The only gun control needed.

Gun control is common sense, and I'm sure you're just fine with it, as long as it keeps guns away from ISIS...

Oh, great. Another sound bite with nothing to back it up..

Couple of things to remember:
1) You can still buy a firearm in Australia.
2) There were hardly any firearms in Australia (compared to the US) before the buy back.
2) That aside, your stats are crap and untrue..

Just out of pure curiosity, who is this loon?

Stefan Molyneux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, great. Another sound bite with nothing to back it up..

Couple of things to remember:
1) You can still buy a firearm in Australia.
2) There were hardly any firearms in Australia (compared to the US) before the buy back.
2) That aside, your stats are crap and untrue..

Just out of pure curiosity, who is this loon?

Stefan Molyneux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I see. A loon, for real, and dead wrong so, and away we go.
Gun control is common sense, and I'm sure you're just fine with it, as long as it keeps guns away from ISIS...
I gather that you approve of guns, for ISIS then...
I disprove of of the federal government controlling its citizens...
Your infantile view of reality is noted, and dismissed based upon the ungodly number of federal laws and regulations that you, and all other Americans, are subject to...
Gun control is common sense, and I'm sure you're just fine with it, as long as it keeps guns away from ISIS...
I gather that you approve of guns, for ISIS then...
I disprove of of the federal government controlling its citizens...
Your infantile view of reality is noted, and dismissed based upon the ungodly number of federal laws and regulations that you, and all other Americans, are subject to...
I don't worship career politicians and their federal government, it hasn't been the people's for many, many decades.
Gun control is common sense, and I'm sure you're just fine with it, as long as it keeps guns away from ISIS...
I gather that you approve of guns, for ISIS then...
I disprove of of the federal government controlling its citizens...
Your infantile view of reality is noted, and dismissed based upon the ungodly number of federal laws and regulations that you, and all other Americans, are subject to...
I don't worship career politicians and their federal government, it hasn't been the people's for many, many decades.
The "people" were never supposed to rule here. Learn American history.

The Founding Fathers Rejected Democracy | Tenth Amendment Center

Why Our Founders Feared a Democracy
I gather that you approve of guns, for ISIS then...
I disprove of of the federal government controlling its citizens...
Your infantile view of reality is noted, and dismissed based upon the ungodly number of federal laws and regulations that you, and all other Americans, are subject to...
I don't worship career politicians and their federal government, it hasn't been the people's for many, many decades.
The "people" were never supposed to rule here. Learn American history.

The Founding Fathers Rejected Democracy | Tenth Amendment Center

Why Our Founders Feared a Democracy
I never said that, this government is supposed to be a capitalist republic...

It's a banana republic now tax, spend and print is all they do.
True. I f reducing the number of guns reduced crime then the opposite should be the case, right? More guns should equal more crime.
But there have been more guns sold in the last 8 years than probably the last 20 combined. And yet the crime rate is lower.

Lower crime compared to what? Where are you stats and comparisons.

Both NZ and Australia have less crime rates involving guns per head of population than the US. Does that mean a lack of guns work down here or is it other reason(s)?
Compared to the same places 20 years earlier. Apples to apples.
NZ and Australia ALWAYS had lower rates of crime than the US because the populations are different. But you have more crime since you banned guns.
They are voluntary. Someone has to go fill out a form or present himself for fingerprinting. Those are things he must do on his own. If he knows he has a record and wont pass he wont bother filling out the form or getting fingerprinted.
As for doing away with all laws, that is the standard reductio ad absurdum fallacy. You do away with laws that logically and demonstrably do not achieve even a modest amount of their aim. Like gun control.
It is impossible task to remove guns because yes, we are awash in guns. 300M at least in a country of about 350M I thank G-d for every one of them too. So we agree that getting rid of guns in the US is impossible, and that trying to reduce the number is foolish.
I dont think I know 20 people who dont own guns.

They are only voluntary only in the way getting a driver's license is voluntary.

Of course gun control works. NZ does not have a history of mass shootings. Neither does Australia since the buy back. Nothing illogical about it, it's a fact. And guess what? The vast majority are happy about it.

Yep, that is one point I do agree with you. If you were to get serious about gun control etc, then anybody taking it seriously would have to add a caveat that it would take time to work. Probably 10 years.
Exactly. Do you think there are unlicensed people driving on the roads? You have proven my point!
Gun control is a gross failure. NZ never had a history of mass shootings, and neither does Australia. I'll bet the vast majority werent so happy after it was revealed ISIS had planned to behead Australians publicly.
Gun control will never work in the US. IT would involve confiscation and going door to door to search. It would spark a new revolution.

Oh, great. Another sound bite with nothing to back it up..

Couple of things to remember:
1) You can still buy a firearm in Australia.
2) There were hardly any firearms in Australia (compared to the US) before the buy back.
2) That aside, your stats are crap and untrue..
Thank you for undermining your own argument. Guns were never a problem in Australia before the ban so naturally they wont be after one either. Gun bans are ineffective.
Exactly. Do you think there are unlicensed people driving on the roads? You have proven my point!
Gun control is a gross failure. NZ never had a history of mass shootings, and neither does Australia. I'll bet the vast majority werent so happy after it was revealed ISIS had planned to behead Australians publicly.
Gun control will never work in the US. IT would involve confiscation and going door to door to search. It would spark a new revolution.

And when they get caught they get their license taken off them and fined. If they keep on doing it they go to jail.

We are talking gun control, not banning. There is a difference ya know...
Exactly. Do you think there are unlicensed people driving on the roads? You have proven my point!
Gun control is a gross failure. NZ never had a history of mass shootings, and neither does Australia. I'll bet the vast majority werent so happy after it was revealed ISIS had planned to behead Australians publicly.
Gun control will never work in the US. IT would involve confiscation and going door to door to search. It would spark a new revolution.

And when they get caught they get their license taken off them and fined. If they keep on doing it they go to jail.

We are talking gun control, not banning. There is a difference ya know...
If they are driving without a license how do they get their license taken from them? And when they get out of jail, then what? Double secret probation?
Compared to the same places 20 years earlier. Apples to apples.
NZ and Australia ALWAYS had lower rates of crime than the US because the populations are different. But you have more crime since you banned guns.

Who has banned guns? Not Australia or NZ....
Oh so now we're playing semantics.

Not really. There is this myth that you can't buy guns in NZ or Australia. You can.

There's this myth by pro-gunners in the US that NZ and Australia were armed to the teeth and since we've had our guns taken off us crime has increased. We were never armed to the teeth in the first place.

For a start, NZ gun laws have more or less been the same for the past 50 or 60 years. You've always been able to buy guns tbut you need a license. Certain guns cannot be bought, but that has always been the case. You have never been able to by handguns unless you belong to a gun club. Even then you have to keep the firearm at a gun club.

Australian gun laws banned certain types of weapons but you can still buy rifles and certain shotguns.
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