"The Only Person We Know Colluded With The Russians Is Hillary Clinton"

I think people who believe Putin over our own intelligence agencies are the fucktard‘s.
I think snowflakes who spend 3 years calling Trump a traitor and a liar then ask people to suddenly believe him when it fits their false narrative is a conflicted mentally unstable Trump-hating snowflake.

IMHO people that call anyone who questions our Intel agencies - proven to have illegally spied on Americans, to have intentionally participated in partisan-motivated FISA Court Abuses, and led by a Director proven to have perpetrated Felony Perjury under oath before Congress twice - a 'fucktard' is a brainwashed, indoctrinated Trump-hating Obama/Hillary Apologist.
i agree the left has gone crazy. the problem is the right followed, in my mind.
I respect your opinion, but, again, I do not consider the US AG and US IG conducting investigations of Democrats / Obama administration Cabinet Members and Intel / Law Enforcement Agency Directors who took it upon themselves to illegally attempt to alter / deny the results of a Democratic election - to decide themselves what the results of a US election should be and then impose that illegal / treasonous result on the American people - to be an act of 'HATE' or even 'Partisanship'.

IMO, what is in the best for this nation is to investigate, based on existing evidence, how a former administration and government officials / Agency Directors illegally acted to circumvent / impact / alter a Presidential election, to hold those proven guilty accountable, and to ensure nothing like this is ever allowed to happen - by either side, any individual, or any foreign entity - ever again.
yea, but that's part of the problem. both sides really are out to get the other side.

You and I often have a friendly disagreement on verbiage / perception. Case in point, you claim both sides are 'out to get the other side'.

The exposed effort by the former Obama administration - specifically members of his Cabinet and Intel & Law Enforcement Agency Directors - to protect Hillary Clinton (Obstruct Justice) from judicial consequences for her proven crimes and to spy on / take down Presidential Candidate / President Trump through false narratives, lies, FISA Court Abuses, Perjury, an FBI Counter-Intelligence Operation that included a ;Leak Strategy' and the intentional appointment of a 'Compromised' Special Counsel who should never have been appointed - due to his NUMEROUS damning Conflicts of Interest, to include connections to Russian Oligarchs (used in his investigating), past hiding of Russian Crimes, and own past FBI agency FISA Court Abuses.....

....IMO is NOT a partisan act of trying to 'GET THE OTHER SIDE'. It was / is the VERY CRIMINAL ACTS of rogue partisan criminals who violated numerous laws and colluded / coordinated with several foreign nations' Intel Agencies and knowingly used false foreign / Russian propaganda in an attempt to criminally control / alter the results of the 2016 election!

ALSO, The United States Inspector General and the United States Attorney General - the top law enforcement officer in the nation - conducting investigations of criminal acts perpetrated by Democrats BASED ON ACTUAL, CONFIRMED EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, which includes testimony under oath before Congress by individuals who participated in these acts CONFIRMING these acts took place, is NOT 'one side attempting to GET' the other'.

Democrats / Snowflakes continue to push the false narrative to convince everyone that the 1st Part - 'the Democrats are trying to 'GET' the President - is 'NOT TRUE' while attempting to claim the 2nd part - 'The GOP is trying to 'GET' the Democrats - IS true.

D@mn the evidence / truth, the Democrats continue to do whatever it takes to attempt to overturn the 2016 election results while attempting to protect their exposed criminals.

IMO, that's a LOT different than 'both sides are trying to GET each other.'
well if we can at least agree about a mutual hatred, we'd be set. i think we're at least getting there. while you and i have "debates" that can get a bit rocky, we've not seemed to hold that against each other later on. i know i respect that and hope others do the same for me.

i agree the left has gone crazy. the problem is the right followed, in my mind. maybe i'm doing too much hope and fence sitting, but lord knows trump is acting like he's out to get the left. the left is out to get the right.

In the meantime we all fall apart.
trump just wants the truth out that the msm isn't reporting. that's somehow him getting back at the left? naw, that's just popcorn stuck in your gum.
yea, but that's part of the problem. both sides really are out to get the other side.

You and I often have a friendly disagreement on verbiage / perception. Case in point, you claim both sides are 'out to get the other side'.

The exposed effort by the former Obama administration - specifically members of his Cabinet and Intel & Law Enforcement Agency Directors - to protect Hillary Clinton (Obstruct Justice) from judicial consequences for her proven crimes and to spy on / take down Presidential Candidate / President Trump through false narratives, lies, FISA Court Abuses, Perjury, an FBI Counter-Intelligence Operation that included a ;Leak Strategy' and the intentional appointment of a 'Compromised' Special Counsel who should never have been appointed - due to his NUMEROUS damning Conflicts of Interest, to include connections to Russian Oligarchs (used in his investigating), past hiding of Russian Crimes, and own past FBI agency FISA Court Abuses.....

....IMO is NOT a partisan act of trying to 'GET THE OTHER SIDE'. It was / is the VERY CRIMINAL ACTS of rogue partisan criminals who violated numerous laws and colluded / coordinated with several foreign nations' Intel Agencies and knowingly used false foreign / Russian propaganda in an attempt to criminally control / alter the results of the 2016 election!

ALSO, The United States Inspector General and the United States Attorney General - the top law enforcement officer in the nation - conducting investigations of criminal acts perpetrated by Democrats BASED ON ACTUAL, CONFIRMED EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, which includes testimony under oath before Congress by individuals who participated in these acts CONFIRMING these acts took place, is NOT 'one side attempting to GET' the other'.

Democrats / Snowflakes continue to push the false narrative to convince everyone that the 1st Part - 'the Democrats are trying to 'GET' the President - is 'NOT TRUE' while attempting to claim the 2nd part - 'The GOP is trying to 'GET' the Democrats - IS true.

D@mn the evidence / truth, the Democrats continue to do whatever it takes to attempt to overturn the 2016 election results while attempting to protect their exposed criminals.

IMO, that's a LOT different than 'both sides are trying to GET each other.'
well if we can at least agree about a mutual hatred, we'd be set. i think we're at least getting there. while you and i have "debates" that can get a bit rocky, we've not seemed to hold that against each other later on. i know i respect that and hope others do the same for me.

i agree the left has gone crazy. the problem is the right followed, in my mind. maybe i'm doing too much hope and fence sitting, but lord knows trump is acting like he's out to get the left. the left is out to get the right.

In the meantime we all fall apart.
trump just wants the truth out that the msm isn't reporting. that's somehow him getting back at the left? naw, that's just popcorn stuck in your gum.
i'm talking things as a whole, not a subset.

one day you and i may be able to disagree w/o the jabs. not gonna count on it, but i can dream.
yea, but that's part of the problem. both sides really are out to get the other side.

You and I often have a friendly disagreement on verbiage / perception. Case in point, you claim both sides are 'out to get the other side'.

The exposed effort by the former Obama administration - specifically members of his Cabinet and Intel & Law Enforcement Agency Directors - to protect Hillary Clinton (Obstruct Justice) from judicial consequences for her proven crimes and to spy on / take down Presidential Candidate / President Trump through false narratives, lies, FISA Court Abuses, Perjury, an FBI Counter-Intelligence Operation that included a ;Leak Strategy' and the intentional appointment of a 'Compromised' Special Counsel who should never have been appointed - due to his NUMEROUS damning Conflicts of Interest, to include connections to Russian Oligarchs (used in his investigating), past hiding of Russian Crimes, and own past FBI agency FISA Court Abuses.....

....IMO is NOT a partisan act of trying to 'GET THE OTHER SIDE'. It was / is the VERY CRIMINAL ACTS of rogue partisan criminals who violated numerous laws and colluded / coordinated with several foreign nations' Intel Agencies and knowingly used false foreign / Russian propaganda in an attempt to criminally control / alter the results of the 2016 election!

ALSO, The United States Inspector General and the United States Attorney General - the top law enforcement officer in the nation - conducting investigations of criminal acts perpetrated by Democrats BASED ON ACTUAL, CONFIRMED EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, which includes testimony under oath before Congress by individuals who participated in these acts CONFIRMING these acts took place, is NOT 'one side attempting to GET' the other'.

Democrats / Snowflakes continue to push the false narrative to convince everyone that the 1st Part - 'the Democrats are trying to 'GET' the President - is 'NOT TRUE' while attempting to claim the 2nd part - 'The GOP is trying to 'GET' the Democrats - IS true.

D@mn the evidence / truth, the Democrats continue to do whatever it takes to attempt to overturn the 2016 election results while attempting to protect their exposed criminals.

IMO, that's a LOT different than 'both sides are trying to GET each other.'
well if we can at least agree about a mutual hatred, we'd be set. i think we're at least getting there. while you and i have "debates" that can get a bit rocky, we've not seemed to hold that against each other later on. i know i respect that and hope others do the same for me.

i agree the left has gone crazy. the problem is the right followed, in my mind. maybe i'm doing too much hope and fence sitting, but lord knows trump is acting like he's out to get the left. the left is out to get the right.

In the meantime we all fall apart.
trump just wants the truth out that the msm isn't reporting. that's somehow him getting back at the left? naw, that's just popcorn stuck in your gum.
i'm talking things as a whole, not a subset.

one day you and i may be able to disagree w/o the jabs. not gonna count on it, but i can dream.
we won't as long as you don't understand standing up for oneself.
yea, but that's part of the problem. both sides really are out to get the other side.

You and I often have a friendly disagreement on verbiage / perception. Case in point, you claim both sides are 'out to get the other side'.

The exposed effort by the former Obama administration - specifically members of his Cabinet and Intel & Law Enforcement Agency Directors - to protect Hillary Clinton (Obstruct Justice) from judicial consequences for her proven crimes and to spy on / take down Presidential Candidate / President Trump through false narratives, lies, FISA Court Abuses, Perjury, an FBI Counter-Intelligence Operation that included a ;Leak Strategy' and the intentional appointment of a 'Compromised' Special Counsel who should never have been appointed - due to his NUMEROUS damning Conflicts of Interest, to include connections to Russian Oligarchs (used in his investigating), past hiding of Russian Crimes, and own past FBI agency FISA Court Abuses.....

....IMO is NOT a partisan act of trying to 'GET THE OTHER SIDE'. It was / is the VERY CRIMINAL ACTS of rogue partisan criminals who violated numerous laws and colluded / coordinated with several foreign nations' Intel Agencies and knowingly used false foreign / Russian propaganda in an attempt to criminally control / alter the results of the 2016 election!

ALSO, The United States Inspector General and the United States Attorney General - the top law enforcement officer in the nation - conducting investigations of criminal acts perpetrated by Democrats BASED ON ACTUAL, CONFIRMED EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, which includes testimony under oath before Congress by individuals who participated in these acts CONFIRMING these acts took place, is NOT 'one side attempting to GET' the other'.

Democrats / Snowflakes continue to push the false narrative to convince everyone that the 1st Part - 'the Democrats are trying to 'GET' the President - is 'NOT TRUE' while attempting to claim the 2nd part - 'The GOP is trying to 'GET' the Democrats - IS true.

D@mn the evidence / truth, the Democrats continue to do whatever it takes to attempt to overturn the 2016 election results while attempting to protect their exposed criminals.

IMO, that's a LOT different than 'both sides are trying to GET each other.'
well if we can at least agree about a mutual hatred, we'd be set. i think we're at least getting there. while you and i have "debates" that can get a bit rocky, we've not seemed to hold that against each other later on. i know i respect that and hope others do the same for me.

i agree the left has gone crazy. the problem is the right followed, in my mind. maybe i'm doing too much hope and fence sitting, but lord knows trump is acting like he's out to get the left. the left is out to get the right.

In the meantime we all fall apart.
trump just wants the truth out that the msm isn't reporting. that's somehow him getting back at the left? naw, that's just popcorn stuck in your gum.
i'm talking things as a whole, not a subset.

one day you and i may be able to disagree w/o the jabs. not gonna count on it, but i can dream.
we won't as long as you don't understand standing up for oneself.
so - we won't.

i understand it - i just don't do it like you do. hard to believe you've NEVER seen me stand up for myself in here. in my mind that doesn't mean beating the shit out of people who disagree with you but have at it.

You and I often have a friendly disagreement on verbiage / perception. Case in point, you claim both sides are 'out to get the other side'.

The exposed effort by the former Obama administration - specifically members of his Cabinet and Intel & Law Enforcement Agency Directors - to protect Hillary Clinton (Obstruct Justice) from judicial consequences for her proven crimes and to spy on / take down Presidential Candidate / President Trump through false narratives, lies, FISA Court Abuses, Perjury, an FBI Counter-Intelligence Operation that included a ;Leak Strategy' and the intentional appointment of a 'Compromised' Special Counsel who should never have been appointed - due to his NUMEROUS damning Conflicts of Interest, to include connections to Russian Oligarchs (used in his investigating), past hiding of Russian Crimes, and own past FBI agency FISA Court Abuses.....

....IMO is NOT a partisan act of trying to 'GET THE OTHER SIDE'. It was / is the VERY CRIMINAL ACTS of rogue partisan criminals who violated numerous laws and colluded / coordinated with several foreign nations' Intel Agencies and knowingly used false foreign / Russian propaganda in an attempt to criminally control / alter the results of the 2016 election!

ALSO, The United States Inspector General and the United States Attorney General - the top law enforcement officer in the nation - conducting investigations of criminal acts perpetrated by Democrats BASED ON ACTUAL, CONFIRMED EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, which includes testimony under oath before Congress by individuals who participated in these acts CONFIRMING these acts took place, is NOT 'one side attempting to GET' the other'.

Democrats / Snowflakes continue to push the false narrative to convince everyone that the 1st Part - 'the Democrats are trying to 'GET' the President - is 'NOT TRUE' while attempting to claim the 2nd part - 'The GOP is trying to 'GET' the Democrats - IS true.

D@mn the evidence / truth, the Democrats continue to do whatever it takes to attempt to overturn the 2016 election results while attempting to protect their exposed criminals.

IMO, that's a LOT different than 'both sides are trying to GET each other.'
well if we can at least agree about a mutual hatred, we'd be set. i think we're at least getting there. while you and i have "debates" that can get a bit rocky, we've not seemed to hold that against each other later on. i know i respect that and hope others do the same for me.

i agree the left has gone crazy. the problem is the right followed, in my mind. maybe i'm doing too much hope and fence sitting, but lord knows trump is acting like he's out to get the left. the left is out to get the right.

In the meantime we all fall apart.
trump just wants the truth out that the msm isn't reporting. that's somehow him getting back at the left? naw, that's just popcorn stuck in your gum.
i'm talking things as a whole, not a subset.

one day you and i may be able to disagree w/o the jabs. not gonna count on it, but i can dream.
we won't as long as you don't understand standing up for oneself.
so - we won't.

i understand it - i just don't do it like you do. hard to believe you've NEVER seen me stand up for myself in here. in my mind that doesn't mean beating the shit out of people who disagree with you but have at it.
I see you stand up for yourself frequently. It's what makes you actually more like me than you wish to admit. You make assumptions, which I don't generally like to make. Again, just facts. one can't argue against facts.If the facts back up what I argue about, doesn't mean I'm intending anything more than presenting facts. How anyone chooses to believe my intent is purely up to the individual in here. most in here on the right over do their responses, I will agree with that point of yours, but that's it. everything the left gets is deserved. someone standing up and yelling nananana-bo-bo deserves what ever comes at their lying puss.
Hillary paid foreign nationals for dirt opposition research and tried to pass it off as "legal fees"

Don't let Democrats lie to you.

If a Democrat accuses you of something, it's a very safe bet they are up to their eyeballs in that activity.
How long has it been my mantra-
“There are no Russians. Except for Hillary”?
Well over two years I would estimate.
How long has it been my mantra-
“There are no Russians. Except for Hillary”?
Well over two years I would estimate.
I'm still waiting for the names of those whose votes were changed to trump. still waiting, almost three years now.
How long has it been my mantra-
“There are no Russians. Except for Hillary”?
Well over two years I would estimate.
I'm still waiting for the names of those who's votes were changed to trump. still waiting, almost three years now.
Democrats blame a handful of Facebook ads nobody saw or remembers for Hillary not winning her landslide they predicted.

Imagine going back in time to the day before the election and telling Democrats Hillary was going to lose because of a handful of Facebook ads.
How long has it been my mantra-
“There are no Russians. Except for Hillary”?
Well over two years I would estimate.
I'm still waiting for the names of those who's votes were changed to trump. still waiting, almost three years now.
Democrats blame a handful of Facebook ads nobody saw or remembers for Hillary not winning her landslide they predicted.

Imagine going back in time to the day before the election and telling Democrats Hillary was going to lose because of a handful of Facebook ads.
what did those ads say? just curious.
How long has it been my mantra-
“There are no Russians. Except for Hillary”?
Well over two years I would estimate.
I'm still waiting for the names of those who's votes were changed to trump. still waiting, almost three years now.
Democrats blame a handful of Facebook ads nobody saw or remembers for Hillary not winning her landslide they predicted.

Imagine going back in time to the day before the election and telling Democrats Hillary was going to lose because of a handful of Facebook ads.
what did those ads say? just curious.
There was a handful. Most were pro Bernie and pro trump but all of them were stupid. Just like the people who blame them for Hillary's loss.
How long has it been my mantra-
“There are no Russians. Except for Hillary”?
Well over two years I would estimate.
I'm still waiting for the names of those who's votes were changed to trump. still waiting, almost three years now.
Democrats blame a handful of Facebook ads nobody saw or remembers for Hillary not winning her landslide they predicted.

Imagine going back in time to the day before the election and telling Democrats Hillary was going to lose because of a handful of Facebook ads.
what did those ads say? just curious.
There was a handful. Most were pro Bernie and pro trump but all of them were stupid. Just like the people who blame them for Hillary's loss.
so bernie was helped by russia? too funny.
How long has it been my mantra-
“There are no Russians. Except for Hillary”?
Well over two years I would estimate.
I'm still waiting for the names of those who's votes were changed to trump. still waiting, almost three years now.
Democrats blame a handful of Facebook ads nobody saw or remembers for Hillary not winning her landslide they predicted.

Imagine going back in time to the day before the election and telling Democrats Hillary was going to lose because of a handful of Facebook ads.
what did those ads say? just curious.
There was a handful. Most were pro Bernie and pro trump but all of them were stupid. Just like the people who blame them for Hillary's loss.
so bernie was helped by russia? too funny.
Bernie is quite the communist. He went on his honeymoon to Moscow.
How long has it been my mantra-
“There are no Russians. Except for Hillary”?
Well over two years I would estimate.
I'm still waiting for the names of those who's votes were changed to trump. still waiting, almost three years now.
Democrats blame a handful of Facebook ads nobody saw or remembers for Hillary not winning her landslide they predicted.

Imagine going back in time to the day before the election and telling Democrats Hillary was going to lose because of a handful of Facebook ads.
what did those ads say? just curious.
Don’t vote for her
Powerful Russian mind twisting on a fact we already knew .
How long has it been my mantra-
“There are no Russians. Except for Hillary”?
Well over two years I would estimate.
I'm still waiting for the names of those who's votes were changed to trump. still waiting, almost three years now.
Democrats blame a handful of Facebook ads nobody saw or remembers for Hillary not winning her landslide they predicted.

Imagine going back in time to the day before the election and telling Democrats Hillary was going to lose because of a handful of Facebook ads.
what did those ads say? just curious.
Don’t vote for her
Powerful Russian mind twisting on a fact we already knew .
holy shit, that would put the fking fear of god in my head.
Hillary paid foreign nationals for dirt opposition research and tried to pass it off as "legal fees"

This entire exposed faux 'Trump Collusion Scandal' boils down to this, in part.

Hillary Clinton did exactly what the Democrats and snowflakes falsely accuse Trump of doing.

Clinton and her campaign paid an ex-MI6 foreign spy working with Russians and for Obama's FBI for a Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda-filled 'Dossier' which was intended for and was illegally used in an attempt to alter the 2016 election.

The Democrats, Hillary, and snowflakes claim illegally colluding with and using unsubstantiated / debunked propaganda provided by Trump-hating foreign spies and the Russians is NOT ILLEGAL but simultaneously insist that a 15-Minute meeting between Trump Jr and a Russian lawyer - only in this country because Obama overrode his own DHS' ban preventing her from being in the US - during which at no time information exchanged hands IS illegal.

well if we can at least agree about a mutual hatred, we'd be set. i think we're at least getting there. while you and i have "debates" that can get a bit rocky, we've not seemed to hold that against each other later on. i know i respect that and hope others do the same for me.

i agree the left has gone crazy. the problem is the right followed, in my mind. maybe i'm doing too much hope and fence sitting, but lord knows trump is acting like he's out to get the left. the left is out to get the right.

In the meantime we all fall apart.
trump just wants the truth out that the msm isn't reporting. that's somehow him getting back at the left? naw, that's just popcorn stuck in your gum.
i'm talking things as a whole, not a subset.

one day you and i may be able to disagree w/o the jabs. not gonna count on it, but i can dream.
we won't as long as you don't understand standing up for oneself.
so - we won't.

i understand it - i just don't do it like you do. hard to believe you've NEVER seen me stand up for myself in here. in my mind that doesn't mean beating the shit out of people who disagree with you but have at it.
I see you stand up for yourself frequently. It's what makes you actually more like me than you wish to admit. You make assumptions, which I don't generally like to make. Again, just facts. one can't argue against facts.If the facts back up what I argue about, doesn't mean I'm intending anything more than presenting facts. How anyone chooses to believe my intent is purely up to the individual in here. most in here on the right over do their responses, I will agree with that point of yours, but that's it. everything the left gets is deserved. someone standing up and yelling nananana-bo-bo deserves what ever comes at their lying puss.
heh - there are a lot of things where we share what we see. how we go about trying to fix them however is very different.
Hillary paid foreign nationals for dirt opposition research and tried to pass it off as "legal fees"

This entire exposed faux 'Trump Collusion Scandal' boils down to this, in part.

Hillary Clinton did exactly what the Democrats and snowflakes falsely accuse Trump of doing.

Clinton and her campaign paid an ex-MI6 foreign spy working with Russians and for Obama's FBI for a Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda-filled 'Dossier' which was intended for and was illegally used in an attempt to alter the 2016 election.

The Democrats, Hillary, and snowflakes claim illegally colluding with and using unsubstantiated / debunked propaganda provided by Trump-hating foreign spies and the Russians is NOT ILLEGAL but simultaneously insist that a 15-Minute meeting between Trump Jr and a Russian lawyer - only in this country because Obama overrode his own DHS' ban preventing her from being in the US - during which at no time information exchanged hands IS illegal.

Great, let's see your evidence Hillary knew Fusion GPS was going to hire Steele and that she knew Ateele was going to collect information from Russians.....

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