The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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That's the advice your boy zimmemrn should have followed, instead he chose to follow and harass that kid. zimmerman was the adult with the firearm, he should have definitely kept his distance as Martin wasn't committing any crime.

How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.

So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

Where's your outrage over two teenage black boys beating the shit out of a white man and killing him with a hammer?? I can't hear you?!
Black Teens Beat 50 Year-Old White Man With Hammer Near Sanford, FL? Media Silent | The Gateway Pundit
That's the advice your boy zimmemrn should have followed, instead he chose to follow and harass that kid. zimmerman was the adult with the firearm, he should have definitely kept his distance as Martin wasn't committing any crime.

How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.

So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

Prove anything you just said. You don't know anymore than anyone. You shout your opinion like it is the gospel. You don't know if he was acting suspicious or not, and you can't claim TM was trying to avoid him either. The only witness who said this is an admitted perjurer.
George Zimmerman will get off go back to his mixed hispanic, black and white community and no one will ever hear from him again. He will not be harrassed. He will not be noticed.

Black people will move on to the next outrage.
What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?

The forensics testimony backs that GZ's story is plausible. The only eye witness stated he saw TM onto of GZ throwing punches and that GZ was yelling at help. The state has never once put a factual scenario of how else GZ's injuries could have occurred. There is no scenario that the state has provided that is any more reasonable than that. So even if they find one that a juror says could be exactly as likely as that account, the tie would go to reasonable doubt.

What eye witness stated that it was zimmerman who yelling "help!"?

John Good. Have you watched the trial? He said it couldn't have been the guy on top. Which as even the state is now contending was TM.
What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?

The forensics testimony backs that GZ's story is plausible. The only eye witness stated he saw TM onto of GZ throwing punches and that GZ was yelling at help. The state has never once put a factual scenario of how else GZ's injuries could have occurred. There is no scenario that the state has provided that is any more reasonable than that. So even if they find one that a juror says could be exactly as likely as that account, the tie would go to reasonable doubt.

What eye witness stated that it was zimmerman who yelling "help!"?

The only eye witness that testified.... The one who said he saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman and Zimmerman was yelling for help.
That's debateable.

I'm sure it is especially if one has the same or similar mindset as some of our resident bigots here who have a racial chip on their shoulders. ;)

That would be you and MarcATL.

That's a crock of shit. What race do I allegedly have a chip on my shoulder against, my own race? I find it funny that you Rabbi seem to remain silent when some of these folks make gross inaccurate blanket generalizations and insults against Black people. So you are hardly the arbiter of impartiality and "truth".
I asked YOU to answer a series of questions FIRST! Answer those before asking me ANYTHING! Don't try to trick me into doing your research FOR YOU! Asswipe, YOU are a joke! Come on, show us how dull you are!

You didn't ask me anything, stupid.

Now, then. I have asked you a simple set of questions.

For you to bloviate about the Stand Your Ground law, one would expect you to know at least SOMETHING about it.

You clearly do not. This is why you just totally and completely pussied out and ran away from answering.

Pretty much exactly what I expected from you, you worthless puss.

Here is the Permalink that shows I DID ask you a question that you were too YELLOW to answer. Yep, looking at your avatar you really are YELLOW. No wonder you like ZImmerman so much. Cowards sure like to cover for each other.


I see that you are only using one lobe of your already challenged brain; You want to apply SYG to ZImmerman.. and NO ...he doesn't have a case. Martin DID have a case for SYG and he used the only weapon he had... his fists. From that perspective he was justified in doing whatever he did to GZ.
I doubt if you will "GET IT"since your biased defective mind is incapable of grasping anything more complex than A Faux News broadcast!@.

I'm done with you....I don't like foul mouth idiots have wasted too much of my time with your low classed yellow bellied banter!

Zimmerman apparently was justified in responding with whatever he had.

You feel Trayvan had every right to pummel somebody he hated because of his race. What does that say about you?

You know, I used to think most blacks were good people, those in my family and those I've met. Turns out most aren't. They can't let go of their racism. Until they do they'll always be in a constant state of turmoil. All of these years whites have been thinking that blacks think like they do. Now, thanks to the Obama Administration, we know the truth. I don't see the difference between a racist black and a KKK member. They're carbon-copies of each other.
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This is NOTHING more than sheer racism. Trayvon happened to be black and so that's all that matters for the race pimps.. The facts do not matter.. JUST RACE. We can all see it with our own eyes. Pathetic race baiting whores.. Hey, here's a clue for you race hustlers.. that dog no longer barks. Get a new job.. actually try working for a living. Gee, there's a fucking idea. Don't thank me..Free advice.
Nobody knows if TM was truly acting suspicious or not. Nobody knows if GZ started the fight. With these aspects agreed upon, you have evidence to look at. The evidence, testimony and physical evidence, supports GZ's account. The fact that the prosecution continues to give different scenarios about the incident promotes reasonable doubt.

What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?

The prosecution on top of the dummy today supports his account that Martin was on top, same as the eye witness.
The forensic evidence offered by the defense's medical examiner.
Your team's medical examiner was a joke and if you do not know and admit that you are no so bright.
That confirmed all of what Zimmerman stated to police and all of that was gone over how many times in this trial?
32 or 33?

That dummy was limp necked, so of course that grab by the shoulders and slam to the ground may have looked good to the casual observer! A more plausible demonstration would be if they grabbed the dummy by the ears and did it. If he was getting his head slammed that violently, how did he draw his weapon, take the safety off and shoot Martin? He didn't try to use his hands to stop the alleged slamming?
Who ever that still thinks Zimmerman is guilty is racist against Hispanics. You're totally illogical.

It takes 12 people that believe he's guilty for a conviction. Let's wait and see. :)
6 in Florida

What trial are you talking about? There are only 6 jurors in the Zimmerman trial.

Well Ok, it takes 6 then. I thought juries were always 12. Hmm.

Why are there only 6?

Florida only uses 12 person juries in capital cases.

It takes 12 people that believe he's guilty for a conviction. Let's wait and see. :)

The jury in this trial is 6 people.

You know so little about this case but you keep flailing away. :dunno:

That's why I have over 2,000 posts in discussions about Zimmy.

I have been listening to the live feed for two days now and when I glance at it, I mostly look at the prosecution, defense, judge or witnesses. I saw the jury but it wasn't a wide-shot, at least, not one I saw.
Horseshit. The cameras have not been on the jury at all.

That's why I have over 2,000 posts in discussions about Zimmy.

I have been listening to the live feed for two days now and when I glance at it, I mostly look at the prosecution, defense, judge or witnesses. I saw the jury but it wasn't a wide-shot, at least, not one I saw.

Dude, you are one clueless person! The identity of the jurors is not being given out, ostensibly to protect them in this highly charged case. You didn't see the jury because they aren't SHOWING the jury! Duh?

I only started watching the trial yesterday. Gimme a break.

Like I said, I only glanced at people seated in galleries in the courtroom. I already admitted my mistake, why do you feel the need to belabor the point? But thanks I didn't know that either. I also thought juries were always seated in the courtroom. Florida has some strange ass procedures when it comes to juries.

Why is this mistake so important to you?
They are in the courtroom. They are never on camera.

I asked a question and never asked them to agree with anything. The "agree" thing was just a troll invention on the other guy's part or like I thought, he's a foreigner. lol

I never used the word "agree" in that way.

I quoted you. You said "agree".

Damn, I've given you five minutes of attention today. What a waste.


"Wouldn't you agree" is a figure of speech or some kind of hypothetical question. I don't know the exact grammatical term for it.

You could ask, "Wouldn't you agree the world is flat." That doesn't mean the person asking the question believes it's flat or wants to convince people of that. I'm going to start charging now for grammar lessons. LMAO
You said:

"Can you be more specific? Wouldn't you agree that GZ is at least a loser? You'd have to be to follow people around to try and feel self-important and spend half of your adult life calling the police on people for any reason."

..and you later offered to give grammar lessons. I am convinced that you are a fucking idiot.

The question "wouldn't you agree..(that X is true)...?" implies that the poser of the question believes X is true.

As I said, you are a fucking idiot.
What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?

The prosecution on top of the dummy today supports his account that Martin was on top, same as the eye witness.
The forensic evidence offered by the defense's medical examiner.
Your team's medical examiner was a joke and if you do not know and admit that you are no so bright.
That confirmed all of what Zimmerman stated to police and all of that was gone over how many times in this trial?
32 or 33?

That dummy was limp necked, so of course that grab by the shoulders and slam to the ground may have looked good to the casual observer! A more plausible demonstration would be if they grabbed the dummy by the ears and did it. If he was getting his head slammed that violently, how did he draw his weapon, take the safety off and shoot Martin? He didn't try to use his hands to stop the alleged slamming?

The prosecutor was on top of the dummy being Trayvon. The gun that was used has no safety.

I see your point on the media but these 2 were charged immediately.

How come we don't see MAD threads, stories every hour on the hour on our televisions? Where is Al Sharpton? Where are the resident librul race whores, MARC ATL and Phoenix Ops on this story? It was a crime of racial hatred.. Should it matter that the victim was white? Is he any less harmed???
It just occurred to me, in regards to Al Sharpton's involvement with this case and his career as a civil rights leader. Now, wasn't there a classic SNL sketch in the 70's where Chevy Chase used the offensive/racial negro names "Tarbaby", Spearchucker, and finally the "N" word? saying to Richard Pryor in a job interview. And who does Al Sharpton work for now? anyone find that rather peculiar? most of us were kids back then when we saw it, and I don't recall the Reverend calling for heads to roll on NBC after that sketch aired. But he doesn't seem to mind working for MSNBC now. (can anyone explain?)
And besides everyone has an opinion at this point in the case and we all know each other's. I don't need to hear it 25 times to understand it is how the other person feels about it.

So would you vote guilty beyond reasonable doubt with a clear conscience if you were actually on the jury?
Nobody knows if TM was truly acting suspicious or not. Nobody knows if GZ started the fight. With these aspects agreed upon, you have evidence to look at. The evidence, testimony and physical evidence, supports GZ's account. The fact that the prosecution continues to give different scenarios about the incident promotes reasonable doubt.

What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?


Dumbest question of the month award goes to: Pheonixops! Congratulations!

LOL, that it's coming from you is a real comedy. :lol:

Notice how Phoenix just skips over the white man being beaten to death by two black teens.. See, that's ok.. he was white after all.. Nothing to see here, move along. It's so transparent it makes glass look fucking fake.
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