The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I remember when I played ball when the other guy was getting his ass worn out and was running out of gas. Many times it WAS ME that was getting my ass kicked by my opponent and I was running out of gas.
And when I was beaten fairly after the game I went and shook the hand of that man that wore my ass out.
And the times that the other guy lost the good sports, the men with character would come over and congratulate me.
But sometimes you would get a guy that got his ass wore out and he would be crying to the ref the whole game "they are cheating, he jumped offside, he is holding me."
And then after the game they would run like a 5 year old to the locker room.
Same as here. Many here are getting their asses kicked.
I know it because they are now calling us "racists, resident bigots" and worse.
So you 5 year old whiny bitches, go run off and cry to your mama.

Did they specifically call you a "racist, resident bigot"?
There's that old saying about broken clocks being right twice a day, in pheonix's case, there ain't no hands on the clock!

So says the resident:

amongst other things.

kill whitey

Wow, you have some "issues"! Why would you want to do that? Seek help!!!
What evidence and testimony supports zimmerman's account?

The prosecution on top of the dummy today supports his account that Martin was on top, same as the eye witness.
The forensic evidence offered by the defense's medical examiner.
Your team's medical examiner was a joke and if you do not know and admit that you are no so bright.
That confirmed all of what Zimmerman stated to police and all of that was gone over how many times in this trial?
32 or 33?

That dummy was limp necked, so of course that grab by the shoulders and slam to the ground may have looked good to the casual observer! A more plausible demonstration would be if they grabbed the dummy by the ears and did it. If he was getting his head slammed that violently, how did he draw his weapon, take the safety off and shoot Martin? He didn't try to use his hands to stop the alleged slamming?

In your world, ignorance is BLISS isn't it !! The gun used uses the heavy trigger pull as the safety.

Try knowing the facts before you speak.
O'Mara said he had filed 6 sanctions against the prosecution related to discovery issues, including the 900 page report from the State's IT representative which was prepared in January and not received by the defense until June.

Is this a basis for appeal or is it another matter?

Just sanctions. Before trial is done.

Yes. The state played sleazy hide the discovery. They didn't have anythingbso sleaze and cussing has been their case.
OK, just for fun, I am Italian, and I am White, so does that make me a "White Italian"? is that different from being a "Tanned Italian"? or a "Dark Skinned Italian"?
What is your nationality? and how many forms of your nationality are there?
I would guess that there are probably 12 kinds of Hispanics in the USA, right?
He's not my boy and he had every right to defend himself. Go try that shit again with someone.. You'll find the same results. Like I said , no one is going to roll over and let you fuckers simply beat them up.. Mind your own fucking biznez then you won't have to worry about being 6ft under.. otherwise roll the fucking dice and choose your victim carefully.

Who in the hell are you talking to? Try what "shit" again? Who are "you fuckers"? Is that "biznez" a typo or is it something else? Where do you people come up with that insane shit?
It's pretty comical though thanks for the laugh! "Ladygunslinger"............. :lol:

I didn't stutter nor did I mince my words..I was talking to you and anyone else who thinks you're entitled to beat people.. I don't give a damn if you're black, white, red, brown, yellow. It's all the same to me. Respect people, period or face the consequences.

That's the problem with people with your mindset;you try to make a FALSE NARRATIVE. Where did I ever say that I think that I'm entitled to beat people? Find the post and quote, otherwise it shows that you are a liar, and that you most likely are backtracking because I called you on it. :)

The four or five of you in this discussion, don't even have the integrity to be honest. Don't hide it, just state outright that you hate "them".
Here's the bitch of it. You have trouble making punks roaming the streets looking to rob and harm people..regardless of skin color, that's an absolute fact. If I'm walking down a street and you fuck with me, I'm going to warn you to move on and go away or I will be forced to defend myself. If you don't fucking listen and attack me, you're a dead azz... as simple as that. So suffice to say, do what most self respecting Americans do. Work hard, respect others.. then you won't find yourself in that predicament. It's rather fucking simple.

It's funny that you say that, when it was your boy zimmerman who did just that with Martin............
Question for TM advocates:

If it could be shown that GZ did not stalk TM and that he did not initiate the physical conflict, would you still want GZ convicted?

No. IMO the negligence was chasing his suspect in the rain at night. I'm a hunter, you don't go after a living thing while armed unless you intend to shoot it. Negligent homicide.

How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.

So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

So you believe the jury will convict Zimmerman of harassment?
Hate to spill the beans to you Moe but Zimmerman is not charged with harassment.
The jury believes Martin was NOT harassed by Zimmerman because of that.
Everyone knew that months ago. You are very late to the show.
Imagine that.

Nope, I think that zimmerman will be convicted of a lesser charge. Below makes some sense to me:
Even If George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty Of Murder And Manslaughter, He Could Still Get 25 Years | Mediaite
Here's the bitch of it. You have trouble making punks roaming the streets looking to rob and harm people..regardless of skin color, that's an absolute fact. If I'm walking down a street and you fuck with me, I'm going to warn you to move on and go away or I will be forced to defend myself. If you don't fucking listen and attack me, you're a dead azz... as simple as that. So suffice to say, do what most self respecting Americans do. Work hard, respect others.. then you won't find yourself in that predicament. It's rather fucking simple.

It's funny that you say that, when it was your boy zimmerman who did just that with Martin............

Talk about a false narrative. You literally can't prove that! You think that, which is fine. However, there is no proof that GZ started any altercation. In fact, if you take your star witness Dee Dee/Diamond Eugene/Rachel Jeantel, TM started the verbal interaction.
I was completely shocked when I saw the judge of the Zimmerman trial act in such a reprehensible manner as she berated GZ about whether he would testify and how she completely trampled upon the right to counsel.


I was already disgusted how the judge took no time to ponder the defense's case after the motion to dismiss had been argued and somehow, I was not surprised by this behavior from her.

[ame=]Zimmerman Speaks: Judge Overrules Defense Objections, Grills Defendant If He Wants To Testify - YouTube[/ame]
That's the advice your boy zimmemrn should have followed, instead he chose to follow and harass that kid. zimmerman was the adult with the firearm, he should have definitely kept his distance as Martin wasn't committing any crime.

How did Zimmerman "harass" Martin? He did keep his distance. There is no evidence he wanted to do anything other than watch what Martin was doing while he was "acting weird" and report to police.

So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

No that is not harassment. I'd suggest learning the legal definitions of these things before spouting more shit.
Martin had run off. Zimmerman got out of his truck to see which way he went. Martin was walking on the grass, peering into houses and such. He wasnt walking like someone wanting to gt out of the rain.
So ZImmerman did not harass Martin. You made that up.

I've noticed the less intelligent posters here tend to fill in gaps in their own knowledge with words, terms, and descriptions that aren't in evidence but represent merely their own feelings. It marks them as having inferior intelligence.
OK, just for fun, I am Italian, and I am White, so does that make me a "White Italian"? is that different from being a "Tanned Italian"? or a "Dark Skinned Italian"?
What is your nationality? and how many forms of your nationality are there?
I would guess that there are probably 12 kinds of Hispanics in the USA, right?

The lefties were caught with their pants down because of the media was caught with their pants down.
Right after this tragedy, the media made a big issue of it because they thought it was a white person who shot Trayvon....thinking that the name Zimmerman could only be that. When it came to light the media had to change and called him a white Hispanic.....and went forward with their drum beat.
Fact being, that this type of thing happens quite often with a white on white or a black on black and never makes it in the first section of the newspaper. But, because the media thought it was a black on white.....the pull out they "emotion card", and aren't willing to let go of it.
There just isn't enough evidence to honestly convict Zimmerman, but the media and the liberals are running on emotion to get this person convicted. The media is ignoring the 800 pound elephant in the room that it isn't as cut and dry as they claim.
I wonder if Obama still would claim that Trayvon could be his son with everything that is known about that sweet angel of a "child" that he once claimed trayvon to be.
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She just gave them automatic grounds for an appeal if GZ is convicted. She's a moron.
All you that think Zimmerman followed, caught up with and confronted Martin are leaving out one crucial issue...the time line. Zimmerman had walked a significant distance from his vehicle (according to you... following Martin) and was almost BACK TO WHERE HE STARTED when Martin again came into the scene. As I understand, it was about two minutes round trip for Zimmerman. Why was Martin still there? Why didn't he truck it on home if he feared the "creepy ass cracker"? Do any of you Trayvon supporters have a valid answer to that?
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So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

So you believe the jury will convict Zimmerman of harassment?
Hate to spill the beans to you Moe but Zimmerman is not charged with harassment.
The jury believes Martin was NOT harassed by Zimmerman because of that.
Everyone knew that months ago. You are very late to the show.
Imagine that.

Nope, I think that zimmerman will be convicted of a lesser charge. Below makes some sense to me:
Even If George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty Of Murder And Manslaughter, He Could Still Get 25 Years | Mediaite

Whoever wrote that article is a numbskull.
It makes sense to you because you are ignorant. There is no doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin. In a doubtful case perhaps those other charges might apply. But here the fact that Zimmerman killed him is stipulated at the outset. His reason was one of self defense. The prosecution must prove that Zimmerman did not act in self defense to defeat the claim. So far they have failed, utterly.
Who in the hell are you talking to? Try what "shit" again? Who are "you fuckers"? Is that "biznez" a typo or is it something else? Where do you people come up with that insane shit?
It's pretty comical though thanks for the laugh! "Ladygunslinger"............. :lol:

I didn't stutter nor did I mince my words..I was talking to you and anyone else who thinks you're entitled to beat people.. I don't give a damn if you're black, white, red, brown, yellow. It's all the same to me. Respect people, period or face the consequences.

That's the problem with people with your mindset;you try to make a FALSE NARRATIVE. Where did I ever say that I think that I'm entitled to beat people? Find the post and quote, otherwise it shows that you are a liar, and that you most likely are backtracking because I called you on it. :)

The four or five of you in this discussion, don't even have the integrity to be honest. Don't hide it, just state outright that you hate "them".

I "hate" them who?? Show me any racial threads I've been involved in here?! You can't but I can dig up COUNTLESS with you and MARC ATL in them, slinging hatred and racial divide.. You're race whores.. it's what you do.. you stir the pot, enflame and provoke others.. it serves your purpose and most likely pays you in real dollars. Trayvon Martin chose the wrong fucking person to beat on and now he's dead.. it's a lesson that your skin color does not entitle you to harm others any more than mine does.. You don't get that because in your warped racist mindset, you believe blacks are entitled to hate whitey.. We see it now every where.. If Trayvon were white or Hispanic and had beaten someone and ended up dead, I would still hold the same fucking opinion.. He went looking for trouble and found it. See unlike you, I don't need someone's skin color to determine the truth.
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