The ONLY reason "conservatives" hate "the squad"

They can go hate Israel back in their shit hole countries.

Uhh. You have too much jewelry or too many military decorations or something like that. The love of Israel is not helping us recover our lost freedoms and rights in America.

You don't have to love Israel.

How about just stop talking about it?

Accusing Jews and Israel of controlling the American government isn't helping Americans either.
They can go hate Israel back in their shit hole countries.

Uhh. You have too much jewelry or too many military decorations or something like that. The love of Israel is not helping us recover our lost freedoms and rights in America.

You don't have to love Israel.

How about just stop talking about it?

Accusing Jews and Israel of controlling the American government isn't helping Americans either.
So you want people to stop acknowledging facts....yea sounds jewish....trying to BAN speech and thoughts you don't want discussed.
Things were amazingly rational on this thread until you arrived, Easy. Go away.
You mean your liberal Conservative-hating opinions and lies given out falsely as facts wen unchallenged, snow flake...

'Go Away'? You are such a 'RACIST'! How date you attack a 'person of color' that way!

They can go hate Israel back in their shit hole countries.
The left jumped on the bandwagon saying that "hey these women were born here, so that makes Trumps statements racist in what he said". Hmmm, so I guess when a so called American switched over to fight with the terrorist or to recruit them, and Obama drone attacked him
Anwar al-Awlaki
(something far worse), then he was a what ???? A racist ??

Not to say that what the squad is doing is anywhere comparable to that, but they really should just take a chill pill before trashing our Allie Israel so much.

I hate to agree that his hateful anti-immigrant trope was technically not racist. That being said, his delivery, his demeanor reeks of his feeling of superiority over these women whom he believed were from places he formerly described as shitholes.

Besides the Benjamin, how else have they trashed Israel?
Trump is an elitist old snob; he wouldn't care if the people living in that shithole were green, he would hate any third world country that didn't have ac and good roads and a Hilton on every corner and a championship golf course in every town.
I'm not sure his outburst proves he's racist. It certainly makes him touchy and rude. Can't you just see him upending the Monopoly board and scattering everyone else's game pieces and deeds when he goes bankrupt? That's our Pres.
Why didn't Barry take the job and refuse the pay?

They can go hate Israel back in their shit hole countries.
The left jumped on the bandwagon saying that "hey these women were born here, so that makes Trumps statements racist in what he said". Hmmm, so I guess when a so called American switched over to fight with the terrorist or to recruit them, and Obama drone attacked him
Anwar al-Awlaki
(something far worse), then he was a what ???? A racist ??

Not to say that what the squad is doing is anywhere comparable to that, but they really should just take a chill pill before trashing our Allie Israel so much.

I hate to agree that his hateful anti-immigrant trope was technically not racist. That being said, his delivery, his demeanor reeks of his feeling of superiority over these women whom he believed were from places he formerly described as shitholes.

Besides the Benjamin, how else have they trashed Israel?
Remember that it's being discussed on various talk shows like MSNBC, CNN, Fox news, Tucker Carlson, Hannity and such, but most (sheeple), who are outside the loops have no way to either verify or to vett such things entirely. My hopes is that the networks are vetting what they find and talk about, because most (average citizens), have no way of doing the extreme vetting themselves of these people. That battle will have to be won between the big shots and the networks who bring up these issues, and then next talk about them on air. Most in the audience just repeat what is heard when they feel that what is heard is legit. If not then apologies should be in order by those possibly putting a cart before the horse, but until proven otherwise that what is reported on the (news shows), is of course bogus, then people will continue to pick and choose the stories that best fit their ideologies or ideological thinking.

Could be alot of scrubbing going on also, as it seems that in this technical age where news is so plently these days, that most people forget quickly what is reported in order to make way for tons more that is on the way.
The ONLY reason "conservatives" hate "the squad" mean BESIDES the fact that they are racist, anti-Semitic, terrorist-supporting, seditious, America-hating, Far Leftist, lying Socialist Democrats?

Second that! ^^^
Is because of their LEGITIMATE and FACTUAL comments on Israel. Plain and simple. Its why Trump and his pals keep bringing up Israel and Jews when trying to defend America,no other reason than that. If it was because they hate socialism then why not attack Sanders? He is THE Democratic Socialist in America and in Congress.

Sure they are idiots whining about "concentration camps" and other dumb shit but so are almost EVERY leftist in America yet he singled those 4 out because of the truth they are telling about his masters, ISRAEL

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He can't help but kiss Israel's ass in almost EVERY tweet this week....he was NEVER America First or things would be MUCH MUCH different. He kisses Israel's ass,He kisses Saudi Arabia's ass,he LIED about non interventionism in the ME,he is provoking a war with Iran,he has FILLED his administration with war mongering neo cons, He has deported less fucking people than Obama! MY GOD!

I don't expect any LEGITIMATE discussion here because leftists here will agree with me and "conservatives" can't hold a legitimate conversation so I expect the idiotic and frankly pathetic funny response and very little ACTUAL discussion on the TRUTH because neither leftists nor "conservatives" can face the truth. That truth is very simple


So why did you bother to even post your little diatribe? Your leftists will parrot the party line. Those on the right will disagree with you. You won't listen to what those on the right have to say...already declaring it to be not "LEGITIMATE"! Why waste your time on an obvious flame job?
You don't have to love Israel.

That is more or less the liberal // PLO // Hamas side of modern Israeli politics.

How about just stop talking about it?

Accusing Jews and Israel of controlling the American government isn't helping Americans either.

That fascist Italian Mafia Code of Omertà, silence, and respect for the genteel ladies is from the enemy Axis, completely on the wrong side of WWII.

You don't get to claim anti-Semitism on that side of the war.
I'm shocked 2 comments that have NOTHING to do with the actual I stated..."conservatives" can't have a legit conversation on this topic...

The topic of Israel has nothing to do with the Four Morons. They are Islamists and communists as well as globalist pigs. They should be ridiculed, laughed at, rejected, and despised by all.
Is because of their LEGITIMATE and FACTUAL comments on Israel. Plain and simple. Its why Trump and his pals keep bringing up Israel and Jews when trying to defend America,no other reason than that. If it was because they hate socialism then why not attack Sanders? He is THE Democratic Socialist in America and in Congress.

Sure they are idiots whining about "concentration camps" and other dumb shit but so are almost EVERY leftist in America yet he singled those 4 out because of the truth they are telling about his masters, ISRAEL

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He can't help but kiss Israel's ass in almost EVERY tweet this week....he was NEVER America First or things would be MUCH MUCH different. He kisses Israel's ass,He kisses Saudi Arabia's ass,he LIED about non interventionism in the ME,he is provoking a war with Iran,he has FILLED his administration with war mongering neo cons, He has deported less fucking people than Obama! MY GOD!

I don't expect any LEGITIMATE discussion here because leftists here will agree with me and "conservatives" can't hold a legitimate conversation so I expect the idiotic and frankly pathetic funny response and very little ACTUAL discussion on the TRUTH because neither leftists nor "conservatives" can face the truth. That truth is very simple


So why did you bother to even post your little diatribe? Your leftists will parrot the party line. Those on the right will disagree with you. You won't listen to what those on the right have to say...already declaring it to be not "LEGITIMATE"! Why waste your time on an obvious flame job?
I am not a leftist. I despise the left and the "right" which isn't even right its just democrat lite in policy other than kissing Israel's ass.

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