The only gun control needed.

Not in the slightest -- in fact, you only serve to further prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Keep up the good work.
You haven't even addressed my points, which are all rational BTW.
Your "point":
Haven't said this for a while, but this is a classic example of men seeing their peashooter as an extension of their wiener.
This is an ad-hom -- mindless nonsense, and the final resting place of those that recognize they have nothing worthwhile to say.
As I've said, and I repeat, I have made plenty of other points. Plenty.
In your response, feel free to post ONE that does not stand on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Just one.
Weapon on safe until needed, finger off trigger until ready to fire, and the round hits what I'm aiming at down range.

Haven't said this for a while, but this is a classic example of men seeing their peashooter as an extension of their wiener.

This post is more macho BS from the gun lovers and why most of us don;t buy this 'we want a gun to protect our family, it's our second amendment right <inserts BS, lame excuse here>..

Why can't all the gun-loving dorks admit that they like the sound a gun makes when fired, the smell of gun powder, and how they get a little stiffie when they hit the target/animal/person they are aiming at.

You mean kind of like what happens to a liberal when they see an American flag burning?
Not from gun shows but from individuals hard up for quick cash.

It makes you wonder why they are so atimate about keeping that loophole open....are they worried that they may need some cash and want to keep the option open to arm dubious people?

This is one small step of many. Liberals can't be trusted, so with liberals, you have to start just as early as they do.

But you'll trust the guy who wants to buy a gun "off the record". Does a shit-for-brains moron like yourself stop for a split second and wonder why the guy is having to buy a gun without going through a background check?

Of course the answer is no. As long as its not your family members or anyone you know getting killed (yet), there is no need to wonder what he is going to be doing with the weapon...

Its basically why the society is in the situation it nobody regardless of how much sense they make if they look differently than you, worship differently, or have some objectional political views...sums up the GOP perfectly.

And what "reasonable measures" are going to be next?

Limiting magazine and clip sizes so rampage killers will have to re-load. This gives people time to run and react and draw their own weaponry/return fire.

According to the multiple award winning series Frontline, the guy who tried to murder Gabby Gifford (the congresswoman from Arizona) had a 33 round clip on his Glock. He dropped his magazine while re-loading it and one of her aids grabbed it allowing the madman to be tackled and held until authorities showed up. Had he been limited to 5 bullets, people would still be alive.

It fits in the Constitution so there is no argument to be made on those grounds. It creates only a minor inconvenience for target shooters.

So we should change all our laws and magazines because of one instance that happened in ten years or more?

Ha ha the classic response for those that have no answer to this particular issue. I don't need an inanimate object to give me a "stiffy". On the very rare occasion I do hunt I eat what ever I kill. I very much enjoy target shooting as a hobby and I would never shoot anyone unless they threatened myself or someone I loved. Hell I would even protect a stranger not because of macho bullshit but because I'm the type of guy who believes one human shouldn't pray on another.

I have made plenty of other responses...

Tell me something, what goes through your mind when you hit a deer or rabbit or whatever? Don't tell me you DON'T get a rush. If you say no, you're a liar...
What goes though my mind is how good its going to taste.
Ha ha the classic response for those that have no answer to this particular issue. I don't need an inanimate object to give me a "stiffy". On the very rare occasion I do hunt I eat what ever I kill. I very much enjoy target shooting as a hobby and I would never shoot anyone unless they threatened myself or someone I loved. Hell I would even protect a stranger not because of macho bullshit but because I'm the type of guy who believes one human shouldn't pray on another.

I have made plenty of other responses...

Tell me something, what goes through your mind when you hit a deer or rabbit or whatever? Don't tell me you DON'T get a rush. If you say no, you're a liar...

If it weren't for hunters, you would have NO money for conservation. Money collected for fishing and hunting licenses goes towards conservation. Hunters are usually extremely environment conscious because it matters to them.
Seriously, so tired of the ignorance around here and the stupid people. Hard to believe these people really exist. When I was a child, I thought they were a myth.

So, here is how hunters contribute to conservation efforts. Educate yourselves . . . . Please.

Where Does the Money for Conservation Come From? | Montana Hunting License Study Guide for Online Hunting Safety Course

The money from your hunting license helps Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks pay for conservation projects as well as law enforcement, Hunter Education, and other programs.

When you buy a federal duck stamp, the money goes directly to federal conservation programs to help waterfowl. Hunters provide about $185 million per year through license fees nationwide.

The Pittman-Robertson Act (also known as the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act) of 1937 charges an 11% tax on the purchase of firearms, ammunition, or archery equipment. Hunters played an important role in getting this law passed, and the money raised goes directly to wildlife conservation and Hunter Education. Hunters provide almost $86 million a year for conservation through this tax—over $2 BILLION since 1937! It is the single biggest source of money collected nationally for wildlife.

Hunters also pay through fees for memberships in organizations such as Pheasants Forever, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, National Wild Turkey Federation, Mule Deer Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, and other conservation groups. The main purpose of these organizations is to conserve wildlife and its habitat, and through these organizations, hunters raise millions of dollars and volunteer thousands of hours to benefit wildlife.

Conservation minded hunters have done more to help wildlife populations than any other segment of society. Contrary to popular belief, regulated hunting does not cause wildlife to become endangered or extinct. In fact, many species exist today only because of the efforts and commitment of responsible, respectful hunters.
Not in the slightest -- in fact, you only serve to further prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Keep up the good work.

You haven't even addressed my points, which are all rational BTW. Talk about ignorant and dishonest.
This guy says it best. Especially from 1.55 onwards.

This progressive New York liberal Jewish woman says it better.

I had a similar change in viewpoint. I still don't have a gun. Maybe someday. I just can't see spending that much money on something like that. :eusa_doh:
Not in the slightest -- in fact, you only serve to further prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Keep up the good work.

You haven't even addressed my points, which are all rational BTW. Talk about ignorant and dishonest.
This guy says it best. Especially from 1.55 onwards.

This progressive New York liberal Jewish woman says it better.

I had a similar change in viewpoint. I still don't have a gun. Maybe someday. I just can't see spending that much money on something like that. :eusa_doh:

And if you don't think our government is at war with us, then don't you let me ever catch you posting in any of the BLM threads.

The Police Are Still Out of Control
No more than usual, no.
Umm, not really. They're horrific, but every shooting is horrific. These no more than the ones that came before, or the ones yet to come.

Looks to me like the only "new" development is that the press is having less and less luck getting people to shout in wrath.

And that has nothing to do with the shootings per se. Only that people are realizing the media is driving their reactions, and have decided not to play their game to generate headlines any more.

More and more people are opting to seek solutions that actually work, instead.

Only an idiot would think that. Basically the frequency has reduced the outrage; it's exactly the what the fundraisers at the NRA wanted--the atmosphere at least. Nobody is outraged any longer and the monies continue to pour in as they work hard to ramp up the fear factor.

What made Sandy Hook so painful was that it was 6 year olds. NRA executives had wives that were busting their balls to do something. When nothing was done, it sank in that our government was too entrenched to make any changes. Subsequent blood baths in Oregon, San Bernadino, Colorado, just dulled the senses. San Bernadino was unique because it was a Muslim and supposed ISIS involvement so it had some legs. But overall the public has moved on knowing that the Congress can offer nothing but thoughts and prayers to the victims of the NRA strategy.

Only an idiot would think that the public is blaming the media. Human nature is to express outrage at the outset of an issue then as it becomes the norm, the outrage disappears. Like when you discovered your kid dented your fender on Sunday, you were pissed. You're still not the same level of pissed on Tuesday and even less so on Friday.

Thank God we have a President that is actually doing something--as minor as it is--and is offering something other than thoughts and prayers to the victims.

What your President
He's your president too. 332-206

did was find an opportunity (once again) to use these poor souls to advance his political agenda. Even by his own admission these new policies won't do squat, but it's one step of many to try and get as close as he can to stomping on the Second amendment.
If they save one life, they are worth it.

He also displayed his hatred in our system of government. When will you people wake up? We have a balance of power for a reason. Our founders designed it that way so people like DumBama can't overtake the entire government and make rules all by his lonesome.
What are the new rules? You sell a gun in a building; you have to do a background check. Call the building a gun show or a garage, you don't have to. Closing that loophole will help.

What DumBama didn't realize however is the ammunition (excuse the pun) that he gave to us freedom loving gun owners. Now when terrible things happen, we will be here to remind everybody how his stupidity didn't solve one problem when it comes to guns, and that it only empowered the criminal element even more.

That is what us liberals are counting on. People like you to continue to insist they can do nothing and offer only "thoughts and prayers" to widows, widowers, and the mothers and fathers having to bury their kids. Your empty gestures and empty words are, politically, music to our ears.

Keep up the good work, the cold shoulders, and the opposition to common sense gun control measures. It pays dividends to the Democrats and the NRA who is really laughing all the way to the bank off of idiots just like the ones you see in the mirror every day.

Well keep laughing, because the ownership and love of guns is growing every day in this country, and when people like DumBama goes against them, that pushes more people to our side.

The fact is closing any loophole won't stop one murder in this country. How long have recreational narcotics been illegal here? Yet we have the highest percentage of our population locked up in prison over any other industrialized country in the world because of the out-of-control drug usage.

Just do something. Yeah, it doesn't matter if it works or not, just do something so it looks good. Only a liberal would want new laws against an object instead of the people who use the object for criminal activity. What's next on the liberal agenda, locking up guns instead of people when crimes are committed?

It's almost a crime how unsophisticated you are. Our side? 80 pct of NRA members polled said they would welcome harsher background checks. Only scared little pissants who are worried about the sky falling are against them. Unfortunately, the GOP congressional caucus is full of these pissants.

What in the hell is a "harsher" background check? Do they growl at you when they tell you that it is approved?
Is the nation suffering from national PTSD?
No more than usual, no.
Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans
Umm, not really. They're horrific, but every shooting is horrific. These no more than the ones that came before, or the ones yet to come.

Looks to me like the only "new" development is that the press is having less and less luck getting people to shout in wrath.

And that has nothing to do with the shootings per se. Only that people are realizing the media is driving their reactions, and have decided not to play their game to generate headlines any more.

More and more people are opting to seek solutions that actually work, instead.

Only an idiot would think that. Basically the frequency has reduced the outrage; it's exactly the what the fundraisers at the NRA wanted--the atmosphere at least. Nobody is outraged any longer and the monies continue to pour in as they work hard to ramp up the fear factor.

What made Sandy Hook so painful was that it was 6 year olds. NRA executives had wives that were busting their balls to do something. When nothing was done, it sank in that our government was too entrenched to make any changes. Subsequent blood baths in Oregon, San Bernadino, Colorado, just dulled the senses. San Bernadino was unique because it was a Muslim and supposed ISIS involvement so it had some legs. But overall the public has moved on knowing that the Congress can offer nothing but thoughts and prayers to the victims of the NRA strategy.

Only an idiot would think that the public is blaming the media. Human nature is to express outrage at the outset of an issue then as it becomes the norm, the outrage disappears. Like when you discovered your kid dented your fender on Sunday, you were pissed. You're still not the same level of pissed on Tuesday and even less so on Friday.

Thank God we have a President that is actually doing something--as minor as it is--and is offering something other than thoughts and prayers to the victims.
Releasing thousands of convicted felons from prison early with his pardons has made our streets much safer too.
Not from gun shows but from individuals hard up for quick cash.

It makes you wonder why they are so atimate about keeping that loophole open....are they worried that they may need some cash and want to keep the option open to arm dubious people?

This is one small step of many. Liberals can't be trusted, so with liberals, you have to start just as early as they do.

But you'll trust the guy who wants to buy a gun "off the record". Does a shit-for-brains moron like yourself stop for a split second and wonder why the guy is having to buy a gun without going through a background check?

Of course the answer is no. As long as its not your family members or anyone you know getting killed (yet), there is no need to wonder what he is going to be doing with the weapon...

Its basically why the society is in the situation it nobody regardless of how much sense they make if they look differently than you, worship differently, or have some objectional political views...sums up the GOP perfectly.

And what "reasonable measures" are going to be next?

Limiting magazine and clip sizes so rampage killers will have to re-load. This gives people time to run and react and draw their own weaponry/return fire.

According to the multiple award winning series Frontline, the guy who tried to murder Gabby Gifford (the congresswoman from Arizona) had a 33 round clip on his Glock. He dropped his magazine while re-loading it and one of her aids grabbed it allowing the madman to be tackled and held until authorities showed up. Had he been limited to 5 bullets, people would still be alive.

It fits in the Constitution so there is no argument to be made on those grounds. It creates only a minor inconvenience for target shooters.

Your ignorance is showing. Pistols do not have "clips"! They have "magazines". When you drop a magazine, you insert another one. You would not sit there and attempt to reload a magazine one bullet at a time. That would defeat the purpose of having a magazine.

Educate yourself please lest you not appear clueless as you do now. Perhaps then you would not hold these stupid opinions!
This is one small step of many. Liberals can't be trusted, so with liberals, you have to start just as early as they do.

But you'll trust the guy who wants to buy a gun "off the record". Does a shit-for-brains moron like yourself stop for a split second and wonder why the guy is having to buy a gun without going through a background check?

Of course the answer is no. As long as its not your family members or anyone you know getting killed (yet), there is no need to wonder what he is going to be doing with the weapon...

Its basically why the society is in the situation it nobody regardless of how much sense they make if they look differently than you, worship differently, or have some objectional political views...sums up the GOP perfectly.

And what "reasonable measures" are going to be next?

Limiting magazine and clip sizes so rampage killers will have to re-load. This gives people time to run and react and draw their own weaponry/return fire.

According to the multiple award winning series Frontline, the guy who tried to murder Gabby Gifford (the congresswoman from Arizona) had a 33 round clip on his Glock. He dropped his magazine while re-loading it and one of her aids grabbed it allowing the madman to be tackled and held until authorities showed up. Had he been limited to 5 bullets, people would still be alive.

It fits in the Constitution so there is no argument to be made on those grounds. It creates only a minor inconvenience for target shooters.

And when a murderer ignores your magazine limit laws? You are aware that murderers are not concerned with laws, aren't you?

Some may, some may not. You're assuming facts not in evidence. Gun nuts are ALWAYS quick to point out that these rampage killings were done with legally purchased guns. Now all of the sudden, you have them buying illegal which is it?

Did you know the San Bernadino shooters had illegal modifications to their AR-15s which were purchased illegally as a straw purchase?
It makes you wonder why they are so atimate about keeping that loophole open....are they worried that they may need some cash and want to keep the option open to arm dubious people?

This is one small step of many. Liberals can't be trusted, so with liberals, you have to start just as early as they do.

But you'll trust the guy who wants to buy a gun "off the record". Does a shit-for-brains moron like yourself stop for a split second and wonder why the guy is having to buy a gun without going through a background check?

Of course the answer is no. As long as its not your family members or anyone you know getting killed (yet), there is no need to wonder what he is going to be doing with the weapon...

Its basically why the society is in the situation it nobody regardless of how much sense they make if they look differently than you, worship differently, or have some objectional political views...sums up the GOP perfectly.

And what "reasonable measures" are going to be next?

Limiting magazine and clip sizes so rampage killers will have to re-load. This gives people time to run and react and draw their own weaponry/return fire.

According to the multiple award winning series Frontline, the guy who tried to murder Gabby Gifford (the congresswoman from Arizona) had a 33 round clip on his Glock. He dropped his magazine while re-loading it and one of her aids grabbed it allowing the madman to be tackled and held until authorities showed up. Had he been limited to 5 bullets, people would still be alive.

It fits in the Constitution so there is no argument to be made on those grounds. It creates only a minor inconvenience for target shooters.

Your ignorance is showing. Pistols do not have "clips"! They have "magazines". When you drop a magazine, you insert another one. You would not sit there and attempt to reload a magazine one bullet at a time. That would defeat the purpose of having a magazine.

Educate yourself please lest you not appear clueless as you do now. Perhaps then you would not hold these stupid opinions!

That is part of the reason why they hold these opinions. :D Same reason why they don't really know anything about the second amendment, nor do they understand that the Bill of Rights is about citizen rights, not government control. Lol.
This is one small step of many. Liberals can't be trusted, so with liberals, you have to start just as early as they do.

But you'll trust the guy who wants to buy a gun "off the record". Does a shit-for-brains moron like yourself stop for a split second and wonder why the guy is having to buy a gun without going through a background check?

Of course the answer is no. As long as its not your family members or anyone you know getting killed (yet), there is no need to wonder what he is going to be doing with the weapon...

Its basically why the society is in the situation it nobody regardless of how much sense they make if they look differently than you, worship differently, or have some objectional political views...sums up the GOP perfectly.

And what "reasonable measures" are going to be next?

Limiting magazine and clip sizes so rampage killers will have to re-load. This gives people time to run and react and draw their own weaponry/return fire.

According to the multiple award winning series Frontline, the guy who tried to murder Gabby Gifford (the congresswoman from Arizona) had a 33 round clip on his Glock. He dropped his magazine while re-loading it and one of her aids grabbed it allowing the madman to be tackled and held until authorities showed up. Had he been limited to 5 bullets, people would still be alive.

It fits in the Constitution so there is no argument to be made on those grounds. It creates only a minor inconvenience for target shooters.
With a little practice one can change out magazines quicker than it takes to describe the process or even quicker switching to a secondary. Please point out the part of the Constitution that covers clips sizes of firearms.

How fast to break off, expel the old magazine, drop in a new piece and reacquire target?

Break off?:whip:


Drop in?:whip:

You really are dumb as a post!
But you'll trust the guy who wants to buy a gun "off the record". Does a shit-for-brains moron like yourself stop for a split second and wonder why the guy is having to buy a gun without going through a background check?

Of course the answer is no. As long as its not your family members or anyone you know getting killed (yet), there is no need to wonder what he is going to be doing with the weapon...

Its basically why the society is in the situation it nobody regardless of how much sense they make if they look differently than you, worship differently, or have some objectional political views...sums up the GOP perfectly.

And what "reasonable measures" are going to be next?

Limiting magazine and clip sizes so rampage killers will have to re-load. This gives people time to run and react and draw their own weaponry/return fire.

According to the multiple award winning series Frontline, the guy who tried to murder Gabby Gifford (the congresswoman from Arizona) had a 33 round clip on his Glock. He dropped his magazine while re-loading it and one of her aids grabbed it allowing the madman to be tackled and held until authorities showed up. Had he been limited to 5 bullets, people would still be alive.

It fits in the Constitution so there is no argument to be made on those grounds. It creates only a minor inconvenience for target shooters.
With a little practice one can change out magazines quicker than it takes to describe the process or even quicker switching to a secondary. Please point out the part of the Constitution that covers clips sizes of firearms.

How fast to break off, expel the old magazine, drop in a new piece and reacquire target?

So, 2-4 seconds in perfect no stress conditions.

And what "reasonable measures" are going to be next?

Limiting magazine and clip sizes so rampage killers will have to re-load. This gives people time to run and react and draw their own weaponry/return fire.

According to the multiple award winning series Frontline, the guy who tried to murder Gabby Gifford (the congresswoman from Arizona) had a 33 round clip on his Glock. He dropped his magazine while re-loading it and one of her aids grabbed it allowing the madman to be tackled and held until authorities showed up. Had he been limited to 5 bullets, people would still be alive.

It fits in the Constitution so there is no argument to be made on those grounds. It creates only a minor inconvenience for target shooters.
With a little practice one can change out magazines quicker than it takes to describe the process or even quicker switching to a secondary. Please point out the part of the Constitution that covers clips sizes of firearms.

How fast to break off, expel the old magazine, drop in a new piece and reacquire target?

So, 2-4 seconds in perfect no stress conditions.


Actually less than one second if you watched my video. Even in a stressful situation it should take less than four seconds to drop and reinstall another magazine.

Saying smaller magazines would make less of a mass murder is like saying reducing the weight of a truck by 1,000 lbs would make an accident better.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intention, not by results."
Rush Limbaugh
Just had to throw out this comment by the Philadelphia Mayor about the shooting of a police officer by a Muslim attacker since it fits this topic so well:

"Those concerns have led to calls by some Republican governors and presidential hopefuls to restrict the admission of Syrian refugees fleeing that country's long civil war.

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, a Democrat sworn in on Monday, told reporters he did not believe Archer's actions reflected Islamic thinking.

"In no way shape or form does anyone in this room believe that what was done represents Islam," Kenney said. "This was done by a criminal with a stolen gun."

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

I can't believe it. This "criminal" did not go through a background check and buy his gun legally. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

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