Zone1 The One World Church

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
A new world church is being formed. It is now ready for it's debut. It is anti-Christ and anti-God. If you have children, or grandchildren it is up to us to make sure that they are not fooled. This is what we are up against:
Rather than the Light of Christ, the UR (United Religion) will shine, declares Bishop Swing, the light of the world's spiritual traditions [paganism and occultism included] into a world desperately in need of light.

Read about this so you will recognize it. It is happening now and it is deadly to the soul:
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A new world church is being formed. It is now ready for it's debut. It is anti-Christ and anti-God. If you have children, or grandchildren it is up to us to make sure that they are not fooled. This is what we are up against:
Rather than the Light of Christ, the UR (United Religion) will shine, declares Bishop Swing, the light of the world's spiritual traditions [paganism and occultism included] into a world desperately in need of light.

Read about this so you will recognize it. It is happening now and it is deadly to the soul:

1997? I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like it's DOA.

Although Christians were told to go preach to the whole world.
It would just be like mushrooms that appear above the ground, belieing the fact of the vast underground network that has been there, though invisible, all the time. :omg:
1997? I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like it's DOA.

Although Christians were told to go preach to the whole world.
You don't read well. It has been a work in progress that is now"ready to shine". And it opposes Christianity.

Under the new order, the things that make Christianity stand out from the wider culture—the moral shape of human nature, the authority of the body and of bodily reality for human community and well-being—stand in contradiction to the emerging philosophical assumptions of public life and its terms of membership...
A one-world liberal church is a stupid idea. People who hate Almighty God don't need to give sacrificially to engage in their anti-God agenda. This is why ultralib churches like the Radical Episcopalianists are declining every year in membership.

This idea might be a way to postpone the death of the Religious Left, but that death is already certain.
While we have already been introduced to Christ, the world plans to remove Christ from the lives of our children and grandchildren. Believers in Christ will be sent to re-education camps, and if they can't be brainwashed, they will be disposed of, for the sake of the "common good". and to stop the "threat to democracy."

One "point of resistance" examined was "fundamentalism." As reported by the San Jose Mercury News5, New Ager Robert Muller (a former UN Assistant Secretary-General who was groomed by U Thant to further the UN goal of uniting the world's religions) declared that fundamentalism's "inflexible belief systems" "play an incendiary role in global conflicts". "Peace will be impossible", he said, "without the taming of fundamentalism through a United Religions that professes faithfulness 'only to the global spirituality and to the health of this planet'."
While we have already been introduced to Christ, the world plans to remove Christ from the lives of our children and grandchildren. Believers in Christ will be sent to re-education camps, and if they can't be brainwashed, they will be disposed of, for the sake of the "common good". and to stop the "threat to democracy."

One "point of resistance" examined was "fundamentalism." As reported by the San Jose Mercury News5, New Ager Robert Muller (a former UN Assistant Secretary-General who was groomed by U Thant to further the UN goal of uniting the world's religions) declared that fundamentalism's "inflexible belief systems" "play an incendiary role in global conflicts". "Peace will be impossible", he said, "without the taming of fundamentalism through a United Religions that professes faithfulness 'only to the global spirituality and to the health of this planet'."

Fundamentalism was organized about 1915 in Philadelphia. It was a massive reaction... Fear and rejection of science and modernity. The Scopes Monkey Trials followed.. charlatans like Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye promoted the Scofield heresy which had been dormant since the 1930s. The Moody Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary grew and churned out thousands of fundamentalist preachers.
A one-world liberal church is a stupid idea. People who hate Almighty God don't need to give sacrificially to engage in their anti-God agenda. This is why ultralib churches like the Radical Episcopalianists are declining every year in membership.

This idea might be a way to postpone the death of the Religious Left, but that death is already certain.
This isn't a liberal vs conservative way to worship. This is an arm of the UN world order, where there is no worshiping of God. It replaces Christ with humanness and nature.

"the taming of fundamentalism through a United Religions that professes faithfulness 'only to the global spirituality and to the health of this planet'."
This isn't a liberal vs conservative way to worship. This is an arm of the UN world order, where there is no worshiping of God. It replaces Christ with humanness and nature.

"the taming of fundamentalism through a United Religions that professes faithfulness 'only to the global spirituality and to the health of this planet'."

Doesn't have anything to do with the UN.
Fundamentalism was organized about 1915 in Philadelphia. It was a massive reaction... Fear and rejection of science and modernity. The Scopes Monkey Trials followed.. charlatans like Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye promoted the Scofield heresy which had been dormant since the 1930s. The Moody Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary grew and churned out thousands of fundamentalist preachers.
Blah blah blah Hal Lindsey. Not the topic...
Doesn't have anything to do with the UN.
Has everything to do with the UN/New World Order, that you aren't even aware exists...

The second State of the World Forum this month, at which the UR is to be unveiled for the world, intends to pursue the development of a humanistic global ethic, a set of "basic values" shared by the world's religions
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LOL.....I'm sure there is one in my AO.....Someplace.....There are 51 churches listed in town.

It's been claimed that you can't toss a dead cat without it hitting a church (or a bank) of some flavor in town. ;)
A new world church is being formed. It is now ready for it's debut. It is anti-Christ and anti-God. If you have children, or grandchildren it is up to us to make sure that they are not fooled. This is what we are up against:
Rather than the Light of Christ, the UR (United Religion) will shine, declares Bishop Swing, the light of the world's spiritual traditions [paganism and occultism included] into a world desperately in need of light.

Read about this so you will recognize it. It is happening now and it is deadly to the soul:
This harkens clear back to the 60's with the hip-pie movement, actually clear back to the beatnik movement of the 50's. Before that it was the Fuhrer/superman movement of the 30's/40's competing against the communalist religion of unity & other movements too numerous to list here that go clear back to king Nebuchadnezzar(there were 3 of them) & even various ancient Mesopotamia tribes in general. Tree worship & just general environmental idolatry was rife back then so it's small wonder that the current modern day enviro-whackos are just as gullible today as their ancient cousins were. I stay @ looong distance from any organized religions due to the current condition of humanities human condition(human nature) preferring to hang out with a particular Ghost that appears to have kept me on the straight & narrow path, @ least for most of the time.

Cults/man made religions, don't leave sanity without them!
It is all about self awareness and Christ is nowhere to be seen:

Ethics (also called "universal values") are "in" today because, as opposed to the absoluteness of the Decalogue, they are changeable rules. As Robert Muller explains, "Each generation must decide what is right and wrong. We need a science [not a religion] to define what is good and bad. We need ethics in time: What is right today may not be right tomorrow." Revealing the totalitarianism of the New Age, Muller "recommends that each nation establish commissions on ethics to control every aspect of ethics
Westboro Baptist Church called... they want their argument back.

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