The one thing Trump must say to win the next debate and the Presidency

Was Trump's victory in the GOP nomination process part of the Democratic election shenanigans? I wonder how Hillary ended up going against the weakest candidate the GOP threw out there. Things have fallen into her lap quite suspiciously, all seemingly according to plan.
That's the power of media manipulation. When most of the electorate get their news from peripheral headlines on social media sites, voting patterns will reflect that subliminal influence.

Media manipulation or voter pacifism?
Voter apathy.

No, voter apathy is when voters can't be bothered to turn up, their caring manifests itself in that way.

Voter pacifism is more voters not bothering to move. They might have an interest in the election, so not apathy, but they can't be bothered to find the truth, they take what is given to them on a plate.
No, you dont get my point.

If Trump was such a weak candidate, then why did Trump win? The better candidates should have won, and in the final three it was Trump, Cruz and Kasich and Trump stomped all of them in an April massacre.

Trump is not the weak link here; the GOP Establishment is for not backing their nominee.

Isn't one point of the OP is that Hillary lacks scruples and it isn't below her and the Democrats to fix the election? I tend to agree but I also deduced that their abuse of power isn't just beginning with the general election. And we know that for a fact as Wikileaks has told. Just as they were messing with Bernie, I think it naïve to think they didn't help Trump along in the process by priming the pump for him on the GOP side knowing they had the sex tape of Trump's language as their October surprise.
Was Trump's victory in the GOP nomination process part of the Democratic election shenanigans? I wonder how Hillary ended up going against the weakest candidate the GOP threw out there. Things have fallen into her lap quite suspiciously, all seemingly according to plan.
That's the power of media manipulation. When most of the electorate get their news from peripheral headlines on social media sites, voting patterns will reflect that subliminal influence.

Media manipulation or voter pacifism?
Voter apathy.

No, voter apathy is when voters can't be bothered to turn up, their caring manifests itself in that way.

Voter pacifism is more voters not bothering to move. They might have an interest in the election, so not apathy, but they can't be bothered to find the truth, they take what is given to them on a plate.
Apathy. Indifference, lack of concern.
Pacifism is more a submissive thing.
The one thing Trump must say to win the next debate and the Presidency:

I think that one has been used already.

"Make America Great Again" sounds much better to me.

Hate to tell you, but "make America great again" came from Reagan's 1980 slogan "lets make America great again".

Sorry, but that one has been used already as well. The only reason (probably) that Trump used that slogan is because he already knew it would resonate with the GOP because of the way they deified St. Reagan.
Was Trump's victory in the GOP nomination process part of the Democratic election shenanigans? I wonder how Hillary ended up going against the weakest candidate the GOP threw out there. Things have fallen into her lap quite suspiciously, all seemingly according to plan.
That's the power of media manipulation. When most of the electorate get their news from peripheral headlines on social media sites, voting patterns will reflect that subliminal influence.

Media manipulation or voter pacifism?
Voter apathy.

No, voter apathy is when voters can't be bothered to turn up, their caring manifests itself in that way.

Voter pacifism is more voters not bothering to move. They might have an interest in the election, so not apathy, but they can't be bothered to find the truth, they take what is given to them on a plate.
Apathy. Indifference, lack of concern.
Pacifism is more a submissive thing.

A passive person is someone who doesn't do anything, they let it come to them. I understand what the word pacifist and pacifism mean to oppose violence, but I'm looking more along the lines of a noun that means someone who simply lets things happen to them, rather than indifference or lack of concern.
That's the power of media manipulation. When most of the electorate get their news from peripheral headlines on social media sites, voting patterns will reflect that subliminal influence.

Media manipulation or voter pacifism?
Voter apathy.

No, voter apathy is when voters can't be bothered to turn up, their caring manifests itself in that way.

Voter pacifism is more voters not bothering to move. They might have an interest in the election, so not apathy, but they can't be bothered to find the truth, they take what is given to them on a plate.
Apathy. Indifference, lack of concern.
Pacifism is more a submissive thing.

A passive person is someone who doesn't do anything, they let it come to them. I understand what the word pacifist and pacifism mean to oppose violence, but I'm looking more along the lines of a noun that means someone who simply lets things happen to them, rather than indifference or lack of concern.
Did you go to Morgan St, Howard or A&T?
Media manipulation or voter pacifism?
Voter apathy.

No, voter apathy is when voters can't be bothered to turn up, their caring manifests itself in that way.

Voter pacifism is more voters not bothering to move. They might have an interest in the election, so not apathy, but they can't be bothered to find the truth, they take what is given to them on a plate.
Apathy. Indifference, lack of concern.
Pacifism is more a submissive thing.

A passive person is someone who doesn't do anything, they let it come to them. I understand what the word pacifist and pacifism mean to oppose violence, but I'm looking more along the lines of a noun that means someone who simply lets things happen to them, rather than indifference or lack of concern.
Did you go to Morgan St, Howard or A&T?

I'm assuming there's a point to this question.
I think Trump is most likely to win due to his hidden voters being in the range of about 5% of the vote in most places and his supporters have far more enthusiasm to not only go and actually vote, but also to help others get to vote as well.

Just compare Clintons anemic 50ish crowds at her rallies to Trumps thousands.

IF Clintons supporters wont even go and attend a rally for that whore, what makes anyone think that they will actually get off their asses and go out and vote for her?

Lots of people like the circus.
First: The fact that the LIB MSM is in the tank for Hillary is undeniable.
But being the idiots they are the LIB MSM keeps on promising everyone that Hillary will win in a "landslide".
So how many Hillary diehard supporters who keep getting this promise pushed down their throats are going to not bother to vote? 5%.......10%.........15%?
To be sure a percentage will stay home and use their time more wisely by watching Oprah reruns.
Second: The negro 99% 'block vote could resemble their turn-out in 2014. OUCH!
As one wise negro said: "Hillary ain't no Obama". The LIBs depend on being seen as the 'Santa Claus Party. How many negroes are wondering if Hillary is going to dress up like Santa Clause everyday? The smart ones know Obama left his Santa suit 'in the closet' for eight years. All those wink wink nod nod dog whistle promises of 'free shit' Obama made to get the negro vote turned out to be fucking jokes.
Third: Virtually every Trump supporter WILL actually vote for Trump.
Forth: There are a lot of undecideds' who are not going to vote for either candidate when it comes down to actually voting.
Every 'undecided' who doesn't' vote is a vote for Trump.
Even if Gary the dope head gets a couple of percentage points those votes could spell out 'President Trump'!
Hillary is spending as much time literally under the covers as she can until election day.
Not a 'good look' for someone who claims to be ready willing and able to take on the biggest job in the world.
All Trump needs to tell the audience watching the next debate is: "If you elect me I'll show up for work every day. I'll never lie to you. I'll do everything I can to get the failed economy back on track. I won't take any BS from any world leader. It will be America's way or NO WAY!"
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I think Trump is most likely to win due to his hidden voters being in the range of about 5% of the vote in most places and his supporters have far more enthusiasm to not only go and actually vote, but also to help others get to vote as well.

Just compare Clintons anemic 50ish crowds at her rallies to Trumps thousands.

IF Clintons supporters wont even go and attend a rally for that whore, what makes anyone think that they will actually get off their asses and go out and vote for her?
SO you believe that Drumpf is going to win? Care to wager on that?
In my view Trumps only path to victory lies with a failure on Hellary's part, and it has to be big enough that CNN et al have to cover it. Perhaps another major health problem. I doubt anything Wikileaks has will do the trick. The only major news outlet that covers those is Fox, and undecided voters aren't watching Fox.

I think there is some credence to the idea that there are hidden Trump voters, but I fear those numbers are not large enough to put him over the top.

but they do follow through the internet

play with google trend

you will surprised at how popular trump is out there over hillary
2. Deblasio has bragged that buses will transport out “newest guests” in vans and buses to vote in New York City.

Are you suggesting that there's somehow, some kind of path for Dump to win New York?


If the dead and illegals did not vote and the MSM like SNL and Family Guy were not so bias then Trump would win all 57 states and the Russian vote!!!

( Sipping on my Kool-Aid )

In my view Trumps only path to victory lies with a failure on Hellary's part, and it has to be big enough that CNN et al have to cover it. Perhaps another major health problem. I doubt anything Wikileaks has will do the trick. The only major news outlet that covers those is Fox, and undecided voters aren't watching Fox.

I think there is some credence to the idea that there are hidden Trump voters, but I fear those numbers are not large enough to put him over the top.

but they do follow through the internet

play with google trend

you will surprised at how popular trump is out there over hillary

Maybe, but you don't know who that voter is, so it's difficult to quantify them. I hope there are millions of uncounted Trumpets who will show up and put an end to the wicked witch Hellary.
You know, I was down at the laundromat today (had to dry my clothes) and struck up a conversation with a lady who was there.

I asked her what she thought of the current election situation and she said it was a mess. I asked her who she was going to vote for and she said she was voting for Johnson because he wasn't Trump or Hillary. She thinks Trump is an idiot, and she can't bring herself to trust Hillary enough to vote for her, so she's going to vote for Johnson because he's not either of them and he's 420 friendly.

People don't like either of them, but in the current polls, they dislike Hillary less than they dislike Trump.

Kinda sad what this country's politics has devolved into.
In my view Trumps only path to victory lies with a failure on Hellary's part, and it has to be big enough that CNN et al have to cover it. Perhaps another major health problem. I doubt anything Wikileaks has will do the trick. The only major news outlet that covers those is Fox, and undecided voters aren't watching Fox.

I think there is some credence to the idea that there are hidden Trump voters, but I fear those numbers are not large enough to put him over the top.

but they do follow through the internet

play with google trend

you will surprised at how popular trump is out there over hillary

Maybe, but you don't know who that voter is, so it's difficult to quantify them. I hope there are millions of uncounted Trumpets who will show up and put an end to the wicked witch Hellary.

you can tell


how to vote for hillary


how to vote for trump

millions and millions more trump searchs

overlay it from 2004 forward

add obama

obama and trumps run about the same maxed out

while hillary bounces along the bottom
Was Trump's victory in the GOP nomination process part of the Democratic election shenanigans? I wonder how Hillary ended up going against the weakest candidate the GOP threw out there. Things have fallen into her lap quite suspiciously, all seemingly according to plan.

We shoulda got Bernie instead of Hillary. Just saying.
Was Trump's victory in the GOP nomination process part of the Democratic election shenanigans? I wonder how Hillary ended up going against the weakest candidate the GOP threw out there. Things have fallen into her lap quite suspiciously, all seemingly according to plan.

We shoulda got Bernie instead of Hillary. Just saying.

yup it is causing by brother and his leftist buddies in Minnesota

to vote trump all bernie supporters

none hillary supporters
The one thing Trump needs to say tomorrow night which offers the best chance to stop Hillary is, "I've decided to drop out of the race."

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