The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You know, I'm reminded of that scene in the Original Dirty Harry movie, where the lawyers all tell Harry he violated the suspect's rights, and Harry said, "What about that little girl's rights when she was being raped and murdered?"

Zimmerman killed a kid. A kid who was not committing any crimes, who had just as much right to be out there as he did. And the only reason he MIGHT get away with it is because no one is alive to contradict his contention that Trayvon threw the first punch.

He committed the crime of assault once he started beating on Zimmerman. So far all the forensic evidence shown has been backing zimmerman's version of that nights events.

Again, the only word we have that Trayvon threw the first punch is Zimmerman's word.

And he's proven to be so honest and trustworthy. NOT!

Which is not enough to convict zimmerman in our legal system. If you want to punish him start a lynch mob and handle it yourself. Thats the path you seem to be going down anyway.
If he had killed Zimmerman, he'd have been arrested and tried. And probably convicted, because, hey, it's really easy to get convicted in this country if you're black. Even if you didn't do anything.

Yeah, because we know oj simpson isn't black? He got away with murder because of his race.

He got away with murder because unlike the rest of his fellows, he actually had competent lawyers.

No race had nothing to do with it.
If Zimmerman were innocent, he'd be testifying today.

He isn't. He doesn't want to get caught up in any more lies.

He has no need to testify. The prosecution proved the defense's case for them.

Oh, you mean Trayvon's not dead?

That rascal has been faking it this whole time?

What a scamp!

You are being a willful idiot. The charges are based on zimmerman not being in danger and defending himself. The defense is not trying to prove martin is still alive.

They are trying to prove that the State does not have the evidence to convict zimmerman of murder.
You know, I'm reminded of that scene in the Original Dirty Harry movie, where the lawyers all tell Harry he violated the suspect's rights, and Harry said, "What about that little girl's rights when she was being raped and murdered?"

Zimmerman killed a kid. A kid who was not committing any crimes, who had just as much right to be out there as he did. And the only reason he MIGHT get away with it is because no one is alive to contradict his contention that Trayvon threw the first punch.

He committed the crime of assault once he started beating on Zimmerman. So far all the forensic evidence shown has been backing zimmerman's version of that nights events.

Again, the only word we have that Trayvon threw the first punch is Zimmerman's word.

And he's proven to be so honest and trustworthy. NOT!

Joe, to find him guilty YOU have to prove ZIMMERMAN threw the first punch.
Under Florida law there are 2 presumptions in the law:
1. The presumption that the defendant, ZIMMERMAN, had a reasonable fear that deadly force was necessary, and
2. The presumption that the victim intended to commit harm or any other unlawful act on the defendant, ZIMMERMAN.

Ball is in the prosecution's court to prove that Martin DID NOT hit Zimmerman first.
That is THE LAW.
Zimmerman does not have to prove anything.
Sorry the law does not back up any of your opinions and the 2nd degree murder case has been shot out.
O'Mara said he had filed 6 sanctions against the prosecution related to discovery issues, including the 900 page report from the State's IT representative which was prepared in January and not received by the defense until June.

Is this a basis for appeal or is it another matter?

Just sanctions. Before trial is done.

Yes. The state played sleazy hide the discovery. They didn't have anythingbso sleaze and cussing has been their case.

Time for this to be over.

Yes--Reasonable Doubt--I am convinced.

If there is enough support FL can change its Stand Your Ground law--I have no other ideas of what can be done. An attorney on ? Anderson Cooper/Piers Morgan wrote a book ? about this case or 'in general'--if you are going to have concealed carry this is something that can happen.

Where is the support from the Hollywood elite--I would think a foundation should be formed to address diversity and related issues?

O'Mara has distinguished himself.

Seriously, with the threats of riots and violence there, do you really think Florida is going to take an action which would render those who would need to protect themselves defenseless against thugs? Seriously? I wish we had a stand your ground law in KY that goes beyond just the castle doctrine. Sadly, as much as we love our guns we don't. My guess is people are going to start asking that our state legislature enact one.

If the dead "child" hadn't assaulted Zimmerman he'd be here today smoking weed. If Martin had been successful in killing Zimmerman what excuses would you be making for this poor unfortunate "child"

If he had killed Zimmerman, he'd have been arrested and tried. And probably convicted, because, hey, it's really easy to get convicted in this country if you're black. Even if you didn't do anything.

I hear it's pretty easy to get convicted if you're Hispanic as well...
Our Dumbed-Down Media has forgotten why they even began covering this story in the first place. It was all about Zimmerman being 'Evil Whitey.' But of course that's been proven to be inaccurate nonsense. The man is Hispanic. Yet their still covering it like he is that 'Evil Whitey.' But hey, never let the facts get in the way of a good Race-Baiting story. Pretty much sums up our tired corrupt MSM.
Good morning everyone,

Been thinking about the coming verdict. The jury instruction hearing this morning is crucial. It's doubtful, I surmise, that the judge will decide to not include manslaughter or aggravated homicide, but that is another shame in this case.

IMO O'Mara needs to spend considerable time explaining to this jury that finding guilty on manslaughter, just because they feel M2 wasn't proven, but GZ should get "something", would be unfair. Hate those compromise verdicts because the defendant still loses in the end.

Being a frustrated wannabe lawyer, I imagine what I would do. Hammering home that self-defense is a complete exoneration of ALL the charges, along with laying out the scenario of how and why it IS self-defense is how I would go. I'm sure M O'M knows this, but it's very important to say so repeatedly so the jury doesn't feel as though the defense would concede MS as an option, like the defense in other cases sometimes do.

I can hear the prosecutors saying..."Well, if you don't think we proved M2, then we proved MS. Poor Trayvon Martin died at the hands of GZ. He was unarmed. If you don't believe GZ had malice, at least you know this boy was killed by someone with a reckless regard for human life." Or something along those lines.

Basically I hope the defense concentrates on all the evidence presented to support self-defense, even though the prosecution will be concentrating on showing the evidence to support that this is an unjustified homicide.
You have zero evidence for that scenario. My scenario is based on the statements of someone who was there.

Yes, you believe the guy who shot dead a minor. You believe that Martin first runs away and then runs back. You believe that Martin who had no history of violence just attacked Zimmerman and was going to beat him to death on the street. So basically your going to believe the adult with the gun who shot dead the minor regardless of anything else. So it seems clear that people are picking sides based on political reasons only.

From the right I think many people are supporting Zimmerman because he is a concealed carry guy. If he gets in trouble it makes them all look bad. After all they talk all the time about how much safer it is when everyone carries guns. But this seems to be a good case where having a gun ends in disaster. I also think some on the right look at Martin and have just decided he wasn't good so it's ok what happened. I think it's a bit of racism.

From the left people do support Martin because he was black. There are those who try to find racism in everything to stay relevant. But others do want to prove that carrying a gun is not safe. So if Zimmerman goes to jail they can claim a win for gun control.

I think this is a tragedy. Zimmerman probably had the right intentions and things went bad. Martin wasn't doing anything wrong, but is now dead. No winners in this one.

I believe what the evidence suggests. The evidence suggests that ZImmerman's story is, generally speaking, the true account of what happened. I see little to no evidence to suggest the opposite. I dont care what color or what political persuasion anyone is. I care about facts and the law.

You have no reason to believe what you do other than "Zimmerman shot a child to death." It is clear that is not the case. Martin was hardly a child. He was over 6 feet tall. Zimmerman was reasonably in fear of his life, as evidenced by his injuries and the neighbor's testimony. It is established in court that Martin was on top of Zimmerman. That makes Zimmerman's act an act of self defense and the killing a justifiable killing.
If you have some evidence other than "Zimmerman is a cop wannabe" or "Zimmerman shot an unarmed man" then bring it. OTherwise stfu and get out of this discussion.

Yes as long as we have a statement from the killer I guess all is settled. We should probably just always take the word of the killer and not waste time with trials. You are very wise.

So again I guess you ignore that Martin had no history of violent crime and blindly believe his first violent crime was going to be beating Zimmerman to death on the street.

Martin was 17, so that makes him a minor. Zimmerman is an adult. Zimmerman did shoot Martin dead. These are facts.

From what I have read who was on top is in question. We also don't know for sure who was screaming for help.

What we know is that Martin was coming back from the store and had every right to be there. Zimmerman followed him and a confrontation took place. Martin the minor ends up shot. Now I certainly don't know what happened, but I'm not going to believe everything the killer says blindly. That would just be dumb.
someone--i don't know who--remarked that he had an unusually interesting and accomplished group of friends.

I haven't thought much about his appearance--under such circumstances anyone who can sit stoically through hours and hours of the legal process gets a pass from me.

'they' thought the woman called as a final witness was a good choice and it clarified to me that he has a genuine interest in his community. That is how i would respond to her testimony.
Far too emotional myself to serve on this jury and perhaps on any jury.

Why he couldn't have hit tm over the head with the gun--but i don't know. Self defense.

Having never engaged in a physical altercation it is difficult to judge what thoughts or feelings might be involved. Adrenaline---but that is the jury's job to decide.

when a man says, 'i'm cooking my.................' (stew, roast, steak, spaghetti, whatever) i know i am going to have to take an anti emetic to be able to keep it down.

the only man cooking i can tolerate is that of the ones who have been to culinary school.

you haven't eaten here, sunshine.

This Judge is clearly corrupt and power-mad. It often happens when you give an individual too much power & authority. She's been very biased against the Defendant. That's obvious to anyone who has followed the trial. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. That was made virtually impossible the day our dummy President weighed in, and our despicable MSM declared him 'Evil Whitey.' This Judge should be punished for her awful behavior.

typical judicial activist of the Left....

lefties always prefer to cater to their pet groups instead of the rights of the individual.....which is why such minority groups always are raising such a stink.....they howl and protest when they feel 'offended' in order to get their and muslim groups do the same thing.....

the law be damned when it comes to collectivism vs the individual...
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JoeB131 Wrote:
Again, the only word we have that Trayvon threw the first punch is Zimmerman's word.

And he's proven to be so honest and trustworthy. NOT!

But that isn't all that we have.

We have testimony from numerous other sources - some, from the prosecution, have also been dishonest and could be viewed as untrustworthy, we have forensic evidence, etc. It is ALL of these sources which have led so many to determine that the Prosecution did NOT meet their requirement of proving that George Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree murder - beyond a reasonable doubt.

If a reasonable person could believe that Zimmerman was knocked to the ground by Martin, was being beaten up, thought he was going to die, and killed Martin to (in his mind) save his life...then the Prosecution failed.

Note: That doesn't mean YOU have to believe it. But is it reasonably possible? Yes, yes it is.
What law says that you cannot be suspicious of someone?

I think the testimony this afternoon gave good reason for him to be suspicious.

There isn't one as far as I'm aware.
I'm sorry though, I missed your point.

That GZ was not doing anything illegal either and that if TM attacked him, that would be an illegal thing for TM to do, and if TM was on top of him bashing his skull to the concrete, GZ had the right to defend himself and that if you can not prove that this sequence of events just described is false beyond a reasonable doubt, GZ should walk.


Posters here are using the 'no DNA under the nails' to promote that li'l Trayvon didn't bash Zimmerman's head into the concrete creating those cuts on the back of his head. No one visited the fact that just raining blows down on his face would have done that as well, which it would have, so, I'm somewhat disappointed. Lying on you back holding your head up. Get a blow to the nose. Think your neck continues to hold your head up, or does the head fly back into the concrete?. Kinesiology. (I really am a nurse with a JD contrary to popular opinion. I have the years of experience as a nurse and only the schooling in law. But some things are still obvious.)
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Man, I wonder what goes on in deliberations, when the jury goes into that room to decide George Zimmermans fate. I picture "12 Angry Men" with Lee J. Cobb, Henry Fonda, Jack Klugman and others.

What happens if the 6 women go into that room, take a quick first vote and all 6 say not guilty? Do they stay back there for a bit then come out or do they come out right away?

Yeah well apparently they can't charge him with negligent involuntary manslaughter because they went for voluntary homicide. Nutz. The original investigator told them involuntary. The prosecution overshot. Now he goes free with the self defense argument based on the beating TM gave him.

he is not out of the woods yet

there is going to a shopping list of lesser charges to choose from

That can be punished with only a fine. Light at the end of the tunnel. If judge butthead isn't too fearful to do that.
Crazy Scot -

The lawyers have all gone to bed so I'll attempt a quick 'spanation of what I think happens next.

The State thinks it may want to call one rebuttal witness. It's an ATF agent who arrested GZ 8 years ago on assault charges. But the charges were reduced, GZ completed some anger management classes, and the charges were dropped. If they call him, then the defense can question him. They will probably not call him and will not present a rebuttal case. If no rebuttal by State, then no surrebuttal by defense. Done with testimony.

The lawyers are set to convene at 9AM tomorrow to discuss jury instructions. At 1PM the State will present their closing argument by Bernie. Friday morning the defense will present their closing by Mark O'Mara followed by a final rebuttal argument by John Guy for the State. Then the jury gets to deliberate.

Hope that helped answer your questions. Which, I'm sorry, I have now forgotten. Too long a day.......


Is Guy going to mount his inflatable again?

Well, tha's all he's got to mount. He sure didn't have a prosecution case. O'Mara gets the girls, walks off into the sunset.
State is tomorrow, defense / rebuttal Friday.

Rat's right.

Now why can't I ever get Mrs Rat to say those last two words???

Does she know you call her Mrs. Rat?

Just checking :)

Yes, she knows. My kid sister (used to post here, can't now) started saying "look, it's Rat and Mrs Rat" whenever she saw us, and it stuck in the family.

We even tried to get her to start an account here calling herself "Rat in the Dress", but she wasn't interested.
So would you vote guilty beyond reasonable doubt with a clear conscience if you were actually on the jury?

Sarah already posted she would vote guilty even though there is doubt A kid is dead and someone must pay

Yeah, and I can't remember who posted that when someone gets killed there should always be an arrest. Doctors kill people every day and they don't get arrested!
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