The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What the progressive political class wants is for the whole trial to go away, because they know they backed a crappy prosecution, that made the added mistake of going for the largest charge.

Zimmerman has these pesky things called rights. something you seem to like to get rid of when it comes to people you dont like.

I hate the smell of fascist in the morning, it smells like you.

You know, I'm reminded of that scene in the Original Dirty Harry movie, where the lawyers all tell Harry he violated the suspect's rights, and Harry said, "What about that little girl's rights when she was being raped and murdered?"

Zimmerman killed a kid. A kid who was not committing any crimes, who had just as much right to be out there as he did. And the only reason he MIGHT get away with it is because no one is alive to contradict his contention that Trayvon threw the first punch.

He committed the crime of assault once he started beating on Zimmerman. So far all the forensic evidence shown has been backing zimmerman's version of that nights events.
Did anyone watch Hannity last night? did you catch the black guy (not sure if he was a lawyer) having his "Jane You Ignorant Slut" conversation with Sean? God, he sounded like so many others who were defending Trayvon. I don't remember exactly what he said, it was on the level of,,,,"Well Listen Sean, Its Like Diss, you know, that Zimmerman dude was stalking Trayvon Mann, he didn have any biznuss being dare in his own neighborhood, and itz like Diss Sean, George was the aggressor, he threw the fist punch and tackled Trayvon to the ground and shot him,,,,etc, etc.
Yet every time Sean has a guest that reverses the actual and documented story,timing of events, his Trayvon supporters always deny them!
NO Mann! Dat Aint Da True Story Mann!!!!!

It's because they've been given a narrative partly by the media and partly by their own bias that suggests what really happened. Of course that is at odds with the facts. But it doesn't matter. It is like Tawana Brawley, who didnt really get raped by a bunch of white LEOs and DAs. But she could have. So that's really what happened, despite the evidence.
When people think like this is it really surprising the inner city Negroes turn out and vote for Obama time and time again?
This Judge is clearly corrupt and power-mad. It often happens when you give an individual too much power & authority. She's been very biased against the Defendant. That's obvious to anyone who has followed the trial. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. That was made virtually impossible the day our dummy President weighed in, and our despicable MSM declared him 'Evil Whitey.' This Judge should be punished for her awful behavior.

If Zimmerman were innocent, he'd be testifying today.

He isn't. He doesn't want to get caught up in any more lies.

He has no need to testify. The prosecution proved the defense's case for them.
And besides everyone has an opinion at this point in the case and we all know each other's. I don't need to hear it 25 times to understand it is how the other person feels about it.

So would you vote guilty beyond reasonable doubt with a clear conscience if you were actually on the jury?

Sarah, being black, would go with the mob.

I see your point on the media but these 2 were charged immediately.

How come we don't see MAD threads, stories every hour on the hour on our televisions? Where is Al Sharpton? Where are the resident librul race whores, MARC ATL and Phoenix Ops on this story? It was a crime of racial hatred.. Should it matter that the victim was white? Is he any less harmed???

No, but you are playing into their hand here. The issue before the jury in the Zimmerman case is not that case.
O'Mara said he had filed 6 sanctions against the prosecution related to discovery issues, including the 900 page report from the State's IT representative which was prepared in January and not received by the defense until June.

Is this a basis for appeal or is it another matter?

Just sanctions. Before trial is done.

Yes. The state played sleazy hide the discovery. They didn't have anythingbso sleaze and cussing has been their case.

You forgot 'liar liar pants on fire.' They threw that in there too! Big whoop!

If the dead "child" hadn't assaulted Zimmerman he'd be here today smoking weed. If Martin had been successful in killing Zimmerman what excuses would you be making for this poor unfortunate "child"

If he had killed Zimmerman, he'd have been arrested and tried. And probably convicted, because, hey, it's really easy to get convicted in this country if you're black. Even if you didn't do anything.

Yeah, because we know oj simpson isn't black? He got away with murder because of his race.

He got away with murder because unlike the rest of his fellows, he actually had competent lawyers.
The Prosecution has admitted that they didn't prove their overcharged allegations that Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree murder, so they are now asking the Judge to include lesser charges in an attempt to get any kind of conviction to appease the Black population and prevent riots.

I have never heard of this happening before. It must have... but I have never heard of it. Usually the Prosecutors will string together groups of charges knowing that each one increases their chances of a conviction if they fail on their primary charge.

All I can say is I hope that the Judge refuses to do it, or if she does, it is tossed on appeals. It's not the Judge's job to help the Prosecutors to get a conviction which is what will look like if she agrees to this.

Judge considers lesser charges for Zimmerman | Detroit Free Press |

SANFORD, Fla. - State prosecutors are asking the judge in the Trayvon Martin murder case to instruct the jury to consider lesser charges - manslaughter and aggravated assault - when they begin deliberations.

Zimmerman's attorney have objected. Nelson will hold a hearing Thursday morning to determine whether the jury should consider those charges, in addition to the second-degree murder charge that prosecutors sought when the trial began.

The last-minute maneuvering by prosecutors has been seen by some legal experts as an indication that they are not as confident about their chances for a second-degree murder conviction. The jury is expected to start deliberating on Friday.

Lesser charges is standard in murder cases in Florida.
She would have done it anyway.
So would you vote guilty beyond reasonable doubt with a clear conscience if you were actually on the jury?

Sarah already posted she would vote guilty even though there is doubt A kid is dead and someone must pay
"This guy looks like he's up to no good or he's on drugs or something,"

"These assholes, they always get away."

"Shit, he's running,"

"Are you following him?" the dispatcher asked.


He was on drugs
Assholes did get away
He did run
He stopped following

What's the problem ?

There's little or no indication he was "on" drugs that night.
Martin wasn't involved in illegal activities.
Martin did run from a man he thought might rape him.
Zimmerman did not stop following him as indicated by the confrontation.

And an innocent kid died.

That's problem.
This Judge is clearly corrupt and power-mad. It often happens when you give an individual too much power & authority. She's been very biased against the Defendant. That's obvious to anyone who has followed the trial. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. That was made virtually impossible the day our dummy President weighed in, and our despicable MSM declared him 'Evil Whitey.' This Judge should be punished for her awful behavior.

If Zimmerman were innocent, he'd be testifying today.

He isn't. He doesn't want to get caught up in any more lies.

He has no need to testify. The prosecution proved the defense's case for them.

Oh, you mean Trayvon's not dead?

That rascal has been faking it this whole time?

What a scamp!

What the progressive political class wants is for the whole trial to go away, because they know they backed a crappy prosecution, that made the added mistake of going for the largest charge.

Zimmerman has these pesky things called rights. something you seem to like to get rid of when it comes to people you dont like.

I hate the smell of fascist in the morning, it smells like you.

You know, I'm reminded of that scene in the Original Dirty Harry movie, where the lawyers all tell Harry he violated the suspect's rights, and Harry said, "What about that little girl's rights when she was being raped and murdered?"

Zimmerman killed a kid. A kid who was not committing any crimes, who had just as much right to be out there as he did. And the only reason he MIGHT get away with it is because no one is alive to contradict his contention that Trayvon threw the first punch.

He committed the crime of assault once he started beating on Zimmerman. So far all the forensic evidence shown has been backing zimmerman's version of that nights events.

Again, the only word we have that Trayvon threw the first punch is Zimmerman's word.

And he's proven to be so honest and trustworthy. NOT!
All Citizens are entitled to a fair trial. Even Zimmerman. This Judge's behavior throughout, has been despicable. She's what's wrong with our Justice System. It's all about her and her power. She should be punished.
Judge Debra Nelson is a trial lawyer. She used to be well respected until she presided over this farce. She gleefully ignores pertinent case law, badgers the defendant, denies perfectly good evidence from admission and has been downright belligerent with Don West. For pete's sake, she must have forgotten to study the Judicial Code of Ethics of Florida...

As with any lesser charge, there needs to be proof or evidence to back that up. You need to delve into the aspect of culpable negligence to determine if you can charge Zimmerman with manslaughter. Turns out you can't. Leave the man alone, his life is already turned upside down, and people looking for blood are wanting to put him away for some scurrilous reason. For which there is no evidence to support.

YOu mean OTHER than that dead child he blew a hole into?

Fact of the matter is, juries consider "lesser but included charges" all the time.

Usually the trial starts with the lesser charges as already part of the indictment. The defense will have an instant appeal due to the fact they tailored thier defense to 2nd degree murder, not lesser charges. Zimmerman would get a new trial almost automatically if he is convicted on the lesser charges.

You can not indict someone on both of those charges.
It has to be one or the other. Not both.
And the lesser charge is always in jury charges in Florida in murder cases.
The defense can argue to keep it out but the Judge has full authority to put it in her charges if she wants to.
I think Zimmerman should go down for murder, but I don't think the judge should be allowed to ask the jury to consider lesser charges.

The prosecution should have made that request earlier, before the trial. If they want new charges, they should be charging him again, which they can't.

They have to. Politics clouded this from the start. Ask any CCW instructor and they will say dude messed up. He is guilty, and a bad example for those of us who CCW.
O'Mara said he had filed 6 sanctions against the prosecution related to discovery issues, including the 900 page report from the State's IT representative which was prepared in January and not received by the defense until June.

Is this a basis for appeal or is it another matter?

Just sanctions. Before trial is done.

Yes. The state played sleazy hide the discovery. They didn't have anythingbso sleaze and cussing has been their case.

Time for this to be over.

Yes--Reasonable Doubt--I am convinced.

If there is enough support FL can change its Stand Your Ground law--I have no other ideas of what can be done. An attorney on ? Anderson Cooper/Piers Morgan wrote a book ? about this case or 'in general'--if you are going to have concealed carry this is something that can happen.

Where is the support from the Hollywood elite--I would think a foundation should be formed to address diversity and related issues?

O'Mara has distinguished himself.

O'Mara was probably the nerdy kid in high school who the girls wouldn't even look at! I bet that has changed. I know one like him in Nashville. Biggest nerd you ever saw in your life. Richest lawyer in town.

I think O'Mara is kind of cute. In my profession, I treated the good and the broken as well as the vile, victims and perps alike. You have to find something about everyone to like, and it becomes automatic. I think O'Mara sounds kind when he speaks. He has that almost imperceptible little speech impediment which was likely far worse when he was a child. I wish he had been the one who did cross on li's Trayvon's angry, hostile little friend. The contrast would have spoken volumes.
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