The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Oh, now Judge Mope is worried about George having all the info he is legally entitled to.

Where the Hell was she when the state was sitting on the cell phone records???
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I know the defense wanted both sides to present on the same day--jury would end the day thinking about the prosecution's closing. The judge's preference prevailed.

The defense will be allowed to use the animation and then the state's rebuttal.

Just trying to organize my own mind--I think the question I started out with was will they be sequestered and deliberate throughout the weekend?

Not important.

Someone remarked yesterday that 70 people had been shot in Chicago last weekend/? and yet the focus is on this.

so many other things going on with the potential to critically affect life as we know it

nineteen firefighters lost their lives last week--

Far more deserving than a little fuck punk like Trayvon.

It puts things into perspective. In an instant your life is gone in a wall of fire.

Those families are grieving, too. Many families are grieving.

if there have to be riots --then there will have to be riots. CT school killing, Tsarnaev brothers in Boston--better ways to deal with tragedy. I need to shut up. so I will.

This country is perfectly well equipped to deal with civil disobedience. Whether it will under this racist administration is up for grabs. If I were on that jury, I would check out of Sanford, head for a tropical island, change my name, and write my book. Somebody besides the Martins needs to make money off it.
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Re DD:

Are you freaking kidding me? She lies and it's everyone else's fault. Oh looky! Al's back!

MSNBC's Al Sharpton spoke today with Rod Vereen, the attorney representing Rachel Jeantel, a key witness for the state in the murder trial of George Zimmerman. Sharpton noted how the defense attorneys went out of their way to discredit her testimony, and brought up some of the vicious attacks on Jeantel during and following her two days in the courtroom. Immediately following the interview, Sharpton condemned the attacks on her that "have been nothing short of offensive to any American.Vereen explained that because Jeantel is still under subpoena, she cannot talk to anyone about her testimony, but said that "her body language tells me that she's happy that it's over with." Sharpton brought up how the defense "tried to discredit Rachel" by grilling her about initially lying over why she didn't attend Trayvon Martin's funeral. Sharpton found her explanation, that she felt guilty about being the last person who spoke to him before he died, "pretty reasonable to me.Vereen explained his client never wanted to be dragged into the spotlight over this, but now the credibility of a teenage girl has become the topic of national discussion. Sharpton asked Vereen if Jeantel is aware of the attacks on her in the media and online. Vereen said he recommended she avoid social media, because if she's called back to testify, the negative criticism could influence her. He also slammed the media for nitpicking her "stumbling," saying that witnesses will always have "inconsistencies in statements," but that does not always mean they're lying.Sharpton concluded the segment with a swift condemnation of the attacks on Jeantel's character.The attacks that I've heard on Rachel Jeantel have been nothing short of offensive to any American that wants to see young people... to do the right thing and come forward. No matter what happens in this trial, if people come forward, they ought not be ridiculed. They ought not be in any way given the kind of treatment that this young lady was given... To castigate her, to characterize her, to stereotype her, and use all kind of attacks, I think, is something that does an injustice to the criminal justice system."

[ame=]Al Sharpton Talks With Rachel Jeantel's Lawyer,Condemns 'Offensive' Stereotyping Of Her In The Media - YouTube[/ame]
Sarah, being black, would go with the mob.

Which mob would that be?

Sunshine claims to be"

A nurse

A lawyer

A psychiatrist

In reality:

She's an inmate in the insane asylum.

And you are illiterate. I have never claimed to be a lawyer or a psychiatrist. I have a JD. And my NP specialty is Psychiatry.

You are just another race baiting chip on the shoulder black hoochie mamma.
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