The once and no more GOP isn't grand anymore!

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
The far right, today, is the party of deceit. RINO Republicans & Trumpanzees thrive on BIG LIES, Rewritten history and Conspiracy Stories; they're believers in fantasies and fictions and out of touch with reality.

The Elected Republicans in the H. of Rep, the US Senate and members of State Legislatures and governments do not put our country or citizens first! They have total loyalty to their jobs and to trump, since they know he will go after their jobs if they do not kiss his fat ass: Thus, they have no loyalty to the Constitution or to We the People.

Anyone who is a moderate Republican has been roasted by far right lunatics and called a RINO. Every one of the Republicans who dared to make the claim that the election was not rigged, has been tossed under the bus by trump and his supporters.
Fuck the duopoly. Stop carrying the water for people that don't give a fig about you.
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As long as this party embraces the Big Lie, QAnon, and people like Marjorie Taylor-Greene, it cannot expect to be taken seriously by anyone with more education than a High School diploma.
Maybe a GED.

At least the GOP isn't barricading itself in and threatening to use military force, like F-15's and nukes, against those who disagree with them.


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Fuck the duopoly. Stop carrying the water for people that don't give a fig about you.
You too are in capable of writing a rebuttal to the OP. I suppose, and everyday reading the posts from people like you I have been convinced, that responses, and your response above, is a genre used by people who haven't finished the ability to write a response - an expository rebuttal - expected of someone who hasn't passed a course in composition.
The Elected Republicans in the H. of Rep, the US Senate and members of State Legislatures and governments do not put our country or citizens first!
Nor do the Democrats. You'd have more credibility in your criticisms if you weren't a such a partisan hack.
Fuck the duopoly. Stop carrying the water for people that don't give a fig about you.
To call them RINOs is essentially just that to say that Republicans are nothing but Democrats in disguise, and this in reality there is no real difference between the two major political parties.
Fuck the duopoly. Stop carrying the water for people that don't give a fig about you.
You too are in capable of writing a rebuttal to the OP. I suppose, and everyday reading the posts from people like you I have been convinced, that responses, and your response above, is a genre used by people who haven't finished the ability to write a response - an expository rebuttal - expected of someone who hasn't passed a course in composition.
As long as this party embraces the Big Lie, QAnon, and people like Marjorie Taylor-Greene, it cannot expect to be taken seriously by anyone with more education than a High School diploma.

As long as this party embraces the Big Lie, QAnon, and people like Marjorie Taylor-Greene, it cannot expect to be taken seriously by anyone with more education than a High School diploma.

As long as you have the Squad, Hank 'Guam is going to tip over' Johnson, and people like Maxine Waters, Schiff, and lackeys like Bernie Sanders, you don't have a thing to complain about.
If you had any self awareness, you wouldnt be the partisan hack you are.
But alas
Of topic, personal attack and not one iota of an attempt at posting a rebuttal. This is typical of you, and everything posted in the OP.
It was on topic. You have the self awareness of a dead fly. Just change a few letters and you described your pathetic party to a T.
The OP is a hacked out cry baby rant. Thats all.
The Elected Republicans in the H. of Rep, the US Senate and members of State Legislatures and governments do not put our country or citizens first!
Nor do the Democrats. You'd have more credibility in your criticisms if you weren't a such a partisan hack.

A partisan hack? I don't defend all of the Democrats, though some are the best of the worst. The Republican Party is exactly how I presented it, a far right party which supports and defends trump's authoritarianism, posturing way beyond the principle of the Constitution.

Too suggest the Democratic Party is not putting the Citizens of the United States before their jobs, is an easy proof. Consider, if you will, how they lost their leadership by passing the ACA?
The Elected Republicans in the H. of Rep, the US Senate and members of State Legislatures and governments do not put our country or citizens first!
Nor do the Democrats. You'd have more credibility in your criticisms if you weren't a such a partisan hack.

A partisan hack? I don't defend all of the Democrats, though some are the best of the worst. The Republican Party is exactly how I presented it, a far right party which supports and defends trump's authoritarianism, posturing way beyond the principle of the Constitution.

Too suggest the Democratic Party is not putting the Citizens of the United States before their jobs, is an easy proof. Consider, if you will, how they lost their leadership by passing the ACA?

Too suggest the Democratic Party is not putting the Citizens of the United States before their jobs, is an easy proof.

Coming from the party that nominated, then elected Biden?

Methinks thou protest too much.
If you had any self awareness, you wouldnt be the partisan hack you are.
But alas
Of topic, personal attack and not one iota of an attempt at posting a rebuttal. This is typical of you, and everything posted in the OP.
It was on topic. You have the self awareness of a dead fly. Just change a few letters and you described your pathetic party to a T.
The OP is a hacked out cry baby rant. Thats all.
The more you post, the more you prove to be dumb.
If you had any self awareness, you wouldnt be the partisan hack you are.
But alas
Of topic, personal attack and not one iota of an attempt at posting a rebuttal. This is typical of you, and everything posted in the OP.
It was on topic. You have the self awareness of a dead fly. Just change a few letters and you described your pathetic party to a T.
The OP is a hacked out cry baby rant. Thats all.
The more you post, the more you prove to be dumb.
Says the duopoly dumbfuck :rolleyes:
The far right, today, is the party of deceit. RINO Republicans & Trumpanzees thrive on BIG LIES, Rewritten history and Conspiracy Stories; they're believers in fantasies and fictions and out of touch with reality.

The Elected Republicans in the H. of Rep, the US Senate and members of State Legislatures and governments do not put our country or citizens first! They have total loyalty to their jobs and to trump, since they know he will go after their jobs if they do not kiss his fat ass: Thus, they have no loyalty to the Constitution or to We the People.

Anyone who is a moderate Republican has been roasted by far right lunatics and called a RINO. Every one of the Republicans who dared to make the claim that the election was not rigged, has been tossed under the bus by trump and his supporters.

Not sure about that. Those GOP'ers are throwing monkey wrenches into everything your demented sippy-cup sucking "president" is trying to do.

That sounds pretty damned "Grand" to me.

The far right, today, is the party of deceit. RINO Republicans & Trumpanzees thrive on BIG LIES, Rewritten history and Conspiracy Stories; they're believers in fantasies and fictions and out of touch with reality.

The Elected Republicans in the H. of Rep, the US Senate and members of State Legislatures and governments do not put our country or citizens first! They have total loyalty to their jobs and to trump, since they know he will go after their jobs if they do not kiss his fat ass: Thus, they have no loyalty to the Constitution or to We the People.

Anyone who is a moderate Republican has been roasted by far right lunatics and called a RINO. Every one of the Republicans who dared to make the claim that the election was not rigged, has been tossed under the bus by trump and his supporters.
your party aint much better......

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