The one thing the US can no longer do....blast other's on their human rights!!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Trump the note's reading leader in chief, speaking before the UN.....has the audacity to tell the Venezuelan prez. about human rights, as if the US as he said about the Russians...don't fuck up too!!

Our days of being the leader of humanity and human rights, ended the day white cops go free for killing un armed black people.
Trump the note's reading leader in chief, speaking before the UN.....has the audacity to tell the Venezuelan prez. about human rights, as if the US as he said about the Russians...don't fuck up too!!

Our days of being the leader of humanity and human rights, ended the day white cops go free for killing un armed black people.
it ended long before that.....
Considering the Obama administration was instrumental in arming ISIS and al Nusra in Syria I personally wouldn't mind seeing former officials being brought up on charges of crimes against humanity in La Hague.
Trump the note's reading leader in chief, speaking before the UN.....has the audacity to tell the Venezuelan prez. about human rights, as if the US as he said about the Russians...don't fuck up too!!

Our days of being the leader of humanity and human rights, ended the day white cops go free for killing un armed black people.

A couple black folks get shot by the police and everyone's ready to burn down their own neighborhood.

Thousands of black folks get shot by other blacks folks in Chicago, Ferguson, and Baltimore, and all you hear are crickets.

And you wonder why nobody ever takes you seriously.
The killing of the black man happened 6 years ago and:

The U.S. Justice Department said on Monday it had decided a year ago there was insufficient evidence to pursue federal civil rights charges against Stockley. It held off announcing the decision to avoid influencing the trial, it said.

St. Louis police probe whether officers chanted, 'Whose streets? Our streets'

The judge stated that the prosecution didn't prove their case.

So no civil rights were violated no matter what was the result. Do yourself a favor, don't sell drugs, don't try and run over police officers, don't get into a high speed chase and when asked show your hands. That is what we white folks do to try and keep ourselves safe.

And, you could try and be part of the solution. the solution of black on black crime. Don't expect whitey to do it for you.
Trump the note's reading leader in chief, speaking before the UN.....has the audacity to tell the Venezuelan prez. about human rights, as if the US as he said about the Russians...don't fuck up too!!

Our days of being the leader of humanity and human rights, ended the day white cops go free for killing un armed black people.

They are eating their dogs in Venezuela and Blacks in Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit...and other rotting cities run by Democrats...are morbidly obese from working their EBT cards for Doughnuts and Beer from the front porch of the Federal Plantation.

Its time for Black men to learn how to help raise their own children....before we turn into another Venezuela.

Considering the Obama administration was instrumental in arming ISIS and al Nusra in Syria I personally wouldn't mind seeing former officials being brought up on charges of crimes against humanity in La Hague.
Ever here of the Iran Contra deal, if not educate yourself and then shut up
Trump the note's reading leader in chief, speaking before the UN.....has the audacity to tell the Venezuelan prez. about human rights, as if the US as he said about the Russians...don't fuck up too!!

Our days of being the leader of humanity and human rights, ended the day white cops go free for killing un armed black people.

They are eating their dogs in Venezuela and Blacks in Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit...and other rotting cities run by Democrats...are morbidly obese from working their EBT cards for Doughnuts and Beer from the front porch of the Federal Plantation.

Its time for Black men to learn how to help raise their own children....before we turn into another Venezuela.

LOLOLO..think about it, the last person you'd want help raising black kids, are saggy pant wearin bike riding out on parole Barbie loving negros......keep in mind Bill Cosby, the ultimate black dad role model is up on charges. And sadly, Ward Cleaver is dead!!
Trump the note's reading leader in chief, speaking before the UN.....has the audacity to tell the Venezuelan prez. about human rights, as if the US as he said about the Russians...don't fuck up too!!

Our days of being the leader of humanity and human rights, ended the day white cops go free for killing un armed black people.

A couple black folks get shot by the police and everyone's ready to burn down their own neighborhood.

Thousands of black folks get shot by other blacks folks in Chicago, Ferguson, and Baltimore, and all you hear are crickets.

And you wonder why nobody ever takes you seriously.
Black on black crimes as is white on white crime matters.........but the guy that's suppose to equal the playing field, ie cops, if they're shooting you too, that's a problem
Trump the note's reading leader in chief, speaking before the UN.....has the audacity to tell the Venezuelan prez. about human rights, as if the US as he said about the Russians...don't fuck up too!!

Our days of being the leader of humanity and human rights, ended the day white cops go free for killing un armed black people.
Trump the note's reading leader in chief, speaking before the UN.....has the audacity to tell the Venezuelan prez. about human rights, as if the US as he said about the Russians...don't fuck up too!!

Our days of being the leader of humanity and human rights, ended the day white cops go free for killing un armed black people.
Let us know when the cops have killed the last black criminal.
The OP doesn't have to worry about being shot for his original post thereby refuting his own statement. You can't make this stuff up folks.
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