The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Well look at a map of where the car was and where the shooting happened and you'll see he was quite far from his car. Your posting the Zimmerman side of the story like it is the truth. It may be, but you certainly cannot say it is for sure.

How do you know that Martin suddenly reappeared? We don't know that. It could be Zimmerman followed and caught up to him. Why would Martin run away just to come back? While possible, that doesn't make much sense.

Do you really think 17 year old Martin who was not doing anything wrong and had no history of violence attacked Zimmerman and was going to beat him to death on the street?

Based on what Zimmerman says on the call I think it's quite possible that he caught up to Martin and had a verbal confrontation. Maybe he called him a punk and a criminal and things escalated. Next there is a fight and Zimmerman starts losing and ends up shooting the minor Martin. I'm not a lawyer but to me I think you have to put the responsibility of such an incident on the adult.

You have zero evidence for that scenario. My scenario is based on the statements of someone who was there.

Yes, you believe the guy who shot dead a minor. You believe that Martin first runs away and then runs back. You believe that Martin who had no history of violence just attacked Zimmerman and was going to beat him to death on the street. So basically your going to believe the adult with the gun who shot dead the minor regardless of anything else. So it seems clear that people are picking sides based on political reasons only.

From the right I think many people are supporting Zimmerman because he is a concealed carry guy. If he gets in trouble it makes them all look bad. After all they talk all the time about how much safer it is when everyone carries guns. But this seems to be a good case where having a gun ends in disaster. I also think some on the right look at Martin and have just decided he wasn't good so it's ok what happened. I think it's a bit of racism.

From the left people do support Martin because he was black. There are those who try to find racism in everything to stay relevant. But others do want to prove that carrying a gun is not safe. So if Zimmerman goes to jail they can claim a win for gun control.

I think this is a tragedy. Zimmerman probably had the right intentions and things went bad. Martin wasn't doing anything wrong, but is now dead. No winners in this one.

I believe what the evidence suggests. The evidence suggests that ZImmerman's story is, generally speaking, the true account of what happened. I see little to no evidence to suggest the opposite. I dont care what color or what political persuasion anyone is. I care about facts and the law.

You have no reason to believe what you do other than "Zimmerman shot a child to death." It is clear that is not the case. Martin was hardly a child. He was over 6 feet tall. Zimmerman was reasonably in fear of his life, as evidenced by his injuries and the neighbor's testimony. It is established in court that Martin was on top of Zimmerman. That makes Zimmerman's act an act of self defense and the killing a justifiable killing.
If you have some evidence other than "Zimmerman is a cop wannabe" or "Zimmerman shot an unarmed man" then bring it. OTherwise stfu and get out of this discussion.
So you don't think that following someone who is trying to avoid you is harassment? How did he keep his distance when he got out of his truck to follow Martin? How was Martin allegedly "acting weird", walking down the street?

No that is not harassment. I'd suggest learning the legal definitions of these things before spouting more shit.
Martin had run off. Zimmerman got out of his truck to see which way he went. Martin was walking on the grass, peering into houses and such. He wasnt walking like someone wanting to gt out of the rain.
So ZImmerman did not harass Martin. You made that up.

I've noticed the less intelligent posters here tend to fill in gaps in their own knowledge with words, terms, and descriptions that aren't in evidence but represent merely their own feelings. It marks them as having inferior intelligence.

Where's the evidence and testimony that supports his alleged "peering into houses"? Where's the evidence and testimony that supports that he wasn't "walking like someone who wants to get out of the rain"?

It's Zimmerman's statements on the matter. Do you have something to contradict those statements?
YOu mean OTHER than that dead child he blew a hole into?

Fact of the matter is, juries consider "lesser but included charges" all the time.

Usually the trial starts with the lesser charges as already part of the indictment. The defense will have an instant appeal due to the fact they tailored thier defense to 2nd degree murder, not lesser charges. Zimmerman would get a new trial almost automatically if he is convicted on the lesser charges.

They can try to appeal. I think the Judicial system has had enough of Mr. Zimmerman, though.

What the progressive political class wants is for the whole trial to go away, because they know they backed a crappy prosecution, that made the added mistake of going for the largest charge.

Zimmerman has these pesky things called rights. something you seem to like to get rid of when it comes to people you dont like.

I hate the smell of fascist in the morning, it smells like you.
Nope, I think that zimmerman will be convicted of a lesser charge. Below makes some sense to me:
Even If George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty Of Murder And Manslaughter, He Could Still Get 25 Years | Mediaite

Whoever wrote that article is a numbskull.
It makes sense to you because you are ignorant. There is no doubt that Zimmerman killed Martin. In a doubtful case perhaps those other charges might apply. But here the fact that Zimmerman killed him is stipulated at the outset. His reason was one of self defense. The prosecution must prove that Zimmerman did not act in self defense to defeat the claim. So far they have failed, utterly.

Oh really? Let's see how your credentials stack up against his:

This post republished with permission from Richard Hornsby.

Richard Hornsby is a board certified Florida criminal trial lawyer. His website is:
Past President, Central Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
2007 Best of the Bar, Criminal Defense, Orlando Business Journal

It has nothing to do with credentials. It has to do with reality. Reality is that self defense is an absolute defense to murder and once it is raised it must be countered.
It isn't the first time I've seen an article by an "expert" that is grossly flawed and inaccurate.
Usually the trial starts with the lesser charges as already part of the indictment. The defense will have an instant appeal due to the fact they tailored thier defense to 2nd degree murder, not lesser charges. Zimmerman would get a new trial almost automatically if he is convicted on the lesser charges.

They can try to appeal. I think the Judicial system has had enough of Mr. Zimmerman, though.

He has rights.

Funny, you want to shitcan this guy because he's 'not the right type' yet you'll support a total scumbag to the ends of the Earth.

I want to shitcan this guy because he killed a kid. Also because it will prevent riots and serve as a warning to the next gun-toting asshole who thinks he's The Punisher that there'll be consequences for bad judgement.

Oh, please point out which "total scumbag" I've supported to the ends of the Earth.

When did I state that my opinion was "gospel"? Did zimmerman state how Martin was allegedly acting "suspicious"? If TM wasn't avoiding zimmerman, why did zimmerman state something to the effect that "these.......always get away"? Why did zimmerman get out of the truck when he was told that they don't "need him to do that"?

He’s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He’s running? Which way is he running?

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

He said he was suspicious because he was looking at the houses in a non-paved cut through. Then he approached GZ's car. GZ was already out of the car when the said we don't need you to do that. TM ran after approaching the car. After testimony today we understand that people who commit home invasions in that neighborhood do get away. If TM was trying to avoid, why did he start the conversation with GZ? These things are all well established facts. They have been submitted in testimony, and evidence. What are you basing your opinions off of?

Really? Here's a transcript of zimmerman's 911 call, please show me where it was stated that Martin was looking at houses.
Zimmerman 911 Call Transcript ? Trayvon Martin | Phoebe's Detention Room
It's Zimmerman's statement
Tonight, I was on my way to the grocery store when I saw a male approximately 5’11″ to 6’2″ casually walking in the rain, looking into homes.
Zimmerman?s Police Statements Are Not Consistent With Established Facts | The View From LL2

What the progressive political class wants is for the whole trial to go away, because they know they backed a crappy prosecution, that made the added mistake of going for the largest charge.

Zimmerman has these pesky things called rights. something you seem to like to get rid of when it comes to people you dont like.

I hate the smell of fascist in the morning, it smells like you.

You know, I'm reminded of that scene in the Original Dirty Harry movie, where the lawyers all tell Harry he violated the suspect's rights, and Harry said, "What about that little girl's rights when she was being raped and murdered?"

Zimmerman killed a kid. A kid who was not committing any crimes, who had just as much right to be out there as he did. And the only reason he MIGHT get away with it is because no one is alive to contradict his contention that Trayvon threw the first punch.
This Judge is clearly corrupt and power-mad. It often happens when you give an individual too much power & authority. She's been very biased against the Defendant. That's obvious to anyone who has followed the trial. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. That was made virtually impossible the day our dummy President weighed in, and our despicable MSM declared him 'Evil Whitey.' This Judge should be punished for her awful behavior.

I do it too. Often we forget, when we remind that he was stalking, that he was doing this with a loaded gun.

Except he wasnt stalking Trayvon. There is a reason stalking wasn't charged. There is absolutely zero evidence to support a stalking charge.

Stalking is never charged when there's someone arrested for murder. Stalking is something that would be charged by itself when there's no killing.

I'll admit that saying he was stalking is a little bit of a stretch, but since no one has come up with a better word to describe it, I use it. He was ALMOST stalking, so close to it as to be indecipherable. Well you get the idea.

It was almost stalking. It was kind of like stalking. I can call it stalking if I want to and you can't stop me, nyah nyah.
You're a psycho knob muffin.
This Judge is clearly corrupt and power-mad. It often happens when you give an individual too much power & authority. She's been very biased against the Defendant. That's obvious to anyone who has followed the trial. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. That was made virtually impossible the day our dummy President weighed in, and our despicable MSM declared him 'Evil Whitey.' This Judge should be punished for her awful behavior.

If Zimmerman were innocent, he'd be testifying today.

He isn't. He doesn't want to get caught up in any more lies.
Yes, it is a damn shame that a kid is dead.

No, you didn't answer my question and your insistence that you did rings false.

I was asking why YOU thought the way you did.
Ya know, some days I just can't be bothered engaging in back and forth argument over an obvious but meaningless point that inevitably descends into grappling over minutiae and semantics and results in no-one changing their stance.
This will be just such an argument, and this is one of those days...sorry.

And besides everyone has an opinion at this point in the case and we all know each other's. I don't need to hear it 25 times to understand it is how the other person feels about it.

Likewise. Which makes it time for you to stop harping on YOURS.

If the dead "child" hadn't assaulted Zimmerman he'd be here today smoking weed. If Martin had been successful in killing Zimmerman what excuses would you be making for this poor unfortunate "child"

If he had killed Zimmerman, he'd have been arrested and tried. And probably convicted, because, hey, it's really easy to get convicted in this country if you're black. Even if you didn't do anything.

Yeah, because we know oj simpson isn't black? He got away with murder because of his race.
Yes, we should convict Zimmerman of murder because he is a loser and an idiot.
How many new prisons will be needed to add in the addition 41 million Americans that are losers and idiots?
Did anyone watch Hannity last night? did you catch the black guy (not sure if he was a lawyer) having his "Jane You Ignorant Slut" conversation with Sean? God, he sounded like so many others who were defending Trayvon. I don't remember exactly what he said, it was on the level of,,,,"Well Listen Sean, Its Like Diss, you know, that Zimmerman dude was stalking Trayvon Mann, he didn have any biznuss being dare in his own neighborhood, and itz like Diss Sean, George was the aggressor, he threw the fist punch and tackled Trayvon to the ground and shot him,,,,etc, etc.
Yet every time Sean has a guest that reverses the actual and documented story,timing of events, his Trayvon supporters always deny them!
NO Mann! Dat Aint Da True Story Mann!!!!!
Sorry for the call out up there. I'm not a cat fighter, I'm a wait for the rope. That was a personal attack wrong waiting to be righted. Patience.

This case is a TRAGEDY no doubt about it. The tragedy started in 2010 when his "family" and support system and stability went away during his most crucial years. My bro is 7 years and 363 days younger than I am. So he had to deal with crap and be left "alone" when the unit fell apart.

It is a tragedy on all sides.

1 man will never have a life again, one almost man is dead during due to a tragic incident.

That's it.

It happens a lot that's not in the media and never ever goes to POTUS, Fed level.

This is a sad event that gained national race and political notoriety because the Agendas made it the catalyst for their cause.

This is - as it boils down to it - a tragic incident.

Remove everything else - agenda, race, politics and just watch the evidence and what the jury saw as evidence.

This is a case of tragedy. But absolutely no reason someone should burn for it unless you're standing on an agenda.

Zimmerman and Snowden should become roomies. Believe it or not there ARE places in the world that don't hang on every word of our biased press.
The media, Al Sharpton, The Martin family lawyer Crump all stated Zimmerman was stalking Martin.
So it has to be true and their sheep must repeat it as if it was fact.
They can not think for themselves.
And no better word? Seriously? you expect me to believe that you aren't using Stalking to try to pretend that Zimmerman was doing something wrong?

Here's a better word: FOLLOWING. I have a seriously difficult time believing that you were unaware of this much better word to describe it.

"Following" is a good word for it too but IMHO it's not better than "stalking."

When you stalk something you are tracking something down and hoping it's not even aware of your behavior such as stalking a deer. I think the meaning of the term has recently been distorted to include people are obsessed with following a certain individual for various reasons. I think that falls more under the title of harassment if it is something that bothers the person being followed.
Stalking requires time. Zimmerman didn't waste a lot of time following Martin. He saw him and called the cops so THEY would come out and investigate. Zimmerman was just trying maintain visual contact with Martin until the cops got there. Everything he did was legal and if I am walking through a strange neighborhood at night I accept the possibility that someone might question my presence.
O'Mara said he had filed 6 sanctions against the prosecution related to discovery issues, including the 900 page report from the State's IT representative which was prepared in January and not received by the defense until June.

Is this a basis for appeal or is it another matter?

I know a couple of cases in Nashville in which huge amounts of discovery information were not handed over until the day before trial. It is a dirty trick. That's what it is. And the IT person got his OWN attorney about the matter. Good for him!
This Judge is clearly corrupt and power-mad. It often happens when you give an individual too much power & authority. She's been very biased against the Defendant. That's obvious to anyone who has followed the trial. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. That was made virtually impossible the day our dummy President weighed in, and our despicable MSM declared him 'Evil Whitey.' This Judge should be punished for her awful behavior.

If Zimmerman were innocent, he'd be testifying today.

He oesn't want to get caught up in any more lies.

Bullshit...a good lawyer can put doubt in any jury's he remain silent...he is not that quick on his sho...
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