The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I'm going to make my prediction now.

Trayvon will not walk away a free man.

Even if he's not charged with the original charge, he'll get charged with a lesser crime.

Mark my words.

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I stand by my claim.
She just gave them automatic grounds for an appeal if GZ is convicted. She's a moron.

George will appeal regardless of the reasons for his conviction.

He will win because the judge clearly violated Florida law in ruling in favor of the state on at least one occasion. If she is smart she will overturn the conviction herself if it gets handed down.

I seriously doubt that this case will be overturned what ultimately is a judicial infraction by the judge. Regardless, this judge's behavior was inexcusable.
they knew if Zimmerman took the stand he will be found guilty - their mirage is wearing thin.
Why, in your mind, do you think that the killer, George Zimmerman, would be found guilty if he took the stand?

According to your side, everything he said thus far concerning the case is gospel truth?

What does he have to fear?

Why would you say that?

What does he have to fear?

there is sympathy for Zimmerman but there is no excusing the outcome of his pursuit, his lack of remorse is what has him against the law and the jury is left unsatisfied.
they knew if Zimmerman took the stand he will be found guilty - their mirage is wearing thin.
Why, in your mind, do you think that the killer, George Zimmerman, would be found guilty if he took the stand?

According to your side, everything he said thus far concerning the case is gospel truth?

What does he have to fear?

Why would you say that?

What does he have to fear?

there is sympathy for Zimmerman but there is no excusing the outcome of his pursuit, his lack of remorse is what has him against the law and the jury is left unsatisfied.
So let me get this straight...

In your opinion Zimmerman has been exhibiting a lack of remorse, and that if he takes the stand, it will come out and outshine all the evidence that you say supported his claims all along.

Is that about right?
Can you be a lawyer and not understand what "overruled" means?

Can you be a citizen and not understand that, even in court, you do not have to answer any questions you chose not to?

It was a matter of procedure and process. A Judge is allowed to inquire on those matters

1. The judge is not allowed to deny counsel to the defendant, which she did.
2. This procedure was prematurely coerced in the second place. As a matter of 'procedure,' this type of questioning would be more in line after the defense was about to finally rest their case. GZ is under no obligation to tell her in advance whether he absolutely will or will not testify.
He's on my ignore list so I only see him when he's quoted.

Oh I see. Just an FYI when you see his ignored posts, you have an option to click the "view post" button on the extreme right hand corner of that post.

Yea, I'm showing as much restraint as possible. It's tough dealing with a child that is having a fit in a store. "I want, I want, I want"

It's a common perception that the IL is for pussies (Not one I share). But people using it shouldn't throw stones.
Why, in your mind, do you think that the killer, George Zimmerman, would be found guilty if he took the stand?

According to your side, everything he said thus far concerning the case is gospel truth?

What does he have to fear?

Why would you say that?

What does he have to fear?

there is sympathy for Zimmerman but there is no excusing the outcome of his pursuit, his lack of remorse is what has him against the law and the jury is left unsatisfied.
So let me get this straight...

In your opinion Zimmerman has been exhibiting a lack of remorse, and that if he takes the stand, it will come out and outshine all the evidence that you say supported his claims all along.

Is that about right?


Can I use your doll now?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
What does he have to fear?

there is sympathy for Zimmerman but there is no excusing the outcome of his pursuit, his lack of remorse is what has him against the law and the jury is left unsatisfied.
So let me get this straight...

In your opinion Zimmerman has been exhibiting a lack of remorse, and that if he takes the stand, it will come out and outshine all the evidence that you say supported his claims all along.

Is that about right?


Can I use your doll now?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
So correct me...

What was the point that the poster was making by that statement then?
So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

Where's your outrage over two teenage black boys beating the shit out of a white man and killing him with a hammer?? I can't hear you?!
Black Teens Beat 50 Year-Old White Man With Hammer Near Sanford, FL? Media Silent | The Gateway Pundit

LOL, another silly thing coming from you!!! If the media was allegedly "silent" about it, how would I know about so I can express my outrage? :lol:

Now, if it turns out that they are guilty, I think that they should receive the maximum penalty for such a heinous act. I didn't read the article so I don't know the circumstances, so I am commenting on the headline itself.

So, LadyGunSlingers link is just a silly link? Wow. LadyGunSlinger is correct in what she stated. Unless you can provide proof this incident she provided got just as much coverage from the media as has the Trayvon incident, and also got commentary from dictator Obama, your reply has zero validity and is nothing more than hot air.
Stalking is never charged when there's someone arrested for murder. Stalking is something that would be charged by itself when there's no killing.

I'll admit that saying he was stalking is a little bit of a stretch, but since no one has come up with a better word to describe it, I use it. He was ALMOST stalking, so close to it as to be indecipherable. Well you get the idea.

Seriously? That's your argument. You aren't familiar with the criminal justice system are you?

Police charge you with every crime you could have possibly committed. That way there is more leverage for negotiations and if that fails, there is more of a chance the jury could find them guilty of something.

We've discussed the legal definition of stalking in his thread. Nothing Zimmerman has done indicates he was stalking Trayvon. If you had Zimmerman following Trayvon multiple times a day for three days, you could argue stalking. But even if we believe that he was following trayvon the whole time, ignoring that he was almost back to the car when he was jumped, there is no stalking.

And no better word? Seriously? you expect me to believe that you aren't using Stalking to try to pretend that Zimmerman was doing something wrong?

Here's a better word: FOLLOWING. I have a seriously difficult time believing that you were unaware of this much better word to describe it. Though Im sure the problem you have with it is that it doesn't convey the criminal implications with it. And that's what you would prefer. You want to make Zimmerman out to be a criminal for following Trayvon.

And even more accurate way to say it is: He was following Trayvon until he stopped pursuing him (Pursuing is another great word that more accurately describes what is happening).

But more accurately portraying what happened doesn't support putting Zimmerman behind bars. So naturally you dont like using those words. but words mean something. Your choice of words tells us about your objectivity. It also tells us you have no problem bearing false witness against Zimmerman and probably even to yourself so that your worldview isn't challenged.
I'm going to make my prediction now.

Trayvon will not walk away a free man.

Even if he's not charged with the original charge, he'll get charged with a lesser crime.

Mark my words.

Bookmark this post.

I stand by my claim.

Im pretty sure it's a safe bet that Trayvon won't walk period. He's dead after all.

Unless you expect the resurrection to come very shortly. Which I admit is quite possible.
they knew if Zimmerman took the stand he will be found guilty - their mirage is wearing thin.
Why, in your mind, do you think that the killer, George Zimmerman, would be found guilty if he took the stand?

According to your side, everything he said thus far concerning the case is gospel truth?

What does he have to fear?

Why would you say that?

He has nothing to fear. If he had something to fear, he would be on the stand defending himself. He realizes the prosecution has done the work needed to exhonerate him. So he is exercising his civil right to remain silent. Any wise person would.
I quoted you. You said "agree".

Damn, I've given you five minutes of attention today. What a waste.


"Wouldn't you agree" is a figure of speech or some kind of hypothetical question. I don't know the exact grammatical term for it.

You could ask, "Wouldn't you agree the world is flat." That doesn't mean the person asking the question believes it's flat or wants to convince people of that. I'm going to start charging now for grammar lessons. LMAO
You said:

"Can you be more specific? Wouldn't you agree that GZ is at least a loser? You'd have to be to follow people around to try and feel self-important and spend half of your adult life calling the police on people for any reason."

..and you later offered to give grammar lessons. I am convinced that you are a fucking idiot.

The question "wouldn't you agree..(that X is true)...?" implies that the poser of the question believes X is true.

No it doesn't. It doesn't stipulate who is agreeing. That is a conclusion on your part. It was an informal question. The context I asked it in has long been lost so to try and figure out the grammar now would be pointless.
It was a matter of procedure and process. A Judge is allowed to inquire on those matters

This was discussed on Greta Van Sustern's show--some relief from the embarassing display taking place on HLN.

According to Greta the judge should have waited until the defense rested-- in case the remaining witnesses bombed. Others felt she was rushing due process throughout the trial.

Greta was right and you don't have to have a law degree to understand why. It is literally impossible for a defendant and his attorney to know whether or not the defendant's testimony is required until all witnesses have given their testimony. When Zimmerman's attorney informed the judge that he was not finished presenting his case, the judge should have apologized and waited until the defense told her they had no more witnesses. The judge's conduct was preposterous.

I believe everyone is tired and under considerable pressure.

Greta laughed and said she had similar experiences as a trial lawyer.

I am personally more concerned that O'Mara had to file/chose to file 6 sanctions for discovery issues against the prosecution. He said in 30 years he had never filed that many.

There was a 900 page report on the cell phone calls filed in January and not delivered to the defense until June which made it difficult to thoroughly extract whatever fyi they needed. They could have contacted some of the people to whom calls were made or texts about Trayvon's interest in fighting. How serious that may be I cannot say.
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