The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Point proven thanks.

It's despicable to try to skew someone's words, and I'll defend my words in each instance.

In other words you'll defend your right to be stupid. Hey, nobody's stopping you.

So you defend your words, but call GZ's words a train wreck. So you are the judge, jury and executioner. All of this is getting very close to what you are accusing GZ of.

[Quick insert stupid assertion here]
When did I state that my opinion was "gospel"? Did zimmerman state how Martin was allegedly acting "suspicious"? If TM wasn't avoiding zimmerman, why did zimmerman state something to the effect that "these.......always get away"? Why did zimmerman get out of the truck when he was told that they don't "need him to do that"?

He’s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He’s running? Which way is he running?

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

He said he was suspicious because he was looking at the houses in a non-paved cut through. Then he approached GZ's car. GZ was already out of the car when the said we don't need you to do that. TM ran after approaching the car. After testimony today we understand that people who commit home invasions in that neighborhood do get away. If TM was trying to avoid, why did he start the conversation with GZ? These things are all well established facts. They have been submitted in testimony, and evidence. What are you basing your opinions off of?

Really? Here's a transcript of zimmerman's 911 call, please show me where it was stated that Martin was looking at houses.
Zimmerman 911 Call Transcript ? Trayvon Martin | Phoebe's Detention Room
They can't pinpoint it, because it never happened. There is absolutely NO evidence that supports this.

It's made up, like most everything these hard RW Zimmerman supporters have been claiming as gospel truth.
Here, we eliminate stupidity. Big difference.

I like it that when he makes a mistake in his recollection, and someone calls him on it he calls them Nazis.

Here we go again. LOL

I didn't call anyone a Nazi.

I'm going to have to start grading.

However, when GZ makes a mistake on some unimportant detail he calls him a murderer, sociopath, loser.

I have consistently said he looks like a serial killer, although those statements stood by itself so that doesn't make any sense and looks like you're fabricating there.

Again, I didn't call him a loser and never felt that way. I was wondering if there was anyone that thought GZ was anything but a hero and I used "loser" as an arbitrary middle ground.

Worst part is, he will never see that comparison as valid, and have some smart ass retort that makes no sense and less factual evidence.

Since your last sentence didn't make any sense, I have to conclude you're rambling here. I grade this paper a D. LOL

A Liberal:
It's despicable to try to skew someone's words, and I'll defend my words in each instance.

In other words you'll defend your right to be stupid. Hey, nobody's stopping you.

So you defend your words, but call GZ's words a train wreck. So you are the judge, jury and executioner. All of this is getting very close to what you are accusing GZ of.

[Quick insert stupid assertion here]

You got the wrong guy pete!
It's routine for prosecutors to over-charge crimes in order to scare the accused into a plea deal. Zimbo didn't take the bait and now the prosecution wants to charge him with what they should have charged him in the first place. Judge should tell the state to FO but she won't.

The state has been screwing zimbo right from the start.
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It's despicable to try to skew someone's words, and I'll defend my words in each instance.

In other words you'll defend your right to be stupid. Hey, nobody's stopping you.

So you defend your words, but call GZ's words a train wreck. So you are the judge, jury and executioner. All of this is getting very close to what you are accusing GZ of.

[Quick insert stupid assertion here]

I thought we were all the judge, jury and executioner here??? (Your side doesn't have an executioner.) That's what we are trying to accomplish, right?
LOL, my posts haven't caught up yet............. once again you are full of shit with your biased assessment and lie. If you had any class you would be embarrassed! Where have I ever stated that I ALLEGEDLY don't like white people? Why would I not like someone because of their race, I'll leave that to some of your friends on this thread.

Who are my friends in this thread? Name them?! I don't believe I've ever communicated on a personal level with any of them but one.. What's your point? That you live in the racial threads and I don't? That because Trayvon Martin had black skin he was entitled to beat another human being without fear of that person defending himself? Everyone sees through you Phoenix.. always have.. even over on that other forum.. you did the same there. Like I said, you're a race pimp with a major chip on your shoulder. As for myself, I don't give a damn what color you are.. if you beat the hell out of someone you may end up dead.. like Trayvon.. Not saying anyone deserves to be dead.. but we all have the right to self defense. Stop going around beating on people and you won't have to worry about this shit.. It's not fucking difficult.

I participate in a myriad of threads, you have a chip on your shoulders, not me. You are full of shit once again. That other forum had some of the same bigots but they try to be slick about it and I called them on it and demonstrated their hypocrisy and they finally got mad. They used a bumper sticker made by Neal Boortz for herman cain that I used as a sig line. Big deal. :lol:

You sure have a problem with the truth! Oh and who creates the majority of those racial threads that I have participated in to set the record straight? Certainly not me.
You will never see that dumb broad or any of the other stupid RW batches and bastards that claim they hate to say racism and bigotry expressed in any form or fashion address the STARTERS of the threads. 99% of the threads are STARTED by white racist, most likely, southern males...have you ever heard a PEEP from the likes of GunSlangBatch addressing them, reprimanding them or anything of that nature concerning their "race pimping" threads? EVER?

The answer is a resounding...NO!!!

Care to guess why?
Judges should get bitch slapped every time they abuse someone just because they are in their court.

Lot's of people should be bitch slapped for things that they do. I like to think they all do eventually. Probably everyone in that courtroom needs to get bitch slapped.

Better start watching out with the bitch slap shit. Trayvon thought he had an easy bitch.

The Judge made him look like a pretty easy looking bitch
Somebody tell me what happened in the two minutes that are unaccounted for in this trial. What evidence is there about this two minutes? Nobody knows what happened. You can fill that time with whatever you want to personally, but the state can't fill it with anything. That is reasonable doubt.

If you live in a large city or suburb, I suggest you find the nearest white gentrification zone or at very least avoid section 8 areas. If you are in your car and notice all you see are payday loan, liquor stores and 7-11, then god be with you, because you are in the black undertow. Riots start as early as Friday night. Saturday guaranteed.
0:00 Dispatcher: Sanford Police Department. This line is being recorded. This is Sean.

0:01 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:05 Zimmerman: Hey, we’ve had some breakins in my neighborhood., and there’s a real suspicious guy, ah, it’s Retreat View Circle,. Um, the best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle. This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or sumpin. It’s raining and he’s just walking around looking about.

0:11 (sound of door lock?)

0:16 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:25 Dispatcher: OK. And this guy, is he white, black or Hispanic?

0:29 Zimmerman: He looks black.

0:30 Dispatcher: Did you see what he was wearing?

0:31 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:33 Zimmerman: Yeah, a, a dark hoodie, like a grey hoodie and either jeans or sweatpants and white tennis shoes. He’s here now and he’s just staring,

0:44Dispatcher: OK, he’s just walking around the area?

0:46 Zimmerman: looking at all the houses.

0:46 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:47 Dispatcher: OK.

0:48 Zimmerman: And now he’s just staring at me.

0:49 Dispatcher: OK. It’s just it’s 1 1 1 1 Retreat View? Or 111?

0:53 Zimmerman: That’s the, that’s the clubhouse (unintelligible)

0:55 Dispatcher: That’s the clubhouse.

0:56 Zimmerman: (unintelligible)

0:57 Dispatcher: Do you know what the…he’s near the clubhouse right now?

0:58 Zimmerman: Yeah. Now he’s comin towards me.

1:00 Dispatcher: OK.

1:01 (sound of windshield wipers, gear selector)

1:03 Zimmerman: He’s got his hand in his waistband.

1:05 (sound of a ding)

1:06 (sound of window rolling up?)

Zimmerman: And he’s a black male.

1:09 (sound of gear selector)

1:10 Dispatcher: OK. How old would you say he

1:11 Zimmerman: He’s got

1:12 Dispatcher: looks?

1:13 Zimmerman: a button on his shirt. Late teens.

1:14 Dispatcher: Late teens. OK.

1:16 Zimmerman: Um hum.

1:16 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:17 Zimmerman: Sumpin’s wrong with him.

1:19 (sound like a thump noise)

1:21 Zimmerman: Yup. He’s comin’ to check me out. He’s got sumpin in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is.1:27 Dispatcher: OK, just let me know

1:28 Zimmerman: Please get an officer

1:29 Dispatcher: if he does anything…1

1:30 Zimmerman: over here.

1:31 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:32 Dispatcher: Yeah, we got em on the way. Just let me know if this guy does anything else.

1:34 Zimmerman: OK. These assholes, they always get away.1:38 (sound of gear selector)Learned today that people in this neighborhood have gotten away with home invasions

1:40 (sound of gear selector)

1:44 Zimmerman: Yup. When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the clubhouse.

1:46 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:54 Dispatcher: OK, so it’s on the left hand side from the clubhouse.

1:54 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:58 Zimmerman: No, you go in straight through the entrance and then you’d make a left. Uh, yeah, you go straight in, don’t turn and make a left. Shit, he’s running.

2:08 Dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

2:10 (door opens, sound of door alarm) Getting out of the car

2:10 Zimmerman: Ah, down towards the, ah, other entrance of the neighborhood.

2:14 (door closes)

2:14 Dispatcher: OK. Which entrance is that that he’s heading towards?

2:17 Zimmerman; The back entrance. Fucking punks.
The kid that was arrested for the home invasion lived near the back entrance. He was released/got away for being a 16 year old minor.

2:20 (wind noise)

2:23 Dispatcher: Are you following him?

2:25 Zimmerman: Yeah.

2:26 Dispatcher: OK, we don’t need you to do that.

2:28 Zimmerman: OK.
Out of the car already. GZ is told not to follow once out of the car.

What difference does it make that Zimmerman was on the bottom. If he was winning the fight he would not have shot martin. He lost the fight and killed an unarmed teen. Simple really.
Hey bastard...where is the evidence of Trayvon "peering into windows?"


Produce it batch.
they knew if Zimmerman took the stand he will be found guilty - their mirage is wearing thin.
Why, in your mind, do you think that the killer, George Zimmerman, would be found guilty if he took the stand?

According to your side, everything he said thus far concerning the case is gospel truth?

What does he have to fear?

Why would you say that?
So you defend your words, but call GZ's words a train wreck. So you are the judge, jury and executioner. All of this is getting very close to what you are accusing GZ of.

[Quick insert stupid assertion here]

You got the wrong guy pete!

He's on my ignore list so I only see him when he's quoted.

Oh I see. Just an FYI when you see his ignored posts, you have an option to click the "view post" button on the extreme right hand corner of that post.
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