The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I was watching that whole thing and thinking to myself, "What would I say if I were in his shoes because just opening my mouth could sway the jury." Eventually I realized he could have said, "Your honor, I defer to my attorneys to speak for me." However, I know I could never have thought on my feet in the face of such behavior from the very person who quite possibly holds the rest of my life in her hands. I really hope his attorneys bring action against the judge for that maneuver when all this is done.

What was she doing? She wanted the jury to hear his voice for themselves in hopes that they would determine that he couldn't "scream in a girlie voice".
Prove anything you just said. You don't know anymore than anyone. You shout your opinion like it is the gospel. You don't know if he was acting suspicious or not, and you can't claim TM was trying to avoid him either. The only witness who said this is an admitted perjurer.

When did I state that my opinion was "gospel"? Did zimmerman state how Martin was allegedly acting "suspicious"? If TM wasn't avoiding zimmerman, why did zimmerman state something to the effect that "these.......always get away"? Why did zimmerman get out of the truck when he was told that they don't "need him to do that"?

He’s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He’s running? Which way is he running?

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

He said he was suspicious because he was looking at the houses in a non-paved cut through. Then he approached GZ's car. GZ was already out of the car when the said we don't need you to do that. TM ran after approaching the car. After testimony today we understand that people who commit home invasions in that neighborhood do get away. If TM was trying to avoid, why did he start the conversation with GZ? These things are all well established facts. They have been submitted in testimony, and evidence. What are you basing your opinions off of?

Really? Here's a transcript of zimmerman's 911 call, please show me where it was stated that Martin was looking at houses.
Zimmerman 911 Call Transcript ? Trayvon Martin | Phoebe's Detention Room
Tell me something, say the prosecution is successful and adds a bunch of lesser charges now that the defense has rested. With those lesser charges, self defense still applies. If the self defense argument provided reasonable doubt for murder, how the heck would it not be equally reasonable doubt for the lesser charges?

Think about this people.

Anyone with any grasp of the law would know that if it works for a greater charge, it applies to lesser charges of the same order.
Notice how Phoenix just skips over the white man being beaten to death by two black teens.. See, that's ok.. he was white after all.. Nothing to see here, move along. It's so transparent it makes glass look fucking fake.

LOL, my posts haven't caught up yet............. once again you are full of shit with your biased assessment and lie. If you had any class you would be embarrassed! Where have I ever stated that I ALLEGEDLY don't like white people? Why would I not like someone because of their race, I'll leave that to some of your friends on this thread.

Who are my friends in this thread? Name them?! I don't believe I've ever communicated on a personal level with any of them but one.. What's your point? That you live in the racial threads and I don't? That because Trayvon Martin had black skin he was entitled to beat another human being without fear of that person defending himself? Everyone sees through you Phoenix.. always have.. even over on that other forum.. you did the same there. Like I said, you're a race pimp with a major chip on your shoulder. As for myself, I don't give a damn what color you are.. if you beat the hell out of someone you may end up dead.. like Trayvon.. Not saying anyone deserves to be dead.. but we all have the right to self defense. Stop going around beating on people and you won't have to worry about this shit.. It's not fucking difficult.

I participate in a myriad of threads, you have a chip on your shoulders, not me. You are full of shit once again. That other forum had some of the same bigots but they try to be slick about it and I called them on it and demonstrated their hypocrisy and they finally got mad. They used a bumper sticker made by Neal Boortz for herman cain that I used as a sig line. Big deal. :lol:

You sure have a problem with the truth! Oh and who creates the majority of those racial threads that I have participated in to set the record straight? Certainly not me.
When did I state that my opinion was "gospel"? Did zimmerman state how Martin was allegedly acting "suspicious"? If TM wasn't avoiding zimmerman, why did zimmerman state something to the effect that "these.......always get away"? Why did zimmerman get out of the truck when he was told that they don't "need him to do that"?

He’s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He’s running? Which way is he running?

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

He said he was suspicious because he was looking at the houses in a non-paved cut through. Then he approached GZ's car. GZ was already out of the car when the said we don't need you to do that. TM ran after approaching the car. After testimony today we understand that people who commit home invasions in that neighborhood do get away. If TM was trying to avoid, why did he start the conversation with GZ? These things are all well established facts. They have been submitted in testimony, and evidence. What are you basing your opinions off of?

Really? Here's a transcript of zimmerman's 911 call, please show me where it was stated that Martin was looking at houses.
Zimmerman 911 Call Transcript ? Trayvon Martin | Phoebe's Detention Room

Try looking at the real transcript. That one is cut out for some reason?:cuckoo:

Look at the exchange at :44 and :46 seconds.
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OK, just for fun, I am Italian, and I am White, so does that make me a "White Italian"? is that different from being a "Tanned Italian"? or a "Dark Skinned Italian"?
What is your nationality? and how many forms of your nationality are there?
I would guess that there are probably 12 kinds of Hispanics in the USA, right?

The lefties were caught with their pants down because of the media was caught with their pants down.
Right after this tragedy, the media made a big issue of it because they thought it was a white person who shot Trayvon....thinking that the name Zimmerman could only be that. When it came to light the media had to change and called him a white Hispanic.....and went forward with their drum beat.
Fact being, that this type of thing happens quite often with a white on white or a black on black and never makes it in the first section of the newspaper. But, because the media thought it was a black on white.....the pull out they "emotion card", and aren't willing to let go of it.
There just isn't enough evidence to honestly convict Zimmerman, but the media and the liberals are running on emotion to get this person convicted. The media is ignoring the 800 pound elephant in the room that it isn't as cut and dry as they claim.
I wonder if Obama still would claim that Trayvon could be his son with everything that is known about that sweet angel of a "child" that he once claimed trayvon to be.
Obama's DOJ went after Zimmerman's chance to a fair trial. Details are just coming in here: George Zimmerman Trial: The Holder Justice Department’s Latest Abuse of Power

The details are pretty bad:
Whatever one may think about the guilt or innocence of Zimmerman in his ongoing trial, we should all agree that the chief law enforcement agency of the federal government should not be involved in stage-managing public protests. Yet according to the documents obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Community Relations Service at Eric Holder’s DOJ “deployed to Sanford, FL, to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen.”
The Community Relations Service provided “support for protest deployment” and “technical assistance” to event organizers for a march and rally on March 31. According to the Orlando Sentinel [3], Community Relations Service staff even helped organize a meeting between the city of Sanford and the local NAACP that resulted in the temporary resignation of police chief Bill Lee. One of the local pastors whose church was the focal point of protests aptly summarized the bias of Community Relations Service when she was quoted as saying that it was “there for us.” Apparently, it wasn’t “there” for Zimmerman.

No fair justice for Zimmerman here. And taxpayers paid to have justice denied him through the President who declared Trayvon could have been his own son!

Pull out the red carpets! We have an Emperor now instead of a president.

No that is not harassment. I'd suggest learning the legal definitions of these things before spouting more shit.
Martin had run off. Zimmerman got out of his truck to see which way he went. Martin was walking on the grass, peering into houses and such. He wasnt walking like someone wanting to gt out of the rain.
So ZImmerman did not harass Martin. You made that up.

I've noticed the less intelligent posters here tend to fill in gaps in their own knowledge with words, terms, and descriptions that aren't in evidence but represent merely their own feelings. It marks them as having inferior intelligence.

Where's the evidence and testimony that supports his alleged "peering into houses"? Where's the evidence and testimony that supports that he wasn't "walking like someone who wants to get out of the rain"?

Non-emergency call has been played several times. You just quoted it. In that call GZ tells what he is doing. Now neither you or I can prove that is actually happened. So your whole line of questioning on following or harassing is baseless. Everyone has accepted that point. Why haven't you?

Show me where it was on there. Who is everyone? I have seen plenty of people disagree.
Zimmerman 911 Call Transcript ? Trayvon Martin | Phoebe's Detention Room
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Why do media outlets continue to post that ridiculously inaccurate picture of Trayvon Martin where he looks about ten years old? I'm sorry, but that is complete BS... We've all seen the pictures with his middle finger up, and it paints an entirely different picture. This case isn't about race, it's about lefties renewing their assault of firearms... Nothing more.
Where's the evidence and testimony that supports his alleged "peering into houses"? Where's the evidence and testimony that supports that he wasn't "walking like someone who wants to get out of the rain"?

Non-emergency call has been played several times. You just quoted it. In that call GZ tells what he is doing. Now neither you or I can prove that is actually happened. So your whole line of questioning on following or harassing is baseless. Everyone has accepted that point. Why haven't you?

Show me where it was on there. Who is everyone? I have seen plenty of people disagree.
Zimmerman 911 Call Transcript ? Trayvon Martin | Phoebe's Detention Room

You put up a transcript that is edited. Everyone that has actually followed the evidence has seen this. He was already out of his car when he was told not to follow. You are using assumptions. Nancy Grace is not right man.

Two suspicious links removed. -Intense
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Please note: The fact that self defense creates reasonable doubt for all lesser charges is being completely ignored by those who want to see him charged with lesser charges.
Why do media outlets continue to post that ridiculously inaccurate picture of Trayvon Martin where he looks about ten years old? I'm sorry, but that is complete BS... We've all seen the pictures with his middle finger up, and it paints an entirely different picture. This case isn't about race, it's about lefties renewing their assault of firearms... Nothing more.
They do it to get a front seat in the WH press room, invited to ride on AF1, and other privileges that say, Bill O Reality would never get. ;)
You are making your assumptions on faulty evidence.

Dispatch at 00:44- Ok, he's just walking around the area?

GZ at 00:46- Looking in/at all the houses.
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O'Mara said he had filed 6 sanctions against the prosecution related to discovery issues, including the 900 page report from the State's IT representative which was prepared in January and not received by the defense until June.

Is this a basis for appeal or is it another matter?

Just sanctions. Before trial is done.

Yes. The state played sleazy hide the discovery. They didn't have anythingbso sleaze and cussing has been their case.

Time for this to be over.

Yes--Reasonable Doubt--I am convinced.

If there is enough support FL can change its Stand Your Ground law--I have no other ideas of what can be done. An attorney on ? Anderson Cooper/Piers Morgan wrote a book ? about this case or 'in general'--if you are going to have concealed carry this is something that can happen.

Where is the support from the Hollywood elite--I would think a foundation should be formed to address diversity and related issues?

O'Mara has distinguished himself.
I "hate" them who?? Show me any racial threads I've been involved in here?! You can't but I can dig up COUNTLESS with you and MARC ATL in them, slinging hatred and racial divide.. You're race whores.. it's what you do.. you stir the pot, enflame and provoke others.. it serves your purpose and most likely pays you in real dollars. Trayvon Martin chose the wrong fucking person to beat on and now he's dead.. it's a lesson that your skin color does not entitle you to harm others any more than mine does.. You don't get that because in your warped racist mindset, you believe blacks are entitled to hate whitey.. We see it now every where.. If Trayvon were white or Hispanic and had beaten someone and ended up dead, I would still hold the same fucking opinion.. He went looking for trouble and found it. See unlike you, I don't need someone's skin color to determine the truth.

Pull those threads up and back up your bullshit. LOL, you don't even know my ethnicity! :lol:

I know your posting history from another forum.. and if it was raced based, you were shit knuckle deep in it.. everyone knows that about you and MARC ATL. Are you really that stoopid to think we all don't see through this? I really don't give a damn that you're a racist and pimp divide for whatever reasons you may think are justified. What I do care about is that you and this Administration have perpetuated racial tensions along the lines of the color of skin. That is the very definition of racism. Whereas I use to be color blind, I am very aware now of the black rage and anger that exists out here toward white people.. you and those like you have stirred that angry pot until it now boils over in a murderous rage.. so look in the mirror when you're looking to blame someone for the death of a boy who went looking for trouble and found it.

It's certainly is funny to have a bunch of racist bigots call me a bigot! :lol:
Who is "we"; a bunch of bigots with a racial chip on their shoulders. The fact is clear that you can only spout baseless lies and can't back up one iota of it! Responding to racist people on threads started by them, now suddenly makes me a "racist"? Wow, seek help, it's really pathological on your part!
Can you be a lawyer and not understand what "overruled" means?

Can you be a citizen and not understand that, even in court, you do not have to answer any questions you chose not to?

It was a matter of procedure and process. A Judge is allowed to inquire on those matters

This was discussed on Greta Van Sustern's show--some relief from the embarassing display taking place on HLN.

According to Greta the judge should have waited until the defense rested-- in case the remaining witnesses bombed. Others felt she was rushing due process throughout the trial.
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Republicans. Only upset that someone disrespected a guy who killed a black child. How dare they.
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