you believe the jury will convict Zimmerman of harassment?
Hate to spill the beans to you Moe but Zimmerman is not charged with harassment.
The jury believes Martin was NOT harassed by Zimmerman because of that.
Everyone knew that months ago. You are very late to the show.
Imagine that.
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