The Olympics-Just don't watch.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
I have no idea what's going on at the Olympics because I stopped watching the event years ago. It turned into a circus-like television extravaganza featuring people doing tricks like a global Ed Sullivan Show and I just got bored with it. You could probably save it by taking out all events the require judging but advertisers are never going to let that happen. Anyone who is offended by the event being used as a platform for political and cultural perversion can easily deal with that by not watching.
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I have no idea what's going on at the Olympics because I stopped watching the event years ago. It truned into a circus-like television extravaganza featuring people doing tricks like a global Ed Sullivan Show and I just got bored with it. You could probably save it by taking out all events the require judging but advertisers are never going to let that happen. Anyone who is offended by the event being used as a platform for political and cultural perversion can easily deal with that by not watching.

I haven't watched in 20 years.

If they're supposedly making political or cultural art, they're at the level of grade school theatrics. I would have gotten a C- in my sixth grade art class for some of that garbage.

While there are only a few Olympic events that I have any interest in, I would never suggest that people intentionally ignore them. The athletes have generally worked their asses off to get into the Olympics and they deserve credit, no matter what the event is, or how the events are showcased.
I have no idea what's going on at the Olympics because I stopped watching the event years ago. It truned into a circus-like television extravaganza featuring people doing tricks like a global Ed Sullivan Show and I just got bored with it. You could probably save it by taking out all events the require judging but advertisers are never going to let that happen. Anyone who is offended by the event being used as a platform for political and cultural perversion can easily deal with that by not watching.

That is ok, I am watching enough to make up for 10 of your boycotting morons.
I have no idea what's going on at the Olympics because I stopped watching the event years ago. It turned into a circus-like television extravaganza featuring people doing tricks like a global Ed Sullivan Show and I just got bored with it. You could probably save it by taking out all events the require judging but advertisers are never going to let that happen. Anyone who is offended by the event being used as a platform for political and cultural perversion can easily deal with that by not watching.
As a Conservative you need to boycott…..

The Olympics, NFL, NBA, WNBA, NASCAR, all Hollywood movies, Network TV…..
I have no idea what's going on at the Olympics because I stopped watching the event years ago. It turned into a circus-like television extravaganza featuring people doing tricks like a global Ed Sullivan Show and I just got bored with it. You could probably save it by taking out all events the require judging but advertisers are never going to let that happen. Anyone who is offended by the event being used as a platform for political and cultural perversion can easily deal with that by not watching.
Then don't. But be sure to come to an anonymous Internet message board and complain about it endlessly. :)

I haven't watched in 20 years.

If they're supposedly making political or cultural art, they're at the level of grade school theatrics. I would have gotten a C- in my sixth grade art class for some of that garbage.


You do know there are like 21 days of sports after the Opening Ceremonies are over.

I don't have cable anymore. I read a headline or two.

Life is too serious for me at the moment unfortunately and happiness arrives in a rare fleeting moment, in micro doses. The olympics represent the passive indulging in a simple pleasure which I cannot find myself partaking it at the moment. Similar to watching movies or sports, activities I used to really derive enjoyment from.

One day, if healthy and at peace; the sun may rise again and the olympics will earn my attention.
That is ok, I am watching enough to make up for 10 of your boycotting morons.

Who says anyone is "boycotting"? Are millions of people who refuse to tune into great programs like My 600 lb Life or Here Comes Honey Boo Boo "boycotting" them?

Of course not, they just aren't interested, and a lot of people aren't interested in watching a lot of crapola events in the olympics.
Who says anyone is "boycotting"? Are millions of people who refuse to tune into great programs like My 600 lb Life or Here Comes Honey Boo Boo "boycotting" them?

Of course not, they just aren't interested, and a lot of people aren't interested in watching a lot of crapola events in the olympics.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok:

When you start a thread to tell the world you are not watching something...that is screaming "I am boycotting this event".

Have you seen anyone start a thread talking about not watching My 600 lb Life or Here Comes Honey Boo Boo?
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I have no idea what's going on at the Olympics because I stopped watching the event years ago. It turned into a circus-like television extravaganza featuring people doing tricks like a global Ed Sullivan Show and I just got bored with it. You could probably save it by taking out all events the require judging but advertisers are never going to let that happen. Anyone who is offended by the event being used as a platform for political and cultural perversion can easily deal with that by not watching.
The left is a cancer on good times.

I’ve lost interest in the Olympics this time around, maybe next time..

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