The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He has to be charged with a lesser charge before he could be convicted of one. I've done extensive searching and the only charge I can find any information on is Murder 2. Now there could be another charge that I don't know about. I haven't seen it.

They are trying to attach the lessors, but O'Mara has objected and will be decided tomorrow morning.

And he should object. They haven't been providing a defense for lesser charges. Adding them now after the defense has rested is ridiculous.

I agree
So you believe the jury will convict Zimmerman of harassment?
Hate to spill the beans to you Moe but Zimmerman is not charged with harassment.
The jury believes Martin was NOT harassed by Zimmerman because of that.
Everyone knew that months ago. You are very late to the show.
Imagine that.

Nope, I think that zimmerman will be convicted of a lesser charge. Below makes some sense to me:
Even If George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty Of Murder And Manslaughter, He Could Still Get 25 Years | Mediaite

Whoever wrote that article is a numbskull.
It makes sense to you because you are ignorant. There is no doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin. In a doubtful case perhaps those other charges might apply. But here the fact that Zimmerman killed him is stipulated at the outset. His reason was one of self defense. The prosecution must prove that Zimmerman did not act in self defense to defeat the claim. So far they have failed, utterly.

Oh really? Let's see how your credentials stack up against his:

This post republished with permission from Richard Hornsby.

Richard Hornsby is a board certified Florida criminal trial lawyer. His website is:
Past President, Central Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
2007 Best of the Bar, Criminal Defense, Orlando Business Journal
So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

No that is not harassment. I'd suggest learning the legal definitions of these things before spouting more shit.
Martin had run off. Zimmerman got out of his truck to see which way he went. Martin was walking on the grass, peering into houses and such. He wasnt walking like someone wanting to gt out of the rain.
So ZImmerman did not harass Martin. You made that up.

I've noticed the less intelligent posters here tend to fill in gaps in their own knowledge with words, terms, and descriptions that aren't in evidence but represent merely their own feelings. It marks them as having inferior intelligence.

Where's the evidence and testimony that supports his alleged "peering into houses"? Where's the evidence and testimony that supports that he wasn't "walking like someone who wants to get out of the rain"?

Non-emergency call has been played several times. You just quoted it. In that call GZ tells what he is doing. Now neither you or I can prove that is actually happened. So your whole line of questioning on following or harassing is baseless. Everyone has accepted that point. Why haven't you?
I didn't stutter nor did I mince my words..I was talking to you and anyone else who thinks you're entitled to beat people.. I don't give a damn if you're black, white, red, brown, yellow. It's all the same to me. Respect people, period or face the consequences.

That's the problem with people with your mindset;you try to make a FALSE NARRATIVE. Where did I ever say that I think that I'm entitled to beat people? Find the post and quote, otherwise it shows that you are a liar, and that you most likely are backtracking because I called you on it. :)

The four or five of you in this discussion, don't even have the integrity to be honest. Don't hide it, just state outright that you hate "them".

I "hate" them who?? Show me any racial threads I've been involved in here?! You can't but I can dig up COUNTLESS with you and MARC ATL in them, slinging hatred and racial divide.. You're race whores.. it's what you do.. you stir the pot, enflame and provoke others.. it serves your purpose and most likely pays you in real dollars. Trayvon Martin chose the wrong fucking person to beat on and now he's dead.. it's a lesson that your skin color does not entitle you to harm others any more than mine does.. You don't get that because in your warped racist mindset, you believe blacks are entitled to hate whitey.. We see it now every where.. If Trayvon were white or Hispanic and had beaten someone and ended up dead, I would still hold the same fucking opinion.. He went looking for trouble and found it. See unlike you, I don't need someone's skin color to determine the truth.

Pull those threads up and back up your bullshit. LOL, you don't even know my ethnicity! :lol:
Tell me something, say the prosecution is successful and adds a bunch of lesser charges now that the defense has rested. With those lesser charges, self defense still applies. If the self defense argument provided reasonable doubt for murder, how the heck would it not be equally reasonable doubt for the lesser charges?

Think about this people.
Nope, I think that zimmerman will be convicted of a lesser charge. Below makes some sense to me:
Even If George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty Of Murder And Manslaughter, He Could Still Get 25 Years | Mediaite

Whoever wrote that article is a numbskull.
It makes sense to you because you are ignorant. There is no doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin. In a doubtful case perhaps those other charges might apply. But here the fact that Zimmerman killed him is stipulated at the outset. His reason was one of self defense. The prosecution must prove that Zimmerman did not act in self defense to defeat the claim. So far they have failed, utterly.

Oh really? Let's see how your credentials stack up against his:

This post republished with permission from Richard Hornsby.

Richard Hornsby is a board certified Florida criminal trial lawyer. His website is:
Past President, Central Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
2007 Best of the Bar, Criminal Defense, Orlando Business Journal

Sounds like his bio is in line with Mark O'Mara's. He is currently the President of the Seminole County bar. He seems to feel differently than this guy.
Tell me something, say the prosecution is successful and adds a bunch of lesser charges now that the defense has rested. With those lesser charges, self defense still applies. If the self defense argument provided reasonable doubt for murder, how the heck would it not be equally reasonable doubt for the lesser charges?

Think about this people.

Self-defense is an absolute defense. If they can't disprove that beyond a reasonable doubt than they can add whatever else they want, and it won't matter.
Pull those threads up and back up your bullshit. LOL, you don't even know my ethnicity! :lol:

No one cares about it either. But if you seem to think that somehow invalidates a claim on racism, you should probably know that racists come from every race and ethnicity.
Another interesting tidbit...

Judge considers lesser charges for Zimmerman | Detroit Free Press |

SANFORD, Fla. - State prosecutors are asking the judge in the Trayvon Martin murder case to instruct the jury to consider lesser charges - manslaughter and aggravated assault - when they begin deliberations.

Zimmerman's attorney have objected. Nelson will hold a hearing Thursday morning to determine whether the jury should consider those charges, in addition to the second-degree murder charge that prosecutors sought when the trial began.

The last-minute maneuvering by prosecutors has been seen by some legal experts as an indication that they are not as confident about their chances for a second-degree murder conviction. The jury is expected to start deliberating on Friday.

You'll have to forgive me but, I have to say tough shit. You filed the charges of second degree, you can't be changing the charges when your case goes down the shitter...

Okay, I suppose that you can, technical, but that's some chickenshit move...
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That's the problem with people with your mindset;you try to make a FALSE NARRATIVE. Where did I ever say that I think that I'm entitled to beat people? Find the post and quote, otherwise it shows that you are a liar, and that you most likely are backtracking because I called you on it. :)

The four or five of you in this discussion, don't even have the integrity to be honest. Don't hide it, just state outright that you hate "them".

I "hate" them who?? Show me any racial threads I've been involved in here?! You can't but I can dig up COUNTLESS with you and MARC ATL in them, slinging hatred and racial divide.. You're race whores.. it's what you do.. you stir the pot, enflame and provoke others.. it serves your purpose and most likely pays you in real dollars. Trayvon Martin chose the wrong fucking person to beat on and now he's dead.. it's a lesson that your skin color does not entitle you to harm others any more than mine does.. You don't get that because in your warped racist mindset, you believe blacks are entitled to hate whitey.. We see it now every where.. If Trayvon were white or Hispanic and had beaten someone and ended up dead, I would still hold the same fucking opinion.. He went looking for trouble and found it. See unlike you, I don't need someone's skin color to determine the truth.

Pull those threads up and back up your bullshit. LOL, you don't even know my ethnicity! :lol:

I know your posting history from another forum.. and if it was raced based, you were shit knuckle deep in it.. everyone knows that about you and MARC ATL. Are you really that stoopid to think we all don't see through this? I really don't give a damn that you're a racist and pimp divide for whatever reasons you may think are justified. What I do care about is that you and this Administration have perpetuated racial tensions along the lines of the color of skin. That is the very definition of racism. Whereas I use to be color blind, I am very aware now of the black rage and anger that exists out here toward white people.. you and those like you have stirred that angry pot until it now boils over in a murderous rage.. so look in the mirror when you're looking to blame someone for the death of a boy who went looking for trouble and found it.
Nope, I think that zimmerman will be convicted of a lesser charge. Below makes some sense to me:
Even If George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty Of Murder And Manslaughter, He Could Still Get 25 Years | Mediaite

He has to be charged with a lesser charge before he could be convicted of one. I've done extensive searching and the only charge I can find any information on is Murder 2. Now there could be another charge that I don't know about. I haven't seen it.

From what I have heard on some of these shows that review the case and events of the day, I think that someone stated that the judge can instruct the jury that there are lesser charges that he may be convicted of. I think the lawyer who wrote the article I cited may have said that as well.

ETA: Here's the quote from the article:
"To many people, there is no middle ground: George Zimmerman will either be convicted of Second Degree Murder or he will be found Not Guilty.

But the reality is much more complex, because the jury will have a number of Lesser Included Offenses to choose from."
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Tell me something, say the prosecution is successful and adds a bunch of lesser charges now that the defense has rested. With those lesser charges, self defense still applies. If the self defense argument provided reasonable doubt for murder, how the heck would it not be equally reasonable doubt for the lesser charges?

Think about this people.

Self-defense is an absolute defense. If they can't disprove that beyond a reasonable doubt than they can add whatever else they want, and it won't matter.

Exactly. The Self defense defense would work across the board on any lesser charges as well as Murder. If there is reason to believe self defense for the murder charge, there is reason to believe it for any lesser charges. If the jury finds that the self defense charge doesnt apply to the murder charge, he's guilty of murder.

Now a jury could be completely inconsistant and still convict him of a lesser charge if they are given that option. But no consistant person can honestly reach any conclusion that if the self defense defense provides reasonable doubt for one charge, it does for all charges.
This judge is starting to piss me off. She keeps ruling in favor of TM. What a joke.

Zimmerman gets 25 years for killing an unarmed child. We can dream.

[ame=""]MIB 3 - Boris the Animal Laughing - YouTube[/ame]
She wants Obama to remember her when it comes time to pick another Supreme.
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