The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Ok, get Limbaugh's testicles out of your eyes so you can read this:

This case HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH STAND YOUR GROUND. That is exactly what Martin did. Zimmerman was the THREAT, not Martin! TM stood his ground to neutralize that threat. Sadly, the aggressor had a gun and used it, apparently when he was getting his ass whipped!

Now; after you have finished swallowing the juice you sucked out of Hannity's underpants,
this ought to go down real easy for ya:

In regard to STALKING:

After reviewing the Florida Statues I noticed that 784.048 (1) (b,) seems to define "repeatedly" as applicable to Florida state law:

“Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. "

Interpretation is crucial here. Perhaps the Florida Supreme Court would be the ultimate authority to decide if GZ's actions warrants the application of the above rule. The writers of this law included the phrase "however short" in the law and thereby invalidated any necessity to violate the statute by following or harassing someone for days or weeks.

I think it would be reasonable to say that the series of acts instigated by GZ on the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin would satisfy the legal definition of the word "repeatedly."

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

3. Chasing Martin.

4. Approaching Martin , engaging and shooting him.

Suffice it to say, JQPubic, that your ignorance knows no bounds.

The case has ZERO to do with "stand your ground."

You have lapped up the uninformed blather of the silly main stream lolberal media.

Stand your ground means you are not required to run away if you are able to do so in safety.

But when some guy is ON TOP of you, pounding you, the question of running away is utterly moot.

You remain entirely wrong.

Laughably so.

My "ignorance" has bounds alright The "bounds" are the four corners of your square head.
If it escapes that tight confine then I might be concerned.

Do you have any link to back up that knee jerk definition you just coughed up! Keep in mind that we are talking about Florida law not any other state.

If I am wrong give me something to prove I am wrong. I am not interested in your gut feelings or excerpts from the KKK debate team's perspective on this matter!~

Hey moron. I have ALREADY posted information about the FLORIDA law of justification. It includes a provision on "stand your ground" for circumstances that do not apply here. Why would anybody have to post shit all over again for a useless clump of retarded shit like you?

If you are so woefully ignorant that you refuse to go back and find the stuff already posted or Google it to cite the law yourself, then you have NO basis to make your ignorant claims about "stand your ground."

As I said, you fucking idiot, you do not know what you are bleating about.
776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—
(1) A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle; and
(b) The person who uses defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred.
(2) The presumption set forth in subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force is used has the right to be in or is a lawful resident of the dwelling, residence, or vehicle, such as an owner, lessee, or titleholder, and there is not an injunction for protection from domestic violence or a written pretrial supervision order of no contact against that person; or
(b) The person or persons sought to be removed is a child or grandchild, or is otherwise in the lawful custody or under the lawful guardianship of, the person against whom the defensive force is used; or
(c) The person who uses defensive force is engaged in an unlawful activity or is using the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle to further an unlawful activity; or
(d) The person against whom the defensive force is used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who enters or attempts to enter a dwelling, residence, or vehicle in the performance of his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person entering or attempting to enter was a law enforcement officer.
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
* * * *
Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

A person is not called upon to DECIDE whether or not to "stand his ground" when he is on his fucking back getting pummeled.

This case has NOTHING to do with a decision to stand there and fight or to run away. It has everything to do instead with being laid out, attacker on top and being in fear for one's life. In the case under discussion, GZ's ability to MAKE that "choice" was REMOVED by GZ's ATTACKER, Trayvon Martin.

You dickweed.
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Interesting................apparently a lot of you posters have never had a bloody nose. can go down your throat, but when it does, you cough and sneeze trying to keep the blood from going down in your lungs. Sorry, but the body is wired to do that very thing.

And.....................when you sneeze, or cough, or figure out somewhere else for the blood to go, it's generally not in the closed part of the body.

Me personally? I think that Zimmerman followed TM, and was confronted by him (BTW................FL law says it doesn't matter who wins, it matters who starts the fight) and TM punched him in the nose for hassling him (that is................after GZ threw the first punch as stated by the girl he'd called when this happened), and GZ was pissed about having his ass kicked (remember, he scored low in the self defense class) and pulled the gun and shot TM.

GZ needs to go to jail. For at least 5 years.

There is no evidence that GZ ever threw a punch. There is no law against following someone. If that was the case people could be arrested left and right. When TM was shot he was on top of GZ, so it had to have been self-defense.

You do not have the right to put your hands on anyone just because they are following you. You do not have the right to punch someone because they bad-mouth you. That is called aggravated assault and battery which is a felony.
Ya know, some days I just can't be bothered engaging in back and forth argument over an obvious but meaningless point that inevitably descends into grappling over minutiae and semantics and results in no-one changing their stance.
This will be just such an argument, and this is one of those days...sorry.

And besides everyone has an opinion at this point in the case and we all know each other's. I don't need to hear it 25 times to understand it is how the other person feels about it.

Sarah-This is the first time I've seen idb post in this thread.
idb claims he doesn't have a position.

He obviously doesn't want to talk to you about it, why keep begging him, so you can laugh at him when the jury comes back?

You know this isn't an actual win or loss for you people, you just picked a side and said why many, many, times. It was the same thing with foxfire getting so angry with me for not engaging her in an exchange. I already know where she is going to fall on this decision, I stayed through a lot of angry posts directed at me. All of you have been quite aggressive about it.

I work everyday and like to discuss when I can but this gets old.
Judge Debra Nelson is a trial lawyer. She used to be well respected until she presided over this farce. She gleefully ignores pertinent case law, badgers the defendant, denies perfectly good evidence from admission and has been downright belligerent with Don West. For pete's sake, she must have forgotten to study the Judicial Code of Ethics of Florida...

As with any lesser charge, there needs to be proof or evidence to back that up. You need to delve into the aspect of culpable negligence to determine if you can charge Zimmerman with manslaughter. Turns out you can't. Leave the man alone, his life is already turned upside down, and people looking for blood are wanting to put him away for some scurrilous reason. For which there is no evidence to support.

YOu mean OTHER than that dead child he blew a hole into?

Fact of the matter is, juries consider "lesser but included charges" all the time.

If the dead "child" hadn't assaulted Zimmerman he'd be here today smoking weed. If Martin had been successful in killing Zimmerman what excuses would you be making for this poor unfortunate "child"
I think Zimmerman should go down for murder, but I don't think the judge should be allowed to ask the jury to consider lesser charges.

The prosecution should have made that request earlier, before the trial. If they want new charges, they should be charging him again, which they can't.

The evidence doesn't show that a murder took place, so he shouldn't go down for it.

According to Florida law they have the right to ask for lessor charges but the judge has to decide to allow it, it cannot be suggested by the prosecution.

Judging by the way this judge is acting I'm sure she will. According to some experts she should have thrown the case out long ago. Instead she's placing the burden on the jury to decide due to political reasons.
It really doesn't matter what happens, if found guilty, he goes to prison.
If he is found NOT guilty, then released to the Heavily Armed general public ............. well, I'll let you formulate your own thoughts as to what will happen from this point.
If I was Zimmerman ................. I would plead GUILTY for my own safety.

Nope. I'd move to Montana. No black folks there.
It really doesn't matter what happens, if found guilty, he goes to prison.
If he is found NOT guilty, then released to the Heavily Armed general public ............. well, I'll let you formulate your own thoughts as to what will happen from this point.
If I was Zimmerman ................. I would plead GUILTY for my own safety.

Fucking pussy.

If the dead "child" hadn't assaulted Zimmerman he'd be here today smoking weed. If Martin had been successful in killing Zimmerman what excuses would you be making for this poor unfortunate "child"

If he had killed Zimmerman, he'd have been arrested and tried. And probably convicted, because, hey, it's really easy to get convicted in this country if you're black. Even if you didn't do anything.
Judge Debra Nelson is a trial lawyer. She used to be well respected until she presided over this farce. She gleefully ignores pertinent case law, badgers the defendant, denies perfectly good evidence from admission and has been downright belligerent with Don West. For pete's sake, she must have forgotten to study the Judicial Code of Ethics of Florida...

As with any lesser charge, there needs to be proof or evidence to back that up. You need to delve into the aspect of culpable negligence to determine if you can charge Zimmerman with manslaughter. Turns out you can't. Leave the man alone, his life is already turned upside down, and people looking for blood are wanting to put him away for some scurrilous reason. For which there is no evidence to support.

YOu mean OTHER than that dead child he blew a hole into?

Fact of the matter is, juries consider "lesser but included charges" all the time.

The poor, poor innocent child.

Fact, most gang members join their gangs at or around Trayvan's age. Many have to commit a murder as part of an initiation. I personally was held up by two of them when I was working at a liquor store back in the 80s. Gangs recruit most of their members before they reach the age of 18. Most gang members are juveniles. Most are younger than 24.

If the dead "child" hadn't assaulted Zimmerman he'd be here today smoking weed. If Martin had been successful in killing Zimmerman what excuses would you be making for this poor unfortunate "child"

If he had killed Zimmerman, he'd have been arrested and tried. And probably convicted, because, hey, it's really easy to get convicted in this country if you're black. Even if you didn't do anything.

Are you black?
Judge Debra Nelson is a trial lawyer. She used to be well respected until she presided over this farce. She gleefully ignores pertinent case law, badgers the defendant, denies perfectly good evidence from admission and has been downright belligerent with Don West. For pete's sake, she must have forgotten to study the Judicial Code of Ethics of Florida...

As with any lesser charge, there needs to be proof or evidence to back that up. You need to delve into the aspect of culpable negligence to determine if you can charge Zimmerman with manslaughter. Turns out you can't. Leave the man alone, his life is already turned upside down, and people looking for blood are wanting to put him away for some scurrilous reason. For which there is no evidence to support.

YOu mean OTHER than that dead child he blew a hole into?

Fact of the matter is, juries consider "lesser but included charges" all the time.

Usually the trial starts with the lesser charges as already part of the indictment. The defense will have an instant appeal due to the fact they tailored thier defense to 2nd degree murder, not lesser charges. Zimmerman would get a new trial almost automatically if he is convicted on the lesser charges.
Judge Debra Nelson is a trial lawyer. She used to be well respected until she presided over this farce. She gleefully ignores pertinent case law, badgers the defendant, denies perfectly good evidence from admission and has been downright belligerent with Don West. For pete's sake, she must have forgotten to study the Judicial Code of Ethics of Florida...

As with any lesser charge, there needs to be proof or evidence to back that up. You need to delve into the aspect of culpable negligence to determine if you can charge Zimmerman with manslaughter. Turns out you can't. Leave the man alone, his life is already turned upside down, and people looking for blood are wanting to put him away for some scurrilous reason. For which there is no evidence to support.

Watching her badger Zimmerman yesterday was crazy!! That woman was really being a bitch to his attorney!
And by the way - I STILL can't get into the Official Trial thread!!! It's the only one that gives me problems, thought maybe i'd been banned from it! Lol! So I'm having a hard time keeping up on everything now :)
The poor, poor innocent child.

Fact, most gang members join their gangs at or around Trayvan's age. Many have to commit a murder as part of an initiation. I personally was held up by two of them when I was working at a liquor store back in the 80s. Gangs recruit most of their members before they reach the age of 18. Most gang members are juveniles. Most are younger than 24.

Do you have any evidence Trayvon was in "a gang". Or are you just "profiling".
Judge Debra Nelson is a trial lawyer. She used to be well respected until she presided over this farce. She gleefully ignores pertinent case law, badgers the defendant, denies perfectly good evidence from admission and has been downright belligerent with Don West. For pete's sake, she must have forgotten to study the Judicial Code of Ethics of Florida...

As with any lesser charge, there needs to be proof or evidence to back that up. You need to delve into the aspect of culpable negligence to determine if you can charge Zimmerman with manslaughter. Turns out you can't. Leave the man alone, his life is already turned upside down, and people looking for blood are wanting to put him away for some scurrilous reason. For which there is no evidence to support.

YOu mean OTHER than that dead child he blew a hole into?

Fact of the matter is, juries consider "lesser but included charges" all the time.

Usually the trial starts with the lesser charges as already part of the indictment. The defense will have an instant appeal due to the fact they tailored thier defense to 2nd degree murder, not lesser charges. Zimmerman would get a new trial almost automatically if he is convicted on the lesser charges.

They can try to appeal. I think the Judicial system has had enough of Mr. Zimmerman, though.
Interesting................apparently a lot of you posters have never had a bloody nose. can go down your throat, but when it does, you cough and sneeze trying to keep the blood from going down in your lungs. Sorry, but the body is wired to do that very thing.

And.....................when you sneeze, or cough, or figure out somewhere else for the blood to go, it's generally not in the closed part of the body.

Me personally? I think that Zimmerman followed TM, and was confronted by him (BTW................FL law says it doesn't matter who wins, it matters who starts the fight) and TM punched him in the nose for hassling him (that is................after GZ threw the first punch as stated by the girl he'd called when this happened), and GZ was pissed about having his ass kicked (remember, he scored low in the self defense class) and pulled the gun and shot TM.

GZ needs to go to jail. For at least 5 years.

Zimmerman needs to go to jail for a long time for murdering an unarmed, innocent citizen who was just minding his own business in a place he had every right to be in. He used lethal force over a few scratches on the back of his head, a black eye and a bloody nose. Wrong. So, very, very wrong. Unless the jury are also insane, pro-gun nut cases who hate and fear black teenagers, Zimmerman will do some serious time. Which he richly deserves. He never should have had or been carrying a gun, he never should have followed Trayvon. Why did Zimmerman never identifiy himself to Trayvon? Why didn't he warn Trayvon he had a concealed weapon? He's a murderer, pure and simple.
The poor, poor innocent child.

Fact, most gang members join their gangs at or around Trayvan's age. Many have to commit a murder as part of an initiation. I personally was held up by two of them when I was working at a liquor store back in the 80s. Gangs recruit most of their members before they reach the age of 18. Most gang members are juveniles. Most are younger than 24.

Do you have any evidence Trayvon was in "a gang". Or are you just "profiling".

I'm pointing out that not all kids are children or have a childhood that lasts into adulthood. Many have already committed serious crimes by the time most of us are still learning to drive.
YOu mean OTHER than that dead child he blew a hole into?

Fact of the matter is, juries consider "lesser but included charges" all the time.

Usually the trial starts with the lesser charges as already part of the indictment. The defense will have an instant appeal due to the fact they tailored thier defense to 2nd degree murder, not lesser charges. Zimmerman would get a new trial almost automatically if he is convicted on the lesser charges.

They can try to appeal. I think the Judicial system has had enough of Mr. Zimmerman, though.

He has rights.

Funny, you want to shitcan this guy because he's 'not the right type' yet you'll support a total scumbag to the ends of the Earth.
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