The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So says the resident:

amongst other things.

kill whitey

Wow, you have some "issues"! Why would you want to do that? Seek help!!!


you know what I mean
How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.

So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

Where's your outrage over two teenage black boys beating the shit out of a white man and killing him with a hammer?? I can't hear you?!
Black Teens Beat 50 Year-Old White Man With Hammer Near Sanford, FL? Media Silent | The Gateway Pundit

LOL, another silly thing coming from you!!! If the media was allegedly "silent" about it, how would I know about so I can express my outrage? :lol:

Now, if it turns out that they are guilty, I think that they should receive the maximum penalty for such a heinous act. I didn't read the article so I don't know the circumstances, so I am commenting on the headline itself.
So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

Where's your outrage over two teenage black boys beating the shit out of a white man and killing him with a hammer?? I can't hear you?!
Black Teens Beat 50 Year-Old White Man With Hammer Near Sanford, FL? Media Silent | The Gateway Pundit

LOL, another silly thing coming from you!!! If the media was allegedly "silent" about it, how would I know about so I can express my outrage? :lol:

Now, if it turns out that they are guilty, I think that they should receive the maximum penalty for such a heinous act. I didn't read the article so I don't know the circumstances, so I am commenting on the headline itself.

Conservative media has reported it.. Not the national librul media but you already knew that.
She just gave them automatic grounds for an appeal if GZ is convicted. She's a moron.

Anything is grounds for appeal. If you mean substantive grounds for appeal that would result in a mistrial, my amateur opinion is that that is not so.

Regardless, this judge's behavior was completely unprofessional and she should be subjected to disciplinary recourse.
So now you admit he followed him: "Zimmerman followed Martin initially." You said it. Now how do you know he ever stopped following him?

Have you looked at a map of the area? Your explanation makes no sense. From the map I have seen Zimmermans car was down a block and out of sight from where the shooting occurred. So clearly Zimmerman followed him from his car to where the shooting occurred. According to the Zimmerman 911 call it was raining out so yes it's quite possible the weather was loud and he didn't hear him.

I'm basing what I'm saying on the Zimmerman 911 call and where his car and the shooting was. How is the bias or misinformation?

So tell me something. Your out for a walk in your neighborhood and some guy harasses you. He ends up punching you and a fight starts. You start winning and the guy pulls a gun and shoots and kills you. Should he be charged with anything?

I never said he didnt follow him. I said your statement he "followed him around" mischaracterized what happened.
Which was:
Zimmerman said he was driving to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon Martin walking through the neighborhood. Zimmerman's father said that, while his son was not on duty that night as Neighborhood Watch captain, there had been many break-ins and he thought it suspicious that someone he didn't recognize was walking behind the town homes instead of on the street or the sidewalk. Zimmerman therefore called a non-emergency police line to report Martin's behavior and summon police.[188][189] During the call, Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was "coming to check me out."[100] A source to the Orlando Sentinel said in May that Zimmerman told investigators that at one point Martin circled his vehicle,[Note 7] and he rolled up his window to avoid a confrontation.[185][190]

After telling the police dispatcher that Martin "ran,"[191] Zimmerman left his vehicle to determine his location and ascertain in which direction Martin had fled.[185][192] The dispatcher asked if Zimmerman was following Martin, and Zimmerman replied "Yeah." Then the dispatcher said, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman replied with "OK" and stated that Martin got away.[191] After a discussion about where Zimmerman would meet police, the call ended, and Zimmerman told investigators he was returning to his vehicle when Martin approached him from his left rear and confronted him.[185][186] According to Zimmerman, Martin then punched him in the face, knocking him down, and began beating his head against the sidewalk.[185][186] Zimmerman said he called out for help while being beaten, and at one point Martin covered his mouth to muffle the screams.[185][186] According to Zimmerman's father, during the struggle while Martin was on top of Zimmerman, Martin saw the gun his son was carrying and said something to the effect of "You're gonna die now" or "You're gonna die tonight" and continued to beat Zimmerman.[184] Zimmerman and Martin struggled over the gun, and Zimmerman shot Martin once in the chest at close range, in self-defense.[185][186][187]

Martin ran away. Zimmerman got out of the car to see where he had gone. How far did he go from the car? I don't know. But then Martin, who had run away, suddenly re-appeared and confronted Zimmerman.
So saying Zimmerman "followed him around" is not accurate.

Do you think Zimmerman, much shorter than Martin and in worse shape, started punching Martin? If so for what reason?

Well look at a map of where the car was and where the shooting happened and you'll see he was quite far from his car. Your posting the Zimmerman side of the story like it is the truth. It may be, but you certainly cannot say it is for sure.

How do you know that Martin suddenly reappeared? We don't know that. It could be Zimmerman followed and caught up to him. Why would Martin run away just to come back? While possible, that doesn't make much sense.

Do you really think 17 year old Martin who was not doing anything wrong and had no history of violence attacked Zimmerman and was going to beat him to death on the street?

Based on what Zimmerman says on the call I think it's quite possible that he caught up to Martin and had a verbal confrontation. Maybe he called him a punk and a criminal and things escalated. Next there is a fight and Zimmerman starts losing and ends up shooting the minor Martin. I'm not a lawyer but to me I think you have to put the responsibility of such an incident on the adult.

You have zero evidence for that scenario. My scenario is based on the statements of someone who was there.
How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.

So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

Prove anything you just said. You don't know anymore than anyone. You shout your opinion like it is the gospel. You don't know if he was acting suspicious or not, and you can't claim TM was trying to avoid him either. The only witness who said this is an admitted perjurer.

When did I state that my opinion was "gospel"? Did zimmerman state how Martin was allegedly acting "suspicious"? If TM wasn't avoiding zimmerman, why did zimmerman state something to the effect that "these.......always get away"? Why did zimmerman get out of the truck when he was told that they don't "need him to do that"?

He’s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He’s running? Which way is he running?

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]
Libruls don't like it when you confront them with facts and the truth.

Trayvon beat on another person and ended up dead.. regardless of skin color, if you physically threaten and harm another human being , the victim has every right to defend himself. He doesn't have to sit and allow you to smash his head to the point where he can no longer comprehend what's going on. If in this country we feel our life is being threatened, we have the absolute right to defend ourselves - including using a weapon. COLOR has nothing to fucking do with it. No matter who you are, go beat on someone and find out just how fast you can end up like Trayvon Martin.
What on Earth was she trying to accomplish?

She informed the defendant that he had the right not to answer any questions and then demanded that he answer questions? When he obviously looked to his lawyer in need of conference...she demanded and answer...only to turn around a second later and tell him that she was "granting" him time to if he didn't have that right in the first place?

I don't understand what her objective was here...nor why she allowed herself to behave so unprofessionally towards the Defense.
So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

Prove anything you just said. You don't know anymore than anyone. You shout your opinion like it is the gospel. You don't know if he was acting suspicious or not, and you can't claim TM was trying to avoid him either. The only witness who said this is an admitted perjurer.

When did I state that my opinion was "gospel"? Did zimmerman state how Martin was allegedly acting "suspicious"? If TM wasn't avoiding zimmerman, why did zimmerman state something to the effect that "these.......always get away"? Why did zimmerman get out of the truck when he was told that they don't "need him to do that"?

He’s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He’s running? Which way is he running?

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

He said he was suspicious because he was looking at the houses in a non-paved cut through. Then he approached GZ's car. GZ was already out of the car when the said we don't need you to do that. TM ran after approaching the car. After testimony today we understand that people who commit home invasions in that neighborhood do get away. If TM was trying to avoid, why did he start the conversation with GZ? These things are all well established facts. They have been submitted in testimony, and evidence. What are you basing your opinions off of?
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Notice how Phoenix just skips over the white man being beaten to death by two black teens.. See, that's ok.. he was white after all.. Nothing to see here, move along. It's so transparent it makes glass look fucking fake.

LOL, my posts haven't caught up yet............. once again you are full of shit with your biased assessment and lie. If you had any class you would be embarrassed! Where have I ever stated that I ALLEGEDLY don't like white people? Why would I not like someone because of their race, I'll leave that to some of your friends on this thread.
Nope, I think that zimmerman will be convicted of a lesser charge. Below makes some sense to me:
Even If George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty Of Murder And Manslaughter, He Could Still Get 25 Years | Mediaite

He has to be charged with a lesser charge before he could be convicted of one. I've done extensive searching and the only charge I can find any information on is Murder 2. Now there could be another charge that I don't know about. I haven't seen it.

They are trying to attach the lessors, but O'Mara has objected and will be decided tomorrow morning.
I never said he didnt follow him. I said your statement he "followed him around" mischaracterized what happened.
Which was:

Martin ran away. Zimmerman got out of the car to see where he had gone. How far did he go from the car? I don't know. But then Martin, who had run away, suddenly re-appeared and confronted Zimmerman.
So saying Zimmerman "followed him around" is not accurate.

Do you think Zimmerman, much shorter than Martin and in worse shape, started punching Martin? If so for what reason?

Well look at a map of where the car was and where the shooting happened and you'll see he was quite far from his car. Your posting the Zimmerman side of the story like it is the truth. It may be, but you certainly cannot say it is for sure.

How do you know that Martin suddenly reappeared? We don't know that. It could be Zimmerman followed and caught up to him. Why would Martin run away just to come back? While possible, that doesn't make much sense.

Do you really think 17 year old Martin who was not doing anything wrong and had no history of violence attacked Zimmerman and was going to beat him to death on the street?

Based on what Zimmerman says on the call I think it's quite possible that he caught up to Martin and had a verbal confrontation. Maybe he called him a punk and a criminal and things escalated. Next there is a fight and Zimmerman starts losing and ends up shooting the minor Martin. I'm not a lawyer but to me I think you have to put the responsibility of such an incident on the adult.

You have zero evidence for that scenario. My scenario is based on the statements of someone who was there.

Yes, you believe the guy who shot dead a minor. You believe that Martin first runs away and then runs back. You believe that Martin who had no history of violence just attacked Zimmerman and was going to beat him to death on the street. So basically your going to believe the adult with the gun who shot dead the minor regardless of anything else. So it seems clear that people are picking sides based on political reasons only.

From the right I think many people are supporting Zimmerman because he is a concealed carry guy. If he gets in trouble it makes them all look bad. After all they talk all the time about how much safer it is when everyone carries guns. But this seems to be a good case where having a gun ends in disaster. I also think some on the right look at Martin and have just decided he wasn't good so it's ok what happened. I think it's a bit of racism.

From the left people do support Martin because he was black. There are those who try to find racism in everything to stay relevant. But others do want to prove that carrying a gun is not safe. So if Zimmerman goes to jail they can claim a win for gun control.

I think this is a tragedy. Zimmerman probably had the right intentions and things went bad. Martin wasn't doing anything wrong, but is now dead. No winners in this one.
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Nope, I think that zimmerman will be convicted of a lesser charge. Below makes some sense to me:
Even If George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty Of Murder And Manslaughter, He Could Still Get 25 Years | Mediaite

He has to be charged with a lesser charge before he could be convicted of one. I've done extensive searching and the only charge I can find any information on is Murder 2. Now there could be another charge that I don't know about. I haven't seen it.

They are trying to attach the lessors, but O'Mara has objected and will be decided tomorrow morning.

And he should object. They haven't been providing a defense for lesser charges. Adding them now after the defense has rested is ridiculous.
How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.

So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

No that is not harassment. I'd suggest learning the legal definitions of these things before spouting more shit.
Martin had run off. Zimmerman got out of his truck to see which way he went. Martin was walking on the grass, peering into houses and such. He wasnt walking like someone wanting to gt out of the rain.
So ZImmerman did not harass Martin. You made that up.

I've noticed the less intelligent posters here tend to fill in gaps in their own knowledge with words, terms, and descriptions that aren't in evidence but represent merely their own feelings. It marks them as having inferior intelligence.

Where's the evidence and testimony that supports his alleged "peering into houses"? Where's the evidence and testimony that supports that he wasn't "walking like someone who wants to get out of the rain"?
Notice how Phoenix just skips over the white man being beaten to death by two black teens.. See, that's ok.. he was white after all.. Nothing to see here, move along. It's so transparent it makes glass look fucking fake.

LOL, my posts haven't caught up yet............. once again you are full of shit with your biased assessment and lie. If you had any class you would be embarrassed! Where have I ever stated that I ALLEGEDLY don't like white people? Why would I not like someone because of their race, I'll leave that to some of your friends on this thread.

Who are my friends in this thread? Name them?! I don't believe I've ever communicated on a personal level with any of them but one.. What's your point? That you live in the racial threads and I don't? That because Trayvon Martin had black skin he was entitled to beat another human being without fear of that person defending himself? Everyone sees through you Phoenix.. always have.. even over on that other forum.. you did the same there. Like I said, you're a race pimp with a major chip on your shoulder. As for myself, I don't give a damn what color you are.. if you beat the hell out of someone you may end up dead.. like Trayvon.. Not saying anyone deserves to be dead.. but we all have the right to self defense. Stop going around beating on people and you won't have to worry about this shit.. It's not fucking difficult.
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