The ongoing 9/11 cover-up.

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If I might interject here, I do recall hearing about steel that had melted sometime that day.
And jet fuel cannot melt steel.

And I'm pretty sure that some guy said that he had seen the melting of girders, too.
No one saw any of that or any melted steel.

Funny story though
Before I prove to you that such things as a handgun melted into a blob are a reality, I'd like to hear you say one more time that no one saw any such thing.

When you do, I'll show you that it's true, and you can maybe for the first time in hour life ask yourself why you make statements before finding out if they're true or not. And then I'll be asking myself why I would engage you in debate when I'll have to fact check everything you say to make sure you're not lying.

So, why don't you say that there's no such thing? Go ahead . . . fish.
Fire ahead and prove it. Even if someone did see it such a thing would be absolutely irrelevant. The picgture you showed of molten sgteel was NOT specifically steel. Any number of flammable materials could burn that way and such buildings as the towers would have endless flammable materials.

You have nothing.
You're a fukcing hair-trigger, ain't ya? If you slow down just a little, you'll recall that I have put forth no theory. Nor did I post any pictures. That's all in your mind. Your problem is that when you are angry, you become incapable of making a point, and you even recall things that didn't happen.

Anyway, one of the lead investigators into the collapses said he saw melting of girders at the WTC. Wonder why he would say such a thing unless . . .

Here's something from a guy named Gerry Fornino. He was an FBI bomb technician.

"The things of interest that we'd find would be some of the parts of the plane embedded in the cars and in places in which you just wouldn't expect. Um, a part of the fins off one of the turbines off one of the engines was actually found embedded in one of the engine blocks of one of the cars. But I think the most unique thing about this investigation has just been the unbelievable damage; the levels of heat in which in certain instances firearms were found in some of the vehicles that had completely melted down, and the temperatures that we were told were in the area of three to four thousand degrees, that they melted a steel revolver down into a blob of metal again . . ."
No I am not.

You are an overly sensitive fool who is supporting idiiotic theories even if you never stated one.

You stated you would offer proof. You did not. A quote which YOU typed is worthless.

Anyways no one said any such thing LIAR
Wow! You just deny everything and then hope no one can back up what they say. You should have researched what I had told you. Now you're stuck in a corner.

Here is a video of a lead investigator saying that he saw melting of girders at WTC:

9/11: FEMA investigator Abolhassan Astaneh says, "melting of girders" in WTC - Bing video

So, now that you've made a fool of yourself, are you still going to deny it?

Hey, did you happen to google Gerry Fornino? Do you believe he exists? Do you really doubt that he said exactly what I quoted him as saying? Be careful, you could lose what's left of your credibility.

LOLOL. He wasn't a "lead investigator".
Do you believe that if he is not the lead investigator, nothing he said is correct?
It proves you are lying as he was no such thing,
Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl (Persian: ابوالحسن آستانه‌اصل ‎; born 1947 in Tabriz) is an Iranian -American academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley. He was one of the leading structural engineers to investigate the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on the September 11 attacks.

What was he?

And are you, too, going to deny the existence of Gerry Fornino and what he said?
Just another of many engineers who helped investigate.

He was not a lead investigator.

One stupid lie from you at a time do not try to distract from your idiotic spin by naming someone else.
Okay, let's say he was not a lead investigator. Now, do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Do you under stand that the building was a willow reed? It was NOT brick and mortar... The floors were cantilevered off central core like spokes.. Like the ribs of an umbrella... and it had an aluminum skin. I knew as soon as the planes hit the buildings would collapse.
Hmm. Someone said that there was evidence of melted steel. Another poster said there was none. I found a statement from a structural engineer and professor, and an FBI bomb technician who saw a handgun melted into a blob.

What does telling me about the "skin" of the building have to do with this?

Do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Steel girders don't melt, but their integrity is compromised when they get hot enough to sag.

They CAN melt but did not on that day. Whether it was girders or some other pieces of steel some melted steel was found at the bottom of the rubble once the clean up neared the end.

Of course it was still hot. Because it was melted from being at tne bottom of that pit covered with debris. Some what similar to a kiln or blacksmiths forge.

Twoofers ignore the details and scream endlessly about jet fuel not being hot enough to melt steel which is true. They ignore that the jet fuel only started a fire and it grew hot enough to cause the steel supports to lose over half of their strength and sag as you pointed out. When they could no longer support the weight they collapsed exactly as physics dictates that they should
Are you the one who started out saying that no steel melted?
Are you 'voted4reagan' in another forum?
You sound disturbingly familiar to another truth nazi I schooled in the past.
Are you gonnas argue with evidence for once? You have never done so despite endless requests.
Stop stretching out my thread with your meaningless and redundant quotes please. 2004 called and wants their talking points back,btw.
Are you 'voted4reagan' in another forum?
You sound disturbingly familiar to another truth nazi I schooled in the past.
Are you gonnas argue with evidence for once? You have never done so despite endless requests.
Stop stretching out my thread with your meaningless and redundant quotes please. 2004 called and wants their talking points back,btw.
Not a talking point.

Absolute fact

Yoou cannot name any such doctor. You lied like the coward you are and dreamed that claim up out of thin air.

It is not YOUR THREAD bitch.
If I might interject here, I do recall hearing about steel that had melted sometime that day.
And jet fuel cannot melt steel.

And I'm pretty sure that some guy said that he had seen the melting of girders, too.
No one saw any of that or any melted steel.

Funny story though
Before I prove to you that such things as a handgun melted into a blob are a reality, I'd like to hear you say one more time that no one saw any such thing.

When you do, I'll show you that it's true, and you can maybe for the first time in hour life ask yourself why you make statements before finding out if they're true or not. And then I'll be asking myself why I would engage you in debate when I'll have to fact check everything you say to make sure you're not lying.

So, why don't you say that there's no such thing? Go ahead . . . fish.
Fire ahead and prove it. Even if someone did see it such a thing would be absolutely irrelevant. The picgture you showed of molten sgteel was NOT specifically steel. Any number of flammable materials could burn that way and such buildings as the towers would have endless flammable materials.

You have nothing.
You're a fukcing hair-trigger, ain't ya? If you slow down just a little, you'll recall that I have put forth no theory. Nor did I post any pictures. That's all in your mind. Your problem is that when you are angry, you become incapable of making a point, and you even recall things that didn't happen.

Anyway, one of the lead investigators into the collapses said he saw melting of girders at the WTC. Wonder why he would say such a thing unless . . .

Here's something from a guy named Gerry Fornino. He was an FBI bomb technician.

"The things of interest that we'd find would be some of the parts of the plane embedded in the cars and in places in which you just wouldn't expect. Um, a part of the fins off one of the turbines off one of the engines was actually found embedded in one of the engine blocks of one of the cars. But I think the most unique thing about this investigation has just been the unbelievable damage; the levels of heat in which in certain instances firearms were found in some of the vehicles that had completely melted down, and the temperatures that we were told were in the area of three to four thousand degrees, that they melted a steel revolver down into a blob of metal again . . ."
No I am not.

You are an overly sensitive fool who is supporting idiiotic theories even if you never stated one.

You stated you would offer proof. You did not. A quote which YOU typed is worthless.

Anyways no one said any such thing LIAR
Wow! You just deny everything and then hope no one can back up what they say. You should have researched what I had told you. Now you're stuck in a corner.

Here is a video of a lead investigator saying that he saw melting of girders at WTC:

9/11: FEMA investigator Abolhassan Astaneh says, "melting of girders" in WTC - Bing video

So, now that you've made a fool of yourself, are you still going to deny it?

Hey, did you happen to google Gerry Fornino? Do you believe he exists? Do you really doubt that he said exactly what I quoted him as saying? Be careful, you could lose what's left of your credibility.

LOLOL. He wasn't a "lead investigator".
Do you believe that if he is not the lead investigator, nothing he said is correct?
It proves you are lying as he was no such thing,
Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl (Persian: ابوالحسن آستانه‌اصل ‎; born 1947 in Tabriz) is an Iranian -American academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley. He was one of the leading structural engineers to investigate the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on the September 11 attacks.

What was he?

And are you, too, going to deny the existence of Gerry Fornino and what he said?
Just another of many engineers who helped investigate.

He was not a lead investigator.

One stupid lie from you at a time do not try to distract from your idiotic spin by naming someone else.
Okay, let's say he was not a lead investigator. Now, do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Do you under stand that the building was a willow reed? It was NOT brick and mortar... The floors were cantilevered off central core like spokes.. Like the ribs of an umbrella... and it had an aluminum skin. I knew as soon as the planes hit the buildings would collapse.
Hmm. Someone said that there was evidence of melted steel. Another poster said there was none. I found a statement from a structural engineer and professor, and an FBI bomb technician who saw a handgun melted into a blob.

What does telling me about the "skin" of the building have to do with this?

Do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Steel girders don't melt, but their integrity is compromised when they get hot enough to sag.

They CAN melt but did not on that day. Whether it was girders or some other pieces of steel some melted steel was found at the bottom of the rubble once the clean up neared the end.

Of course it was still hot. Because it was melted from being at tne bottom of that pit covered with debris. Some what similar to a kiln or blacksmiths forge.

Twoofers ignore the details and scream endlessly about jet fuel not being hot enough to melt steel which is true. They ignore that the jet fuel only started a fire and it grew hot enough to cause the steel supports to lose over half of their strength and sag as you pointed out. When they could no longer support the weight they collapsed exactly as physics dictates that they should
Are you the one who started out saying that no steel melted?

You mean a week later underneath all the debris? Do you have a college education?
Gee, someone must have said that there was no melted steel found, or I wouldn't have shown otherwise.

Also, are you the one who called the perimeter walls aluminum?
Last edited:
If I might interject here, I do recall hearing about steel that had melted sometime that day.
And jet fuel cannot melt steel.

And I'm pretty sure that some guy said that he had seen the melting of girders, too.
No one saw any of that or any melted steel.

Funny story though
Before I prove to you that such things as a handgun melted into a blob are a reality, I'd like to hear you say one more time that no one saw any such thing.

When you do, I'll show you that it's true, and you can maybe for the first time in hour life ask yourself why you make statements before finding out if they're true or not. And then I'll be asking myself why I would engage you in debate when I'll have to fact check everything you say to make sure you're not lying.

So, why don't you say that there's no such thing? Go ahead . . . fish.
Fire ahead and prove it. Even if someone did see it such a thing would be absolutely irrelevant. The picgture you showed of molten sgteel was NOT specifically steel. Any number of flammable materials could burn that way and such buildings as the towers would have endless flammable materials.

You have nothing.
You're a fukcing hair-trigger, ain't ya? If you slow down just a little, you'll recall that I have put forth no theory. Nor did I post any pictures. That's all in your mind. Your problem is that when you are angry, you become incapable of making a point, and you even recall things that didn't happen.

Anyway, one of the lead investigators into the collapses said he saw melting of girders at the WTC. Wonder why he would say such a thing unless . . .

Here's something from a guy named Gerry Fornino. He was an FBI bomb technician.

"The things of interest that we'd find would be some of the parts of the plane embedded in the cars and in places in which you just wouldn't expect. Um, a part of the fins off one of the turbines off one of the engines was actually found embedded in one of the engine blocks of one of the cars. But I think the most unique thing about this investigation has just been the unbelievable damage; the levels of heat in which in certain instances firearms were found in some of the vehicles that had completely melted down, and the temperatures that we were told were in the area of three to four thousand degrees, that they melted a steel revolver down into a blob of metal again . . ."
No I am not.

You are an overly sensitive fool who is supporting idiiotic theories even if you never stated one.

You stated you would offer proof. You did not. A quote which YOU typed is worthless.

Anyways no one said any such thing LIAR
Wow! You just deny everything and then hope no one can back up what they say. You should have researched what I had told you. Now you're stuck in a corner.

Here is a video of a lead investigator saying that he saw melting of girders at WTC:

9/11: FEMA investigator Abolhassan Astaneh says, "melting of girders" in WTC - Bing video

So, now that you've made a fool of yourself, are you still going to deny it?

Hey, did you happen to google Gerry Fornino? Do you believe he exists? Do you really doubt that he said exactly what I quoted him as saying? Be careful, you could lose what's left of your credibility.

LOLOL. He wasn't a "lead investigator".
Do you believe that if he is not the lead investigator, nothing he said is correct?
It proves you are lying as he was no such thing,
Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl (Persian: ابوالحسن آستانه‌اصل ‎; born 1947 in Tabriz) is an Iranian -American academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley. He was one of the leading structural engineers to investigate the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on the September 11 attacks.

What was he?

And are you, too, going to deny the existence of Gerry Fornino and what he said?
Just another of many engineers who helped investigate.

He was not a lead investigator.

One stupid lie from you at a time do not try to distract from your idiotic spin by naming someone else.
Okay, let's say he was not a lead investigator. Now, do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Do you under stand that the building was a willow reed? It was NOT brick and mortar... The floors were cantilevered off central core like spokes.. Like the ribs of an umbrella... and it had an aluminum skin. I knew as soon as the planes hit the buildings would collapse.
Hmm. Someone said that there was evidence of melted steel. Another poster said there was none. I found a statement from a structural engineer and professor, and an FBI bomb technician who saw a handgun melted into a blob.

What does telling me about the "skin" of the building have to do with this?

Do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Steel girders don't melt, but their integrity is compromised when they get hot enough to sag.

They CAN melt but did not on that day. Whether it was girders or some other pieces of steel some melted steel was found at the bottom of the rubble once the clean up neared the end.

Of course it was still hot. Because it was melted from being at tne bottom of that pit covered with debris. Some what similar to a kiln or blacksmiths forge.

Twoofers ignore the details and scream endlessly about jet fuel not being hot enough to melt steel which is true. They ignore that the jet fuel only started a fire and it grew hot enough to cause the steel supports to lose over half of their strength and sag as you pointed out. When they could no longer support the weight they collapsed exactly as physics dictates that they should
Are you the one who started out saying that no steel melted?

You mean a week later underneath all the debris? Do you have a college education?
First you said that no steel had melted, and now you want to amend that statement? Okay, so how hot did it get in the pile of rubble? And how much melted steel was found?
If I might interject here, I do recall hearing about steel that had melted sometime that day.
And jet fuel cannot melt steel.

And I'm pretty sure that some guy said that he had seen the melting of girders, too.
No one saw any of that or any melted steel.

Funny story though
Before I prove to you that such things as a handgun melted into a blob are a reality, I'd like to hear you say one more time that no one saw any such thing.

When you do, I'll show you that it's true, and you can maybe for the first time in hour life ask yourself why you make statements before finding out if they're true or not. And then I'll be asking myself why I would engage you in debate when I'll have to fact check everything you say to make sure you're not lying.

So, why don't you say that there's no such thing? Go ahead . . . fish.
Fire ahead and prove it. Even if someone did see it such a thing would be absolutely irrelevant. The picgture you showed of molten sgteel was NOT specifically steel. Any number of flammable materials could burn that way and such buildings as the towers would have endless flammable materials.

You have nothing.
You're a fukcing hair-trigger, ain't ya? If you slow down just a little, you'll recall that I have put forth no theory. Nor did I post any pictures. That's all in your mind. Your problem is that when you are angry, you become incapable of making a point, and you even recall things that didn't happen.

Anyway, one of the lead investigators into the collapses said he saw melting of girders at the WTC. Wonder why he would say such a thing unless . . .

Here's something from a guy named Gerry Fornino. He was an FBI bomb technician.

"The things of interest that we'd find would be some of the parts of the plane embedded in the cars and in places in which you just wouldn't expect. Um, a part of the fins off one of the turbines off one of the engines was actually found embedded in one of the engine blocks of one of the cars. But I think the most unique thing about this investigation has just been the unbelievable damage; the levels of heat in which in certain instances firearms were found in some of the vehicles that had completely melted down, and the temperatures that we were told were in the area of three to four thousand degrees, that they melted a steel revolver down into a blob of metal again . . ."
No I am not.

You are an overly sensitive fool who is supporting idiiotic theories even if you never stated one.

You stated you would offer proof. You did not. A quote which YOU typed is worthless.

Anyways no one said any such thing LIAR
Wow! You just deny everything and then hope no one can back up what they say. You should have researched what I had told you. Now you're stuck in a corner.

Here is a video of a lead investigator saying that he saw melting of girders at WTC:

9/11: FEMA investigator Abolhassan Astaneh says, "melting of girders" in WTC - Bing video

So, now that you've made a fool of yourself, are you still going to deny it?

Hey, did you happen to google Gerry Fornino? Do you believe he exists? Do you really doubt that he said exactly what I quoted him as saying? Be careful, you could lose what's left of your credibility.

LOLOL. He wasn't a "lead investigator".
Do you believe that if he is not the lead investigator, nothing he said is correct?
It proves you are lying as he was no such thing,
Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl (Persian: ابوالحسن آستانه‌اصل ‎; born 1947 in Tabriz) is an Iranian -American academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley. He was one of the leading structural engineers to investigate the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on the September 11 attacks.

What was he?

And are you, too, going to deny the existence of Gerry Fornino and what he said?
Just another of many engineers who helped investigate.

He was not a lead investigator.

One stupid lie from you at a time do not try to distract from your idiotic spin by naming someone else.
Okay, let's say he was not a lead investigator. Now, do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Do you under stand that the building was a willow reed? It was NOT brick and mortar... The floors were cantilevered off central core like spokes.. Like the ribs of an umbrella... and it had an aluminum skin. I knew as soon as the planes hit the buildings would collapse.
Hmm. Someone said that there was evidence of melted steel. Another poster said there was none. I found a statement from a structural engineer and professor, and an FBI bomb technician who saw a handgun melted into a blob.

What does telling me about the "skin" of the building have to do with this?

Do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Steel girders don't melt, but their integrity is compromised when they get hot enough to sag.

They CAN melt but did not on that day. Whether it was girders or some other pieces of steel some melted steel was found at the bottom of the rubble once the clean up neared the end.

Of course it was still hot. Because it was melted from being at tne bottom of that pit covered with debris. Some what similar to a kiln or blacksmiths forge.

Twoofers ignore the details and scream endlessly about jet fuel not being hot enough to melt steel which is true. They ignore that the jet fuel only started a fire and it grew hot enough to cause the steel supports to lose over half of their strength and sag as you pointed out. When they could no longer support the weight they collapsed exactly as physics dictates that they should
Are you the one who started out saying that no steel melted?

You mean a week later underneath all the debris? Do you have a college education?
First you said that no steel had melted, and now you want to amend that statement? Okay, so how hot did it get in the pile of rubble? And how much melted steel was found?
You are feeding a sock puppet shill.
If I might interject here, I do recall hearing about steel that had melted sometime that day.
And jet fuel cannot melt steel.

And I'm pretty sure that some guy said that he had seen the melting of girders, too.
No one saw any of that or any melted steel.

Funny story though
Before I prove to you that such things as a handgun melted into a blob are a reality, I'd like to hear you say one more time that no one saw any such thing.

When you do, I'll show you that it's true, and you can maybe for the first time in hour life ask yourself why you make statements before finding out if they're true or not. And then I'll be asking myself why I would engage you in debate when I'll have to fact check everything you say to make sure you're not lying.

So, why don't you say that there's no such thing? Go ahead . . . fish.
Fire ahead and prove it. Even if someone did see it such a thing would be absolutely irrelevant. The picgture you showed of molten sgteel was NOT specifically steel. Any number of flammable materials could burn that way and such buildings as the towers would have endless flammable materials.

You have nothing.
You're a fukcing hair-trigger, ain't ya? If you slow down just a little, you'll recall that I have put forth no theory. Nor did I post any pictures. That's all in your mind. Your problem is that when you are angry, you become incapable of making a point, and you even recall things that didn't happen.

Anyway, one of the lead investigators into the collapses said he saw melting of girders at the WTC. Wonder why he would say such a thing unless . . .

Here's something from a guy named Gerry Fornino. He was an FBI bomb technician.

"The things of interest that we'd find would be some of the parts of the plane embedded in the cars and in places in which you just wouldn't expect. Um, a part of the fins off one of the turbines off one of the engines was actually found embedded in one of the engine blocks of one of the cars. But I think the most unique thing about this investigation has just been the unbelievable damage; the levels of heat in which in certain instances firearms were found in some of the vehicles that had completely melted down, and the temperatures that we were told were in the area of three to four thousand degrees, that they melted a steel revolver down into a blob of metal again . . ."
No I am not.

You are an overly sensitive fool who is supporting idiiotic theories even if you never stated one.

You stated you would offer proof. You did not. A quote which YOU typed is worthless.

Anyways no one said any such thing LIAR
Wow! You just deny everything and then hope no one can back up what they say. You should have researched what I had told you. Now you're stuck in a corner.

Here is a video of a lead investigator saying that he saw melting of girders at WTC:

9/11: FEMA investigator Abolhassan Astaneh says, "melting of girders" in WTC - Bing video

So, now that you've made a fool of yourself, are you still going to deny it?

Hey, did you happen to google Gerry Fornino? Do you believe he exists? Do you really doubt that he said exactly what I quoted him as saying? Be careful, you could lose what's left of your credibility.

LOLOL. He wasn't a "lead investigator".
Do you believe that if he is not the lead investigator, nothing he said is correct?
It proves you are lying as he was no such thing,
Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl (Persian: ابوالحسن آستانه‌اصل ‎; born 1947 in Tabriz) is an Iranian -American academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley. He was one of the leading structural engineers to investigate the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on the September 11 attacks.

What was he?

And are you, too, going to deny the existence of Gerry Fornino and what he said?
Just another of many engineers who helped investigate.

He was not a lead investigator.

One stupid lie from you at a time do not try to distract from your idiotic spin by naming someone else.
Okay, let's say he was not a lead investigator. Now, do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Do you under stand that the building was a willow reed? It was NOT brick and mortar... The floors were cantilevered off central core like spokes.. Like the ribs of an umbrella... and it had an aluminum skin. I knew as soon as the planes hit the buildings would collapse.
Hmm. Someone said that there was evidence of melted steel. Another poster said there was none. I found a statement from a structural engineer and professor, and an FBI bomb technician who saw a handgun melted into a blob.

What does telling me about the "skin" of the building have to do with this?

Do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Steel girders don't melt, but their integrity is compromised when they get hot enough to sag.

They CAN melt but did not on that day. Whether it was girders or some other pieces of steel some melted steel was found at the bottom of the rubble once the clean up neared the end.

Of course it was still hot. Because it was melted from being at tne bottom of that pit covered with debris. Some what similar to a kiln or blacksmiths forge.

Twoofers ignore the details and scream endlessly about jet fuel not being hot enough to melt steel which is true. They ignore that the jet fuel only started a fire and it grew hot enough to cause the steel supports to lose over half of their strength and sag as you pointed out. When they could no longer support the weight they collapsed exactly as physics dictates that they should
Are you the one who started out saying that no steel melted?

You mean a week later underneath all the debris? Do you have a college education?
First you said that no steel had melted, and now you want to amend that statement? Okay, so how hot did it get in the pile of rubble? And how much melted steel was found?
You are feeding a sock puppet shill.
Yeah, and it's choking on the feed as we speak.
It’s the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission that none of these shills have ever been able to get around.
Or the fact that no steel high-rise ever collapsed due to fire........ until 9/11.
Not before or since.
It’s the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission that none of these shills have ever been able to get around.
Or the fact that no steel high-rise ever collapsed due to fire........ until 9/11.
Not before or since.
View attachment 456070
You are a liar.

They most certianly have,

If I might interject here, I do recall hearing about steel that had melted sometime that day.
And jet fuel cannot melt steel.

And I'm pretty sure that some guy said that he had seen the melting of girders, too.
No one saw any of that or any melted steel.

Funny story though
Before I prove to you that such things as a handgun melted into a blob are a reality, I'd like to hear you say one more time that no one saw any such thing.

When you do, I'll show you that it's true, and you can maybe for the first time in hour life ask yourself why you make statements before finding out if they're true or not. And then I'll be asking myself why I would engage you in debate when I'll have to fact check everything you say to make sure you're not lying.

So, why don't you say that there's no such thing? Go ahead . . . fish.
Fire ahead and prove it. Even if someone did see it such a thing would be absolutely irrelevant. The picgture you showed of molten sgteel was NOT specifically steel. Any number of flammable materials could burn that way and such buildings as the towers would have endless flammable materials.

You have nothing.
You're a fukcing hair-trigger, ain't ya? If you slow down just a little, you'll recall that I have put forth no theory. Nor did I post any pictures. That's all in your mind. Your problem is that when you are angry, you become incapable of making a point, and you even recall things that didn't happen.

Anyway, one of the lead investigators into the collapses said he saw melting of girders at the WTC. Wonder why he would say such a thing unless . . .

Here's something from a guy named Gerry Fornino. He was an FBI bomb technician.

"The things of interest that we'd find would be some of the parts of the plane embedded in the cars and in places in which you just wouldn't expect. Um, a part of the fins off one of the turbines off one of the engines was actually found embedded in one of the engine blocks of one of the cars. But I think the most unique thing about this investigation has just been the unbelievable damage; the levels of heat in which in certain instances firearms were found in some of the vehicles that had completely melted down, and the temperatures that we were told were in the area of three to four thousand degrees, that they melted a steel revolver down into a blob of metal again . . ."
No I am not.

You are an overly sensitive fool who is supporting idiiotic theories even if you never stated one.

You stated you would offer proof. You did not. A quote which YOU typed is worthless.

Anyways no one said any such thing LIAR
Wow! You just deny everything and then hope no one can back up what they say. You should have researched what I had told you. Now you're stuck in a corner.

Here is a video of a lead investigator saying that he saw melting of girders at WTC:

9/11: FEMA investigator Abolhassan Astaneh says, "melting of girders" in WTC - Bing video

So, now that you've made a fool of yourself, are you still going to deny it?

Hey, did you happen to google Gerry Fornino? Do you believe he exists? Do you really doubt that he said exactly what I quoted him as saying? Be careful, you could lose what's left of your credibility.

LOLOL. He wasn't a "lead investigator".
Do you believe that if he is not the lead investigator, nothing he said is correct?
It proves you are lying as he was no such thing,
Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl (Persian: ابوالحسن آستانه‌اصل ‎; born 1947 in Tabriz) is an Iranian -American academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley. He was one of the leading structural engineers to investigate the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on the September 11 attacks.

What was he?

And are you, too, going to deny the existence of Gerry Fornino and what he said?
Just another of many engineers who helped investigate.

He was not a lead investigator.

One stupid lie from you at a time do not try to distract from your idiotic spin by naming someone else.
Okay, let's say he was not a lead investigator. Now, do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Do you under stand that the building was a willow reed? It was NOT brick and mortar... The floors were cantilevered off central core like spokes.. Like the ribs of an umbrella... and it had an aluminum skin. I knew as soon as the planes hit the buildings would collapse.
Hmm. Someone said that there was evidence of melted steel. Another poster said there was none. I found a statement from a structural engineer and professor, and an FBI bomb technician who saw a handgun melted into a blob.

What does telling me about the "skin" of the building have to do with this?

Do you believe that an academic, structural engineer and professor at University of California, Berkeley did not know what melt means?

And what about Gerry Fornino? I get the feeling that if he wasn't the "lead" FBI bomb technician, you'd use that as proof that he didn't say what he said, or that it wasn't true. Am I right?

Steel girders don't melt, but their integrity is compromised when they get hot enough to sag.

They CAN melt but did not on that day. Whether it was girders or some other pieces of steel some melted steel was found at the bottom of the rubble once the clean up neared the end.

Of course it was still hot. Because it was melted from being at tne bottom of that pit covered with debris. Some what similar to a kiln or blacksmiths forge.

Twoofers ignore the details and scream endlessly about jet fuel not being hot enough to melt steel which is true. They ignore that the jet fuel only started a fire and it grew hot enough to cause the steel supports to lose over half of their strength and sag as you pointed out. When they could no longer support the weight they collapsed exactly as physics dictates that they should
Are you the one who started out saying that no steel melted?

You mean a week later underneath all the debris? Do you have a college education?
First you said that no steel had melted, and now you want to amend that statement? Okay, so how hot did it get in the pile of rubble? And how much melted steel was found?
You are feeding a sock puppet shill.
Yeah, and it's choking on the feed as we speak.
You are the shill and yes choking on facts.

whenever LARAM weighs in it is proof positive you have been humiliated and crushed with facts,
This thread would be about 4 or 5 pages long,
if you cut out the troll quotes.
If you want an echo chamber start your own forum.

You are the king troll who simpply whines like a child when proven wrong and YOU HAVE BEEN so proven
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