The only law that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN on guns, followed by confiscation


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The liberals have made countless laws restricting guns. Some places are even called "gun free zones" by them. Yet that is where nearly all of the mass shootings take place.

It is becoming increasingly clear that their laws don't work.

Some of them have even admitted frankly that the only countries that have managed to reduce these mass shootings, are the ones that enact a virtual 100% ban on guns in civilian hands: England, China, Japan, Australia, etc. The fact that crime continues to increase in most of those countries, is carefully not examined by the liberals.

And yet, with the evidence before them, they continue to push for more gun laws. It's obvious what their real goal is: Knowing the laws they call for won't work, they want the 100% ban in this country, too.

And even that 100% ban will only work if we also enact a massive police state, where squads of armed police regularly invade and search every house, looking for guns.

Keep this in mind the next time some politician calls for "reasonable gun restrictions" or some other tired talking point. He knows it won't work. But it's the next step he wants on the way to his real goal.

What other reason could he have for continuing to push for more gun laws?
Elections are at stake....
New laws don't have to work....
The Dem's just want to use this as a way to make their people feel they are doing something.
It gets the media all fired up.
The only law that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN on guns, followed by confiscation
That wouldn't work either.
Only because they would get massive resistance from the American people, who know the country would be much worse off with such laws than without them.

Yet the Democrats continue pushing for more gun laws, knowing they have never worked.

What could the real goal of such laws, be?
The only law that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN on guns, followed by confiscation

I've been saying this for a while now.

Whatta ya know! Little-Acorn and I are on the same page!

Jesus must be coming back any second!
Jesus must be coming back any second!

Excellent! Please tell him to stop by my place, I want to have a little chat with him about all the bullshit that's been going on in his name for the last couple of millennia.

Jesus you got some 'xplainin' to do
It's obvious liberals don't really want to solve the problem. They just want political hit points.
Traffic lights are useless then using the same logic
Nope. It is not the same logic.

Every school shooter you can name obtained their guns legally. They did not break the law to acquire guns. Someone who runs through a traffic light is breaking the law.

It's time to call out the Left and make them admit their ultimate goal is to ban and confiscate all guns.

They won't stop with high capacity magazines, background checks, or "assault weapons". How do we know this? Because every single measure they have ever proposed would do nothing to stop mass shootings.

So if we enacted ALL of their legislation on the table, we would still have mass shootings. At that point, instead of admitting they were retards for thinking that would stop mass shootings, they will say, "We have not gone far enough with this gun control stuff. We need to go even further."

The ONLY thing which will stop mass shooting is a total ban and confiscation of all guns. And since the Left's uses mass shootings as their mantra, that is how we know what their true ultimate aim is.

And that is why the NRA is immovable on the issue. They know where this is going.
I can't believe anyone is so stupid as to believe what Australia would work here. The dumb a$$ media always brings up Britain and Australia, even to consider that has to strain all two of the brain cells of anyone thinking that is realistic to the breaking point.

If the government tried what those countries did. Someone care to guess what would happen??
It's time to call out the Left and make them admit their ultimate goal is to ban and confiscate all guns.

It's time to call out the Left and make them admit their ultimate goal is to ban and confiscate all guns.

It will never happen, but that is the goal.

Show me how any of the school shooters who obtained their guns legally would have been stopped by any of the currently proposed liberal "solutions".

Once you realize that NONE of them would have been stopped, then you begin to see there is a much longer range goal.
Traffic lights are useless then using the same logic
Nope. It is not the same logic.

Every school shooter you can name obtained their guns legally. They did not break the law to acquire guns. Someone who runs through a traffic light is breaking the law.

It's time to call out the Left and make them admit their ultimate goal is to ban and confiscate all guns.

They won't stop with high capacity magazines, background checks, or "assault weapons". How do we know this? Because every single measure they have ever proposed would do nothing to stop mass shootings.

So if we enacted ALL of their legislation on the table, we would still have mass shootings. At that point, instead of admitting they were retards for thinking that would stop mass shootings, they will say, "We have not gone far enough with this gun control stuff. We need to go even further."

The ONLY thing which will stop mass shooting is a total ban and confiscation of all guns. And since the Left's uses mass shootings as their mantra, that is how we know what their true ultimate aim is.

And that is why the NRA is immovable on the issue. They know where this is going.

The gun grabbing left will never be honest about their intentions. Fact is they want the population disarmed and helpless. Then we'll be wholly reliant on the "benevolent" government to protect us.

Just imagine how wonderful it will be with no more guns! . We'll have a peaceful and loving society with no guns or crime!! The lamb will lie down with the Lion!! We can all join hands as we skip along the beach singing Kumbya!! It'll be a leftist Utopia!!


oye...these people are too stupid to even argue with...
I can't believe anyone is so stupid as to believe what Australia would work here. The dumb a$$ media always brings up Britain and Australia, even to consider that has to strain all two of the brain cells of anyone thinking that is realistic to the breaking point.

If the government tried what those countries did. Someone care to guess what would happen??

No takers?
I can't believe anyone is so stupid as to believe what Australia would work here. The dumb a$$ media always brings up Britain and Australia, even to consider that has to strain all two of the brain cells of anyone thinking that is realistic to the breaking point.

If the government tried what those countries did. Someone care to guess what would happen??

No takers?
Since no one here cares to answer... I will tell you what would happen.
There would be millions dead on both sides, no matter the outcome.
There would not be enough cemetery space that is for sure.
The liberals have made countless laws restricting guns. Some places are even called "gun free zones" by them. Yet that is where nearly all of the mass shootings take place.

It is becoming increasingly clear that their laws don't work.

Some of them have even admitted frankly that the only countries that have managed to reduce these mass shootings, are the ones that enact a virtual 100% ban on guns in civilian hands: England, China, Japan, Australia, etc. The fact that crime continues to increase in most of those countries, is carefully not examined by the liberals.

And yet, with the evidence before them, they continue to push for more gun laws. It's obvious what their real goal is: Knowing the laws they call for won't work, they want the 100% ban in this country, too.

And even that 100% ban will only work if we also enact a massive police state, where squads of armed police regularly invade and search every house, looking for guns.

Keep this in mind the next time some politician calls for "reasonable gun restrictions" or some other tired talking point. He knows it won't work. But it's the next step he wants on the way to his real goal.

What other reason could he have for continuing to push for more gun laws?

Why do you need it legal for felons and the mentally ill to be able to buy guns? Why is that so important to you?

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