The only laws that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
All these big-govt gun-haters are dancing carefully around the fact that none of their gun laws and restrictions will keep guns out of the hands of people who don't obey laws.....

....EXCEPT for a total ban on all guns for everybody, followed by massive confiscation of all guns presently in civilian hands.

They want to arrive at that slowly, a little at a time, so the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water is getting warmer.

So they only suggest a small restriction here, a ban on only certain guns there...... for now.



When do you suppose they'll notice that even their total gun ban, will work as well as the current nationwide bans on marijuana, cocaine, and exceeding the speed limit in your car?

The only laws that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation

Yep, and not just criminals.
Never. Going. To. Happen. Period.

Or as a number of people who came earlier said:

אף פעם לא הולך לקרות. תקופה.
Heres a simple rule for the all or nothing bunch.

No laws will ever stop all of everything. But I dont see anyone talking about repealing rape laws, traffic signs, child molestation laws etc.
But I dont see anyone talking about repealing rape laws, traffic signs, child molestation laws etc.

Because those laws restrict actions, not constitutionally-protected inanimate objects.

(This difference has been pointed out to little closedcaption many times in this forum. Apparently he thinks enough time has gone by since his last spanking, that he can make the same faulty comparison again, and try to pretend it hasn't been refuted four times already.)
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never. Going. To. Happen. Period.

or as a number of people who came earlier said:

אף פעם לא הולך לקרות. תקופה.

מעולם הוא הרבה מאוד זמן.
The only laws that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation

Yep, and not just criminals.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-Thomas Jefferson

Heres a simple rule for the all or nothing bunch.

No laws will ever stop all of everything. But I dont see anyone talking about repealing rape laws, traffic signs, child molestation laws etc.

All those laws punish people after an act. I don't get a ticket and have a governor placed on my car's engine because someone else was speeding. My kids don't get taken away from me because the neighbor molested his/her own kid.

What you want to punish is the mere possession of a firearm that some arbitrary governmental idiot has considered "bad." Not using it wrongly (which is already illegal) but merely possessing it.
A total ban of fire arms is impossible.

Doesn't change the fact that the only way to affect the number of guns criminals can get, is to ban them completely from everybody, and confiscate the ones civilians have now.

And as I said, even that will only affect them as much as the current ban on Cocaine, has reduced the amount of THAT people can get.
The only laws that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation

Yep, and not just criminals.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-Thomas Jefferson

You brought a gun, to a drone fight. When they can kill you in Virginia, while drinking coffee in New Mexico, you'd better hope that they like you because you'll never see it coming let alone be able to shoot back.
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But I dont see anyone talking about repealing rape laws, traffic signs, child molestation laws etc.

Because those laws restrict actions, not constitutionally-protected inanimate objects.

(This difference has been pointed out to little closedcaption many times in this forum. Apparently he thinks enough time has gone by since his last spanking, that he can make the same faulty comparison again, and try to pretend it hasn't been refuted four times already.)

Do you think you gain anything by lying? I mean I would ask you to find ONE TIME that I ever said this before but of course you'll lie about it and make an excuse why you cant do it.

Like I said no laws will stop everything that the law is about. So sure, gun laws wont stop 100% of guns falling in the hands of criminals, drug laws wont stop 100% of drugs falling into the hands of ciminals but thats not a defense...

Its more of an excuse
But I dont see anyone talking about repealing rape laws, traffic signs, child molestation laws etc.

Because those laws restrict actions, not constitutionally-protected inanimate objects.

(This difference has been pointed out to little closedcaption many times in this forum. Apparently he thinks enough time has gone by since his last spanking, that he can make the same faulty comparison again, and try to pretend it hasn't been refuted four times already.)

Do you think you gain anything by lying? I mean I would ask you to find ONE TIME that I ever said this before but of course you'll lie about it and make an excuse why you cant do it.

Like I said no laws will stop everything that the law is about. So sure, gun laws wont stop 100% of guns falling in the hands of criminals, drug laws wont stop 100% of drugs falling into the hands of ciminals but thats not a defense...

Its more of an excuse

Was the Oregon shooter a criminal last week? last month? last year?
From a liberal perspective: There are restrictions on other constitutional rights, such as free speech. Why can't there be similar restrictions on the types of guns available?

Honestly, until something happens and a case that directly covers this is taken to the Supreme Court, I'm not sure anything will change. Court cases that guns-rights activists use as support are also used by gun-control activists.

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