The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Man, I wonder what goes on in deliberations, when the jury goes into that room to decide George Zimmermans fate. I picture "12 Angry Men" with Lee J. Cobb, Henry Fonda, Jack Klugman and others.

What happens if the 6 women go into that room, take a quick first vote and all 6 say not guilty? Do they stay back there for a bit then come out or do they come out right away?

They should, right? Honesty is the best policy. That would send a message that the charges were absurd. That would be a clear message, in fact, to those who may want to protest/riot. Which, btw, I heard calls for last night on several TV channels.

I think they owe it to the State and to the defense to talk through the testimony and be sure everyone is comfortable with that decision. They must know their verdict will be highly scrutinized so they each better be confident in their convictions. So they will probably take a little time to discuss, even if they all come to the same conclusion after the initial vote. JMHO
Just sanctions. Before trial is done.

Yes. The state played sleazy hide the discovery. They didn't have anythingbso sleaze and cussing has been their case.

Time for this to be over.

Yes--Reasonable Doubt--I am convinced.

If there is enough support FL can change its Stand Your Ground law--I have no other ideas of what can be done. An attorney on ? Anderson Cooper/Piers Morgan wrote a book ? about this case or 'in general'--if you are going to have concealed carry this is something that can happen.

Where is the support from the Hollywood elite--I would think a foundation should be formed to address diversity and related issues?

O'Mara has distinguished himself.

Seriously, with the threats of riots and violence there, do you really think Florida is going to take an action which would render those who would need to protect themselves defenseless against thugs? Seriously? I wish we had a stand your ground law in KY that goes beyond just the castle doctrine. Sadly, as much as we love our guns we don't. My guess is people are going to start asking that our state legislature enact one.

I would portend that a full acquittal of this case will lead to a lot more "thugs" arming themselves so they can kill their victims in "self defense."
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Man, I wonder what goes on in deliberations, when the jury goes into that room to decide George Zimmermans fate. I picture "12 Angry Men" with Lee J. Cobb, Henry Fonda, Jack Klugman and others.

What happens if the 6 women go into that room, take a quick first vote and all 6 say not guilty? Do they stay back there for a bit then come out or do they come out right away?

Some pretty funky things if you want to know the truth. TN actually has a LAW that the verdict cannot be a 'wagering' verdict because juries would go into the jury room and flip a coin. Maybe Florida has such a law, maybe not. That is why I don' t have much confidence in juries. I wouldn't want to put my hands in the life of one. I think I could persuade a kindly judge in a bench trial far easier than I could a jury of women who don't like other women who didn't age quite as badly as they did.
Man, I wonder what goes on in deliberations, when the jury goes into that room to decide George Zimmermans fate. I picture "12 Angry Men" with Lee J. Cobb, Henry Fonda, Jack Klugman and others.

What happens if the 6 women go into that room, take a quick first vote and all 6 say not guilty? Do they stay back there for a bit then come out or do they come out right away?


I wonder how the deliberations will go.

They have taken copious notes.

Next week the 'BIG' news should be the birth of the Royal Baby. fwiw. lol
Time for this to be over.

Yes--Reasonable Doubt--I am convinced.

If there is enough support FL can change its Stand Your Ground law--I have no other ideas of what can be done. An attorney on ? Anderson Cooper/Piers Morgan wrote a book ? about this case or 'in general'--if you are going to have concealed carry this is something that can happen.

Where is the support from the Hollywood elite--I would think a foundation should be formed to address diversity and related issues?

O'Mara has distinguished himself.

Seriously, with the threats of riots and violence there, do you really think Florida is going to take an action which would render those who would need to protect themselves defenseless against thugs? Seriously? I wish we had a stand your ground law in KY that goes beyond just the castle doctrine. Sadly, as much as we love our guns we don't. My guess is people are going to start asking that our state legislature enact one.

I would portend that the result of this case will be a lot more "thugs" arming themselves so they can kill their victims in "self defense."

I agree. Li'l Trayvons successors will definitely avail themselves of a piece before they go to buy tea and Skittles.
Did anyone else see Fancy Grapes last night? She was going bat-shit crazy over the fact that George wouldn't testify, and was trying to convince her guests that he wanted to, but O'Mara forced him not to. None of them bought her fable.

Also interesting was the fact that 2 of her guests were lawyers for DeeDee. Why did she need to lawyer up with not 1, but 2 attorneys? :dunno:
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

No I would't care if Zimmerman would have used his hands to kill that child. Murder is the same if you use a gun or your hands.

Sorry, I don't believe you.
Did anyone else see Fancy Grapes last night? She was going bat-shit crazy over the fact that George wouldn't testify, and was trying to convince her guests that he wanted to, but O'Mara forced him not to. None of them bought her fable.

Also interesting was the fact that 2 of her guests were lawyers for DeeDee. Why did she need to lawyer up with not 1, but 2 attorneys? :dunno:

She's likely going after message boar denizens who have made fun of her.
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

No I would't care if Zimmerman would have used his hands to kill that child. Murder is the same if you use a gun or your hands.

"Child" . "Murder".
You're such a joker.

That is how I know he's lying. He's made up his mind despite the fact that he wasn't there and doesn't really know what happened. That tells me that there is a particular reason for that opinion other than the facts that he's ignoring. He's a liberal so that reason is either race or guns.
First you didnt explain.
Second I never said Zimmerman didnt follow him at all. He did follow him, lost him, returned to his car but was intercepted by Martin before he could get there.
Last chance: how could Zimmerman, who was obese, run and catch up with Martin, who played football?

ok, you said "Zimmerman was not "following him around." That is a mischaracterization. " So yes you did say that.

As I stated. Martin may have just jogged around the corner out of sight and then started walking. We have all seen Zimmerman, he is not so obese he can't run a block. We're not talking about a 10 mile run here. Zimmerman could have run the block and caught up to him around the corner. You actually think it is more likely that Zimmerman sprinted away just to sprint back and attack Martin? Really? While I guess it is possible, why sprint away in the first place?

What is it about this case that it brings out the brain dead?

You said Zimmerman was following Martin around. That implies an extended period of pursuit. There was no such thing. Which is why I said you mischaracterized it.
Zimmerman followed Martin initially. Then Martin saw him and ran away.

According to your version Martin ran around the corner (of what??) and stopped. He was so..what?,,that he did not hear the obese Zimmerman puffing towards him. Zimmerman confronted him around the corner of whatever it was and then..what? Slammed his own head against the ground and then shot Martin?
Your version is bizarre and not based on anything except bias and misinformation.
But even if it were accurate, the only question is whether Zimmerman was legitimately in fear for his life when he shot. And the answer is still yes.

What is it about this case that it brings out the brain dead?

It's either guns or race. I believe that it's both but mostly guns.
It's really hard to see why anyone could gloat over this, no matter the outcome.
An unarmed kid, going about his business is dead.
The guy that killed him had a gun and misread the situation.
That's the guts of it.

It's fucking sad is what it is.

This bugs me. No offense. But how did GM misread anything?

Only if TM went home and nothing happened would that be the case.

The accusation that GZ is guilty of anything is just more bs propaganda


He misread the situation in that Trayvon had every right to be there.

Interesting, after reading through the thread you admit you don't know the facts of the case.

And you're wrong. Just letting you know ;)
The last time I watched CNN or HLN was when the skies over Iraq lit up with Anti-Aircraft fire and that one guy who people nicknamed "The Scud Stud" was wearing a flak jacket and was reporting with marks on his face from wearing his gas mask the wrong way.
Did anyone else see Fancy Grapes last night? She was going bat-shit crazy over the fact that George wouldn't testify, and was trying to convince her guests that he wanted to, but O'Mara forced him not to. None of them bought her fable.

Also interesting was the fact that 2 of her guests were lawyers for DeeDee. Why did she need to lawyer up with not 1, but 2 attorneys? :dunno:

She's likely going after message boar denizens who have made fun of her.

I happened to be clicking past when she was starting the show. It seemed the plan was to discuss the drug use and something else. Minor points from the entire day.

Later on --there was some sort of special presentation--'Zimmerman Trial for Dummies' or something--there are no words. Back to 'abstinence' after this trial is over.

I started watching her around the time of the Natalee Holloway case. I don't think she was as 'far gone' then. It is like watching a person decline from a mental disorder.
Asking the judge to add charges AFTER the defense's unAmerican

Not adding charges, consider a lesser charge.
And MOST times it is THE DEFENSE that does this.
Standard procedure done in most all criminal cases, especially murder cases.
Media is making this appear to be something unusual for ratings.
Imagine that, media distorting, slanting and twisting the facts.
Old post from the earlier part of this thread drudged up by Cecilie as a poke...:
No. IMO the negligence was chasing his suspect in the rain at night. I'm a hunter, you don't go after a living thing while armed unless you intend to shoot it. Negligent homicide.


Yeah well apparently they can't charge him with negligent involuntary manslaughter because they went for voluntary homicide. Nutz. The original investigator told them involuntary. The prosecution overshot. Now he goes free with the self defense argument based on the beating TM gave him.

Why neg this post, Sunshine? What is that 5 negs in a row on one thread? Must be a record.

What part of this post do you disagree with Sunshine? Man up. Grow a pair and disagree with the post in the open rather than resorting to hidden negs.
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